Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Lunetta tried her best to ignore the people but she couldn't. She was suffocating! There was no way out! Wherever the people touched her it burned. "Stop...Please...." She begged as her chest heaved in an attempt to breath. If they would just move back, she'd be fine! Why did they have to be so close?! Close....Memories flashed in Lunetta's head. Her father holding her as he told her stories before bedtime. Styles holding her hand. Dancing with Kitty. Her first kiss. It wasn't all bad. She had enjoyed being in close proximity with those people. She could handle this. With a deep breath, Lunetta let the people get in her face as she concentrated on the power now within her. Soon she was encased in a silver bubble that popped as soon as the people disappeared. "Uh...Sorry guys, that kind of snuck up on me." Lunetta rubbed the back of her head and sent an apologetic look towards her friends.
james grabs iris holding her close, trying to calm her. "Iris I don't know whats happening in your head, but I need you to listen to me, and listen clearly,your not going to go this alone, you have friends, you have me, you had jake. but don't think about him, what he did to you was unforgivable, but know I'm here for you, layla's here for you, we all are here for you." james now holding her so close that he runs his hands through her hiar, and he does and sings an old sad song his mother use to sing[media]

Kye nods and runs in looking at everything trying to get a grasp on ever detail around. The he looks at his mothers Sheild. " I must find out what I can really do." Kyle calls out ((Anyone!! Can you Hear Me!! Your Fears arent to be feared conqure them and Keep going! It will not be easy though!)) he looks up and sees a burning sky "No no no no no no! This is exactly why I...should have known...that my fear was the....world...." Freezes up like a icecube "no......this can't be happenoing"
"back off rae, your going to make things worse, I know your a god of love hopeful, but I need you to do this, for me, and watch the others, I think something slumbers in these woods, something different."
Iris looks at James. Persephone dissappears. She listens to him sing. She closes her eyes and cries. When he finishes she starts singing.


When Iris finishes singing she closes her eyes. "I remember." 
Layla finds Kyle. She is still in peacock form with no idea how to get out. She looks at Kyle frozen in place looking up very scared. She starts poking him with her beak.
Vex shrugged.

"No biggie. You'd NEVER guess what my worst fear is."

Suddenly Vex's eyes widened at the sight if his double, walking alongside them about five feet away from the rope. Of course, since it was Vex's fear, only he could see it.

"Oh shit there it is."
"There what is?" She asked, looking in the direction but finding nothing. Lunetta wondered just WHAT his fear was.
Kyle runs and pants hard"the more I run the more the fire gets hotter..." He then looks at his mothers shield once more. "The Shield of My mother become my hope!" The shield gets larger as a burning branch hits it and disitergrates off. "Wait....if its my fears...then...... Only I can end them, but how?.....Kyle fixes the Shield on his back and climbs up a tree and closes his eyes hearing everything at once. "This means....everyones fears are inside another version of the Forest...the only way ouf of them is to dra aupon a new power to break free and get the objective piece.." Jumps off the branch and runs through the forest.
"It's...uh...my fear. It's walking alongside us. Hold on, I gotta take a deep breath. It's getting to me."

Vex fought internally to overcome the vast sudden feelings of fear, terrible fear of losing all that he had gained, fear of descending back to the low level of humanity which he had once occupied. He reassured himself that he had the company of his friends, reminders of all that he had achieved, and that his new friends would do anything to make sure Vex's worst fear never came true. He took a deep breath, then straightened. The double was nowhere to be seen, by Vex anyways.

"All right, I'm good now. Let's keep moving.
Layla sees Kyle run away. "SQUAK!" Layla gets annoyed and keeps running in the forest. She sees a shadow of Emily running by a couple trees and dismisses it. She runs into Ash. "SQUAK SQUAK!"
"this is good, you remember, now come with me, we need to find layla, something tells me she is in trouble, we need to get to her and protect her." james starts looking for layla, and notices a boy holding athena's shield." you there, stop your stupidity for one second, you hold athena's shield, do you not?"
Adriana was out of breath, her arms tired. The Jack before her laid when a bashed in skull; oddly enough, there was no blood. "But as if you're human,"she breathed. She continued on, dragging the bat behind her. She was more tentative, knowing that Damien wouldn't be far. But she would deal with him the same way she dealt with his boyfriend.
Damian sighed and looked down and looked at the three in front of him and looked around weary "I find the trick to not get pestered by your fears is to clear our minds of them. That way they don't get to us." He said and gripped his staff.
"Just remember, we're here for you. We fight our fears together." She said with her chin raised. She kept going, following the scent on Kitty's perfume. "Hey I see her!" Lunetta said, pointing to the figure not far ahead. (ArtisticKwittyKat234)
james sees the shadow of a little girl, and hears a bird squcking."no. god no not this, not one of them." james yells out, everyone rally to me, TO ME."
Kyle hears Layla squak. "I swear I must be hearing things now.." Kyle see's a scarecrow in the middle of a burning flame."That's my....Target?" He steps closer to it but shys away from the fire "I can't...do this...its fire...i can't just burn myself..." Twicthes but stays a foot away from the burning scarecrow.
((Btw guys if anyone holds hands or touches someone while they are seeing their worst fear, etc. then that person can see it too)) 

dakup said:
james sees the shadow of a little girl, and hears a bird squcking."no. god no not this, not one of them." james yells out, everyone rally to me, TO ME."
Iris looks at James. "Whats going on?" Iris looks at James seriously, back to her hard faced self, not allowing her to feel the pain of the break up. She puts up a wall on front of her heart.
james keeps yelling out "everyone come to me, I am your only hope of getting out of here alive." james turns to iris "iris somthing hides in these woods, something that only zeus can send, I think furies hide in the woods, do you know what that is?"EDIT
Kyle stares at the fire "I can hear other people...but I don't see them...i guess thats one of...my fears ...nobody...but me..." Closes his eyes and the fixes Athena's shield on his arm. "i gotta do this! to prove to mom that im not a Coward!" grabes the scarecrow without getting burned. "huh? It was...that easy?...." Stares at the scarecrow.
"Iris I need you to stay right here for one second, I will be right back, close your eyes and don't open them till i get back." james goes over to kyle." kid listen to me, follow me, I can lead you out of this vile place, but you must follow me, and follow my exact word to the letter, do you understand."
"I can't see anyone else....some fear I got...." Looks up..."i smell furies..but why do I smell furies?..and...a gorgon? Uh oh....this is bad...If anyone Can hear me or See me I can't see you but I smell, Furies and a Gorgon watch yourselves!" After calling out Kyle jumps back onto a tree with the scarecrow.
james grabs the kid(kyle) form the scarecrow and drags him back to the group. he yells out "everyone their are vile things hiding in the woods, we must band together for if we are together we can survive, come to the sound of my voice. I can lead you to salvation, only follow me."

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