Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Upon hearing the knock, Vex sighed, stood up, and walked over to the door and opened it.

"...Hello, Anna, what do you need?"

He stood in the doorway, his white hair soaking wet and wearing a saddish demeanor on his face.
Styles smirked and nodded "I'll be easy to spot out. Just look for red." He winked and walked to his dorm to get ready. Bree

Jack smiled and closed his eyes, mumbling a lazy "Should we get ready?" Nico

Anna sighed "Hey, I'm the god-to-be of love(NOT APHRODITE, EROS IS LOVE TOO xD ) I can tell when someone is having a lonely day. So, I came to say hi."FroggieJay

Alex walked over to Layla, he bit his tongue, his heart felt like it was going to fall into his stomach, he knew what would happen next; Layla would run to James and leave him in the dust...and alone. jj9095
Already in his Phantom of the Opera costume, Loki lugged his dj equipment to the place where the dance was to be held. He set it up and played some elevator music while waiting for everyone to finish getting ready and arrive.  
(Have to walk dogs I might be five minutes late, TOPS I promise!)
Adriana had already been up, getting ready for the dance. She showered, shampooed, conditioned, and everything. Her hair wasn't complying at first but she finally got it into the style she wanted. She slightly curled it before pinning it on her head, making it a loose bun. She was exalted for tonight's dance, her grin never disappearing from her face. Then for the makeup, she put on a pale, pink lip gloss, mascara, a hint of blush, and eyeliner that made her luminous eyes pop. She then put on her hoop earrings. Adriana squealed at the results. She poked her head out of the bathroom, scanning the room. "Iris better hurry up,"she muttered,"Dance starts in like five minutes." She gasped as she said that, beginning to strip of her clothing. "Five minutes!"

She pulled on the gown, it fitting around her waist and then poofing out with the skirt. She stuck her feet in the shoes. Finally, Adriana put the mask on, careful not to screw up her make-up. She lifted her arm that held her artifact. "What do you think?"she asked it, it humming in content.

- -

Julie woke up not too long ago - maybe two hours ago. She showered and washed her hair. This wasn't her first dance, but it would be the first in a long time. She decided to flat-iron her hair, something simple and not time-taking. As for her make-up, she did a simple eyeliner-lip gloss duo: black eyeliner for her right eye and a purple/pink shade of gloss. She then dressed. The gown was snug on her body and it made Julie feel...sexy. She glanced at the mirror to see her hips defined by the dress, her legs shapely. She then stuck her feet in the shoes, almost falling from not wearing heels often. She then placed the eye patch over her left eye. It was a bit heavy on her face but it was metal. She also put her earrings on while she was at it.

Then the finishing touch. Julie put her artifact, in its necklace shape, around her neck. She sighed. "Ready?" The artifact hummed.
Nico fixed his hair in the mirror and brushed his teeth. He put on his black and gold suit and pocketed his mask. He looked at the clock and and cursed under his breath. He grabbed the corsage for Adriana and walked out the door. He walked over to the girls dorms and knocked on her door.


james landed on his shoulders, but was ok it was only one floor. james got up looked at layla like she had just stabbed him in his heart, a single tear rolled down his face." have fun at the ball because I won't go, even with someone like you. I gave you my heart and you through it away. have a good life with staff sergeant pickle head." with that james runs into the forest, he jumps into one of the trees trying to hold his tears back. but it was to no avail, tears of anger and rage were now turning into sadness and sorrow. he called out. "father, zeus, why must you torment me, first you take my mother now her. aphrodite why must you wound a poor mans heart."
jake got back from the mall and put on the suit he took from james and took the vase with the water irises looking for iris.
[[ :D ]] Nico

Adriana heard a knock at the door, at first confused to who it was. It couldn't be Iris, for she had a key to the room. Then it was like a light bulb lit up over her head. She picked up the front of her gown, maneuvering around the room to get to the door. She put her hand over the doorknob, her heart racing. What was she nervous for? Adri sucked in a breath before twisting the doorknob and opening the door. Her cheeks reddened, the blush helping the effect. "Well, lookie here,"she said, her eyes taking all of Nico in.
dakup said:
james landed on his shoulders, but was ok it was only one floor. james got up looked at layla like she had just stabbed him in his heart, a single tear rolled down his face." have fun at the ball because I won't go, even with someone like you. I gave you my heart and you through it away. have a good life with staff sergeant pickle head." with that james runs into the forest, he jumps into one of the trees trying to hold his tears back. but it was to no avail, tears of anger and rage were now turning into sadness and sorrow. he called out. "father, zeus, why must you torment me, first you take my mother now her. aphrodite why must you wound a poor mans heart."
Lune slipped on her dress, it hugged her chest nicely before fanning out. She slipped into high heels and put her mask on, happy it concealed most of her face. She transformed her moon barrette into a charm and clipped it to her charm bracelet which was now on her ankle. It glowed softly in approval before becoming still again. Looking at herself in the mirror, Lune realized that for the first time in her life, she felt beautiful, elegant, and sexy all in one. With a smile, she walked down to the dance her eyes scanning for Skyler.

Loki kept up the elevator music as a girl in a red dress and black mask walked in. He sent a wink her way before double checking his playlist. He had the perfect opening song!
Athena flashes on front of James. "I might not be Zeus or Aphrodite but I do have wisdom. She loves you. She was guilted into being with Alex and thought she was doing the right thing. Now go get ready because without you she wont become Hera." Athena puts her hand out.

Layla cried and cried some more after James ran to the forest. She shook and ran to her room where Alex was not found. She closed the door and put a blanket over the window. She cleaned herself up looking at the time and ran to the mall. She could not wear the the dress that she bought, not after tonight. She was not a virgin at heart anymore and she felt cruelness and jealousy seize her throne.

Iris was at her dorm glad that she didn't tell anyone what her final dress or mask was. She dyed her hair to have highlights for the night and she wore accesorys that no one would ever catch her dead wearing if it wasnt for tonight. She decided to make the best out of it and that she would dance with whoever she could.
Nico rubbed the back of his head nervously and grinned. He took in Adri's appearance "Our outfits are the same color." he realized. He brought out the box "You look beautiful, miss Chaos." he smirked.
Styles sighed and pulled on his suit and fixed his hair. He tugged on his mask and stared at himself with a "Hm." He pulled on his shoes and headed to the gym.

Alex frowned at the situation, he rubbed his head and sighed, he shook his head, muttering "I'll go get ready.' He turned and stared at the ground, walking quietly back to his room.

Anna sighed "Vex, I need to get ready, I'll see you at the dance." She smiled and jogged to her room.

Jack pulled on his suit, combed his hair and plopped the hat down on his head. "Taa-daa." He wiggled around.
"goddess athena, I will never forgive her for what she did. Along time ago zeus had my mother killed because she didn't love him anymore. that was the last person that had my heart, then that b*strud of a man took her way, with those damn furies, thats how I knew how to take care of them., I caught one of them, and enjoyed killing them, I used wood on them"
Damian laughed at how quick Jack got ready. Damian looked in the mirror in the bathroom and fixed his hair before pulling on his suit on and putting his mask on. He walked over to the bedside and took the rose off it and handed it to Jack with a loving smile.

Adriana looked between their outfits, noting the matching colors, as well. "Well, I guess that'll make us look like a couple then,"she replied, giving her first nervous smile. Her eyes widened as he presented her a box. "Now I feel bad for not getting you anything,"she pouted, taking the box. Adri opened the gift, to see a black and gold corsage. "Did you take a sneak peek of my dress?"she teased, sliding the corsage on her empty wrist.

Julie exited her room, making sure the lace of her dress didn't get caught in the door -how embarrassing would that be, to have your dress tear before the party even started. She guessed the dance would take place in the gym, like most high school events, so she headed in that direction.
Lune walked silently up to Loki and smiled. She tapped his shoulder to gain his attention.

Loki turned to see that girl in red standing next to him. He wolf whistled with a grin and kissed her hand. "What may I do for you, gorgeous?"

Leaning up to his face, Lune whispered something in his ear. She almost laughed at his surprised look but managed to silence it.

"Wow, you clean up nice. And as long as I get a dance, you can consider it a done deal."
Athena pushed her hands on James showing him what Hera had prophesied what would happen if Layla ended up with Alex and what would happen if she ended up with James. In Alex's prophecy Layla killed her self after Alex did not keep his promise of not cheating on her and the world was destroyed. In Jame's prophecy Layla becomes one of the most supreme goddesses and the earth becomes a better place. "It is your choice if you plan on forgiving her or not but remember that she forgave you plenty of times. It is up to you if you decide to be like your father or be better than your father." Athena poofs and ends up in the ball room dance next to Eros. "Why hello sir, will you dance with me?" Ronkaime dakup
Nico chuckled as he looked between them "I guess so." He said with a slight blush. He smiled back and shook his head "You didn't have to, you did want one. They where out of limos at the mall." he teased. He raised his hands and shook his head "Nope." he smirked.

Layla buys her dress and her shoes, getting a white and black one from each pair and putting it on. She goes to the mask store with already knowing what she wanted for all three. She looked at each yesterday but decided to not buy them because it wasnt her personality, she wasnt that kind of girl. She wanted something nicer that would make her look like Hera but now she looked like a goddess alright, but a mean and sexy one at that. No one would know who she was today and that was the point. She planned on starting anew tonight and talking to Athena if possible about her future and about being a Hera that does not have either Zeus's.
(jj9095 Your making Alex out to be a cheating døuche and its upsetting me. He would never cheat on her and really does love her. Its annoying that you keep throwing him under the bus. It makes me just want to get rid of him. Also, always throwing Alex away to be with James is getting old, how about a twist and she stays with Alex for more then a couple hours? Its f*cking my character up and i don't like it. Even when I did what you thought would work you just dismiss that and go back to 'ALEX IS A BAD GUY.' )

Styles was leaning against the wall in the gym, waiting for everyone to flood in.

Anna leaned against her door, all ready. She smiled at herself and began to talk to Rae Come pick me up? She smoothed out her dress and sighed contently.

Jack smirked and pulled on his mask, he leaned in and kissed Damian softly, sliding his hand into his boyfriends "Shall we?"
Iris walked in to the ball room with her mask on, new highlights to her hair that will last a month, her toes and fingers painted green, her green dress ready for action and her shoes ready to dance. She walked in knowing no one would notice her for she had tweaked each part of her dress and shoes and with the accesorys added on it didnt even look like the stuff she bought yesterday. She walked in the ball room ready to change her life.

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