Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Athena smiles at Kyle. "Although I am friends with them I was not ordered to send you in there. It is needed every year for the new Gods and Goddesses to meet the Furries this way. It was Zeus's order to do it early. He trusted his son."
((I plan on going to bed as well.)) ((dakup Omg I love you! You know the song you put up about the whiskey lullaby? I have been wanting to listen to Online by the same guy but I never could remember his name! I was just listening to the song again cuz I loved it and am putting it in my Ipod now and was like =O BRAD PAISLEY THATS HIM! THANK YOU SO MUCH!))
poseidon and james come across a small abandoned cave and in it is jake and his trident, poseidon pulls him out and starts to walk out of the woods. "james, what you did today was a masterpiece, not only did you, rally your troops, you lead like zeus himself 100 years ago, he would be proud.""well thats good its just I didn't do it for him, I did it for someone special, my mother, she died from a furie, thats why I know these things, every hit I went for, it was a kill shot." they near the exit. "were almost there, you want me to take him." "yeah he's getting a bit heavy." poseidon gives james jake. they exit the woods with everyone around. james gives poseidon jake back. "get him to the nursery, stat." poseidon leaves with jake in hand. james walks over to layla, and after the day he has had, he gives her a passionate kiss.  
(can you just reply for one last bit, and your welcome, I try and fit things in.)
Layla widens her eyes when she feels James lips meeting hers. She then closes them and puts her hands around James's neck and kisses back.

Iris looks at Jake not sure to be worried for him or upset for him. Her feelings were going everywhere. She decided to just walk away with Pyro behind her.
(I should get a damn medal after that, I was like, I know what to do,and follow me if you want to live. then saved you all b*tches, night lads and ladys, I shall see you for magic practice tomarrow, poseidons teaching.)
dakup said:
(I should get a damn medal after that, I was like, I know what to do,and follow me if you want to live. then saved you all b*tches, night lads and ladys, I shall see you for magic practice tomarrow, poseidons teaching.)
((Jj9095 hands dakup a medal of honor.))
Damian picked Jack up and carried him back to their dorm. He placed him in the bed and crawled in next to him and held him close. He pulled the covers over them and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(Nighty Night all~)
Alex still wandered around the forest, its like very way he turned he was met with James and Layla, James kicking Alex to the ground and running off with Layla to become Zeus. He just sat down on the forest ground and began to cry, he never was one that took facing his major love fears that easily. He sat there until he saw the furies and he stared up at them with dimmed eyes, not even bothering to defend himself.
Okay!) kitty walks from Ash and the others.After 5 minutes of walking she sees a guy shes never seen before crying. " Hiya i'm kitty and i don't think we've met before." She smiles down at him and she sees he's crying. " Oh my gosh. Are you okay? "
Alex was now at the point where tears just dripped down his cheeks, he stared blankly in the distance as his fear came, his body tensed at it and tears began to drip down more constantly. 
Alex stared at the ground blankly, his baby blue eyes focused on the dirt, the occasional rock taking mild interest.


He stood and walked by Kitty, he was a soldier. He wasn't a suicidal crybaby. He walked silently through the forest, his gaze hard. He shoved by the trees, not following any particular direction.

Eventually he heard the voices of others and he walked out, he caught Layla's gaze and clenched his jaw. She was going to be his. There was no way he would let his pathetic excuse for a brother take her from him. He wasn't giving up the fight.

He grabbed Layla by the shoulders and without anyone noticing cupped his hand over her mouth and took her with him into the woods, he was only about 2 trees in. He set her down and before she could say anything grabbed her cheeks and forced his lips against hers. Even with the rather forceful entry his kiss was still gentle and soft. He pried his lips off of hers and stared at her directly in the eye.

"I love you Layla, and I don't know why. I just know that I do. Maybe I wont run through 50 trees for you, but I will protect you. I killed myself because I couldn't live with the fact that I did something wrong, that I wasn't good enough for you. And even if that may be the case, I'm not giving up that easily. Your amazing, strong, thoughtful and god are you beautiful. I know that you chose James. But Layla just know that I am and will always be crazy for you."

He leaned in and pressed his lips softly and quickly against hers before gazing at her, a sadness to his gaze.

"But if the god of love thinks James is better, then you shouldn't leave him."

And with that Alex let go of Layla and began to walk towards campus, remaining in the trees.

(TAAADAAAA! Alex finally mans up xD jj9095)
(Sock your making me feel beter about alex, now I don't feel like a major dbag, still a little bit after james took layla away, but hey, what can you do.)
((Omg I will answer Alex's attack after my class around 1pm x.x I have to think about something good to dp xD )) 
((IDEA! We can make people have a tendency to have a attraction to the person that put their soul back together in their body AKA Iris and Alex and since Iris left Jake and is all like "no screw you" we can ahve Iris and Alex hang out at the dance!))
Guys! Let's RP and go to that Field trip. and pick out our dresses and tux's? if you guys want ))

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