Godling Academy (Actual RP)

dakup said:
"my wife you think I care what her views are, do you remember how I got her to marry me, do you not remember what I did to her, where she hang now, from the heavens tied down by anvils."
((That was only the first set og Gods/Goddesses if you read Athenas History/War class!))dakup
Alex stares at aphrodite "I believe I did. You, my lady are f*cking up my life."

Jack panted, once they had finished he had fallen flat on the bed, his small frame limp against the bed. He grunted, yes, he knew that the blankets were completely filthy, from sweat and..other things. He shifted and mumbled "Bath, carry me." He didn't feel like walking, mostly because he knew that it was going to hurt.

Anna nodded and closed her eyes, kissing his cheek softly. "Lets head back to your dorm?"

Styles opened his eyes with a grunt, placing his hand on his head with a moan of pain.
Lune gave him a glance from her spot on the floor and turned the t.v down. "It's about time. I was going to take a shower if you hadn't woken up in the next five minutes." She was still in her dress and ruined makeup a=but had tossed her broken heels in the corner.
Damian sat up and crawled over Jack and then scooped him up in his arms. He carried Jack bridal style into the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bath. He sat Jack on his lap and started to draw a bath when the bath was drawn he placed Jack in the tub with a smile.

"I wonder if there'll at least be an after party,"she sighed,"I really wanted where this dress out." She pulled her mask off,"You wanna get out of here?"
Rae smiled "I thought you'd never ask" he swiftly picks anna up and carries her to his dorm

Aphrodite walks up to Alex and smacks him sending him clear acorss campus "That hurt didn't it you stupid little twat,how do you think Layla felt when you ended your life TWICE it hurt her it hurt her so much that not only me but my chosen one could feel it you idiot that's not what love is!" Aphrodite's anger grew Alex was about to face her wrath Sock
Nico looked at Adri "I don't think there will be or at least that I know of." He frowned and nodded "I'm sorry about that, it was fun while it lasted though." he said. He looked at the doors "Yeah lets go, not much to do now."
Jack was already asleep by the time he was in the bath, he snored softly, his eyes gently closed. His lips slightly plump from being kissed so much, they were parted open and he grunted.

Styles eyed her for a moment before he rolled over, closing his eyes.
"Oh no you don't!" Lune got up angrily and rolled him back over before climbing on the bed and straddling his hips. Her glare could have frozen the sun. "You have some explaining to do!"
Damian smiled and figured he'd clean Jack. He started to clean him all over and wash his hair. He pulled the heir of Hades out and dried him off. He carried him back into the bedroom and placed him back in bed before showering himself. Damian dried off and crawled in the bed next to Jack and cuddled him close.

"Ugh, and there's class tomorrow,"she groaned. Adriana placed her candle down to take out her bracelet. It wavered in her hand before it turned into a golden umbrella. Before they exited the building, she opened the umbrella, it being large enough for the two to walk under. "If no one sets up an after party, I'll just make one myself,"she said, her cheeks puffed up with annoyance. Adri sighed. She gave a small smile as she hooked her arm with Nico's, laying her cheek on his arm,"But don't sweat it. I had fun. Did you?"
savagePEST said:
[[ Maybe tomorrow night, seeing as most of the characters are asleep or in their room. ]]
(Yeah, I know for sure Jack and Damian are down for the count x3) 
(Who all are still here xD )
Nico said:
Damian sat up and crawled over Jack and then scooped him up in his arms. He carried Jack bridal style into the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bath. He sat Jack on his lap and started to draw a bath when the bath was drawn he placed Jack in the tub with a smile.
(Here you go~ Sock)
Bree said:
"Oh no you don't!" Lune got up angrily and rolled him back over before climbing on the bed and straddling his hips. Her glare could have frozen the sun. "You have some explaining to do!"
(For the lazy Sock xD )
savagePEST said:
"Ugh, and there's class tomorrow,"she groaned. Adriana placed her candle down to take out her bracelet. It wavered in her hand before it turned into a golden umbrella. Before they exited the building, she opened the umbrella, it being large enough for the two to walk under. "If no one sets up an after party, I'll just make one myself,"she said, her cheeks puffed up with annoyance. Adri sighed. She gave a small smile as she hooked her arm with Nico's, laying her cheek on his arm,"But don't sweat it. I had fun. Did you?"
Styles rose his eyebrow and grinned, he placed his hands on her waist. "Slow dancing, with another guy. Not a favorite thing of mine."

Jack grunted and curled against Damian, nuzzling him softly.
Nico walked back over to where the candles where and placed it down. He stood under the umbrella and looked at the sky. It was dark and gloomy. "I had fun, yeah. I'm glad you did." He smiled.

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