Godling Academy (Actual RP)

after everyone finishes singing he pulls up a tree log big enough to sit on. he starts small little toons, trying to find laylas face in a crowd. he finds her leaning against a tree and stares at her while playing [media]

after the song finishes he puts the guitar on his back. he goes over to the fire pit and pulls out the locket box from his coat pocket, he throws the locket box in the fire, after he grabs the locket out of the box,he opens the locket aloud, loud enough for layla to hear. he read the inscription, it says." to the one that will forever hold my heart." he closes the lid, and reads the inscription." layla." he holds his hand over the fire now big enough to burn anything. and drops the locket in the fire, and it begins to glow red, james begins to walk out of the party. not looking back to see if layla is crying or hugging alex. on his way back to the dorm he pulls out a locket and opens it to see a picture of his mom. he gets to the dorm room and starts packing. taking everything that is ok enough to ware or use, what ever alex didn't break.
FroggieJay said:
"How about we talk about it somewhere where we won't hear that infernal music? The cafe in the Academy, perhaps?" Vex smiled warmly, reaching out a hand from his pockets and wiping away Anna's tears with a finger. "There, that's better."
((Sock reposted, didn't think you saw))
"Actually," Loki said slowly as he caressed her cheek. "I'd rather do this." He pressed his lips to hers softly, cautiously.
Adriana listened to James play his guitar. She expected that to be it but no. James had something to say. To Layla. Adri remembered she was to be watching her but had been encumbered with the party. But James seemed to have broken his promise to her, as well. "I thought I said no drama!"she called after James, but he probably didn't hear, having quickly exited the forest.

"Rather do wha-"Julie began to ask but her words were cut off as Loki's lips pressed against her's. She hesitated for a moment, her normal self screaming in the back of her head to shove him away from her. But Julie's voice of reason was locked up for the night, alcohol running her brain. And alcohol said to go along with this kiss. And so she did, cupping Loki's face in her hands as she kissed him back.
Nico sat down on a stump and huffed "With all this drama, I swear we where Gods already." he chuckled. He watched as James left the forest "He is the son of Zeus after all and what I've heard Zeus is a drama queen." he smirked.
After deeply kissing Julie, Loki pulled back and rested his forehead on hers. Looking into her eyes, he said, "Let me know if you're up for that date."
zeus enraged at nicos comment flys down there in hawk form and transforms into human form."master nico you call us drama queens. then why are you here, you don't seem to be a drama queen. if were all drama queens then I'm surprised that your here with us."
Layla listens to his song and keeps looking into this eyes as he is watching her. She hugs her legs and looks away around the end of the song. When he gets off stage her heart is burning with regret and not knowing what to do. She had covered her eyes with her legs, pulling them up towards her. When he started speaking she didn't look back up but heard him clearly. She especially heard her name, being spit out as venom through his lips. She gets up slowly and puts her hand behind her to stop Alex from following her. She walks around the forest not saying a single word and crying silent tears.
Adriana sat on a log near Nico. She blew an air of annoyance,"And I heard Layla was Hera's descendant. I guess the two are trying to reinact the entire Zeus/Hera thing." She rested her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. "We already had enough drama yesterday; my party was supposed to be different from that,"she muttered. She gasped as the actual God, Zeus, flew down before them. Was this party getting worse and worse, or was the entrance of a God making it better?

Julie's head felt lightheaded from the kiss and the alcohol. She looked at him in the eyes, as well. "The date?"she smirked,"Sure, why not?"
Nico blinked "I'm here because My father Erebus chose me." he said and shook his head. "I'm here to make my father proud."
With a smile Loki bowed and kissed her hand. "Tomorrow at *insert random time here xD *, beautiful." He turned on his heel and started walking out of the bar satisified. (Cause my eyes won't stay open and my head hurts and so does my tummy from all this cotton candy. Good night all you lovely drama queens! xD )
"Maybe he's also here to show that crying over being rejected isn't such a big deal,"Adriana added, trying to make her voice strong. She didn't want to anger the God. She was more so trying to stick up for Nico. [[ I think Adri and Nico are the only non-kissing sorta-couple in this RP, lol ]]

Julie waved as he walked away,"It's a date then." [[ Night :3 You're gonna hear hell from Julie tomorrow, though ]]
zeus mimics him"Im here to make my father proud." he said as if he was speaking to a baby." hey would never be proud of a pathetic excuse of a wimp like you."Poseidon being in the river jumped in."brother leave here now, remember what happend last time, with me and the boy, he almost died because I hung around him to much, with your powers you can excelerate his death."zeus leave back to olympus. poseidon leaves as well.
Nico's eyes glow red and he makes an almost demonic hiss. "YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME ZEUS!" he said up to the sky as Zeus left. The shadows growing darker and chattering comes from them.
a lightning blot landed near nicos feet, and this was heard."do not anger the gods, I can smite you here and now."
Great, now Nico was pissed. She glanced around her as she heard creepy whispers, though they seemed to be emitting from no where. And was it getting darker, even though the bonfire still blazed? "Don't worry about him,"she reassured Nico, almost pleading to keep him in a better mood,"He's a drama queen, like you said." She yelped as a lightning bolt shot near them. "Screw off!"she yelled into the sky, flicking off in the direction of Zeus. Whereever he was.
Nico huffed and the shadows disappeared and the hissing and chattering stopped. Maki appeared and nested on Nico's shoulders. "Yeah." he said to Adri and held onto Maki.
Iris watches the Gods come down again and sighs. "This is never good..." She leaned on Jake feeling tired and moved her head like a ping pong machine looking to the people that were talking. When Zeus and Poseidon left Iris pulled Jakes shirt. "Carry me to your dorm? Please?"
Adriana huffed before she calmed herself down. "Well, there goes my party,"she sighed. She waved at the demon,"Hey Maki, you missed all the fun."
"yeah sure." he picks her up in his arms and goes over to his dorm and puts her in his bed. he climbs into bed and holds iris in his arms." babe, how are you feeling?"
Nico rubbed the back of his head and gave a nervous chuckle "Sorry Adri." he said with a light blush. Make flew over to Adri and sat on her shoulder and puffed out a little smoke.

(Maki sorta looks like a Baby Toothless)


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