Godling Academy (Actual RP)


Anna gazed over at Jack with a frown, she stood and walked over "Hey you look pained..and tired. Want some help to your room?" Jack gazed up at Anna with a weak smile "Yeah, sure." He offered his hand and Anna took it. Together they started back to Jack's dorm.
(OK xD follow my lead nico)

"So Dammy Aphrodite came to me in a dream and told me that Ares was coming and I would be instantly attracted to the person,but I really like Anna why do you think I should do?" He said sadness and worry in his eyes
Damian blinked "I don't know, I'm not a love God, I'm a sleep god. I say go for what your heart tells you."
"But" Rae.got closer "what if you liked someone other than Jackie" Rae.got closer "Wouldn't you want to do all kinds of things to him" Rae.started to trace.the outline of Dammy's.abs
Damian narrowed his eyes "What are you talking about, Jackie is the only one I love." he said and squirmed uncomfortably.
((GamerXZ I have no idea I was too busy buying a new console today and having a test to know <.< Doesnt seem like much happened. Just ask the boys to join them in there room playing video games it seems. There is SUPPOSED to be a class today but I dont know what happened to ArtisticKwittyKat234)) 

Ronkaime said:
(Okay let her knock in Sammy's door at the same time Anna and jack come in)
((Who the hell is Sammy.))
Damian looked into Rae's eyes "What is up dude?" he asked. He hoped Jack wouldn't walk in right now.
"I honestly don't know today your unbelievably sexy to me for some reason and I've been craving a man's.touch"Rae.was completely lustful he looked ay dammy like prey ready to pounce (anytime now sock)
Sorry! my internet crashed and my sis took the computer away from me! So wanna continue? ))
(Jack gets mad a Damian and he sleeps, Damian goes into the dream and they have a confrontation. Sock)

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