Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Just as Rae was about to fall asleep he here's a knock on the door;He get's up and answers the door in nothing but his underwear

"Oh Layla can I um help you?" Rae was stunned what was Layla doing here?
"you know me,I will stand up and fight. Im not superman, but I will fight for YOU, your my lois lane, and if by chance, I don't win, do not weep for me, know that I went out fighting." jake continues to stroke her hair, it was soft, yet firm.  
Damian pulled Jack on top of him and held him close. He kissed back just as passionate he poked his tongue out and licked at Jack's lips with a smile.
savagePEST said:
[[ Adri and Nico are talking to your group (Layla, Ash, and James). She'll probably give the apple to Layla, since she was the one who helped stop the previous fight. ]]
Oh shit Adri! I totally just saw this! Do me a favor and in your writing WRITE NAMES of the characters more often intead of "the group" cuz I just kept reading what you were saying and I was like ... not exactly sure what was going on D=))
Adriana's jaw dropped as Layla just ran. She put her arms out in a 'What the hell?' gesture, shocked that this was the second time; the apple fell onto the floor. She grabbed onto Nico's arm and looked at him in the eyes,"Do they know? Why is everyone running out on us before we can give them the apple?" She looked up at Maki,"Why, Maki? Why?"
Jack flushed and smirked, he took Damian's tongue into his mouth, grinning sheepishly as he returned to the kiss, toying at Damian's tongue with his own.
jj9095 said:
Oh shit Adri! I totally just saw this! Do me a favor and in your writing WRITE NAMES of the characters more often intead of "the group" cuz I just kept reading what you were saying and I was like ... not exactly sure what was going on D=))
I'll keep this in mind ^-^
dakup said:
"you know me,I will stand up and fight. Im not superman, but I will fight for YOU, and if by chance, I don't win, do not weep for me, know that I went out fighting." jake continues to stroke her hair, it was soft. 
Iris frowned. "I am not one to fall in love with some military man. There is a reason Im here with you instead of some Ares kin, Jake." She played with his chest hair and moved her hand around his chest. "All I want is a man that is going to be there for me. Not fighting. Just... there. To be able to do THIS with me."
"their pretty,no?... huh, sometimes I look up there and wonder their must be one planet out there just like ours, and wonder if their lifes are better then ours."
Ronkaime said:
Just as Rae was about to fall asleep he here's a knock on the door;He get's up and answers the door in nothing but his underwear
"Oh Layla can I um help you?" Rae was stunned what was Layla doing here?
Layla looks down to see Rae only in his underwear and looks away putting her hand on front of her face embarrassed. "I uh. Hi. I'm looking for Ash?" 

savagePEST said:
Adriana's jaw dropped as Layla just ran. She put her arms out in a 'What the hell?' gesture, shocked that this was the second time; the apple fell onto the floor. She grabbed onto Nico's arm and looked at him in the eyes,"Do they know? Why is everyone running out on us before we can give them the apple?" She looked up at Maki,"Why, Maki? Why?"
(dakup I'm not sure if you know the difference between there and their. It gets confusing, if you don't know it then I can help.)

Anna shrugs, "Maybe in that planet our lives are worse." She watched as the stars began to slowly appear. "But, that seems nearly impossible."
"and I will be there for you.*sighs* What I ment is I will never let anything happen to you." 
( I have a good understanding, there deals with a place, they're deals with a group of people, but if would be so kind as to tell me the last one, I would thank you.)
Sock said:
Jack flushed and smirked, he took Damian's tongue into his mouth, grinning sheepishly as he returned to the kiss, toying at Damian's tongue with his own.
Damian smiled and tangled his fingers in Jack's hair lightly. He blushed softly and kissed back deeply tangling his tongue with Jacks.


Nico looked at Adri in confusion as his arm was grabbed. "I don't think they know, maybe they just see us as harmless." Nico growled out the word 'harmless' like hell he was harmless. Nico narrowed his eyes "Hey. No blaming anything on my pet." He snapped. Maki made a murring sound and snapped his jaws.
(They're is they are. Their is like, something that they own. So, "Their cat Ginger" Its saying the persons cat ginger.)
jj9095 said:
Layla looks down to see Rae only in his underwear and looks away putting her hand on front of her face embarrassed. "I uh. Hi. I'm looking for Ash?" 

"Ash isn't here at the moment;Is it something that I can help you with?"
"Either way, this sucks,"she said, letting go of Nico to cross her arms. "And I wasn't blaming anything on Maki,"she whined,"I like him too much to find him at fault. Little guy was just eating his treat."
(I'm sorry, I get confused with that stuff, the whole their, there, and they're thing gets to me.)

"You think it can get worse... you know this is the longest conversation I had with a girl all day that wasn't going to end with me saving someone, or fighting someone, I got to say it's nice."
Athena looks like a star and slowly gets closer to James and Annabelle. When she is close enough you can see it is Athena and she pops up behind them. "There are more planets out there with different creatures roaming them. Some of the Gods/Goddess's kins that you have not met are in another planet, in a different school." Athena touches both of their cheeks. "Be strong little ones." Athena vanishes.

((I wanted to xP))

((Ronkaime)) "I just..." Layla walks into the room and lays on the heart bed. "I just asked out Ash and he just said no to me and walked off. I even forgave him for getting in a fight for James because I am SURE it was the idiot James fauylt they got in a fight. He was just all 'incompadaent bla blah' and Ash was all 'dont call me that!' and just. UGH! MEN!" Layla puts up her hands in surrender. "I dont know what to do and I came here to try to win Ash back but UGH! I dont even WANT to now that I am so upset!"

Iris looks at Jake. "You're going to protect me with your big bad Trident?" Iris looks down at his OTHER trident and giggles. "And I dont mean that one because that one is mine." Iris smiles and giggles again.
Nico stretched his arms up above his head "I guess we just have to find someone else." He said and looked around. "Where do we start though?" he said and put a finger to his lips thoughtfully. He smiled and patted Maki's head "Meh, everyone loves this little guy."
Adrianna looked around them; the area was empty besides the three. "I wouldn't be able to guess where to start looking,"she sighed,"Everyone seems to have up and disappeared."
((savage I cant stop laughing at your posts xD I feel kind of bad I didnt realize you were talking to Layla but I just cant stop laughing xD ))
Nico sighed "Maybe we should create something that makes them come to us?" he said and blinked. "A small fire, a explosion?"

jj9095 said:
((savage I cant stop laughing at your posts xD I feel kind of bad I didnt realize you were talking to Layla but I just cant stop laughing xD ))
Rae closed the door behind him and smirks

"Well how about I make you happy again" He lays Layla down on the bed and starts nipping at her neck
jake gives a little laugh. "yea, I guess you own that."

as athena exits "athena, god of wisdom. I guess she is right, millions of planets, millions of endings... I just hope that on one of those plantes, one of me is doing something right."

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