Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"Nope none at all" Ash ran furiously into the woods in excitement "Good luck rae" he called back before he dissapeared

Eros appeared next to Athena

"Oh hello Athena I forgot to give this to Mr.Styles" Eros hands Styles his thyrsos "enjoy" he smiled warmly and was gone as quickly as he came
jj9095 said:
[[ Ohhh. Alright, sorry. ]] 

savagePEST said:
Adriana listened to Athena. Camping in the woods? "Sounds fun,"she said, her artifact vibrating on her wrist in agreement. "See you all!"she called, running straight into the midst of the forest.
Julie wasn't so sure about this lesson. Athena just wanted them to walk into the forest? Hopefully there weren't any wild animals lurking in these woods. If there were, she wasn't sure some students would even make it back to school. 'Oh please don't cut my life line too soon,'she prayed to Atropos and she slowly walked into the woods, hugging herself.
Adriana listened to Athena. Camping in the woods?"Sounds fun,"she said, her artifact vibrating on her wrist in agreement.

Julie wasn't so sure about this lesson. Athena just wanted them to walk into the forest? Hopefully there weren't any wild animals lurking in these woods. If there were, she wasn't sure some students would even make it back to school. 'Oh please don't cut my life line too soon,'she prayed to Atropos.
Iris looks at Jake and blinks twice. "You are not meant for me." Iris turned back around ignoring Jake and looking at Athena.

Athena looks around and sees Adriana itching to enter the forest. "Adriana you may go if you do not wish to have practice." She waits a couple minutes. "Julie, you may go. Good luck." Athena sees them go and remembers she forgot to tell them something. "Guys dont forget! Your worst fears will come alive and try to play with you! Be awake and alert! Try not to feel fear!"
[[ Is Athena scolding Adri? Or is she free to go? ]]

Julie nodded, slowly entering the woods. She brought a hand to her artifact, it reacting to her touch. The charm detached from the chain and grew to its normal size. Julie stuck her fingers in the holes, keeping her hand up in case she needed to defend herself. 'Worst fears...There can't possibly be a fire in this forest,'she thought, remembering yesterday's lesson.
Lune chuckled as the mannequin burst apart in a white light. Perfect, she thought. She kept walking and spotted Skyler up ahead. This would be the perfect time to pester him. "Hey Styles!" She called, running up to him. He turned and greeted her with a smile. That was odd, she was pretty sure he was still mad at her. Lune didn't have time to comment on it as Styles eyes went wide with fear and he clutched his chest, falling to the ground and convulsing, just like her father had done all those years. "No! No! Skyler!" Lunetta cried, kneeling beside him in a complete panic. She couldn't do anything as the light faded from his eyes, just like she was helpless to save her father. "No! Come back! Don't leave me!" She gripped his shirt, tears spilling from her eyes. (It's her fear and not the actual styles ^^)

Loki gulped, hearing Lunetta's distant screams, and clutched his flute tighter. He waited patiently for Athena to tell him to enter but he was scared to see what his fears would be.
"Not really." He replied honestly. What could he do with a flute? It could make music but that wasn't anything fancy, it just made people feel things....Wait, he had an idea. "Actually, I think I do." Loki smirked, suddenly very confident.
james runs after jake. but doesn't catch up before jake catches iris." iris, iris, I don't know why, I don't know how, but I trust him."

"I'm serious, I don't know what happened, I was looking for you, because I woke up in your bed, but you weren't there, so I left, looking for you, then I bumped into her. Next thing I know, Im being pinned up against a tree, by james. I tell him what happens. if you don't trust me, unleash pyro, have him attack me, I will go through hell on earth to be with you." he grabs her shoulder, and spins her around,, and grabs her hand, and places it on his heart." the night I awoke, you asked me if this was yours, what did I say?" jake gets on his knees."I don't even know her name, why would I be with her? you r the one for me, tell me what to do and I shall do it, if it means taking a bullet to the brain, then I will, I would jump in fornt of a train for you, even catch a grenade for you, just tell me what to da and I will do it."
Damian looked up at Athena and touches his necklace. 'Something tells me this isn't going to be as fun as I thought.' He said sadly and looked in the forest with a blank expression.
savagePEST said:
[[ Is Athena scolding Adri? Or is she free to go? ]]
Julie nodded, slowly entering the woods. She brought a hand to her artifact, it reacting to her touch. The charm detached from the chain and grew to its normal size. Julie stuck her fingers in the holes, keeping her hand up in case she needed to defend herself. 'Worst fears...There can't possibly be a fire in this forest,'she thought, remembering yesterday's lesson.
((You are free to go))
Terra walks into the school and looks around with a gigantic Golden Eagle purched on his shoulder."My my this school is much bigger than I thought. Right Aryios?" The Bird screechs while looking around. Terra walks with his bags at his sides rideing on the winds. He looks around slowly but makes sure he sees everything."Father Zeus if you said I shall go here I shall."
"if you still don't believe, ask rae, he will tell you where my heart lys, and he will tell you, with you."
Can someone tell me what has happened! i was busy Today with family! ))
((ArtisticKwittyKat234 basically we all did random rps, Iris and Jake and Anna are in a love triangle type thing, and Athena told us all to head to the forest with our item and now she's sending us in one by one to make our way out while using our artifact to help us and facing our biggest fears))
Terra walks around aimlessly fiddleing with a small ball. "i wonder who I gotta talk to."

Walks to a bench and sits down. "Geez they should at least tell where a student gotta go..."
Vex caught up with the rest of the students just as class began. Coughing briefly, he strode boldly into the forest, and it wasn't long before he was lost, just as Athena had predicted.

He spotted a few mannequins, one behind some bushes, and two in the trees. Conjuring his symbolic vase, which Vex had disguised as a black-and-white pokerchip, he thrust the mouth of the vase towards the one behind the bushes, and just as before with the mirror in Eros's class, razor wind erupted from the vase and eviscerated the mannequin.

Vex turned his attention to the mannequins in the trees. Calling upon the power of Notus, the south wind, bringer of summer storms, he conjured up a small, fierce rainstorm in an approximately fifty-foot radius around him. The thundering stormclouds above him unleashed a violent deluge of rain and hail, which caused the targets in the trees to mysteriously melt like wet newspaper, but not before being pelted by the hail.


Just for a moment, after finishing off the targets, Vex could have sworn he spotted what looked like...himself, stalking through the trees of the forest and eyeing him like a jaguar eyes a small animal. That's right, Vex thought, Athena said we would be facing our fears...No matter. I've dealt with myself once, I'll do it again.

He walked on, seeing his past self moving between the trees a few times. It didn't seem as if his fear avatar was looking to be offensive; in fact, it appeared to be leading him somewhere...
(dakup your seriously just going to leave Anna in the bubble underwater? You asked me to bring Anna back so you could screw her over? Thats no fun D: )

Jack's face fell and he tightened his hold on Damian, muttering a small "I don't want to go."
Shiku said:
Terra walks into the school and looks around with a gigantic Golden Eagle purched on his shoulder."My my this school is much bigger than I thought. Right Aryios?" The Bird screechs while looking around. Terra walks with his bags at his sides rideing on the winds. He looks around slowly but makes sure he sees everything."Father Zeus if you said I shall go here I shall."
((Shiku I am sorry but did you make a character in the sign up sheet? I dont remember seeing it? You cannot just walk into this RP))
Damian's face took on a sad expression "I don't either, I know what my biggest fear is. I don't want it go be reality." He said sadly.
Athena looked at Damian and Jack. "Both of you. Go together. If you stop holding each others hands I warn you. You WILL lose each other in the forest and maybe after."
Adriana runs into the forest without fear, her heart beating in excitement.

Julie's eye glanced in every direction. She spotted a mannequin to her left and turned her whole body in that direction. She pulled the arm that held her scissors and tossed the artifact like a ninja star. It twisted in the air before notching right into the head of the mannequin, causing it to fall back. Julie gasped, never expecting her to have such a great shot. She jogged over to the fallen mannequin and pulled the scissors from it. "Good job,"she told it, it humming in her hand.
Lunetta wiped her eyes and stood. Styles is too much of a hard head to smile at her when he's mad. This isn't him. As soon as she came to that realization, the fake in front of her melted away. Lunetta continued, following signs of others entering the woods.

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