Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Ronkaime said:
"So I heard you'll do anything that moves" Ash was extremely nervous but he needed this (That's Ash)
((Damn, can Layla get a third chance? xD ))
"Eris wasn't a big fan amongst the gods, either,"she said, heading to a row in the middle. She waved her hand as if to gesture to the past,"Like waaay before - when we first met. Darkness and chaos sorta click." She shrugged,"Something along those lines." When every passenger was in their seats and buckled in, the ride jerked forward, beginning its climb.

"I don't think 'manly' and 'scream' go in the same sentence,"she laughed.
Bree said:
Finally after several minutes, Lune's patience was over and she was fuming. She handed the game worker a fifty dollar bill and took the d*mn dog. She huffed as she sat outside an ice cream shop and ate a cone by herself.
Iris sees Lune with a huge dog. "Hey Lune, nice dog. Mind if I sit next to you?" Iris looks at the ice cream she was eating and saw the little shop selling it. "Darn. Hold on." Iris runs to get vanilla dippin' dots ((Because they are the second best ice cream in the world right behind Coldstones oreo creamed ice cream)) and runs back to sit next to Lune. "Okay, Hi."
Styles rose his eyebrow "Never said that--at least sober." He thought for a moment before shrugging. "I'm bi. And when I'm drunk I'm usually hørny, so that probably slipped once or twice." Skyler was nervous because..this guy was drop dead gorgeous, but, he was maintaining his cool.
Nico looked up at the sky as the ride started to move. "Darkness and Chaos share the same bloodline. They don't function without the other." he said in a wise tone. His gaze seemed to be in another place though.
jj9095 said:
Briana frowns at Rae. "And do what? Start a war in six flags?"
Iris looks at Ash confused and sees him run away. She shakes her head and rides the Skull Mountain. When she gets out she looks around and sees the same person for the 5th time. She wraps a root around her foot and goes to another ride.

Athena looks around the park. "I have already told you that your seduction powers shalt not work on me."
Rae smiles evilly "I mean anyway can hide when there's chaos right?" Rae give Briana a look

"I haven't been using my powers this is my natural charm and I saw you fight back that smile when I came to give Briana her artifact" he smirked "Stop trying to hide it your only a god for a few more months might as well enjoy"
"Please do, I need company, my boyfriend is a no show." She huffed, very mad. But she smiled at Iris and offered her the dog, "You want him, I was just too stubborn to give up and don't really have room for the little guy."
Sock said:
Styles rose his eyebrow "Never said that--at least sober." He thought for a moment before shrugging. "I'm bi. And when I'm drunk I'm usually hørny, so that probably slipped once or twice." Skyler was nervous because..this guy was drop dead gorgeous, but, he was maintaining his cool.
Ash licked his lips trying to be sexy "So am I not sexy enough for you to do it with sober?" Ash pulled his pants down a little revealing his V-line
Adriana couldn't help but look at Nico when he said that. One can not function without the other. She reached over and took his hand before turning her gaze back to what was in front of them.

Then she remembered she was actually scared of heights.

Adri screamed as they plummeted downward, holding onto Nico's hand as if it was what would keep her from dying.
james who looks like a lion hold out his front paw. "layla it's james, after you left, I felt like death, I thought want can catch a bird, and this was my first thought. I almost killed a few people, but athena sent me here, I choose to stay in this form, cause... cause, only a lioness, who is brave, who is proud, and who is courageous is worthy of being one, and when I think of you, thats the frist thing I think of."
Ronkaime said:
Rae smiles evilly "I mean anyway can hide when there's chaos right?" Rae give Briana a look
"I haven't been using my powers this is my natural charm and I saw you fight back that smile when I came to give Briana her artifact" he smirked "Stop trying to hide it your only a god for a few more months might as well enjoy"
Athena frowned at Eros. "You misunderstood, it was rather funny to see you huffing and puffing carrying that mirror, especially because our powers are starting to leave already."

Briana looked at Rae and shrugged. She got down on knee and punches her first in the ground with her brass knuckles. Suddenly you hear people screaming "Hey he stole my wallet!" "Where is my son?" "Dartha what you doing kissing that man?!" "Get your hands off my boob!" *punch punch punch punch* Chaos was breaking loose right on front of their eyes. Briana got up and crossed her arms smiling. "Better?"
Styles rose his eyebrow, keeping his eyes from Ash's..very attractive muscles. "Well, aren't you just a little flirt." He leaned back and patted the spot on the bench next to him.
Nico looked down at their hands with a light blush and smiled softly as he squeezed her hand. He felt kindness wash over him. "Hold onto my hand, I'll keep you safe, Adri." he said kindly.
dakup said:
james who looks like a lion hold out his front paw. "layla it's james, after you left, I felt like death, I thought want can catch a bird, and this was my first thought. I almost killed a few people, but athena sent me here, I choose to stay in this form, cause... cause, only a lioness, who is brave, who is proud, and who is courageous is worthy of being one, and when I think of you, thats the frist thing I think of."
Layla shakes her head. "James you are being way confusing and not making any sense. You walked away. Why are you here? What do you want?"
"Oh, but for me they do." He joked back. He hopped up on the line rails as soon as it slowed.
Jack hesitated, he gazed down at the cup and he grinned slightly, where once sat Jack there sat a tiny, black ferret. He squeaked and slipped around Damian's neck, nibbling on his ear.
Nico said:
Nico looked down at their hands with a light blush and smiled softly as he squeezed her hand. He felt kindness wash over him. "Hold onto my hand, I'll keep you safe, Adri." he said kindly.

Damian chirped happily and wrapped his wing around the ferret that was Jack. He laughed mentally and called out to Jack 'It feels weird being in a bird form and you make a cute ferret.'
Bree said:
"Please do, I need company, my boyfriend is a no show." She huffed, very mad. But she smiled at Iris and offered her the dog, "You want him, I was just too stubborn to give up and don't really have room for the little guy."
((Its a plushie dog right? <.<))

Iris huffed feeling mad herself. "Tell me about it. My boyfriends always going off with someone else. He cheated on me with Anna and hangs around James like 24/7 and forgets about me like I don't exist." She looks at the cute little dog. "Sure I'll take him. I have an eye for the underdogs." She takes the dog and pretends to try to feed him some dippin' dots.
Rae flipped his hair when he saw the 2 nymps that were following them get caught up in the chaos "Great now we can do as we pleased" He pulled Briana to the haunted house "Let's go in there!" (Great time for her soft side to come out jj9095)

Eros frowned back "I will have you Athena or should I say Mary?" He smirked "mark my words" He returned to his drink
Lune chuckled, "Well, now we have each other to hang out with." (Yes xD ) She finished the last of her ice cream cone and plucked a map from one of the stands. "So, do you want to go and ride rides, hunt down our boyfriends, or play more games?" jj9095
Sock said:
Styles rose his eyebrow, keeping his eyes from Ash's..very attractive muscles. "Well, aren't you just a little flirt." He leaned back and patted the spot on the bench next to him.

The ferret squeaked in its own way of giggling and snaked around the bird, licking at its feathers. I like being a ferret.
"I walk away because I thought you would be happy with him, I thought you didn't care about this, about us. I saw you with alex, having a good time and, thought they don't need me." james holds up his paw, revealing the locket, the one he threw in the fire pit."it was still hot when I found it, I had to move some burnt wood, got burned but, its still your if you want it. My heart that is."
The bird chirped in it's own way of showing happiness. Damian cooed and nuzzled his beak into Jack's fur. Sock
Sock said:
Styles rose his eyebrow, keeping his eyes from Ash's..very attractive muscles. "Well, aren't you just a little flirt." He leaned back and patted the spot on the bench next to him.
Ash sat down next to him and pulled off his shirt trying to get into styles pants "Sorry it's just really hot today" He looked around "Skyler huh? nice name" Ash got closer

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