Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Bree said:
Lune chuckled at her, "Someone's strong, and yeah, totally empty and available." As soon as the door was closed, Lune jumped Iris, ripping her shirt off and pinning her to the bed, nibbling on her neck and leaving love bites. Her trail of kisses went lower, teasing her, before heading back up and tracing her jaw. jj9095
Iris gasped when Lune threw her on the bed. Lune took off her shirt and Iris took off Lunes shirt right afterwards. She put her hands in Lunes pants and felt Lunes round butt. Suddenly Lune started moving down and got close to her love spot. She moaned and closed her eyes. Lunes came back up and Iris breathed out. She tooked Lunes bottom lip and bit it softly, teasing her. She threw Lune on the bed and got on top of her. She slowly took off Lunes pants, kissing her thighs, knee, calf, and her foot. Bree
Jack crawled over Damian, purring lowly, he licked along Damian's neck, closing his eyes

Skyler curled his arm around Ash, he mumbled a quiet "I am sober. I've only had 2 glasses of wine." He gazed at Ash and kissed him gently, sliding his fingers through Ash's blonde hair. He parted from the kiss and hummed, draping his arms around Ash.
savagePEST said:
For once, Adriana was at lost for words. What could you tell someone who's parents were murdered, probably brutally, by a monster? So, she didn't speak. But that didn't mean she didn't do anything. Adri turned her head up to look at Nico, her eyes glancing to the side and she bit her bottom lip for a moment as she thought about what she was going to do. She didn't want to ruin their friendship - the only true friendship she ever had - but it was obvious there was something more. So, Adri went ahead and finally kissed the guy.
Nico was taken by surprise from the kiss but, he felt warm. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back. He liked Adri but he had no idea how to make the first move.
savagePEST said:
For once, Adriana was at lost for words. What could you tell someone who's parents were murdered, probably brutally, by a monster? So, she didn't speak. But that didn't mean she didn't do anything. Adri turned her head up to look at Nico, her eyes glancing to the side and she bit her bottom lip for a moment as she thought about what she was going to do. She didn't want to ruin their friendship - the only true friendship she ever had - but it was obvious there was something more.
So, Adri went ahead and finally kissed the guy.

[[ BOOM! BAM! THERE, IT HAPPENED! [/shoots fireworks and throws confetti around] ]]
((Everyones already having sex and Adri and Nico are like NOPE FIRST KISS BIATCHES)) LOL
Lune moaned softly at each kiss and tangled her fingers in Iris's soft hair whenever she was within reach. "Stop the teasing, I need you now!" She pulled Iris back up and kissed her passionately, pulling her own pants off and discarding of any other clothing on either of them. (Time skip time? jj9095)
Julie looked up to see how high the coaster went. She gulped, having never been on a roller coaster so high up. 'The tallest and fastest roller coaster in North America,'the thought came to tease her. She quickly shoved it away. "The question is: can you handle that?"
Sock said:
Jack crawled over Damian, purring lowly, he licked along Damian's neck, closing his eyes
Damian murred softly at the licks and licked back on Jack's neck. He nipped here and there swaying his long brown tail. (Sock)
"Oh I can. C'mon." Once again he pulled her into the first cart with a plan. As they reached the pause on the hill, Loki poked her sides and screamed loudly just as the roller coaster went over the large hill.
Sock said:
Jack crawled over Damian, purring lowly, he licked along Damian's neck, closing his eyes
Skyler curled his arm around Ash, he mumbled a quiet "I am sober. I've only had 2 glasses of wine." He gazed at Ash and kissed him gently, sliding his fingers through Ash's blonde hair. He parted from the kiss and hummed, draping his arms around Ash.
Ash turned around to look skyler in the eye "Were not having sex again,until you love me" then he turned back around
Rae watched as Bri ran away he saw his nymph and put on his glasses now looking like her Ideal guy he walked up to her and said "Let's play hide and seek count to 100 okay?" As the nymph started counting rae ran to Athena "i'm here no nymph bri gone where portal" He said in broken english jj9095
Skyler rose his eyebrow. He curled his arms around Ash from behind, spooning him gently. He gazed through lidded eyes at the wall and suddenly a pang of worry settled in his stomach--what was Lune doing? He frowned slightly, he sure hoped she wasn't losing her virginity to someone else.. He dismissed that and kissed right behind Ash's ear, speaking telepathically to him You wont be waiting long.
Kyle wakes up from his long nap"Aww I wonder how long I was out cold.." But he picks up a small coin
Bree said:
Lune moaned softly at each kiss and tangled her fingers in Iris's soft hair whenever she was within reach. "Stop the teasing, I need you now!" She pulled Iris back up and kissed her passionately, pulling her own pants off and discarding of any other clothing on either of them. (Time skip time? jj9095)
Skyler frowned and kissed Ash's cheek, "I don't think of you as my toy." He ran his fingertips along Ash's abs, closing his eyes. (Bree I think that they can both be the men in the relationship, trade off whos on top in sex and all that xD )

(Nico lets just do a time skip, I'm not gonna get into detail with cat sex. XDD)

Jack fell limp on the bed once they finished, his tail tucked between his legs and he whined. Yep, it was like losing his virginity times 10. He closed his eyes, sniffling, his ears flat.
(Lol okay Sock) Damian turned back into human form and held Jack close. "I love you." he said and purred into his ear. He never wanted to hurt Jack.
Now, Eris may have been all about chaos, discord, strife, and the like, but there was always a bit of lust thrown into the mix. Not romantic lust, like 'Oh lets cuddle.' It was crazed lust, as in 'Oh by the Gods, take me right here, right now.' But being a descendant of the Goddess, Adriana wasn't tearing Nico of his clothes in the middle of the park. But she sure was getting hot and bothered. Adri gripped the collar of Nico's shirt, pressing her lips against his. When she was out of breath, she leaned her forehead against his. "Your room. Now,"she breathed,"Use your shadow powers or whatever to get us away from these damned nymphs." She didn't want to ruin the mood by painfully shifting into a freaking squirrel.

The climb to the top of the hill was suspenseful, like the brief moment of silence in a horror movie. So Julie wasn't expecting much. But when she felt a poke on her side, she gasped. But the screaming that broke the silence made Julie scream out. She gave Loki a look that read 'What the hell?' before the cart dipped, causing her to scream again.
Ash shot up immediately "You just told me that you need me because your girlfriend won't give it up,So I am your plaything aren't I? AREN'T I? ANSWER ME STYLES" Ash began to cry uncontrolably (Sorry Ash is PMSing xDDD)
Loki laughed through the entire ride and helped her out of the cart after it was over. "So I win?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

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