Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Jack walked out of the campus. He clenched his jaw and waited for whoever to get their car. He crossed his arms over his chest, fiddling with his suspender.
Damian huffed and stood behind Jack and looked over his shoulder. "Rae get your arse going, we don't have all damn day!" He called.
Damian huffed "Not more portals." he sighed and jumped through the portal. He appeared on the other side and was greeted by blasting music.
Jack stared at him for a moment before he blinked and flicked his eyes to the portal, "oh." He walked through it and looked around, he squeaked as he was instantly dragged away from Damian with some dancers.
((Yes because theres totally a portal that goes straight to a gay bar. I cant believe you guys are going in the MORNING. thats not fun!))
Damian looked at Jack as he walked through the portal. "I hate portals." he shuddered "They always leave me feeling cold." He sighed.
Jack nodded and smiled, he hesitated as he felt a hand on his shoulder and he hesitantly turned around, making a wary smile at a guy smirking at him. "Hey there beautiful." "Uh..hi..?" "Care to dance?" Jack just eyed him stupidly, Jack was not the club type.
Ronkaime said:
"Baby I can help you with the life stuff,nut when it cones to true love you know exactly who you need to talk to. "Now about the not having anyone you do like Rae said one of them truly loves you you just need to realize who"
"How am I supposed to know which one loves me if I havent even been able to go on a date with James. I recently went on a date with Alex and it was fun and his hugs and kisses are nice but I can talk to James more openly and Alex has no idea about Emily and the shit I went through before. They both keep telling me how theyve lost people and 'oh there life is so hard,'" She says in a manly voice. "But what the hell they are making my life a living shit fighting for someone that doesn't want to fight. Im thinking of just waiting this shit out and not dating anyone and whoever becomes Zeus then done deal but then theyll probably cheat on me and im going to get pissed and all hell... heaven? is going to brake loose and THAT cant happen either." Layla bangs her head against the desk again. "Life sucks. Nothing makes sense."
Damian glared at the man and put his hand on Jack shoulder and put him behind him "Back off bud, hes with me."
"Guys were in newyork and it's night time get wild have fun be free!" Rae.pulled the two and started dancing with them
Jack shifted uncomfortably and rubbed his head, walking to the bar quietly, hey, he was from Scotland, and there at 18 you could drink. So, he was getting himself a beer.
Damian smirked at the man before going to the bar. He wasn't going to let some scum bag hit on his boyfriend, not after last night. He ordered himself a beer and sat next to Jack "Well this is fun."
"Well how about this,you don't have to be with either of them not all herald were in love with Zeus's.being alone isn't so bad"
Jack snorted "Yeah, best time ever." He frowned and leaned against Damian, closing his eyes.
Damian sighed softly and held him close. He took a sip of his beer and nuzzled into the top of Jack's head "Sorry if I was a bit possessive back there." he chuckled.
Jack looked miserable..and cold. He cuddled up against Damian. He frowned, mumbling "Can we go home and cuddle?"
Damian looked down at him and smiled "If you want to babe." He smiled and held him close. "Can we get breakfast on the way. Its too early for beer."
james enters the room and sees layla, he goes and sits on the other side of the room in the back. he puts his feet up on the desk. not even looking at layla, he starts humming redneck crazy.(jj9095 )
(I'm just going to take Jack back to the dorm and cuddle xD )

Damian took Jack's hand and led him back to the portal. He picked him up bridal style and led them back into their dorm and held him close as they fell on the bed.

(Hey Ronkaime do you want me to bring in Nico and Rae and him can talk?)
Sock said:
Anna sighed and sat across from Vex, frowning. "Well, it started when I met Rae, there was an obvious connection, being love gods and all, so we hooked up and in the morning he told me that I was 'good at what I did'. I took it the wrong way, got pissed and left. He apologized right before the dance and we got together, I guess. I actually fell..in love with him. Jack had lost his v-card so, he was hurting and I helped him back to his dorm, when we walked in I saw Rae kissing Damian, Jack's boyfriend. So, I got pissed, left and now Rae is all over the new Ares girl." She frowned and rubbed her head.
Vex listened to Anna's retelling as he continued shuffling the cards.

"It sounds to me like this Rae fellow does not take his status as a godling seriously. And just between you and me, it also sounds like he's got some other serious issues, if you know what I mean.

"Now, it is good to let loose and have fun, but there is, of course, a difference between having fun, and being reckless, ignorant, and immature. You say you fell in love with Rae, but, excuse me if this comes off as rude, but...it does not sound to me as if he truly loved you back. And if he not only wanted you for sex, but also failed to stay faithful, then trust me, he is definitely not worth it."


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