Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Vex pulled out his artifact in pokerchip form and spun it like a coin on the table.

"Clue me in, friend, perhaps I can provide some comforting light to this ever-dark swirling mass of sadness and depression that is plaguing you."

The pokerchip continued to spin on the table, staying perfectly balanced as Vex focused his friendly smirk towards Alex.
Lunetta followed closely behind and once they were within the safety of the deserted lobby, she pulled him into a passionate kiss. After a few minutes, Lune pulled back with the biggest grin on her face. "Want to talk in my room or yours? You can meet Seb if you come to mine."
Sock said:
"Go back to the dorm." He heard what Athena said to Vex and he walked down the hallway.
((This is kind of a small and somewhat insignificant detail, but Athena said you're supposed to run down the hallway not walk :P ))
james starts to laugh, "sure but next time, I prefer lilys." he said in a playful tone. He gets up from his seat, "I never thought I would be the one thats being asked to go to a ball, its exciting."
Damian stood up and leaned on the door and called out to Rae mentally 'I have a way to get his attention.' he called a message weakly. Ronkaime
dakup said:
james starts to laugh, "sure but next time, I prefer lilys." he said in a playful tone. He gets up from his seat, "I never thought I would be the one thats being asked to go to a ball, its exciting."
Layla laughs at James and punches him playfully. "I never thought I'd be the one to ask. Just thought it was the perfect moment, which there rarely is, and that I should take advantage of it." dakup

((Sock you know the story about how Zeus got Hera to marry him right? What if Alex turns into a hurt bird and Layla goes to rescue him and Layla tells the bird EVERYTHING and then Alex turns into himself and they 'jiggie with it' some point after the ball? If you want to continue the shinanigans xD ))
"Calm down I've seen more than my fair share of those" he smiles but then puts his head down "but seriously tell me what's wrong he's one of my first friends and I need to help him"

Ronkaime said:
"I want cheesecake to let's get both and then mix it it'll taste grreat"
" Oh my gosh! ya that would be good." she goes up to the lady " One cheese cake and coffee please?" she asks and turns to ash. " Go gets us a seat out side."
"Well? Not gonna tell me what's been bothering you?" Vex asked, stopping the spinning pokerchip with his fingers and putting it back into his coat.

"You know, I had a moment kinda like this one once. I thought I had lost EVERYTHING. The point of my life I was at, I didn't think it possible to go any lower than I already was. But, as you can see, I managed to climb my way out of that deep dark hole. I used to not have any friends...my life was an endless struggle to survive and make enough money to eat for one more night. I could only afford to look out for my own skin. Trust me, partner, it wasn't a good lifestyle to have. Then I came here, and I found all of you guys. I discovered I really WAS capable of knowing friendship after all. You and all of the other students changed my life."

"Now I'll bet you my Eurus birthright that whatever it is that has you down in the dumps has something to do with girl problems, am I right? Perhaps you need to let this girl go. It's often mighty difficult to just let them go like that, but you've gotta find someone new that can make you happy, otherwise you are never gonna be able to move on. And you can't get out of the deep dark hole of depression if you never move on."
Ash turns to get a seat on the outside patio "Kitty's amazing I can't believe I met somebody so awesome here I'm gunna ask her tonight" ArtisticKwittyKat234

(jj9095 adding to what you said because Hera is a virgin goddess and Rae was her first doesn't that mean she doesn't get a second chance?)

Alex stared at Vex "Layla. The heir of Hera. She is naturally drawn to me and James. Whomever she chooses becomes Zeus. She chose me, then went off with James. This happened 2 more times. Now, I'm alone and all I have to look forward to is a lonely life of the army and anger."

Jack just glared at Rae and turned so his back was facing the male.

Styles smirked and pulled Lune to him "I don't care." He pressed his lips to hers and pulled her against him.
She kissed him as much of emotion as the last one before pulling his hand and leading her to her room. She picked up her dad's broken bow and gently put it on her dresser before plopping on her bed, gesturing to the spot next to her. "Kitty kitty kitty." A black cat came out from underneath and hopped in Lune's lap, curling into a ball. "So...Athena told me something very very reassuring."
Styles slid next to her, sliding his arm around her "Hm?" He placed his chin on her shoulder, pecking small kisses from it to her jawbone.
Ronkaime said:
Ash turns to get a seat on the outside patio "Kitty's amazing I can't believe I met somebody so awesome here I'm gunna ask her tonight" ArtisticKwittyKat234
(jj9095 adding to what you said because Hera is a virgin goddess and Rae was her first doesn't that mean she doesn't get a second chance?)
((... what? stahp. How can Hera be a virgin? She was raped by Zeus <.< Dont make me cry x.x)) Ronkaime
Lunetta giggled, his kissing tickling her neck. "Sooooooo....I can't tell you any details but you're going to have to trust me. We can make this work, it'll just take time okay?" She hoped he would understand and not get mad. (Sock EDIT! xD )
Bree said:
Lunetta giggled, his kissing tickling her neck. "She isn't a virgin." She waited for the same reaction she had. Shock. Who would have figured that? She certainly didn't.
((ITS A SECRET MIJA!!!! Bree))
(I'm going to do it, I'm in a very dark mood)

Damian sighed 'My idea is selfish but It will work or at least make him start acting his age.' he shook his head and looked to the bedside. He stood up and grabbed the knife from it and plunged it into his stomach.

Sock Ronkaime
Jackson jerked at the sudden pain he felt in his stomach and his eyes flicked to the door "No." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it quickly around himself before sprinting out of the door, he saw Damian and he cried out a "YOU F*CKING IDIOT!" He had tears dripping down his face and he pushed Damian onto the bed, tearing the knife from his stomach and stumbling over himself to wrap it.

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