Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Layla and James split ways and Layla decides to put all the stuff she bought to her dorm. She ran through the exit sign to find herself already in her dorm. She puts all the bags away and thinks about James. She decides to see if James had already come back and ask him to stay in her dorm again but on the way there she sees a bird literally smack into a window. She runs over to it and picks up the small bird and takes it to her dorm where she has supplies and can probably even try to heal the bird. "That is the first time in my entire life that I have just seen a bird just hit a window like that. Must I ask little one? Really? That was kind of dumb?" She strats patching up the birds wing seeing thats what must hurt the most. "Seems like we both are hurt little one. I'm stuck between two guys with no idea what to do. I keep leaning towards one more than the other but I truly dont know which one loves me more. They both say they do. Rae, the god of love, said only one loved me but that doesn't make a lot of sense with how they've been treating me... I feel really bad for Alex, the one I havent been leaning towards. I know we have a connection but the way he acts, hes killed himself twice already, I dont want a guy like that... I want my man to be strong and not be a coward but fight for what he wants. Hence, James.... the one I'm leaning towards." Layla stops talking and sighs. She tights up the wing with her bandages. "Now stay still little guy. Mamas got you." Layla holds the bird between her boobs, closest to her heart. She concentrates and sends healing powers to the tiny little bird and in less than a minute the bird starting making cute little sounds. "Healed little guy! You were so good!" Layla took off the bandages to his wing. "Oh pooey... Seems like I got some blood on my shirt. Dont look little guy!" Layla takes off her shirt and starts to look for a new one. "As soon as I am finished I will take you outside okay? Just give me a couple seconds." Sock
(XDXDXD) As soon as she was comfortable with her head on his chest, Lune was snoring quietly. She had a stressful day. Seb jumped back up on the bed, curling up on Style's stomach and gave him a look that just dared him to move Seb.
Damian yawned softly and laid behind Jack and cuddled him close "I'm looking forward to the dance tomorrow." he hummed.
Sock said:
Jackson eventually swatted Damian off of his neck, pulling his legs to his chest. He placed his head into the pillow, chewing his bottom lip.
Skyler nodded and smiled, he slid inside and pulled Layla in with him, he kissed her softly, whispering "Bed?"
((I am seriously afraid for my character <.<)) Bree Sock 
Alex mentally crossed his fingers God damn, I'm gonna use my lucky cloth thing. While she wasn't looking the bird shifted into Alex, who quietly walked over and slid his arms around her. He began to kiss from her shoulder up to her ear, whispering, "You remember how Zeus got Hera?" He kissed right behind her ear "I don't want to have to do that. And, I can certainly fight for what I want."

Jack nodded, mumbling "Just..a heads up, my neck is one of my more sensitive areas.." His face flushed when he noticed the slight tent in the sheets when he shifted and he sighed sliding onto his stomach.

Style reached up and stroked Seb quietly, his head resting next to LUNES.
As a response, Seb purred and closed his eyes as well. Styles as been approved...For now at least. (XDXD Yay you got it right!)
Damian blushed a bright scarlet "Oh." he said softly. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"
"I can't control it." He muttered, his face a bright pink. He pulled his legs to his chest and nuzzled Damian.
(Alright guys, going to bed. I'll be back about five or earlier so Sock you can have Styles let her sleep or something if you want to rp as him ^^ Night guys!)
Sock said:
Alex mentally crossed his fingers God damn, I'm gonna use my lucky cloth thing. While she wasn't looking the bird shifted into Alex, who quietly walked over and slid his arms around her. He began to kiss from her shoulder up to her ear, whispering, "You remember how Zeus got Hera?" He kissed right behind her ear "I don't want to have to do that. And, I can certainly fight for what I want."
Jack nodded, mumbling "Just..a heads up, my neck is one of my more sensitive areas.." His face flushed when he noticed the slight tent in the sheets when he shifted and he sighed sliding onto his stomach.

Style reached up and stroked Seb quietly, his head resting next to LUNES.
Layla gasped, she stopped in her search for a shirt and felt goosebumps go up from her shoulders to her ear to all over her body as Alex kissed her. She closed her eyes and felt like melting. How come this doesn't happen with James? When he mentioned how Zeus got Hera she remembered what Hera had told her and automatically woken up and was ready to kick Alex in the balls again. When he continued she relaxed in his arms and closed her eyes again. She leaned on Alex. "Is this your way of fighting for what you want now?"'

((Sock if you are not on a phone and you can change the colors of your characters can you please do that? Makes life easier in so many ways.))
(Mhm, Alright xD )

Alex snorted slightly and slid his hands over her stomach, slowly traveling them up to her breasts. "I don't have any other option do I? If you think I'm just going to let James take you, go up and become the king of the gods leaving me as a uneducated veteran then your wrong." Alex turned her around, pushing his lips against hers and carefully shoving her against the wall, his hands pinning against the wall next to her head. 
Jack snorted "Yeah Yeah Yeah." He sighed and kissed Damian gently.
Jack smiled and closed his eyes, nuzzling against Damian, the bulge that was pressing against Damian's leg slowly going away.
Damian closed his eyes and snuggled into Jack. "I think I'm going to sleep now." He yawned.
Sock said:
(Mhm, Alright xD )
Alex snorted slightly and slid his hands over her stomach, slowly traveling them up to her breasts. "I don't have any other option do I? If you think I'm just going to let James take you, go up and become the king of the gods leaving me as a uneducated veteran then your wrong." Alex turned her around, pushing his lips against hers and carefully shoving her against the wall, his hands pinning against the wall next to her head. 
Jack snorted "Yeah Yeah Yeah." He sighed and kissed Damian gently.
Layla hears his words but doesn't really listen to them. She is transfixed with how Alex is touching her. She has never been touched like this in her entire life. Alex turns her around and she looks at his face, suddenly seeing a man that can take control and that she sure as hell can get used to you. She gets involved in the kiss and tangles her fingers with his and moans. She suddenly hears his words. "If you think I'm just going to let James take you, go up and become the king of gods leaving me as a uneducated veteran then you're wrong." Layla opens her eyes and pushes him off. "You're using me. You think that you have to take me to become Zeus don't you? Is this why! This is just a game for you! I'm a pawn!" Layla suddenly feels hurt and automatically puts on her shirt. She feels hurt and abused and she cant control her shaking.
"No! I love you Layla! And I'm not going to let you go for both of those reasons! I'm not going to let James take you from me! I've stood by long enough and thats why I'm here!" He pushed his lips harder against hers, pushing her back against the wall, his tongue pushing by her lips.
Layla feels hesitant still feeling used. Alex pushes his lips against her and Layla has difficulty trying to think about her situation. Layla tries to push him off again and then grabs the collar of his shirt and pushes him back to her. She moans and puts her hand in his hair. She stops again and while Alex is kissing her neck she says "Tell me why you love me."
Alex felt all of the blood rush to his 'lower frame' as he heard her moans.He huffed and muttered "Your kind.." He kissed her neck, leaving angry red marks along it, smiling slightly. "Your smart.." He kissed her lips softly, "Your thoughtful.." He slid his hand into hers and placed it against the wall. He whispered a husky "Your beautiful." He wasn't in the right mindset to get too deep into how much he loved her, he was too turned on at the moment to think about anything but kissing her. He slid his hands down Layla's back, making a soft hum.
Layla felt his body press on her and noticed he was trying be nice. With each reason that he said she felt her body want him more. "Say it. Say it and say you wont cheat on me when you become Zeus and I'm yours." Layla looked into this eyes and put her hand over his heart. She used her powers to feel his heart beat and used her hand as a lie detector.
Alex gazed up at her "I promise on the River Styx that I will never cheat on you." He gazed at her seriously, leaning down to suck on her neck gently kissing down her shoulder. He lifted her shirt up and tossed it somewhere else as well as his shirt. He picked her up, smiling slightly and carrying her to her bed. (Time skip?)
Layla landed in her bed and stopped him and looked serious for a moment. "You didn't say the three magic words."

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