Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Kitty giggle hearing adri remark. " haha, yep." She stares at damein. " what your problem?" She assks utterly confused

james looks at adriana in a scornful manor."keep your mouth shut." james points to adriana." I will deal with you later."

"why are you holden her back james? She can speak for herself."EDIT
Adriana turned to give her own glare to Damien, making sure Jack wasn't in her line of sight. "How about you mind your own business, eh?"she pointed at him,"Which is making sure your little boyfriend doesn't go into another rage and hurt someone else. But as if you give a damn if he does!" She slammed her fist onto the desk.

She raised her hand at James in a 'Talk to the hand' gesture. Her eyes were set on Damien.
Damian growled and stood up "You don't think I care if he goes into a rage?! I only didn't stop him from killing you last night because your ass deserved it!" he snapped.
poseidon now enraged with trident in hand slams it into the ground. "children, calm down or I shall give you all a detention, james take a seat."James ignores poseidon's command his arms around layla."I said in your seat, or its detention." as he speaks to james.

Kitty puts ahead on her head she was dizzy from all the confusion rinning through her mind. " what the heck is going.on" she looks to james, adri and damein
Lunetta frowned a bit, watching the angry teacher. She had wondered if they could receive detention and now she hoped that the kids would behave. It was hard enough as it is, she-as well as themselves-didn't need it any harder.
Eros' voice became loud and booming "No Poseidon you calm down, why do you always pull that trident on everybody?" He turns to the 3 students' "You three come with me NOW!"

Rae immediately stood up and walked over to where Eros' was standing

"y-yessir" he stuttered
"You think I deserve to be dead?!"she cried, standing up herself,"You are the one who should rot in hell!" Adriana gave a cold laugh,"Fortunately, we already got one who's gonna be living there for eternity." She was shaking now, feeling tears brim in her eyes. She wasn't one to usually get angry.

Adriana could feel the floor shake when Poseidon slammed his trident to the ground. Hesitantly, she sat back in her seat.
"Um, maybe we should all calm down with a lunch break...?" Lunetta offered. Tension was high in the room, even she could see that. If the teachers didn't settle it, the students would and probably in not the most pleasant manor.
"NO,children stay in your seats for a minute." poseidon walks out into the hallway. "Eros, you do not control my class, I bring out the trident when I want them to stop being disruptive. what started out as a simple lesson changed into something bigger then what I thought it would be." EDIT
Damian glared at Adri with look that could peel paint from the walls. "I'm going to be living in hell soon anyways so I doesn't matter if I go their now or later." he said in a calm tone. He felt his temper raise higher when she mentioned Jack. He spoke in a deathly calm voice "Adriana, I would watch your back. I can make your dreams nightmares or I might even make sure you never sleep again."
"Oh, eat me,"she said without looking, flicking him off. She then rested her chin in her hand, wiping her tears with her pinky finger.
Jack jerked awake at the sound of yelling, his heart sunk at the first words he heard, which flooded from Adris lips. He stared at his desk, swallowing his tears. He stood "Excuse me." He said quietly, he walked past Anna and Eros and out of the door.

Styles sat in his chair with a hum. It seemed like he was the only calm one in the room. "See, this is why I like wine." He rose the bottle and took another swig.

Anna watched James wrap his arms around Layla and she sighed, "Eros what do you need?"
"Honestly how do you guys expect to become gods and goddesses if you can't even work together?! THEY don't all like each other but they get through it." Lunetta snapped, tired of all of the fighting. "All this energy can be put into something else, something better than just yelling and threatening each other!" (They as in the present gods/goddesses)
dakup said:
"NO,children stay in your seats for a minute." poseidon walks out into the hallway. "Eros, you do not control my class, I bring out the trident when I want them to stop being disruptive. what started out as a simple lesson changed into something bigger then what I thought it would be." EDIT
"Well you need to get your class under control quickly"
Kitty looked from nico to adri. "Adri arebyou okay!" She ask rubbing her back to comfort her.
Damian stormed out of the class room not returning the rude gesture. He ran out of the building and sat at the water fountain. "F-king Eris descendant. She needs to learn not to toy with others. Hell who am I kidding, shes the Gods dammed future Eris." He stared up at the sky and sighed. He made his way back to the dorm that him and Jack shared and flopped back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.
"you don't think I'm trying, im trying to get them to calm down, but when you interrupted me so rudely, things went to hell, so if you could take them and leave , I can get things under control."
Adriana gave a sad laugh,"Who had ever even liked Eris anyway." She looked at the girl (Lunetta) who spoke and shrugged,"It can't be helped." She pointed at herself,"Chaos and discord incarnate right here!" Adriana giggled.

She calmed a bit when Kitty rubbed her back. "As great as I'll ever be."

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