Godling Academy (Actual RP)

(Me: Dammy you brought this on yourself

Dammy: Yeah, whatever )

Damian appeared in the shadows of the dream not quite wanting to be known yet. He watched as Dream!Damian shared a kiss with Jack and he smiled softly. He loved the soft feel of Jack's lips and he sighed mentally.
Adriana froze when Damien shut the door in her face. Her face slowly morphed into one of sadness, then anger. "Jerk!"she yelled, kicking at his door,"No wonder Jack doesn't want you? As if anyone would!" She stomped away, feeling tears well up in her eyes. Everyone was being exceptionally mean to her today (or at least in her eyes), and school hadn't even started yet.

She came out of the boy's dorm. She prowled the campus until she came upon a nice patch of grass. Adriana fell onto her knees and moved to lay down. She crossed her arm over her eyes, pulling out grass with her other hand.
((Okay so now I know how to make Adri not hate Iris anymore xD )) 
Iris stretched and got out of her chair. "Jake, Ill be back first thing in the morning okay?" Iris waved goodbye to the guy in a coma and walked Ash to where Rae was. "Do you want to stop by the guys dorm before you see Rae? You're still carrying around your luggage."
"Uh not a problem. Rebecca take these back to Rae and mines room please thankyou" He turns and looks at Iris are you ready?"
The scene changed from them cuddling together to Jack sitting on a street in some city, rain was falling and Jack was staring at the ground. Jack rose his gaze just in time to see Damian get smashed by a car "DAMIAN!" He screamed. The dream was slowly melting into a nightmare. Jack shifted in his bed, his eyebrows furrowing together. The scene changed again, Jack was standing by a coffin, it was dark, almost black. Jack ran his fingers along the smooth surface, his face stained with tears. Another scene change. It was Jacks wedding day. He stood at the alter, his gaze traveling along the ground. He rose his eyes, a fake smile melting over his face, Iris came out and began to walk down the isle. Another scene change. Jack was in the underworld, he was Hades now. He slumped in his chair, his head tilting back against it. "I miss you Damian." His voice was heavy with grieve, a black wedding band was around his finger, with the name "Iris" on it. He stood and placed his hands on top of his head. Another scene change, Jack was staring up at a rope, it was tied in a fashion one would use to hang him/herself.
Damian sighed he saw in the dream what the future may bring. He watched as the dream slowly turned into a nightmare. 'Is that really how I'm going to die?' he wondered to himself, getting crushed by a car would be a really lame way to go. He laughed softly before putting on a serious face and stepping out of the shadows and looking straight at Jack "Do you really want to live this way?"
Kitty gets out of the water being her watcher is poseiden she wasnt even a little wet. She roams aroun for a little bit untill she finds a girl sitting on a patch of grass. " Hiya,im.kitty but you can call me kat." She sits down next. To the girl
Jack turned, he gazed at Damian with wide eyes, Jack was older, in his early thirties. "I-I..What?" In the other room sobs could be heard from Jack. "Your...dead.." And then everything went black and Jack jolted awake, his pupils were dilated and he was panting---hard. And then the tears. Jack placed his head in his hands and sobbed loudly.
Adriana gasped at the sound of a voice very close. She pulled her arm away from her face to see a girl sitting beside her. "Oh, hi,"she said, sitting up herself; she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Kitty, was it?"she said, giving the girl a small smile,"I'm Adriana."
Damian awoke and felt coolness on his cheeks. He reached up and touched them to find them wet with tears. He stood up and wiped them away and started over to Jack's dorm. He knocked lightly on the door and called out softly "Jackie?"
She smiles. " Yup, thats me! Nice name you have a nick name?" She says in her bubbly vocie. She noctices thst she was crying." Are you okay?!" She asks
Adriana grinned; this girl was as upbeat as she. "I guess my name's pretty long,"she giggled,"I guess you can call me Adri." She blinked when Kitty asked if she was okay. She waved a hand,"I'm fine. People are just real jerks." She crossed her arms childishly,"You try to be nice and they'll get rid of your present, ignore you, and slam doors in your face."
Jack trembled as he stood. He walked over to the door, he opened it and made a croaked sob once he saw Damian. He clenched his arms around Damian and sobbed into his chest, his fingers clawing at the others back.
Damian looked down at Jack as he threw his arms around him. He wrapped his arms around him and held Jack close "Hey, whoa. Whats the matter Jackie?" he asked. Damian knew what was the matter but he didn't know the dream would shake Jackie so much.
She smiled from.ear to ear. " haha okay, Adri i like it. Ya! People can be real jerks that why i didnt habe many friend as a chlid"
Ronkaime said:
"Uh not a problem. Rebecca take these back to Rae and mines room please thankyou" He turns and looks at Iris are you ready?"
((Whos Rebecca???))

"Yup!" Iris keeps walking and makes it to the lake. Iris puts her hand on her forehead like a sailor looking for something in the distance. "Oh! There he is!" Iris looks around some more and sees Kitty and Adri. "And there they are. Ash it was nice to meet you but I think we are going to go our separate ways now. Hope I see you soon!" Iris walks up to Kitty and Adri. "Hiya guys."
Jack just shook his head, tightening his grip on Damian. His breathing was quivered and his tears were soaking Damian's shirt. Jack usually broke down when it came to nightmares, and this one was just too realistic. He made a low whimper, his knees buckling.
(His maid they're rich rae has a hot butler and ash has a hot maid they just dnt talk cause I didnt feel like making a character for them)

"Thankyou again goodbye" Ash begins to walk towards his brother

Rae cans sense a presence he turns around and sees Ash "You!"

Rae immediately lunges at Ash starting a brawl
Kitty looks up. " oh hey iris!" She say bubbly.

( so short... sorry..))
Damian caught him before he fell to the ground. He picked him up bridal style and brought him back into the dorm room and sat him on the bed. He stood up and got a tissue and started to wipe his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Jack shook his head, finally calming his breathing. He pulled Damian down and hugged him tightly, muttering a quivered "I'm sorry I'm such a burden."

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