Godling Academy (Actual RP)

[[ James is gonna get shot at O.o ]]

Julie scoffed,"I'm fine with heights. How about you?" She gestured towards the building,"This is an indoor ride, and the caption said it's a dark one, so we probably won't see a thing anyway."
After spending over fifty bucks on the game she was growing annoyed. "Skyler I need your help pleeeeeaaaaaassee!" She begged her boyfriend, sending a mental image of where she was at. Even if she had to bride the worker, she was getting that stuffed husky! (Sock I am totally for that!!)
Nico watched as Adri told each person the same thing and they soon made it to the front of the line. 'That's great.' he told her mentally. 'I need to act brave for reputation sake.'
Athena heard screaming and sighed. She got up in a flash and looked at the lion. She looked into his eyes. "James!" She picked up the lion like nothing and flashed back to the campus on front of Laylas dorm. "Go talk to her again." She flashes back next to Eros. "Done."

Layla hears a "thump!" and opens a door to see a lion. "Please tell me you are here to eat me. Is this a gift from Hera?" Layla sits on the floor. "Eat my head first please so I wont feel the rest."
"I'm fearless of course, "He joked, puffing his chest out comically. Secretly, he did have a fear of storms but he hid it pretty well.
Damian sighed and walked up to a vendor he ordered a large grape slushie and a corn dog. He took them to a table and sat down. He looked around and sighed.
jj9095 said:
Briana put on the glasses feeling funny. She saw people look at her with love and took off the glasses. "This is not happening." She looks at Rae. "How come you haven't changed?"
Iris shrugged. "Best friends? I dont know ever since he cheated on me with Anna hes been acting kind of weird..."

Athena sees Eros sit next to her. "The outrageous proposition? That one? No."
Rae laughed "Well I must already be your ideal person your appearence didn't change either" He held her hand "However if you don't like this why don't you try using your own powers?

"Hmm Iris I got it I'll play both teams because this girl thing just isn't working out,thankyou sooo much" he kisses Iris on the cheek "that styles kid is bi right?,I wonder where he is" Ash runs off to look for Styles

Eros looks at Athena and frowns "Why not? I know you like me"
Layla stops the lion. "Hold on. Before you kill me." She grabs her ipod and puts her headphones on.


"Okay NOW go." She closes her eyes and blasts the music.
Alex wandered off and Styles was left alone, he sighed when Lune called him and he huffed I'll be there in a sec. Lie. He leaned back and placed his hands over his eyes to shield them from the light. (CUE ASH. xD )
Sock said:
Alex wandered off and Styles was left alone, he sighed when Lune called him and he huffed I'll be there in a sec. Lie. He leaned back and placed his hands over his eyes to shield them from the light. (CUE ASH. xD )
(Haarsh XDXD)
james being picked up by athena then is taken to laylas room, he stays in the form but begins to speak."layla, im no gift from hera, but of athena.and Im not going to eat you."
Adriana scoffed,"You're totally brave. You talked back to Zeus while I stood on the sidelines." They finally made it to the front of the line, the coaster just pulling in. Adri had stopped before the first group, so the two blended in with them. "You want the front, middle, or back?"she asked him.

Julie laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Then I hope I won't hear you screaming like a girl when the ride starts, then."
Sock said:
Alex wandered off and Styles was left alone, he sighed when Lune called him and he huffed I'll be there in a sec. Lie. He leaned back and placed his hands over his eyes to shield them from the light. (CUE ASH. xD )
"Hey Kid" Ash ran up to styles "Your names Styles right?"
Nico shrugged "I guess its a given, I piss off gods. It's a gift." He grinned. He noticed they had made it to the ride "Lets try the middle." he smiled.
Styles rose his head "Oh yeah. Skyler, Styles. Whatever. Your ash right?" (What does Ash look like again? xD )
Ronkaime said:
Rae laughed "Well I must already be your ideal person your appearence didn't change either" He held her hand "However if you don't like this why don't you try using your own powers?
"Hmm Iris I got it I'll play both teams because this girl thing just isn't working out,thankyou sooo much" he kisses Iris on the cheek "that styles kid is bi right?,I wonder where he is" Ash runs off to look for Styles

Eros looks at Athena and frowns "Why not? I know you like me"
Briana frowns at Rae. "And do what? Start a war in six flags?"

Iris looks at Ash confused and sees him run away. She shakes her head and rides the Skull Mountain. When she gets out she looks around and sees the same person for the 5th time. She wraps a root around her foot and goes to another ride.

Athena looks around the park. "I have already told you that your seduction powers shalt not work on me."
"Nah, it'll be a manly scream." Loki was barely containing his laughter himself as the line moved.
Damian figured he could do some 'blending in' and he changed into a small white bird and flew atop the trees and landed on a tree near the Batman ride. He let out a chirp and fluttered his wings.
"So I heard you'll do anything that moves" Ash was extremely nervous but he needed this (That's Ash)
dakup said:
james being picked up by athena then is taken to laylas room, he stays in the form but begins to speak."layla, im no gift from hera, but of athena.and Im not going to eat you."
Layla looks up at Lion and takes off her headphones and hears him talk and frowns. "Why would Athena bring a lion to my room without it wanting to eat me?" I shouldn't be surprised that it can talk.
Finally after several minutes, Lune's patience was over and she was fuming. She handed the game worker a fifty dollar bill and took the d*mn dog. She huffed as she sat outside an ice cream shop and ate a cone by herself.

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