Godling Academy (Actual RP)

[[ Awww ;D I was actually imagining him as a Gargoyle or something but this is much better. ]]

Adriana gave a small smile,"Don't worry about it, nothing was your fault. Like the dance yesterday, it was fun while it lasted." She scratched Maki under his chin when he landed on her shoulders. "You could help me though by helping me clean up."
Nico nodded and smiled "Thanks. Things around here are quite odd but, that is to be expected of a school full of hormonal teens/young adults with superpowers." he laughed. He picked up a beer bottle and threw it in the trash. "I'll help, we don't want angry forest nymphs on our tails." 
(Does Rae come to his dorm or does Damian go to Rae)
dakup said:
"yeah sure." he picks her up in his arms and goes over to his dorm and puts her in his bed. he climbs into bed and holds iris in his arms." babe, how are you feeling?"
Iris doesn't answer and turns around slowly keeping his arms around her. She put her hand underneath her head and looked at him. "Like the luckiest girl in the world." Iris closed her eyes and put her forehead to his lips.
Adriana laughed,"Or worse: Iris. We can't run away from her." She got up, making sure the movement didn't disturb Maki. She turned her artifact into a golden bucket, using it to carry water from the lake to put out the bonfire. Adri then began to string up the lights. "So, did you have fun? Rate my party from 1-to-10."
((dakup is james really leaving or just packing to another dorm?)) 
((We are so evil to our own characters its hilarious xD ))
(moving to another dorm, and laylas not going to get any response from james for a long time. jj9095
(im out. night if i come up tag I will post in the morning.) james get to his new dorm and locks the door and falls on his bed, knocked out.
Nico yawned and nodded "Yeah she's crazy." he chuckled and threw away another beer bottle. He furrowed his brow as he thought for a moment. "I would say a nine, minus one for the drama."

Damian sat up in bed and sneaked out of bed trying not to wake up Jack. He had made up with his boyfriend but he wanted a word with Rae. He walked down the hall and knocked on the door.
Damian huffed and his eyes darkened "It's me you jerk, open up I have a bone to pick with you!" he called.
"I'm fine with a 9,"she said, giggling,"Ooh, that rhymed." She turned her artifact into a golden cart, so it would be easier to carry the stuff in one trip. She stumbled, but caught herself. 'Guess I have a power limit for this thing,'she thought, feeling tired herself. "I'm not much of a party host; I usually take the role as the partier." She dumped the lights in the cart, then the stereo, and finally the cooler. The artifact hummed from the weight. "I'm sorry,"Adri cooed to it, patting the handle.
Damian growled and picked the lock and kicked to door open. "Rae Armor, don't piss me off."
Damian growled softly a soft light glowing around him "I came to tell you if you ever touch me again I will kill you, but I'm willing to put this behind us. But, I keep my word." He said and turned around "I don't hate you and you didn't ruin my relationship but still."
Briana started growling putting a pillow over her head wishing the boys would shut up before she snaps. She noticed Rae was back in his bed and threw him off again.
"That'a very generous of you and your cute don't get me wrong but he glances over at Bri I don't think I'll be touching anyone else for a while.Besides if you even attempted to kill me I'd.make Jackie straight so fast your head would spin. Rae smiled "However,You are still my bestfriend and as such I'm hoping to keep you around
Damian smiled "I'm glad you found someone." he said his voice kinder "Just don't mess with my boyfriend will you, I already had him try to kill me once today." he said and looked at him with a grin "You are my only friend, you think you're getting rid of me that easily you have another thing coming. Just don't kiss me again."

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