Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Kyle put up his guard and walks carefully with the group. Then he takes the sucker ouy of his mouth.
Damian prayed to Hypnos that no monsters would get to them and for safe escape. He blinked as he saw the last tree.
"okay guys...lets get outta here!!" Kyle takes a.large leap outta the forrest and lands on his back "geez.." Kyle looks up at the group coming out.
Layla feels her emotions surging. CAN I BE HUMAN AGAIN PLEASE. Layla feels herself transform while she keeps walking with the group.
Damian ran and jumped out of the forest and into the training area. "Finally!" he exclaimed. "Freedom." he laughed.
Rae grabbed Ash who grabbed Kitty and proceeded.to run out of the forest "Kitty we made it!".he Gabe her a bear.hug "I knew Aphrodite wouldn't let anything happen to me".he.said smugly
Damian grinned back and let go of Jacks hand. He pressed the tip of the staff and it turned back into a necklace. He put it around his neck and stretched.
Iris looks inside the forest. She looks around for Jake. She suddenly has a surge of anger that he isnt here and that he cheated on her. She jumped out the forest. ((Like Ronkaimes picture of the squirtles leaving the island xD ))
Kyle looks at his mothers Shield. And takes out a shiner and shines it gracefully. "I gotta bone to pick with James... Desendant of Zeus my butt.."
Smirking, Luna clipped her crescent moon back into her hair and put her charm bracelet on her wrist. They had made it out by working together.

Loki twirled his flute and watched it transform back into a metal band and enclose itself around his wrist. They were free of that stupid forest! (THE PAN WILL NOT GET CLEAN! I let it soak and I'm just pretending Loki and Lune were with the group ^^)
"looks like you get to keep your job athena, try anything like that and I will have you taken out of power." as the last of the people leave the forest, james takes a breathe, his spear changes into an ax." im going back in, I got a promise to up hold. Iris if I don't come back before 2 hours have passed, gather a party and come look for me." with that james heads back into the woods, looking for jake." alright if I was jake,where would I be, water, a cave." as james walks off poseidon joins him."boy where are you going, all your friends are back there." "no thier is still one missing, one fool." "who?" "jake." "I shall go with you to find him, I know exactly where he is." "then lead the way." both james and poseidon head out looking for jake.
Layla sighed. Looked behind her and jumped from the forest backwards just incase. 

dakup said:
"looks like you get to keep your job athena, try anything like that and I will have you taken out of power." as the last of the people leave the forest, james takes a breathe, his spear changes into an ax." im going back in, I got a promise to up hold. Iris if I don't come back before 2 hours have passed, gather a party and come look for me." with that james heads back into the woods, looking for jake." alright if I was jake,where would I be, water, a cave." as james walks off poseidon joins him."boy where are you going, all your friends are back there." "no thier is still one missing, one fool." "who?" "jake." "I shall go with you to find him, I know exactly where he is." "then lead the way." both james and poseidon head out looking for jake.
((Athena already replied saying it wasnt HER orders. In other words it was Zeus's))
Damian fell to the ground and sat down. He looked up at Athena "So did we win?" he grinned.
(Going to bed guys, loved the lesson as far as I could read ^^ probably won't be on for class tomorrow, going to see my boyfriend. Night~!)
Nico said:
Damian fell to the ground and sat down. He looked up at Athena "So did we win?" he grinned.
Athena smiles at Damian. "Yes you 'won.' And I am so very glad you guys did. For the Furries to protect you guys you must had to have not been afraid of them anymore." Athena snaps her fingers and all three furries come out of the forest and stand next to Athena. "Everyone, meet Allecto (endless), Tisiphone (punishment) and Megaera (jeolous rage).They help protect this Academy from any harm and prying eyes."
Rae's crown once again became a.stylish ring and Ash's.bow an earing his arrows a phone.case

(In case anybody's.curious as to what the case.looks like)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/uploadfromtaptalk1373605645964.jpg.8e66105e5abf3e3ef2f866311adbcf4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/uploadfromtaptalk1373605645964.jpg.8e66105e5abf3e3ef2f866311adbcf4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
She takes his hand. " It's okay i'll face it with you. Athena says that is you hold hands or touch then you get to face the fear with them."
Ronkaime I didn't know if you saw this.
Damian nodded respectfully to the three Furies. He looked them and smiled sheepishly "Sorry for hitting you with my Staff." He laughed nervously.

(Damian doesn't really like being ordered around)
Kyle looks dumbfounded "Man..my mom sure did come up with some mean stuff" he messes with the shield more
Ronkaime said:
Rae grabbed Ash who grabbed Kitty and proceeded.to run out of the forest "Kitty we made it!".he Gabe her a bear.hug "I knew Aphrodite wouldn't let anything happen to me".he.said smugly
She jumps up and down. " Yay!! "She smiles and hug him back.

Sorry if i'm late replying or anything i'm busy))

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