Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Shiku said:
Kyle Avoids all the rides and looks down." Why am i all alone this sucks more than mom pouring tea on my pants..." He finds a table and sits at it. " Can this day get any worst...."
((Is anyone open? <.< Or minds a third person?))
jj9095 said:
Briana blinked twice and gave Rae a kiss on the lips. "Bri is a great thing." She takes his hand and runs to the first huge and scary ride she sees. 
Layla looks at James hopeful. "Ssshh!" She sees how he looks and raises her eyebrow. "Clara is not amused." She points to herself. "What do you want stranger?"
(Wait should i play along?)

Rae grew bright red for the first time a kiss actually meant something to him all he could mutter was "Wow" before he was pulled onto the kingda Ka
(I'm waiting on Sock before I do anything with Damian, but Nico is with Adriana they might not mind a third person)
"oh clare its me geoff from high school don't you remember, I want to talk to you, here lets get on this ride and catch up."
Ronkaime said:
Ash was enraged "You couldn't just come to me as you were?,you had to completely change your appearence are you that embarrassed to be seen with me? ugh I never knew you were so shallow" Ash walked off and saw iris "Hey" he said bitterly
Layla looked at him annoyed and ran after him. "Excuse you I planned on doing the same thing but we ARE supposed to change the way we look to make it harder. If you want to take it that way then fine." Layla walks away and talks to James ((what she said earlier))

Iris looks at Ash sadly. "Oh hey..." She was in line for a ride already but really far back. She sat on the handle rails.
Nico said:
Damian remembered he still had the card in his wallet and dragged Jack with him to the portal with a grin. He stood in line and hummed his eyes shining. He then realized his boyfriend's warning to calm down "Sorry I've never been to an amusement park before." he said sheepishly.
(Just in case you missed this Sock)
Layla gives James a look. "Its Clara, Geoff. Jeez its not like I liked you for all my years in high school." Layla looked away pretending to be upset and told James in her mind. This is more of a acting class then a blending in class huh?
Loki smirked at Julie and walked in that direction. While he was walking, his attire changed into that of a Blue's Brother. "Think I could pass for a performer here?"

Lune looked around with wide-eyes at the amusement park. "Woah...So what do you want to ride first, love?" She asked Skyler Sock
jj9095 said:
Layla looked at him annoyed and ran after him. "Excuse you I planned on doing the same thing but we ARE supposed to change the way we look to make it harder. If you want to take it that way then fine." Layla walks away and talks to James ((what she said earlier))
Iris looks at Ash sadly. "Oh hey..." She was in line for a ride already but really far back. She sat on the handle rails.
"sooo where's Jake?" Ash looked off into the sky
Julie looked at Loki as he asked her a question. Her eye widened and she hopped back, pulling her hand from his. "How did you do that?"she breathed, looking at his new outfit.
Nico gulped at the sight of the ride and shivered nervously "That one?" he said trying to sound brave but, the truth was he was afraid of heights. "L-lets go then." he chuckled.
"I was just thinking about the Jazz music playing and then ta-da." He straightened his jacket with a smirk. "Looks good right?"
Once the ride was finished Rae was exhilirated "Let's go on another" he noticed Dammy and Jack "Hey guys let's go on this one comeon" he shouted excitedly Rae pointed to the ride
Damian nodded and blushed at Jack's words and let himself be dragged through the portal. When he reappeared on the other side his hand grasped Jack's tightly but not to tight. "Wow." he said wide eyed and looked at all the rides. (Sock)
Ronkaime said:
"sooo where's Jake?" Ash looked off into the sky
"Jake is off with James as always." Iris moved and tugged Ash since he didn't notice the line moving. "He can transform and I cant so he just left me." She sighs and sees they are next for the ride. She looks around. "I actually have no idea what ride I just walked into. Any idea what the name is?" 

Ronkaime said:
Once the ride was finished Rae was exhilirated "Let's go on another" he noticed Dammy and Jack "Hey guys let's go on this one comeon" he shouted excitedly Rae pointed to the ride
Bri looked at the ride and dragged all three boys in the line. "Guys I know which ones the nymphs are. Theres three of them. They have been following Rae and I and another one joined them when you two guys joined us. After this ride we need to split and quickly. Who has awesome powers? I dont think I should knock them out." 
((My Layla character is open if anyone wants to run into her))
Adriana blinked, having never seen Nico frightened since she met him. He was doing his best to hide it but Adri was always one to know what made people tick. "Don't tell me you're scared,"she gasped, her tone a mix between teasing and reassurance,"If it'll make you feel better, I'll hold you're hand the whole way."

"Remind me: are you a descendant or a mortal like me?"she asked,"'Cause I sure as hell can't switch up my clothes with a simple thought."
(I honestly can't remember what I put xD ) "I'm mortal, but after getting my artifact, I find I have some pretty awesome abilities." He smirked and winked at her, her own clothes transforming into an outfit from the 80's.
"I know right, now last night, I know what I did was wrong, Im sorry. when I did that, and saw you crying, I thought about what you went through with emily. And I felt like your ex, but after thinking about what I did, I could only feel one thing, sorrow. I felt sorrow because I wrong the only person I ever cared about, after that I felt depression, then hatred at myself, then love, I never knew what that love was, just love. When I saw you holding your head up high, I felt something, I felt compassion for you. layla, I know its hard to love, I have been through a lot less then you, but I can't help but feel love for you. and I can't help but stop loving you.( while I was writing this I was listening to this [media]

[/media] )
Jack stared at the ride. He was terrified of heights. He backed away slowly "I-I-I'll watch.."

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