Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Ronkaime said:
"That'a very generous of you and your cute don't get me wrong but he glances over at Bri I don't think I'll be touching anyone else for a while.Besides if you even attempted to kill me I'd.make Jackie straight so fast your head would spin. Rae smiled "However,You are still my bestfriend and as such I'm hoping to keep you around
Briana listens into there conversation realizing where she was. She stayed very still and heard Rae talking. He doesn't think hell be touching anyone else for awhile? Well he does have a girlfriend... Why the HELL am I in this room?  

Nico said:
Damian smiled "I'm glad you found someone." he said his voice kinder "Just don't mess with my boyfriend will you, I already had him try to kill me once today." he said and looked at him with a grin "You are my only friend, you think you're getting rid of me that easily you have another thing coming. Just don't kiss me again."
Briana smiled under the pillow thinking about killing this boy to shut him up. When she heard he was friends with Rae she decided not to hurt the boy. This was her first time seeing a confrontation that didn't end up with the boys sticking there things out/ swords or guns. Briana felt uncomfortable with the happy confrontation and took the pillow off of her head. "Sorry to break up this love fest but," Briana points at herself "I didn't put an alarm for tomorrow which means no one should be waking me up." Briana looks at Rae trying to get back on his bed. "I'm taking over your bed, go find a new one." Briana put the pillow over her head again that suddenly smelled like Rae and she didnt notice it before. She took a deep wiff and started to fall asleep again.
Rae laughed "Well I should hope so tell Jackie I'm sorry and have a goodnight oh and you owe me a new.door" Rae tried to once again get back in his bed suddenly then he remembered something "If you see Anna tell her I'm sorry I can't be with her" his faced saddened and he buried it into his pillow
Damian hummed "I'll buy you a new one tomorrow." he said and walked out the door and closed it. He walked back into his dorm and crawled back into bed and snuggled into Jack humming softly.
Briana was slowly falling asleep and heard Rae talk again. She sighed softly wishing she could just pause the world and heard his words. Couldn't be with Anna? Is that his girlfriend? But didnt he say he wouldnt touch anyone else except his girlfriend? ... Im too sleepy for this.
(It looks like Sock is on x3 So maybe if she appears to RP. You can rp with anna)
Alex felt anger wash over him, his nostrils flared and his fists clenched. He slammed his fist against a tree, walking off, once he was out of sight the tree creaked and cracked before falling over. He clenched his jaw Layla. We need to talk. Now. Alex never thought he could get so angry, and oh god did it show in his voice. The skies darkened, maybe not as much as they would when he was Zeus, but they did darken and thunder rolled over the skies, but..lightning never hit ground, still, Alex was full on raged. jj9095

(Sorry guys I passed out.. xD )

Anna nodded, she managed a weak smile when he brushed the tear from her cheek and she rose her hand to grab his. "Cafe' sounds good." She murmured. FroggieJay
Briana took off the pillow from her head and looked at Rae. "You have a girlfriend yet you are kissing your best friend and you took the new girl to your bed. Isnt there a rule against touching people that people learn in kindergarten against that?"

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(Lol. It seems like all my rp partners have disappeared. So anyone want to rp or something)
Rae looked at Bri "First of all I'm single second momentary lapse of judgement 3rd your hot and you were passed out in my arms what else was AI supposed to do and 4th Hello future God of love sex beauty and procreation here"
Layla had fallen asleep in the woods randomly and woke up hearing Alex's voice in her head. She sighed. Where would you like to meet?  

Ronkaime said:
Rae looked at Bri "First of all I'm single second momentary lapse of judgement 3rd your hot and you were passed out in my arms what else was AI supposed to do and 4th Hello future God of love sex beauty and procreation here"
Briana tried to keep track with her fingers but mixed up the numbers and what was going on and got a headache. She put her hands over her head and tried to give herself a massage. "Who's Anna? Answer SLOWLY."
Alex was leaning on a tree with a look in his eye that would give Hades a run for his money. "So. I'm getting tired of this shit. And I just felt like I should tell you how exactly I feel." He flicked her a folded piece of paper with this on it; So what's it gonna be? Are you going to keep me down or set me free? I thought you were my home but you've become a world unknown. How the **** am I supposed to breathe when every second you suffocate me? I hate everything that you done to me, what happened to the girl you used to be? I gave you my heart for you deserved it and more, but you tore it apart and threw it on the floor. Baby what happened? Do you feel my heart? Can you check my vitals because it seems I'm falling apart! How the **** can I be alive when you ripped out the heart inside?! I'm left here with nothing, and you come claiming you loved me when I died. Honey, search no longer for my killer, for you were the assassin and you pulled the trigger. You shot this bullet through me, and walked on my lifeless body ! We were so perfect together, those nights in my dorm, you were my dream girl, my shooting star, but all things that go up, must come down. And you brought me down with you to the ground. You aren't the same person I knew, you've become a demon trying to get through. You made me suffer and I just don't understand, but soon I'll have you in the palm of my hand. I'll crush you like the dreams you destroyed. Im done with you, I'm done being your toy!! I'm screaming at the top of my lungs just get the **** out of my life!! Deep inside I'm bleeding from all your lies! I'm so sick of your kind, get the **** out of my mind and don't come to me when these voices come and tear you to pieces, don't cry to me when you're lost begging that you need this! What we had will never happen again, this is the End of you and I, wake me up when we're dead.

Alex stared at her with hard eyes and he turned and left.
((Guuuyysss Im trying to go to bed after I finish this but if Im not getting a response until like 20 minutes later... Can either you guys hurry up a tiny bit or I positively will fall asleep on your guys)) 

Ronkaime said:
"Anna is my now ex-girlfriend who hates me and future goddess of sexual desire,that answer your question?"
Briana looked at him like 'really?' she shook her head. "What'd you do? Didn't please her enough?" She tried to make a funny but realized her funny was not funny. "Sorry. The drinks are still kicking in here."
Alex stared at the ground. No. You didn't walk away from James. You NEVER walked away from James. Because hes always there. Hes always the one you choose. In the end I'm just with you because your guilty. I'm just with you because you didn't want me to kill myself. And you know what? I'm not going through that ever again. Because, this time, I'm ending it. I love you. But I'm not going to put myself through this anymore.
"No please don't beat yourself up it was meant to be this way I have this extreme attraction to you and Aphrodite told me that you'd be the one to take my heart"
Sock said:
Alex stared at the ground. No. You didn't walk away from James. You NEVER walked away from James. Because hes always there. Hes always the one you choose. In the end I'm just with you because your guilty. I'm just with you because you didn't want me to kill myself. And you know what? I'm not going through that ever again. Because, this time, I'm ending it. I love you. But I'm not going to put myself through this anymore.
Those words mean nothing on your lips. Ever since you went into my room and I patched you up I stayed with you. As soon as I actually stay with you, you are going to leave me? This is all a fucking game to you. Kill yourself! Go for it! In your head I just care enough right? Then I'll prove you right since you have worked so hard to make it seem that way. Make it seem like I don't love you. Layla cut off her communication with Alex and walked to her dorm. She was not going to be pushed off a cliff by an idiot playing a game with her. "I should of known! I SHOULD OF KNOWN! Rae was right! Rae..." Layla started walking to his room.

Briana heard knocking on the door again and growled. "GO AWAY!"

Layla heard something and opened the door. "Rae I need to- are you busy? I'll just ugh..." Layla starts to turn around.
Ronkaime said:
"No please don't beat yourself up it was meant to be this way I have this extreme attraction to you and Aphrodite told me that you'd be the one to take my heart"
Briana looked at him with a serious face. She was about to open her mouth when she heard someone knock on the door again and she growled. "GO AWAY!" The girl came in anyways. "Is that Anna?" 

Ronkaime said:
(I'm going. To sleep jj imma boutta pass our)
((I was supposed to go to sleep an hour ago. Ugh. Fine ill get my characters to go the ffuck home.))

Layla turned around thinking that she'll just talk to Rae tomorrow and went to her dorm. When she reached her bed she just went straight on it and knocked out without changing clothes or even putting the blankets on top of her.

Briana saw the girl leave. "Oh thank goodness. Nights over." Briana looks at Rae on the bed. "You can stay but if you touch me I will push you off and you'll have to find another dorm because this heart bed is ridiculously comfy." Ronkaime ((Just answer this one and get out of here)

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