Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Kitty saw adri she waved her over." Come sit by me!" She yells from across the Classroom

Blargg all these one liners i post. ))
Adriana quickly rushed over to Kitty (taking the long way as to not pass Jack and Damien). She sat down beside her. "What did I miss,"she said, regaining control of her breathing.
She laughs. " hah not mucb, but i did move water with my hand. Ans whats wrong with. Jack you and damein?" She goes back to drawing in her notebook. And chewing on her finger nails

( xD bad habit.of hers)
Sock said:
Annabelle gazed over at James for a moment before sighing and returning to gaze boredly up at Poseidon. She rose her hand,
"Please, explain to me why we're learningthings that 1. We don't have the ability to do and 2. Won't find use for in our time as a god. Last time I checked Eros didn't have to bend water."

Styles eyed Anna and started to clap. While Jack began to snore lightlyz
"well miss belle, you don't have to, this is basic transformation, here we learn the basics, I could make this course harder, and teach you such things like changing into a statue." poseidon changes into the thinker. " I can also teach you how to change shape, into anything you little heart desires." poseidon changes to athena. "maybe even to look like another god perhaps." he switches back. "and yes you might want to know how to do this one day."  
"and this is not water bending, its changing your shape to look like water."
A thought occurred to Lunetta, "Could you apply the same concept and turn other objects or beings into other things?" It would be very useful in hunting.
"Sh!"she said, putting her hand over Kitty's mouth. A look of panic crossed her features, but she needed to appear calm. Adriana grinned, making it look to viewers that she was just playing around; she released Kitty's mouth. "Nothing's wrong,"she said.

Fortunately, the teacher - who appeared to be Poseiden - seemed to not have noticed her entrance. Adriana sighed in relief. She gave him her full attention.
Layla goes up to to the front desk and looks at the glass of water. She looks at Ash and Kitty and saw thatr Kitty was talking to Adriana. She felt a little better. Hera gets her power from love and devotion. Focus on that Layla. Layla focuses on Emily. She puts her hands over the glass of water and focuses. She felt the water reach her palm on top of the glass. She opened her eyes and took her hand off the glass too fast and the glass fell and broke. "Sh*t." Layla looked at Poseidon. "Im sorry. I was focusing on focusing and I guess I freaked."
As soons as she felt adris hand on her mouth her eyes widen. " Adri, theres something wrong you can always talk to me." She smiles
Anna just rolled her eyes, "this is pointless." And with that she exited the class room.

Skyler yawned loudly and his wine bottle proofed into his hand, he took a swig an leaned back, grinning stupidly. "We'll, maybe this class will be less boring the more I drink."

(dakup I think it's weird that your teaching water stuff. I think the godlings should have sifferemt classes depending o. Their role. Like Hades doesn't need to know how to change his shape. Also, it defeats the point of separate powers because your learning everything.)
"Thanks for the offer,"she said, giving her a kind smile,"But don't worry yourself. I'm fine." She jumped when she heard her name being called by a booming voice. Adriana blushed in embarassment,"Sorry sir, it won''t happen again."
Eros' walks into the busy classroom "Hello Poseidon umm can I borrow Layla,Rae, and Annabelle for a moment?

Rae looked up from what he was doing?

"Me what could you possibly want with me?

Ash looked over at his brother with a perplexed expression on his face
Nico sighed and looked down at the water at his feet. "Does this mean class is over then?" he said almost pleadingly. He said his eyes glinting with boredom he looked back at Jack and Damian. His lips quirked and formed a later plan.
" oh its quiet alright, I have a couple more glasses. miss layla, im going to say your a hera kid, and she gets her powers form love and devotion, who were you... "

As soon as poseidon said that james shot up and shouted out."stop."

(damn colors.)
" Your welcome." She smiles and looks. Over to ash. " hiya!" And goes back to doodleiing into her nitebook.
A new teacher, Eros she knew, walked into the classroom. She raised her eyebrows when he asked to see some students. It was none of her business though so she waited patiently for the lesson to continue, sending Styles a glance when he started drinking wine again. Someone needs to cut that boy's supply, she smirked at the thought of a sober Styles.
dakup said:
" oh its quiet alright, I have a couple more glasses. miss layla, im going to say your a hera kid, and she gets her powers form love and devotion, who were you... "
As soon as poseidon said that james shot up and shouted out."stop."

(damn colors.)
Mine wont change ethier.
james walks over to layla."layla don't answer that, you dont have to say if you don't want to."
"Why wouldn't she answer,"Adriana said loud enough,"He is a God and all. He's bound to know sooner or later." She shrugged, just saying the obvious.
"because she dosen't have to explane herself to anyone."he said with a snide remark. "layla If I can remember what you told me, then I most likely know what you were thinking about."

Poseidon looks in amazement, then in shock. "young master james, I don't think you speak for her, she can speak for herself. Now miss who were you thinking about."

James becomes angry."I said lay off."
Anna hesitated when she saw Eros. She sighed and walked back into the classroom.

"What?" Skyler spoke up "I can- or will be able to gift into any from. It doesn't make since that Poseidon does.."

(The gods should stick with their original powers too)
"He's not just anyone, he's a god, like I said,"she replied,"It'll be very disrespectful if she didn't." She waved her hand in Layla and Poseidon's direction,"It's not like he's asking her to cluck like a chicken." Adriana giggled,"I would though, just for the fun of it."
Damian woke up and looked at Adriana's direction "Do you ever stop trying to cause trouble?" he hissed. He leaned back in his chair and glared at the girl.

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