Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Kitty grabs the ice cream " here you go" she hands the her the money. she walks out side paito she hands him his ice cream "here you go!" Ronkaime
Vex pondered this for a bit.

"Well, it sounds to me like this girl can't quite get her mind straight. I think you should talk to her, and make sure that she understands how you feel and what she is doing to you. She has to make a choice, you can't let her smack your emotions around like a cat with a ball of yarn. If she chooses you in the end, then great, but if she doesn't, you have GOT to stop yourself from completely losing all will to live. And if she refuses to choose at all, well then, partner, she just ain't worth it. Just because you're Zeus and she is Hera, doesn't mean that you are forced to be together. Hell, the ancient gods cheated on each other all the time, especially Zeus!"

He stood up and straightened his coat.

"Well, I've gotta split. But think about what I said. And if you ever need a bit of luck..." Vex paused and flipped a green pokerchip like a coin, and it landed on the table in front of Alex.

"...then you've got this little memento to help you out. It's imbued with Eastern Wind powers, so it can grant you some luck for a small amount of time until the spell wears out. Make sure to save it until you really need it, it's one-time use only. Well, cya 'round, friend."

Vex then turned and ran down the "exit" hallway at full speed without stopping just like Athena instructed. When he reached the end, he disappeared and was transported back to the Academy.
Damian opened his eyes painfully and let out a pained grunt. He let Jack wrap his wounds and grasped the bed sheets in sheer pain.
"Thanks, so kitty I would love to go to the dance with my girlfriend,Wouldn't you like to go to the dance with your boyfriend" He looked up into her eyes pondering what he had just said
"huh?" she takes a bite of her ice cream." I already said yes.
Nico said:
Damian opened his eyes painfully and let out a pained grunt. He let Jack wrap his wounds and grasped the bed sheets in sheer pain.
((... I go to eat and I see this. WTH happened?!))
(Our characters will jiggle with it. >:( )

Jack hugged Damian and sobbed. He hugged him tighter, his lower lip quivering.

Alex sighed, watching Vex scamper off. He placed his head against his hand, staring at the table.

Styles hugged Lune "Hm.."
Vex's lucky pokerchip scooted by itself in Alex's direction, until it dropped off the table and into his lap. There was a symbol of a clover in the middle of it.
jj9095 said:
Iris laughs at Adriana. "Yeah she has a tendency to do that. You should see me trying to fall asleep in my room and her talking away." She giggles and winks at Julie. "You're right, you are the beautiful girl I walked up to that was looking in the mirror!" Iris smiled at her.
"Hmph,"Adriana pouted, crossing her arms childishly,"You guys are meanies." She got up,"I'm gonna grab something to eat real quick, before we have to go back."

"Uh..."Julie blushed, dumbfounded. "So!"she slightly yelled out, changing the subject,"You like flowers, then?"
"Hm..What?" She rested her forehead on his shoulders and relaxed in his arms, absent-mindedly petting Seb. She hoped he wasn't mad at her again, once was enough.
Damian hugged him back lightly "I'm going to be fine or at least I hope I am." He said and looked at Jack with pain filled eyes. "I don't know why you would think I was cheating on you with the douchebag of all people." Sock
savagePEST said:
"Hmph,"Adriana pouted, crossing her arms childishly,"You guys are meanies." She got up,"I'm gonna grab something to eat real quick, before we have to go back."
"Uh..."Julie blushed, dumbfounded. "So!"she slightly yelled out, changing the subject,"You like flowers, then?"
"We love you Adri!" Iris screams while Adri walks away. She smiles at Julie and answers her question. "Oh of course! They are my favorite! My mother had a garden and taught me everything I know and my father was a magician and taught me how to pull flowers from the air. " Iris moved around her hands and quickly put a hand behind her back where the bouquet of lilys was at, grabbed one, and gave one to Julie making it seem like she pulled it out of thin air. "Walah!"
"Not exactly the way I planned but at least ya'll are back together" Rae smiles *sigh* "I guess GNO is a no go" He pulls out his phone "Hey Anna wanna come over?"
"Just shut up." Jack muttered, anger striking his tone. He gazed at Damian with teary, angry eyes. "I can't believe you would do that." He gazed at the knife on the table and stormed out of the room, this time more angry then before.

"I love you." Styles muttered, kissing Lune's neck, his hands sliding along her stomach in a comforting manner.

Alex gazed down at the green fabric and an idea popped into his head "How did Zeus get Hera?" He grinned and scampered out of Starbucks, through the portal and into his dorm.
Damian sighed and closed his eyes "Maybe I should die." he said sadly. Damian was debating on letting go of that small shred of life he was hanging on to.
Sock said:
(Our characters will jiggle with it. >:( )
((... <.< Hides in a corner rocking back and forth. )) Sock [uSER=6941]dakup ((Sock is going to make Layla and Alex... jiggle with it, even if its rape at this point >.>)) ((I totally say the person that LAYLA chooses as her one should make her not a 'virgin' anymore! Either way she was raped by her ex-husband and she was hit by a spell by Rae... There is no way Hera is a virgin. I dont understand.))[/uSER]
Anna picked up her phone "Yeah, sounds good. I'll be over in a few." She jogged through the portal and walked up to Rae's dorm.
She chuckled a bit, "I love you too. And your kisses are tickling me." But she didn't move out of his embrace. Instead she kissed him lightly, a smile on her face. In her head, a little voice kept telling her that he shouldn't be trusted and she silenced it. He could be trusted, she knew that in her heart. Whether he could restrain himself, she didn't know. But that could wait, all she wanted to do now was enjoy their time together.
Damian realized he had something in the top draw of his bedside. It was healing powder he rubbed it on his wound and stood up. He looked at Rae "Thank you." before going off to search for Jack. He found him and looked at him and sighed "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do." Sock
((I have had no time to eat in between reading and trying to catch up with whats going on so I just took a bite of my rice and almost broke my tooth. Thank you ya'll))

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