Godling Academy (Actual RP)

((You're right Bree today IS the fair day but its starting around 8:30 because I have class now -.- I think im going to ask Ronkaime to switch with me so I can take over wednesday and he can have tuesday since you guys like to do things later. MWF I have class at 10:25-4pm While T n TH I have class 6-8:30pm. ArtisticKwittyKat234

if you can switchto thursdays and ill take mondays that would be great. Everyone okay with class at 8:30-8:45))
"Rae.heads to the coffee shop and orders some fruity thing and sits down in front of Nicole not noticing he was there
(Nicole? o-o)

Nico looked up at the newcomer and sighed. He crossed his arms and looked at Rae "Well hello, why is it that I can't drink my coffee in peace?" he yawned.
Rae jumped "OMG I totally didn't see you there ...um who are you,you do know this place is for godlings only corrrect?"
Nico raised a eyebrow "I'm Nico Costello." he sighed "Of course I know this place is for godlings. I am a godling after all." He smirked and shook his head.
Nico rose a eyebrow "Damian? Fxck no." He hissed. "I just don't talk to people much, I'm the successor of Erebus."
Nico rose a brow "Your bestfriend stood behind his boyfriend Jack as Jack attacked my bestfriend. But, not before he knocked me out with his freaky sleeping powers." he huffed.
Iris looks at Rae and Nico bickering. "Rae you didn't notice me either? Jeez. Nico it was nice talking to you. Ill catch up later." Iris winks again and waves at both of them good bye.
Loki knew he was going to get an earful from Julie but he didn't care as he knocked on her door. He had a bag of junk food and musicals in his hand. savagePEST
Bree Julie groaned from under her blankets at the sound of someone knocking on her door. Though it was a gentle sound, it was completely quiet in her room and she wanted to keep it that way. She had a throbbing headache, as if someone was constantly throwing a baseball at her forehead. She was truly regretting drinking last night. But she was sure that whoever was out there would continue to knock on her door, so it would be best to just tell them off.

She got out of bed, her covers still wrapped around her, and went to the door. She opened it up a crack. And who woulda guessed? It was Loki. "Yeah?"she muttered.
He smirked at her bed head and took out a bottle of pain meds. "Want some for your hangover, gorgeous? And I believe we have a date." Loki waited on ice to see what she would do, his hopes not very high considering how many times she's said no to him.
Julie eyed the painkillers as if they were the answer to all her problems. Her arm snaked out from her cocoon, ready to take the medication, before the rest of Loki's sentence reached her. She paused. "Our...date?"she said, confused.
"You don't remember huh? You agreed to go on a date with me and I thought we'd pig out and watch movies," He offered as he held up the bag of food and dvds. He handed her the medication before she could say no, that way it would at least help with her hang over.
Julie gladly took the medication. She began to open the box as she said,"Was I...drunk when I said that?"

[[ Loki should lie :o ]]
Loki knew he should say yes but this was his chance to show Julie he wasn't such a bad guy. He decided to go with half of the truth. "I'm not sure, I don't think you were."
"Oh,"Julie muttered, trying to think. But the exertion of thought just made her hangover worse so she stopped. She couldn't even remember what happened when she arrived at the party, before she drank. 'I guess I ended up agreeing,'she thought,'I probably just gave up.'

"Okay,"she finally said,"We're having this 'date' in my room, I'm guessing?"

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