Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Layla stretches and wakes up to a unfamiliar room. She blinks a couple times and remembers where she is. She gets up really quickly to see the very PINK side of the room is empty. Layla sighs happily. I wonder how the heck I am going to be able to switch dorms. Who do I even go to see?! Layla shakes her head, gets dressed, and goes outside trying to look for some sort of office. 
((Okay Nico go for it! =) Just do the sign up sheet and ill make sure to keep in track and accept you ASAP))
When the door opened, Adriana's eyes became as wide as dinner plates. A tree. There was a tree in the middle of their room. But not just any tree; it was pink with apple blossoms. She had to tear her gaze away from the apple tree to look at what Iris was pointing at now. The flowers Adriana had picked for her! The grudge was lifted.

Adriana turned towards Iris with a straight face. She placed her hands on the other's shoulders. There was a brief moment of silence before Adri's face broke out into a grin. "I love it! I really, really do!"she cried, pulling Iris in for a hug.
Layla hears one of the twins vocies. Okay its 50/50. Its either rudey mc rude or hottie mc nice. Just turn around. Screw it. Layla turns around and takes a deep breathe out when she sees it is Ash. "Hey Ash! Whats up?" 
Iris holds her breathe when she sees Adriana with a straight face on and breathes out leaving all her worries behind when she smiles. Iris giggles and kisses Adriana in the cheek. "Have a little more faith with me would you? I really am a good person!" Iris smiles and looks at the tree. "Let me warn you. That tree was a beep in a half to get planted in a ROOM." Iris laughs and hugs Adri again. "I am so happy you like it! I felt so bad when you got upset at me!"
James looks for Iris, and finds her, with adriana "Iris, I have been looking for you, I think I can wake jake up...." james notices adriana. "how you doin'. names james, 2nd generation descendent of zeus, and you, must be aphrodite, cause your so beautiful."
Adriana was even more shocked when she felt Iris kiss her cheek. No one usually did that to her first unless she had previously did so. But she shrugged it off, finding that the two were close enough friends.

She pulled back to look at Iris. She rubbed the back of her neck,"Well, I guess I kinda overreacted..." She brought her fingers up to show how much,"A little, itty bit,"before giggling. Adriana then waved her hand in the trees direction,"How did you even get it up here?"

She would have to know the answer later because someone else was in the room. A guy, apparently James, descendant of Zeus. ZEUS?

"Zeus!"Adriana cried, mouth agap,"Iris, we're standing infront of royalty! The one to become the next king of the gods."

dakup said:
James looks for Iris, and finds her, with adriana "Iris, I have been looking for you, I think I can wake jake up...." james notices adriana. "how you doin'. names james, 2nd generation descendent of zeus, and you, must be aphrodite, cause your so beautiful."
xD boy does james have the wrong gender
Layla looked at Ash a little shocked and smiles lightly. "Actually, no, I dont. The only thing Im doing right now is trying to find an office to switch my dorm partner."

((Dakup just told me to bring Layla, Adri, and Iris to the nursery to see Jake! Somehow guys we need to sworm over there so...))

Layla is starting to think that Ash is really the one. Wow he is just SO nice. Who new? I did not expect that from Apollo! And he is interested!

Iris looks at Adri. "Im so glad your happy. Now I just have one more thing to do! I have to make sure Jake wakes up today. Would you like to come with?" Iris looks at Adri with bright eyes.
Iris looks at the tree again. "Are you ready? I grew it in here." Iris touches the tree. "I dug a hole in the ground, kinda feeling a little bad to whoever is below us" Iris giggles "I put dirt in it and some water and asked Pesephone and my powers to help me grow it. Its still kinda small, like your itty bit of overreaction I decided to put just a teeny tiny itty bit of work in our room." Iris looks back at Adri. "So you want to walk down to the nursery with me? I should be there by now."
james walks to the nursery next to jakes bed, and waits for everyone else. "lets hope you wake up buddy, its different without a dorm mate, its quiet."
"Well I'm pretty sure the main office is next to the nurses office Grab my hand I'll take you" Ash held his hand out for Layla to take

(Do Rae and Anna have to be there as well.. I guess it doesn't matter because socks is sleep either way)
Adriana followed the two to the nursery with a skip in her step. She was back to being happy, Iris' gifts boosting her mood. She didn't believe her dorm partner deserved to be pranked now. A bit of a shame, too; Adriana had it all planned out.
"is everyone here, if they are then great, if not, lets give them a time, this is a thing of wonders. Adriana, I'm not royalty, Im just like you."
"Pff, don't be so modest,"she said,"You may not be royalty now but once you graduate you're gonna be the biggest god there is. And being the 2nd descendant and all; I'm only the-"she counts on her fingers"-sixth." She then gasped,"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you who I'm a descendant of: Eris."
"eris, god of mischief, and chaos, remind me never to anger you, I don't want any pranks pulled on me, unless I can get some good payback. And I will never forget my friends, even ones a beautiful like you.
james put his hand on jakes shoulder and begins concentraiting. after about 5 minutes jakes lunges forward. "IRIS NO." jake begins to breathe heavy."where am I, wheres Iris." jake sees Iris he goes to hug her. "Oh thank zeus, and poseidon I thought I lost you forever."EDIT
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Oh, they were back to business now. Adriana watched as James did...whatever he was doing to Jake. She still didn't know why he was in the nursery but maybe the reason would pop up. After what seemed like a waste of time, Jake quickly sat upright, yelling. Adriana yelped and jumped back.
Layla looks at Ash. "Well meet up for lunch okay? I feel I have to be somewhere." Layla sees a building where lots of people are walking in and decides to go in. She sees a huge group of people that she hasn;t met. "Hi everyone, sorry I'm new and Im looking for the office? Is there is one?" Layla sees a student in the bed unconscious. "Oh my Goddess is he okay?!" 
Iris saw Jake yelling and automatically held his hand. "Jake! Jake! Its okay! JAKE!" Iris trys to calm him down.

Layla sees the boy scream and automatically takes a step forward and ends up next to James. "Is he okay? Whats going on!" 
Iris hugs Jake back and shed a happy tear. "I am so glad you are finally up. I have been SO worried about you." Iris looks at his beautiful face and smiles. "Its so nice to see you awake..."

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