Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"Apollo you pompous a**hole and you?" Ash was now angry his legs couldn't stop twitching years of martial arts training was about to be released on this ape
Adriana groaned when Jack disappeared,"Ugh! We'll have to be more sneaky next time. And he was such a good choice too; he's always moody, as you can see." Her disappointment quickly turned to optimism,"But we can still go searching around for some people to play with! Come on."
Nico smirked and pet the small demon on his shoulder. He started to walk toward the door to the office he turned to Adriana "I'm not letting some brat take away the fun. I'm definitely up to find another play toy." He smirked. "This is Maki by the way."

"you think you can take me, apollo." james begins to laugh." you think you can take on zeus's son, try me." james uses his unhuman like strength to punch him in the gut.
"Shh." Annabelle closed the door and curled her arms around Rae's neck, capturing him in a kiss. Her hands slowly slid down his back and she closed her eyes.
Adriana followed behind Nico like a puppy. "Nice to meet you, Maki,"she said, waving at the demon. It didn't frighten her anymore; if anything, it interested her. Demons were supposed to be of chaotic evil, correct? So of course it peaked her interest. "Do you have any other demon friends you can summon?"she asked Nico.
Ash coughs up blood since he is of course human and not a demi-god " You want to play it that way huh?" Ash restabilizes himself jumps and sends a powerful side kick into james' temple 

Sock said:
"Shh." Annabelle closed the door and curled her arms around Rae's neck, capturing him in a kiss. Her hands slowly slid down his back and she closed her eyes.
Rae brought her closer to his body and deepened the kiss exploring every inch of her mouth
(I'm just waiting for Layla to walk in like "WHAT THE F*CKKKK!!???")

Anna smiled slightly, tugging on his bottom lip before returning to the kiss, she slowly walked to the bed, pushing him down lightly, keeping their lips connected.
james having god like agility counters attempting to hit ash in his mid thigh. "huh, good. You think that I can't fight, ." james now angry uses all the strength he has. 
Nico blinked most people would be scared of demons, this girl almost seemed 'interested' in the fact. He looked around and spotted a group of people. "I can summon armies of demons." He said plainly. "Over there, plenty of play toys." He smirked.

Sable was flying around when she spotted Jack she perched up in a near by tree and looked down at him. "Hello, are you alright?" She pursed her lips and blinked.
(I'm gonna get Jack involved in the fight he'll try to stop it xD )

"Yeah..I'm fine." Jack narrowed his eyes, catching a fight in the distance, his eyes widened and he stood jogging over there "Guys! Stop it!" He flicked his eyes to Layla, a hopeless look flashing over his face. "What happened?"
Ash spins just in time avoiding the attack and attempts another kick into jame' jaw "Your pretty good yourself mr.god of lighting" (Are they going to become friends that like fight all the time but in reality they're bestfriends?)

(Layla's Kinda busy watching two boys fight over here

Rae takes off his shirt and continues to kiss her
[[ Who are you pointing at? ]]

Adriana squealed, clasping her hands together. "They're sure to get in a big fight,"she said,doing her best to keep her voice in a whisper this time,"My apples aren't as powerful as Eris' - where the sight of it drives people crazy - but chain reactions, ya'know?"
Sable watched as Jack ran away into a big fight. She frowned and flew after him. (Jack has a shadow xD )

Nico grinned and nodded "Beautiful chaos, Eris would be proud of you Adriana"
((Okay so it seems I am not getting notifications FOR MY OWN RP. Why? No idea -.- Sorry Sock. Can I say pink and purple? xD I hate pink so the color of hatred to me is literally pink xDD))

Layla sighs and gets in the middle of the two boys and just stands their with her arms crossed. "Are the babys done yet? Because I will MAKE you be done if not. Choose wisely." ((And now my Enter on my keyboard is not working. Goddess all mighty. Ronkaime))
(oh my god, I think thats a great Idea Ronkaime.)

" your not so bad moonman."james sees a boy run close. "stay out of this fight it has nothing to do with you." as james says to jack.

james jumps up high, and brings down his heel.
dakup said:
(oh my god, I think thats a great Idea Ronkaime.)
" your not so bad moonman."james sees a boy run close. "stay out of this fight it has nothing to do with you." as james says to jack.

james jumps up high, and brings down his heel.
(I know I'm full of em'

"Tell me something I don't know" Ash was smiling he was actually smiling this fight was fun for him; He met Jame' knee with a high kick 
Ash see's Layla getting in the middle of both their attacks "Shit Layla move I can't stop!"
Jack glared at James. "I'm a descendant of Hades. Last time i checked it was my job to bring on chaos, but I guess you guys decided to take that task on. I suggest you two stop before I go all demon on you." His tone was flat, but serious. He sighed and watched, boredom clear across his features.

Anna curled her arms around Rae's torso, smirking slightly into the kiss, her body readjusting. (Time skipppp?)
Layla clears her throat and grabs James ear. When Ash gets close enough she grabs his. She closes her eyes and keeps them there for awhile. She opens them to see the guy that just came by asking what happened. "Idiots. Thats what happened. Complete idiots." Ash, if you think I am going on a date with someone that picks a fight like this. You are wrong. James, get over yourself." Layla pulls their ears. "Now say both of you are done or the next thing im going to grab and squeeze is not something you want done to either of you. I promise."
"ah" james knee is hit. james also begins to smile."good one but try this." in one movement james goes to jab ash in the face, but at the last second, he pulls a fakie and goes for rib jab."you must of had training, I myself had teakwondo, 8 years of it."  
I posted after you posted, don't do anything I will edit
Adriana could feel her cheeks redden,"You really think so?" She was glad to be complemented on her schemes and pranks. No one else ever liked them... And now she was being praised for following in Eris' footsteps.
Jack cups his hand over his mouth, laughing slightly. "God, I think you mean punch or kick. I think they'd like you to squeeze..and grab..." He just laughed in a rather childish manner and disappeared. He reappeared next to Damian, he crawled over Damian, cupping his cheeks and kissing him gently.

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