Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Anna gazed at Vex, she shook her head and sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I was just going to my dorm." She said in a quiet tone, ignoring Rae's voice in her head.

Jack closed his eyes, pulling the blankets up to his shoulders with a sigh.
(guys I keep getting database errors so if I go offline, It might be because of that.)"allright anyone else wanna come up here and sing." james gets the next song ready. [media]

Damian heard the music rattling the windows and he narrowed his eyes "What in the world." he said and held Jack close. "Oh, the party." he mumbled and hid his face in Jack's shoulder. (Sock)
Loki smirked at the card and ran to get his Ipod. Paaartaaay!

Lune was still in Skyler's room, having fallen asleep and not waking up. She frowned at the card and rubbed her templs, not feeling very well. Maybe getting a break would do her some good, she thought as she stole a fresh t-shirt from Styles and slipped into some jeans (That were randomly there xD ) before heading to the café to get some food. (Sock cause I have no idea what you did with Styles ^^)
Ronkaime said:
"This song is for all my chikkaasssssss" Rae starts to dance and sing [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNZQZEcszcM[/media]
(Yes I went there)
((No bro lol))

Briana just facepalms in the middle of the stage. When Rae gets down she goes up to him. "That was horrible."

Layla giggles at Alex's face when Briana was trying to dance with him. When she leaves she starts playing around with him and does the same thing she was doing.

Iris looks around and find the booze. "For insanity and beyond."
Alex smirks and holds her hips against his, grinding on her with the music, he chuckled and mumbled "Well, this I can do." He kissed her cheek gently, winking.
Vex bit his lower lip a bit.

"Do you...do you want to talk about what's wrong? I can tell you're not in the best of moods...it's better to let out your emotions with someone else than just to keep them bottled up inside. The company of others can often help the wounds heal...and this is coming from the guy who only looked out for himself for his entire life, so you know it's good advice, haha," he chuckled, slipping his hands into his coat pockets.
At the first sign of someone wanting to help Anna let a couple of tears drip down her cheeks. She walked over to Vex and stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets "Yeah. Talking would be nice." She stared at the ground, biting the inside of her cheek.
Adriana stopped dancing, leaning against Nico as she laughed. When she heard James ask who else wanted to sing, she paused. Then a grin spread on her face. "Watch this,"she told him, heading over to James. "I'll take that,"she said, her hand out for the mic. dakup

Julie finished her second bottle, her head already feeling fuzzy as the alcohol kicked in. "I'm gonna regret this in the morning,"she muttered.
After her stomach was full, Lune headed to the party and sat down wherever she could, just studying the students. The music made her head throb painfully.

Loki smirked as he sauntered into the party. He looked around for anyone he knew, specifically Julie.
(guys my next post,can I call in a favor no one agree with what I say.please it's going to be good I promise.)
Nico grinned and watched as Adri jumped on stage "I will be watching you." he said teasingly.

Damian yawned softly and closed his eyes. Nuzzling into Jack's neck "I love you, don't forget that." (Sock)
"How about we talk about it somewhere where we won't hear that infernal music? The cafe in the Academy, perhaps?"

Vex smiled warmly, reaching out a hand from his pockets and wiping away Anna's tears with a finger.

"There, that's better."
jj9095 said:
((No bro lol))
Briana just facepalms in the middle of the stage. When Rae gets down she goes up to him. "That was horrible."

Layla giggles at Alex's face when Briana was trying to dance with him. When she leaves she starts playing around with him and does the same thing she was doing.

Iris looks around and find the booze. "For insanity and beyond."
"Yes I know my spanish isn't the best,but you were entertained" He looks around nervously "Say do you want to umm get a drink?"
Sock said:
Alex smirks and holds her hips against his, grinding on her with the music, he chuckled and mumbled "Well, this I can do." He kissed her cheek gently, winking.
Layla turns around and hugs Alex. She cant stop smiling and trys to kiss him but everytime she makes the kissy face she starts to laugh. She laughs so much she falls to the floor laughing holding her tummy. She opened her eyes and sees Alex looking at her funny and she starts laughing again.
Ronkaime said:
"Yes I know my spanish isn't the best,but you were entertained" He looks around nervously "Say do you want to umm get a drink?"
Briana looks at him and points at herself. "Ive had one already... sure!" Briana picks him up and runs to the drinks. She gets another and chugs it down like nothing. She starts dancing again holding up the bottle. The music stops. "Hey!" She throws the bottle getting upset. The music starts again and she keeps dancing happily around Rae.
"well your quite the violent one aren't you,but your wild and I LOVE it" Rae catches himself slippin "So can you dance?" just then this song comes on and rae starts TWERKING "Comeon show me what you got"[media]

(2mm morning we can do that okay? Nico or tonight whichever)
(.....I love how you guys are having a party and I'm in my room playing the songs and dancing with a big bag of cotton candy ^^ xD )
when who ever is at the mic finishes james goes up to the mic. "anyone else?" with no takers."well then I guess Im going to serenade you all this first one is a song I have been working on, its a bit old but, some of you might know this. its going to get a little footloose." he sits on a stump and begins playing


Ronkaime said:
"well your quite the violent one aren't you,but your wild and I LOVE it" Rae catches himself slippin "So can you dance?" just then this song comes on and rae starts TWERKING "Comeon show me what you got"[media]

(2mm morning we can do that okay? Nico or tonight whichever)
Brianna watches Rae. "Not bad but-" She stops and twerks herself. "I have had enough free time in my hands."

((This is ridiculous lol)) ((Bree I just imagined you twerking in your room with that cotton candy lmao xD )) She gets close to Rae dancing normally and starts dancing close to him. 
Layla and Iris hears the song footloose come on and start screaming with excitement. They both take over the stage and start dancing and end up following each others moves. They start laughing and having the time of their life.

Briana watches them and trys to join but with her 2 beers she sees a dragon fly and gets distracted. She looks back at them and trys to follow them again and starts getting mad that she cant. "UUGGHH!"

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