Godling Academy (Actual RP)

(Yes ma'am. I'll probably have my dionysus character up and running soon here. I'm so excited. xD )
Nico nodded "That is perfect" He smirked and walked out of the forest and sat the sticks in a pile before looking at Maki "Ready buddy?" he asked before looking a back at Adri.

Damian looked down into Jack's eyes "Want to go for a walk. It seems like a nice night."
Adriana tossed the sticks in Nico's pile. She then turned to Nico, giving him and Maki a thumbs-up. "Do your thing, Maki."
Sock said:
Annabelle sighed lowly "What." She said flatly, turning to face Layla.
Layla looked at Annabelle and rushed the words out of her mouth. "Ash dumped me so I went to go yell at him in his room but he wasnt there and Rae was and I went inside the room to wait for Ash and ignore Rae but Rae made me talk about how I was feeling and instead of talking back to me he kind of just... jumped me and put a love spell on me and I ended up boinking him and I didnt get out of the haze until I got back to this room and spelled him in your side of the corner and I know that if I had a boyfriend, since I am guessing Rae is your boyfriend since you guys hit it off last night, I would want to know if my boyfriend pretty much raped another girl so I just wanted to tell you that... that Rae raped me." Layla gave it a second and looked down at the floor the whole time. She finally breathes in and out and layed back in her bed looking the other way. "Im sorry... I just had to say it or I would never be able to go to bed..." Layla turned around really quickly. "And you dont deserve a guy like that! Rae is one of the rudest men I have ever met!" Layla turned back around with a hmph!
((Sock you are making a dionysus?! Awesome! Please do it soon so I can accept it tonight!))
Nico let Maki down and he walked up to the fire. "Fire." Nico ordered Maki and the demon blew blazing white fire onto the pile of sticks. The fire blazed high and hot.
jj9095 said:
Layla looked at Annabelle and rushed the words out of her mouth. "Ash dumped me so I went to go yell at him in his room but he wasnt there and Rae was and I went inside the room to wait for Ash and ignore Rae but Rae made me talk about how I was feeling and instead of talking back to me he kind of just... jumped me and put a love spell on me and I ended up boinking him and I didnt get out of the haze until I got back to this room and spelled him in your side of the corner and I know that if I had a boyfriend, since I am guessing Rae is your boyfriend since you guys hit it off last night, I would want to know if my boyfriend pretty much raped another girl so I just wanted to tell you that... that Rae raped me." Layla gave it a second and looked down at the floor the whole time. She finally breathes in and out and layed back in her bed looking the other way. "Im sorry... I just had to say it or I would never be able to go to bed..." Layla turned around really quickly. "And you dont deserve a guy like that! Rae is one of the rudest men I have ever met!" Layla turned back around with a hmph!
Omg you just turned my character into a rapist
Adriana grinned as Maki set the pile of sticks ablaze. But then she remembered. "Now what? Do we hide or scream 'Fire!'?"
Nico gazed into the fire "We wait. We wait for them to come to us." he said his eyes reflecting the fire almost evilly.
Adriana nodded. She then summoned an apple,"So how am I gonna give you ever comes this?" It was obvious that Nico was the brains of the operation.
Nico blinked and looked at the apple "I say we just give them the apple. Maybe they'd eat it." he coughed as the smoke hit the back of his throat.
"That'll be-"she coughed as well, her eyes watering,"Great if they ate it." She coughed again before taking Nico by the hand and taking them both a nice distance away from the smoke. "Yeah, that'll be great if they ate it,"she repeated herself, releasing Nico to wipe her eyes,"The effects will last longer."
Jack nodded slwoly and smiled at Damian "Lets go!" He ran over to the door and walked outside, standing with a open mouth at the fire. "Thats f*cking awesome." He ran out after it and sighed lowly at the two figures that he saw there.
Damian ran after Jack as he rushed out the door. He spotted the fire Jack saw and glared suspiciously at it. He stopped next to Jack and heard him sigh. "Whats wrong?" he asked concerned.

Nico smirked as Jack and Damian showed up. "Well, well, well if it isn't Mister Grumpy and who is the pretty boy you have with you?" he said with snide.
Adriana wanted to stick her tongue out at Damien but she needed to keep calm. If she angered him, he wouldn't accept the apple. But then Jack was there, and he knew they were up to know good earlier. Adriana's head rushed with thoughts. "You two saw the fire, also?"she asked, starting up simple conversation.
"This pretty boy happens to be my boyfriend." Jack said, a growl to his tone. He flicked his gaze to Adriana "You think I'm stupid enough to think that you didn't start the fire?"
"And just 'cause you said we did that it's true?"she asked, crossing her arms childishly and turning her head away from Jack,"You just don't like me, for some reason..."
"Your obnoxious." Jack said flatly. He gazed at the fire with a sigh, leaning against Damian.
Adriana's hand squeezed tightly around the apple; she had to make herself not squeeze it too hard or it would bruise. If anything, she wanted to throw the apple right at his dumb head. Maybe he'll pick it up to throw it back. "Well, I'm sorry that I can't help the way I am,"she growled.
"Oh, is the little flower fairy getting upset?" He pouted out his bottom lip. It seemed the more he stayed at the Academy, the more he turned into Hades.
Damian wrapped an arm around Jack's waist and looked at the two suspiciously. "What are you two up to?" he hissed.

Nico smirked "Oh you know, causing chaos and stuff." he said and patted Maki on the head.

(My posts are getting shorter, cause i'm getting tired. -__-)

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