Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Rae smiled "I thought you'd never ask" he swiftly picks anna up and carries her to his dorm

Aphrodite walks up to Alex and smacks him sending him clear acorss campus "That hurt didn't it you stupid little twat,how do you think Layla felt when you ended your life TWICE it hurt her it hurt her so much that not only me but my chosen one could feel it you idiot that's not what love is!" Aphrodite's anger grew Alex was about to face her wrath Sock
"You drinking and leaving me alone at a dance is not one of mine either. I even asked Loki to play a special song! But no you had to jump to conclusions, get jealous, and turn into a drunk jerk!" Tears brimmed in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She felt better after getting that all off her chest and her glare softened as she sighed, "Sorry for snapping at you." Sock
Damian smiled softly holding his boyfriend close. "I love you, Jackie." He whispered and kissed his forehead softly. He pulled the covers up over them.

Anna smiled and kissed Rae softly, she shifted in his arms and laughed slightly, her hair was still in its normal straightened state and it was down, but her bangs were pulled back and clipped with a barrette. Anna nuzzled him, closing her eyes.

"Mmm,"she made a sound of content,"What should we do now? It's not late enough to go to bed. Unless it's past your bedtime."
Styles sucked in his cheeks and pulled her off of him. Styles stood and sighed, he walked back to his dorm, tears dripping down his cheeks.

Jack made a soft "Mm.." He nuzzled against Damian, humming gently with a sigh.
(guys im out for the night, im sorry but my eye and I are having a battle and they are winning, tag me and I will reply in the morning.jj9095 )
Damian hummed softly and held Jack close nuzzling into his marked neck. (Sock)

Nico stuck his tongue out at Adri and smirked "No it's not past my bedtime." He thought for a minute "I'm hungry want to go get a bite to eat?" he asked. (savagePEST)
Rae nuzzled back into anna and kissed her collar bone lightly and smiled

THe wind started to blow fiercely "YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE FIRST GENERATION ZEUS WHICH IS WHY I CHOSE JAMES YOU SIR ARE AN INCONSIDERATE SELFISH BASTARD AND YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BECOME ZEUS NOR BE LOVED BY THAT GIRL YOUR TIME HERE IS DONE BEGONE!",Aphrodite began to calm down "What you felt wasn't love it was just you being a whiny baby arsehole who never got any attention"
((Guys I really need to go too. I have a test tomorrow like every monday and I NEED TO PASS IT. And I havent studied D'=))

((ArtisticKwittyKat234 you are the teacher tomorrow! Plan something good and send it to me if possible before you start to make sure its okay PRETTY PLEASE))
Lune felt like tearing her hair out as she ran after him, "Skyler wait!" She caught up to him just as they reached his door and grabbed his hand, turning him around. "I'm sorry I snapped like that and I'm sorry for calling you a jerk but I don't think you understand how much I love you. To me slow dancing with that guy was just that, but slow dancing with you would have been perfect! You don't compare to these guys here, Skyler, not to me. And when you were hurt that I WAS slow dancing with another guy, I felt hurt myself cause I didn't think you realized how much you mean to me. I don't care if you love to drink or party or can't play instruments or-or summon wind or demons, cause I love you for you. You make me laugh and smile and you make me feel like I'm not alone and I have someone to go to when I'm sad. YOU are the one I want in my life, not anyone else. Please forgive me." Lune couldn't stop herself and the tears flowed freely for the second time that night as her feelings spilled out. Sock
(Ronkaime once again making Alex out to be something hes not -__- WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ALEX DX) Alex rose his eyebrow "A whiny baby arsehole who never got any attention? No. I killed myself because I couldn't handle living without Layla. And I couldn't deal with the fact that my asshole brother took her. Your Aphrodite, I'm sure you feel how much I care for her."

Anna tiled her head back, humming softly. She smiled and kissed the top of his head, nuzzling him gently.

Jack remained completely asleep.
"Sure,"Adri agreed. The wind became wild, whipping at their clothes fiercely. She positioned her umbrella to shield them from the brunt of the rain that was being moved by the wind. "Did I jinx us by saying a tornado is coming next? We better get inside, 'cause as far as I know neither of us can fly."
Sock said:
(Ronkaime once again making Alex out to be something hes not -__- WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ALEX DX) Alex rose his eyebrow "A whiny baby arsehole who never got any attention? No. I killed myself because I couldn't handle living without Layla. And I couldn't deal with the fact that my asshole brother took her. Your Aphrodite, I'm sure you feel how much I care for her."
Anna tiled her head back, humming softly. She smiled and kissed the top of his head, nuzzling him gently.

Jack remained completely asleep.
Aphrodite gave him a please look and sucked in a big breath "So tell me if you loved Layla if you REALLY Loved layla as you say you do why are you here at this busstop? plus that's what your supposed to do 2 Zeus' 1 hera equals love battle duh I mean you even turned into hurt bird if that doesn't say 1st generation Zeus then idk what does" She begins to do her nails
Damian yawned and snuggled into Jack and joined him in the realm of Morpheus. (Sock)

Nico nodded and called out a okay over the fierce winds. "Zeus seems really pissed off." He snorted.
Alex gazed at the ground "I hate seeing her hurt. I don't want her to be stuck in the middle anymore.." He frowned, gazing at his shoes.

Skyler leaned in, he brushed away her tears and kissed her gently.
The two entered the cafe [[ I'm guessing ]] , the rain muffled behind closed doors. Adriana shut the umbrella, the artifact returning to its travel form as a bracelet. "At least we seem to be the only ones here,"she said,"So that's an upside so far." She led him to the ordering station.
Lune kissed him back fiercely before flinging her arms around him in a hug. "Now before you kiss me again, go brush your teeth." She mumbled, burying her face in his chest. They needed to have a talk. A serious one, Lune decided.
(I'm going to go to bed now, sorry I cant form a coherent paragraph and my spelling skills are diminishing)
Styles sighed and went in his dorm to brush his teeth, once finished he came out and sat on his bed,
Lune sat next to him and stared at her hands. After a few moments she looked up at him and said calmly, "Skyler I love you. I don't know how or really care but you've stolen my heart and...I need to know if your mine, all mine. I don't like sharing."
Aphrodite's compassionate side came out "Well how about this you have until you graduate to prove to me that you love Layla even more than James tldoes because right now you're not doing a very good job and if you mess up even one I'm tellingyou even once your out of here do you understand?"

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