Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Sock said:
Anna grabbed Jake's hand, gazing around with a low sigh. "Jake whats going on..?" She muttered quietly, her fingers lacing with his.
Iris saw Jake make a bubble for only him and Anna. She stared at their hands touching. A tear of anger went down her face. She closed her fist and her body started to shake. He made that bubble to protect her from Pyro I bet. Good boy. She pats her locket.
Anna placed her hands on his cheeks, gazing at him sternly. "So what. They have a plant growing freak, a stuck up marriage goddess and zeus. You know what we have? The god of the sea. Alex, the other son of zeus, the heir of Hades, Damian, and Styles, the son of Dionysus. We don't need to be afraid. The worse they can do is take away our powers. And alex can give us them back."
dakup said:
"I didn't know... look I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want you to get hurt. I know she will hurt you, and knowing her she will have some chick named layla with her. now I don't know if you know her, but she could hurt you, and if layla is there then james will be with them. son of zeus, and he can take both our powers away. like I said I can give you an escape, trust me. I will get back to you."
Iris hears his words from the plants nearby him. "Hes cheating on me James." Ill hurt BOTH of you. Iris makes a mud puddle that when they step in, with or without that stupid bubble, they will drown in it together. Just one more step. ANYWHERE. Take ONE more step... 
Athena is in the forest and calls to each student from her mind. "Go to the forest. We have aiming practice in two minutes. Bring the special items Eros gave you." 
Layla could not find Iris or James and she started to freak out wondering if they are okay. She heard Athenas voice and sighed. She was still holding her golden apple with no idea what to do with it or barely how to use it. She walked to the forest to find that the trees that James had made a whole in had fake straw made people, others plastic that looked like Athena stole from a mall. Some were even moving and there was more farther and farther away. Layla looked around in awe. "Oh THIS shall be fun."
Loki gave a confused face but did as he was told. Aiming practice with a flute?

Lune followed Loki and Ash and Rae out the door, a new spring in her step. Aiming practice was right up her alley! Plus, hopefully she'd see Skyler there. Even if she didn't, she'd find him eventually. For now though, her focus was on shooting her arrows!
Damian blinked 'Aiming practice? But, I have a staff' he sighed and shifted in his seat. Jack seemed to have fallen asleep on his lap.
Iris heard Athenas words but did not move. She would not move until she knew Jake and Anna were both dead. And with her being the only ones to save them they would surely not come back.

Athena popped up on front of Iris. She shook her. "Wake up."

Iris's black eyes turned back top her normal blue eyes. She gasped and looked at Athena. "Athena? What happened?"

"When you help a soul come back to life not only does it affect your body and make you paralyzed depending on how much power you have but it can also affect your mind. You can become a demon."

Iris looked up at Athena frightened. "But I dont get it, what happened? I helped Alex and yesterday I finally was unparalyzed and today I- I dont know what happened? Wheres Jake?"

Athena looks at Iris. "Forget about Jake. He was never yours to have." Athena lets go of Iris softly. "Class has begun. Walk your way to the forest, quickly." Athena looks at James. "Watch her for me." She vanishes to go back to the forest in less than a second. "Welcome students!" She starts.
"stay down here, she's up there." jake leaves anna and goes to the surface.

james seeing this tackles him knocking him out for a second, and pins him against the tree. "what are you doing with anna, you pig."

jake hitting the tree is knocked out. he wakes up a second later."ha where am I? how did I get here."

"you pig you hit on anna?"

"what I was looking for Iris, when I bumped into some girl, then I blacked out, then awoke to you pinning me against this tree." jake notices Iris." hun, you got to help, get james off of me."
Adriana stopped in her steps when a voice came to her head. She was already in the forest, having been following the dead plants around her.

Julie gasped with the entrance of a thought that wasn't her own. It informed her to enter the forest for her next class. Julie, unsure if this was a good idea, hesitated. But her artifact hummed on her chest in reassurance. 'If you say so...'she thought, heading into the forest.
Ash was elated "Shooting practice oh yeah let's do this"

Rae was confused "what the hell am I supposed to shoot with a wreath o.0" He sighed ,and followed his brother to the forest
Lunetta called her bow and arrows back and grinned at Athena. "Good afternoon, Athena." She twirled her bow a bit, eager to see where this class would go.
Poseidon bursts into the training area."sorry im late I had something I had to take care of." he sees athena." excuse me, I thought this was to be my time to teach. now if you would please leave me and my students alone, I have to much todo and so little time to do it." poseidon waits for athena to leave his classroom.
Iris runs to the forest as told. He wasnt mine to begin with? What does that even mean? He IS mine... He was mine? What happened? I cant remember the past couple hours... Iris makes it to the forest and sees Layla walking up to her.

"Oh thank goodness you are okay! You didnt do anything stupid right?" Layla looked at her afraid.

Iris blinked twice confused. "Why would I do anything stupid?"

Layla looked at her cnofused and opened her mouth but was cut off by Athena.

"Lune. Please step forward. Today we will be focusing on using your powers and your special items to hit people from afar. Whether it be to hurt someone, make someone fall in love with you or listen to your music. Each of these simple dolls have been given a spell to react as they should. As soon as they finish they're piece of reaction they will dissapear and a new one will take its place. There is many to aim at and with each of your DIFFERENT powers they will react differently and accordingly. Please look above, below, and all around. The whole forest has these little guys and many are hidden. You all are to walk into the forest one by one and you will find yourself lost in the forest and will not be able to find your way out unless you use the resources you have and work as a team if you do find someone. This is a hard mission for many and might take a few of you a couple days. For the fact that sunday is the ball though lets hope it doesnt take TOO long shall we? Lune. Please walk in the forest. Good luck."
Ash called out his bow and arrow and loaded up "When do I get to shoot I'm so ready for this"

Rae kept his wreath on his finger "Umm Ms.Athena seriously wth am I supposed to do with a wreath?" Rae began to get a little annoyed
dakup said:
Poseidon bursts into the training area."sorry im late I had something I had to take care of." he sees athena." excuse me, I thought this was to be my time to teach. now if you would please leave me and my students alone, I have to much todo and so little time to do it." poseidon waits for athena to leave his classroom.
((Uuumm no?! Today is my day! <.<))
Anna shifted on her feet and sat on the bottom of the bubble. She gazed around quietly, chewing on her bottom lip. She continued to shiver, pulling her knees to her chest, her face paling.

Jack remained contently asleep in Damian's arms.

Styles walked to the forest quietly, he hadn't received an idem to he came with nothing.

Alex walked to the forest quietly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Lunetta confidently walked into the forest, noting which way the sun was. She was in her element. Soon she found herself in a maze of trees. Lune wandered around for a bit more, to make sure she was far enough away from the group, before she saw a mannequin about a mile away. She notched back her arrow, aimed, and fired, her arrow glowing silver as it hit the mannequin in it's stomach.
Damian shook Jack to wake him up. "Jackie, it's time for class and you're still in your PJs"
Sock said:
Anna shifted on her feet and sat on the bottom of the bubble. She gazed around quietly, chewing on her bottom lip. She continued to shiver, pulling her knees to her chest, her face paling.
Jack remained contently asleep in Damian's arms.

Styles walked to the forest quietly, he hadn't received an idem to he came with nothing.

Alex walked to the forest quietly, crossing his arms over his chest.
(he didn't? Damn I'm sorry)
Adriana listened to Athena. Camping in the woods? "Sounds fun,"she said, her artifact vibrating on her wrist in agreement. "See you all!"she called, running straight into the midst of the forest.

Julie wasn't so sure about this lesson. Athena just wanted them to walk into the forest? Hopefully there weren't any wild animals lurking in these woods. If there were, she wasn't sure some students would even make it back to school. 'Oh please don't cut my life line too soon,'she prayed to Atropos and she slowly walked into the woods, hugging herself.
Athena looked at Ash. "You are next. Do you need any practice before hand?" 

savagePEST said:
Adriana listened to Athena. Camping in the woods? "Sounds fun,"she said, her artifact vibrating on her wrist in agreement. "See you all!"she called, running straight into the midst of the forest.
Julie wasn't so sure about this lesson. Athena just wanted them to walk into the forest? Hopefully there weren't any wild animals lurking in these woods. If there were, she wasn't sure some students would even make it back to school. 'Oh please don't cut my life line too soon,'she prayed to Atropos and she slowly walked into the woods, hugging herself.
Damian laughed and picked him up and made his way into the forest. He walked into the clearing Jack still in his arms.
(ok I forgot, I got tomarrow, and just to let everyone tommarrow we are working with magic.)

jake sees iris leave."no comeback, Iris... No." a tear starts to roll down his face." james lets him go. "what the he*l did you do." "I don't know, like I said, I have no recollection of what happend, I was looking for iris and some chick bumped into me, then bam, I'm here. I need to go after Iris." jake runs after her. "Iris, Iris, Iris." he catches up to her. "iris, Iris, for what ever I did I'm sorry, But I have one question. do you know what happend, cause I have no clue."  
(and its going to be a little bit later, say around 3 or 4 pm est)

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