Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Lunetta's hands moved to clutch her sides, a blush growing from laughing. "Polite?" She shook her head a bit. She tried desperately to control her smothered laughing, and after a few seconds she took a deep breath, moving her hands to fold infront of her, glancing Kitty's way when she addressed Styles, unlike herself.
Nico's eyes turned back to their regular blue and he blinked "Adri? What happened? Are you okay?" he said and sat up as she shook. He looked around "Where is the brat and his pretty boy boyfriend?"

Sable looked at Kitty and smiled "Flying around the campus. I found some pretty cool places, I should show you them sometime!" she said unusually chipper.
Tears slowly slid down Jackson's cheeks and he curled his body closer to Damian, making short sobs into his shoulder, most of his cries were just quivered breaths.
Damian held him close and tight and hummed softly. "Hey Jackie, do you want to talk about it?"
kitty smiles for ear to ear " Thanks! i would love too! i wish i had wings, i would be so cool to fly."
Styles made a snort. "Well isn't someone just a little pissy today." He smirked at Lune(NICKNAME OHHHH) and wiggled his eyebrows. "Anyway." He took another sip of wine, stretching out with a loud yawn. "Jacking off is boring with no pørn. Damn the internet block things. Anywho, cyaaaa." The drunken teenager then wandered off into the woods. 
Jack shook his head and pulled his knees to his chest, he hugged Damian close, muttering a stuffy "Later."
"Th-They left,"she choked out, wiping her eyes. "It was horrible, Nico,"she continued, looking down,"I couldn't feel a thing. Heh, but my face must of looked hilarious." Her laughs started small, then they turned maniacal. They were mixes of fear, sadness, and plain craziness. Tears poured down her eyes.
(XDXDXD Ooooh you're so bad giving my character a nickname without permission xD ) Laughter shaking her shoulders, Lunetta shook her head in disappointment. He's attitude is atrocious, why am I laughing at it? She asked herself. She quickly swallowed back any other giggles she had and decided to extend a hand to Sable. "Sorry to interrupt but I'm Lunetta Chris. Nice to meet you."
kitty snorts in disgust. "I'm sooo glad he is gone." she Smiles. then take another arrow for her quiver and hit the target. " Bullseye baby! " and she does her little victory dance.
Damian nodded and pulled them both back on the bed and held Jack close. "Lets just rest then." he said soothingly. He closed his eyes and sighed, Adriana was going to pay he was going to haunt her dreams and make them living nightmares.
(SERIOUSLY ON EVERY POST THAT HAS SKYLER I GET A LIKE xD I've gone from around 17 likes to 50 in a day. I'm amazed. I find myself giggling whenever I write what Skyler is doing.)

Styles turned around and pointed at Kitty "Y'know. I heard that. And if I wanted to I could make you craziiii!." He snapped his fingers in a Z formation before strutting back to the dorms. 
Jack nuzzled his way against Damian, sniffling. He curled up ontop of him and closed his eyes, his lower lip trembling occasionally. He pulled the blankets up over them and made a quivered sigh.
( xD He's a great character!) Hearing that, Lunetta found herself again laughing before she sobered up quickly. She brushed back her black hair, successfully putting on her polite yet detachted expression.
On Skylers way back to his dorm he began to shake his butt singing at the top of his lungs "AND I SAID HEYYEYAAAEYAEYAAA HEYAEEYAY I SAID HEY---- WHATS GOIN' ON!" ([media]

[/media]) He began to sing the song as he walked into the dorm, grinning at the looks that he got.
Nico said:
(I need to go to bed. So I guess Dammy and Jackie did too x3. Night all~)
Night Nico! 

Sock said:
(SERIOUSLY ON EVERY POST THAT HAS SKYLER I GET A LIKE xD I've gone from around 17 likes to 50 in a day. I'm amazed. I find myself giggling whenever I write what Skyler is doing.)
Styles turned around and pointed at Kitty "Y'know. I heard that. And if I wanted to I could make you craziiii!." He snapped his fingers in a Z formation before strutting back to the dorms. 
Jack nuzzled his way against Damian, sniffling. He curled up ontop of him and closed his eyes, his lower lip trembling occasionally. He pulled the blankets up over them and made a quivered sigh.
xD my character doesn't like him. she think he's rude and obnoxious
"I'm going to bed,"she was capable of saying in the midst of her laughter,"See you later, Nico." Adriana made her way to her dorm. She entered her room, closing the door gently behind her in case Iris was here asleep. She made her way to the bathroom to shower.


After a nice shower, Adriana made her way to her bed, maneuvering around the tree to get to her bed. She curled under the covers. It was going to be a rough night.
Sock said:
On Skylers way back to his dorm he began to shake his butt singing at the top of his lungs "AND I SAID HEYYEYAAAEYAEYAAA HEYAEEYAY I SAID HEY---- WHATS GOIN' ON!" ([media]

[/media]) He began to sing the song as he walked into the dorm, grinning at the looks that he got.
what the heck did i just freaking watch? i wasted to mintues of time on that thing xD
Lunetta yawned, deciding it was time to retire. "I believe I am going to bed. It was nice meeting you both," She nodded before turning on her heel and walking back to the tree she lodged her arrow in. Pulling it out, she went to her dorm. She shed her cape and shorts and snuggled under her bed in her t-shirt. Seb hopped up from underneath the bed and curled around her feet, his purrs lolling her to a content sleep. (Time for me to hit the hay as well, it's almost five in the freaking morning xD Night guys, see you later today~)
Rae: Rae and Ash are on their way to their first class. Rae is feeling kind of guilty for last night since he realized afterwards that his powers came out yesterday uncontrollably. "Ash ill meet you in class okay? Save me a seat. Be there soon."

Ash: "No problem bro. Just make sure to get there on time."

Rae : Rae shrugged it off. If hes a little late hes a little late. He just needs to make this right.

Layla: Layla wakes up and heads out the door. On the way out she wakes Anna who she is feeling a lot better around thanks to yesterday. When she gets out of her dorm she sees Rae. "Wa- what do you want?" Layla crosses her arms.

Rae: "Can I walk to you to class?"

Layla: Layla sighs and starts walking thinking Rae would just end up following her anyways. "I have nothing to sy to you."

Rae: "But I have a lot to say to you. You see, my powers showed up yesterday it seems when you were in my room and it took over me and it seems like it took over you too. But for my powers to that you would have to be attracted to me and want to... boink. My power just influenced you more to do it compulsively and I am extremely sorry for that." Rae trys to get on front of her to be able to look at her face.

Layla: Layla hears the guilt in his voice and feels that he is telling the truth. She goes around Rae but stops and looks back at him. "So... So I needed to want it?" Layla starts to twirl her hair being nervous. "Shit. I- I told Annabelle that you. And youll probably laugh at this. That you... raped me." The last words Layla said extremely fast completrly nervous and not exactly knowing what to do.

Rae: Raes mouth fell open almost to the floor. He could not believe she said that! "You. I. I would never do that! I didnt have control over this! And well, neither did you!"

Layla: Layla puts up her chin and keeps walking. "Ill fix it later. I promise." Layla sticks out her pinky to make a pinky promise. "But just saying, this is the last piece of my body you are going to touch okay?"

Rae: Rae laughs and gives Layla a pinky promise. "Unless you throw yourself at me or I woo you once again."

Layla: Layla knows he was kidding and fake punched him in the side of his shoulder. "Ha ha. Now walk in front of me like 20 steps to the class for we dont seem like we are together.

Rae: Rae bows "As you wish my lady." Rae walks all the way to the class and sits next to Ash feeling a lot better.

Layla: Layla rolls her eyes at Rae and smiles when he turns around. She whispes to himself "Hes not THAT bad..." She makes it to the class and sits away from Ash and Rae. Being around BOTH of them would be too much drama for her in her first class.

Iris: Iris wakes up, stretches, puts a little powder on the apple tree inside her room to stunt its growth and wakes Adri up. "Adri, aaadddrriii," She moves around Adri to try to wake her up. "Wakey wwaaakkkeeyy!" Iris sits on her softly and jumps up and down. "WAKE UP!" Iris hoped that worked and went to go shower. "Adri im going to run to class okay? Ill save you a seat!" Iris runs to the garden, kisses all her plants quickly, grabs one to put in her hair, and runs to class. Iris sits around Ash.

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jake getting enough sleep for two days can barely sleep that night. gets up grabs some clothes and heads to the shower. while in the shower, james wakes up and grabs some clothes puts them on and sprays the sh*t out of a can of ax. jake finishing his shower 6 minutes later changes into some clean clothes, and goes back to the room.

"ah good to see your awake." jake smells the can of ax lingering in the air. "huh that ain't, bad mind if I get some." "sure bro, here try it."james throws the can to jake.jake catches the can and does a double pits to chesty both jake and james start to go to class. "so how did you sleep?""like a baby, and you?""I got no sleep, I guess that happens when your in a coma for a few days." both make it to the class and james sits near ash."hey punk, your in my seat." as james says in a playful tone of voice as he goes to sit behind him. Jake sits close to Iris. "hey babe, how'd you sleep?"  
Iris: Iris almost jumps out her chair when she sees Jake to hug him but stays in her chair jumping up and down in her mind. "Hey cutie." Iris has a huge grin on herself and holds his hand as soon as he sits next to her. Iris turns to james. "Thank you James for waking him up. I owe you one." She gives James a nice smile.

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((ArtisticKwittyKat234 Please start class))

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