Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"What is yours?" She asked, hoping she didn't cross the line in doing so. She noticed a straw dummy and fired, hitting it square in the chest and watching it blow up in a silver light.
jj9095 said:
Athena looks at Kat. "When you walk in. You will find out."
((Look like 2 pages back what Athena said))
I dont see it. :/
jj9095 said:
Iris runs to the forest as told. He wasnt mine to begin with? What does that even mean? He IS mine... He was mine? What happened? I cant remember the past couple hours... Iris makes it to the forest and sees Layla walking up to her.
"Oh thank goodness you are okay! You didnt do anything stupid right?" Layla looked at her afraid.

Iris blinked twice confused. "Why would I do anything stupid?"

Layla looked at her cnofused and opened her mouth but was cut off by Athena.

"Lune. Please step forward. Today we will be focusing on using your powers and your special items to hit people from afar. Whether it be to hurt someone, make someone fall in love with you or listen to your music. Each of these simple dolls have been given a spell to react as they should. As soon as they finish they're piece of reaction they will dissapear and a new one will take its place. There is many to aim at and with each of your DIFFERENT powers they will react differently and accordingly. Please look above, below, and all around. The whole forest has these little guys and many are hidden. You all are to walk into the forest one by one and you will find yourself lost in the forest and will not be able to find your way out unless you use the resources you have and work as a team if you do find someone. This is a hard mission for many and might take a few of you a couple days. For the fact that sunday is the ball though lets hope it doesnt take TOO long shall we? Lune. Please walk in the forest. Good luck."
(ArtisticKwittyKat234 there ya go, along with facing your fears)
Lunetta nodded and walked with him, splitting the dummys between him and her evenly. "...Do you remember which direction the sun was when we entered the forest? I was thinking, depending on the time, we could us that and find our way out."
james not being notice transforms the lightning bolt , and transforms it into an spear, he takes aim, and throws it, causing one of the scare crows to break. " you seem to have forgotten me athena." james says in a angry tone.
Adriana slowed to a walk when she believed she got far enough. She spotted two mannequins in the distance. "What do you think we should do about them?"she asked her artifact. It hummed in reply, vibrating as it began to turn. The golden artifact came up to her palm and turned into a rubber chicken. "Interesting,"she said, running up to the mannequins. Adriana spun around, arm out, the golden chicken slamming into both of the mannequins' faces. She giggled.

- -

Julie continued to inch deeper in the forest, holding the scissors to her chest. She heard a rustling and paused. "Who's there!?"she called. Silence. Then more rustling. A teen boy exited his hiding spot. Julie's eye widened in fear. "Gregory Bates?"she breathed,"What are you doing here?" Gregory did not reply, just looked at Julie. There was rustling behind her, so she spun around. A teen girl. "Eliza Wister?" A rustling to her left and its source was someone she didn't expect. "Loki?" One by one, more teens - more so students from her old school - exited from the dark, circling around Julie. "What do you all want?"

Then it began.

"Look at the freak!"she heard, laughter ensuing from their mouths. "Gonna go home and play with your dollies?" "Why do you even bother coming her? You need to be in a metal ward."

"Did you really think I wanted to go out with you?"

Julie tried to break through the circle but the attackers began to slowly close in on her. She could feel something approaching the left side of her face. But she was too late to react. With a snap! her eyepatch was ripped from her face. Julie cried out, covering her eye with her hand. They were so close, their taunts so loud in her ears. Julie dropped to the floor, bring her knees to her chest and covering her head with her arms. "Stop, please leave me alone,"she whispered, her words drowned out by the insults.

This was like the time before. It was after school, Julie needed to go to the bathroom. She went and came out of the stall to wash her hands. The bathroom was empty when she entered but now there was three girls, one of them Eliza Wister. "I saw you eyeing Josh today,"Eliza said, entering Julie's bubble,"I don't know why you even bother. No one would want to deal with a psychopath like you." The girls spent around 10 minutes pushing and teasing Julie before they got bored.
((Bree, Ronkaime, maind if Vex makes an entrance and joins your jovial band of wayward souls?))
(Hell I'm just going to drag him along. I'm not exactly power playing. Does anyone mind if I ran into them?)

Damian shot a Dummy with his sleep magic and it fell out of its perch in the tree. He cleared his mind of all his fears as he swerved through the trees, shooting the dummies along the way. He wasn't watching where he was going and he nearly ran into Ash and Lune.
(FroggieJay nope not at all!) Lunetta laughed at Ash, "That's be better if we knew which way the school was! But at least now we can see better. What we need it a way to get up past these trees...If only we could find Vex." She thought out loud, looking up at the sky.
Okay! Thanks

Kitty walks forward, not knowing what is going to happen " what have i gotten my self into" she says to Luna in her head sending it to her. She sighs looking out into the forest.
Damian took a pause and looked at Lune and Ash "You two are real and not a trick, right?" he said with narrowed eyes.
Loki walked around aimlessly in the woods, his flute gripped tightly. Whack! Loki fell to his knees as the familiar sensation of getting hit in the head with a cane caused light to dance in his eyes. No, anything but this! ANother hit caused him to drop his flute and clutch his side. He didn't dare look up, knowing full well that would just make his father angrier.
Lunetta smiled at Damien, "We're real." She frowned a bit hearing Kitty and replied, "Stay still, Ash, Damien, and I will come find you." It was now her goal to get every student out of the forest. As her dad says, kin stick together. "Guys, that can wait. Kitty's here and we need to find her."
Damian nodded "Good, I just want to get out of this dammed forest." he said with a huff. He gripped Jack's hand tighter but not tight enough to harm him. "Lets find her, just stick together."
Vex strolled onwards through the forest. He hadn't spotted himself in awhile, and even though his double was the personification of Vex's fear of falling back into the pit of despair he had spent so much effort clawing his was out of, when things appeared ominously and then don't appear anymore, it tends to mean something bad is about to happen.

Right as Vex took another aimless turn, he spotted four mannequins up ahead. Rearing his arm back, he threw his artifact, which was still in pokerchip form. As it flew, it morphed into its artifact-vase form, striking the first mannequin in the head and ricocheting off to strike the other three in the head as well, before flying back into Vex's hand, once again in pokerchip form. ((4x VASE COMBO xD )) Vex loved his artifact. It was so fun to use.

However, upon approaching the four "mannequins", they turned out to actually be Ash, Luna, and Damian.

"Whoops, sorry about the 'vase to the face', thing, I thought you were mannequins..." Vex said in apology as he approached the three other students that he had mistakenly "vase-d to the face-d".
Lunetta glared at him, rubbing her head. "Make sure next time! Anyway, I think we should do as Damien suggested. We need to find everyone before getting ourselves out. We can't leave our family behind to take on their fears alone. You guys agree?" She gave each male a hard look, just daring them to defy her. They were in her territory and she had one goal in mind. If they disagrees, they can handle themselves.
jake still meditating attempts to connect with james, "james, its jake I need you to do me a favor, watch over iris,and if someone makes a move try your hardest to break them up, I know im asking a lot but I need you to do this, for me." "why should I, you were the one to betray iris. why should I help you." "james when you woke me up, I felt a connection between us. a bond, like those between brothers. I know I fu*ked up. I need you to do this as a favor for me if you can then I will tell you the secrets to meditating." "I still don't trust you, I will do it, but I can't get rid of them, don't come crying to me."

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