Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Alex rose his gaze from the magazine he was holding and saw Layla with James. A frown slowly molded over his face and he sighed. Layla I'm a burden on you. I'm just going to let you be with James. Its not worth it. He turned and walked off, he entered starbucks, carrying his and Skylers bags, he saw Skyler with lune and he made a cracked smile, tears rimming his eyes. He sat down in the back of Starbucks, gazing at the table.
Lunetta smiled at Athena, feeling like the world had been lifted from her shoulders. "Thank you, Athena. I can't tell you how much that meant." She turned her smile to Styles. Choose wisely...She couldn't choose lightly, love or no. Discussing it with him was her best option at the moment, she decided. (Sock)
dakup said:
james wipes the tears from his eyes." you were the frist person I ever got close to, the only other person was my mother, and she died a couple years ago." tears still rolling down his face."I never ment to hurt him, I just.. just. I was defending you, and I never thought that he would hit his head so hard."
Layla watches him closely while listening as he talks about his past. She moves his chin up softly to look at her. "You know me James. You know that I can defend myself. You know that the reason I refused to go back to Ash was because he picked a fight with you." She touches his face softly, feeling his skin.
"Calm down I've seen more than my fair share of those" he smiles but then puts his head down "but seriously tell me what's wrong he's one of my first friends and I need to help him"

(Sock is really popular tonight)
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Vex just so happened to be sitting at the table where Alex sat down, directly across from him.

"Why the long face, hombre?" he asked in his typical ever-so-slightly western accent.
"We'll talk later, when we aren't in public." She promised. "So, what do you want to do now?" Lune took his hand and rubbed her thumb on the back of his hand. (Sock)
savagePEST said:
Adriana and Julie sat down at the same table as Iris. Julie rolled her eye, but in a joking way,"She wouldn't stop talking at all." "Hey,"Adriana said, kicking at Julie playfully under the table and sticking her tongue out. "I think we met in the dress shop?"
Iris laughs at Adriana. "Yeah she has a tendency to do that. You should see me trying to fall asleep in my room and her talking away." She giggles and winks at Julie. "You're right, you are the beautiful girl I walked up to that was looking in the mirror!" Iris smiled at her. savagePEST
Alex felt his tears drip from his cheeks and onto the table. He wasn't just upset about loosing Layla. He couldn't be Zeus. His entire future--ripped away from him. He placed his head in his hands, making a small sob. He was going back to the Navy Seals. Maybe he'd get out, go to college and live in a small apartment? No. By the time he was out he'd be in his late twenties at the earliest. He'd be a clueless, mean veteran..that dies alone. He closed his eyes and chewed the inside of his cheek, his nostrils flaring as he tried to contain his tears. He made a small laugh at what Vex said and he opened his eyes, playing a smile "What isn't wrong?"
"you left, you were getting jake, when he talked about you, and are you sure im not the "idiot" that started that fight." james looked up waiting for her to realize that he heard her.
She smiles " Okay! haha." she smiles and runs over to the ice cream. " Oh they have coffee ice cream lets get some of that!"
FroggieJay said:
After an extended period of time buying a few various items and storing them in his coat (which btw still manages to not bulge even the slightest), Vex finally left the mall and walked into the designated Starbucks meeting spot for the students. The only things he seemed to be carrying with him were his mask and outfit, folded and stored in a box tucked under his left arm.
"Lady Athena? I am ready to return to the Academy now."
Athena nodds at him. "You see that hallway?" She points at a hallway that ends with a exit sign. "Run towards the exit sign and dont stop." FroggieJay
Vex nodded.

"I will in a sec, M'lady, I'm gonna help out Alex here, he needs some comforting."

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
She smiles " Okay! haha." she smiles and runs over to the ice cream. " Oh they have coffee ice cream lets get some of that!"
"I want cheesecake to let's get both and then mix it it'll taste grreat"
FroggieJay said:
Vex just so happened to be sitting at the table where Alex sat down, directly across from him. "Why the long face, hombre?" he asked in his typical ever-so-slightly western accent.
((Just thought you might not have seen this Sock))
Sock said:
Alex felt his tears drip from his cheeks and onto the table. He wasn't just upset about loosing Layla. He couldn't be Zeus. His entire future--ripped away from him. He placed his head in his hands, making a small sob. He was going back to the Navy Seals. Maybe he'd get out, go to college and live in a small apartment? No. By the time he was out he'd be in his late twenties at the earliest. He'd be a clueless, mean veteran..that dies alone. He closed his eyes and chewed the inside of his cheek, his nostrils flaring as he tried to contain his tears. He made a small laugh at what Vex said and he opened his eyes, playing a smile "Well, everything in my life has gone to hell."
I edited.
Bree said:
"We'll talk later, when we aren't in public." She promised. "So, what do you want to do now?" Lune took his hand and rubbed her thumb on the back of his hand. (Sock)
(Lolz soooo many posts! Sock)
Layla heard Alex in her head once again. She heard Alex and automatically felt joy for James and sorrow for Alex. She breathed in and looked at James still sitting on the floor with him. She looked around the store that they were in and saw a rose used to tuck in a pocket of a tux at a dance. "James, close your eyes and stay here. I will be right back. Trust me." Layla goes to buy a flower and picks a blue and white one up. She returns back to James and kneels on front of him. "Open up... Would you like to go to the ball with me?" dakup

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