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Fantasy God of Silver

OverconfidentMagi said:
Other way around, more time passes in Rhune than the real world. And Stella isn't able to call the gate at the moment. Her condition needs to be normal or stable for her to leave. Irregular conditions prevent leaving.
Are healing magic or health potions readily available in Rhune? Because otherwise the only way to stop Stella from bleeding out eventually is cauterizing the wound.
That makes more sense than what I was thinking.

I don't think there is any healing stuff nearby...unless there are herbs that can be used near the forest.
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]That makes more sense than what I was thinking.
I don't think there is any healing stuff nearby...unless there are herbs that can be used near the forest.

Well, at the very least, if there's a dwarf village nearby, there's bound to be forging tools. Which means sterilized, white hot metal. The alternative is just letting her die and resurrect...but I get the feeling she would prefer the former.
quiescentLunacy said:
@Stickdom you're up to post. We can't really proceed without you.
Ayy, I'm working on it, I had a draft that was saved from the other day that I thought had saved and posted already, but apparently I lost internet connection and it never went through. Just rewriting the ending portion again and I'll have it posted up within a few minutes to an hour, tops. :3
Stickdom said:
Ayy, I'm working on it, I had a draft that was saved from the other day that I thought had saved and posted already, but apparently I lost internet connection and it never went through. Just rewriting the ending portion again and I'll have it posted up within a few minutes to an hour, tops. :3
Alright, awesome.
Post's done. Forgot to add in tags, but I don't feel like clogging the IC with another post, so I'll just let it be.
Stickdom said:
Post's done. Forgot to add in tags, but I don't feel like clogging the IC with another post, so I'll just let it be.
Let me tell you, amazing post, great description of shock and great job at not making your character care any less just cause you know that death here isn't..well...quite the same thing
Idea said:
Let me tell you, amazing post, great description of shock and great job at not making your character care any less just cause you know that death here isn't..well...quite the same thing
Thanks, I tried. I was actually rather shocked to see the other players asking this newcomer dwarf things like "What do you mean, are we heroes?" or "Do you know how we got here?", it seems like Martin's death didn't even register to them, or if it did, they quickly became numb to it. I know they all think of this as a game, but even though we as players know that we can respawn, it's still a brutal death right out of the gate, literally, and the sheer shock-value of a little boy being mauled by a giant boar should probably either have them all rocking back and forth in the fetal position or stabbing the dead boar over and over again in some revenge murderlust. I just tried to put in a realistic reaction to what would happen if an average person saw something like that happen, especially a sensitive and caring girl like Vanessa who is usually so carefree and lackadaisical that the trauma of a murder like this will haunt her for a good long while.

I also want to see her reaction when Martin miraculously comes back to life in her arms, or however respawning works here, I can very easily see her becoming super-protective of the party from this moment on, especially of little Martin, holding his hand wherever he goes and keeping an eye on him at all times. Sort of like a group-mother, she's going to take keeping them all safe very seriously from now on.
Stickdom said:
Post's done. Forgot to add in tags, but I don't feel like clogging the IC with another post, so I'll just let it be.
One tiny thing, though. You mentioned at the beginning of your post that Stella got knocked away, and then Martin died. In actuality, Martin died before Stella and the others even started to attack, and Stella got knocked aside at roughly the same time that the boar was killed. So, if Vanessa was trying to redirect the boar, it would have happened before the other attacks hit. And as for everyone's dull reactions to Martin's death, Stella actually had a vivid reaction. She was in shock for a good several minutes before she realized there might be a chance for the rest of them to survive. I would have continued writing her in shock, but...she's sort of dying at the moment.
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quiescentLunacy said:
One tiny thing, though. You mentioned at the beginning of your post that Stella got knocked away, and then Martin died. In actuality, Martin died before Stella and the others even started to attack, and Stella got knocked aside at roughly the same time that the boar was killed. So, if Vanessa was trying to redirect the boar, it would have happened before the other attacks hit. And as for everyone's dull reactions to Martin's death, Stella actually had a vivid reaction. She was in shock for a good several minutes before she realized there might be a chance for the rest of them to survive. I would have continued writing her in shock, but...she's sort of dying at the moment.
A minor oversight, from Vanessa's point of view, since it all happened at relatively the same moment, she registered Stella being knocked away before she realized that Martin was being killed. I see what you're saying about the timing of it all, but we can assume that all of it happened over the span of only seconds, maybe twenty at the most, so the simultaneity of it all is rather vague. Good catch though, I'll keep in mind to watch for details like that later on, I'm sure I'll have to keep track of more intricate events as they unfold later on, even full-scale battles and wars if we get involved that deeply xD
Stickdom said:
A minor oversight, from Vanessa's point of view, since it all happened at relatively the same moment, she registered Stella being knocked away before she realized that Martin was being killed. I see what you're saying about the timing of it all, but we can assume that all of it happened over the span of only seconds, maybe twenty at the most, so the simultaneity of it all is rather vague. Good catch though, I'll keep in mind to watch for details like that later on, I'm sure I'll have to keep track of more intricate events as they unfold later on, even full-scale battles and wars if we get involved that deeply xD
Good Lord, full-scale sieges are going to be a chronological nightmare. I shudder at the impending debates over what-happens-when.
quiescentLunacy said:
Good Lord, full-scale sieges are going to be a chronological nightmare. I shudder at the impending debates over what-happens-when.
Haha, true that, especially trying to correlate a bunch of characters spread over one scene and how they all contribute to it, it's going to be interesting to say the least. In regards to my post, I just shifted a few sentences around so it made more chronological sense, that should be enough to fix any issues there were with timing and whatnot. It reduced the dramatic effect a little bit, but there's still enough there to make up for being correct :3
Stickdom said:
Haha, true that, especially trying to correlate a bunch of characters spread over one scene and how they all contribute to it, it's going to be interesting to say the least. In regards to my post, I just shifted a few sentences around so it made more chronological sense, that should be enough to fix any issues there were with timing and whatnot. It reduced the dramatic effect a little bit, but there's still enough there to make up for being correct :3
Honestly, the change in drama is hardly noticeable, and the order of events makes a lot more sense now. I guess the next thing is to wait for @OverconfidentMagi to post.
quiescentLunacy said:
Are healing magic or health potions readily available in Rhune? Because otherwise the only way to stop Stella from bleeding out eventually is cauterizing the wound.
To answer all of your questions: no, no, and no. Also, the dwarf villages are pretty far away.

quiescentLunacy said:
Good Lord, full-scale sieges are going to be a chronological nightmare. I shudder at the impending debates over what-happens-when.
Yes. It'll happen, and that's a headache for another day.

And it finally looks like we'll be moving into the uncharted territory no other iteration of this RP has managed to see. Plot beyond the prologue!

In the morning or as soon as I can I'll update the NPC tab with the dwarf and get up the Observe info for him, his wolf companion, and also each of your own characters.
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Alex hasn't been numbed to the death of Martin, it is more like he's ignoring the reality of the situation, his brain turning calm and focused as a coping mechanism. Unlike Vanessa, who's more open with her emotions, Alex is the type who pushes his feelings down until they bubble over and he breaks down.

And trust me, Alex is going to break down.
Hm, something just occurred to me. The god-kid said that no one can take items back with them into their world, but what about statuses? If a character gains a scar in Rhune, do they keep the scar when they return home? And, if a character gets an injury but survives, getting a scar in the process, the next time they resurrect do they keep the scar?

Scars and other minor injuries disappear upon leaving Rhune and don't reappear upon returning. Only natural physical changes are retained (such as gaining muscle as a result of training).
OverconfidentMagi said:
Scars and other minor injuries disappear upon leaving Rhune and don't reappear upon returning. Only natural physical changes are retained (such as gaining muscle as a result of training).
Awesome. That tacks off having to worry about explaining mysterious injuries to parents.
I personally think we should keep any scars and permanent markings in between worlds, it would add another level of trying to keep it secret or talking our way out of how we got them. But, maybe that's just me, if the man says that they disappear, I guess they disappear.
Stickdom said:
I personally think we should keep any scars and permanent markings in between worlds, it would add another level of trying to keep it secret or talking our way out of how we got them. But, maybe that's just me, if the man says that they disappear, I guess they disappear.
I think it should be a one-way thing. The stuff you get in rune stays in rune, nomatter what it is (mind exception), but anything regarding your body or mind from the real world goes back to rune, with appropriate changes of what you had in rune.
To simplify what happens quite a bit, there is no movement travelling from Rhune to the "real" world. The character's body is destroyed upon touching the gate and is rebuild in the other world. The body is recreated each time how it was in the other world, with injuries removed. Clothing is not carried over, so what you are wearing in one world is destroyed when you touch the gate as well, and is recreated with your body when you return. Use of the gate when your character has most kinds of irregular statuses is prevented because the gate might not remove every irregularity from the body when it rebuilds you in the other world. Needless to say it might be very bad if certain things from Rhune accidentally slipped into the real world that way.

It's important that your body remain as close to identical as possible from one world to the other because constantly changing the size or shape of your body suddenly even if relatively minor amounts would end op putting a lot of unnecessary stress on the minds and bodies of your characters. Imagine staying in Rhune and losing a bunch of weight from training, only to return to the real world and have a completely different body, then go back to Rhune and deal with the same thing in reverse, but every single time you switch worlds.
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OverconfidentMagi said:
To simplify what happens quite a bit, there is no movement travelling from Rhune to the "real" world. The character's body is destroyed upon touching the gate and is rebuild in the other world. The body is recreated each time how it was in the other world, with injuries removed. Clothing is not carried over, so what you are wearing in one world is destroyed when you touch the gate as well, and is recreated with your body when you return. Use of the gate when your character has most kinds of irregular statuses is prevented because the gate might not remove every irregularity from the body when it rebuilds you in the other world. Needless to say it might be very bad if certain things from Rhune accidentally slipped into the real world that way.
It's important that your body remain as close to identical as possible from one world to the other because constantly changing the size or shape of your body suddenly even if relatively minor amounts would end op putting a lot of unnecessary stress on the minds and bodies of your characters. Imagine staying in Rhune and losing a bunch of weight from training, only to return to the real world and have a completely different body, then go back to Rhune and deal with the same thing in reverse, but every single time you switch worlds.
Cool, so the only things that stay constant between worlds are natural physical mass (as opposed to abnormal mass i.e. losing limbs) and memories. Gotcha.
So, lose a limb, you can't go back to the real world? How does that work out? I mean, if we had something permanent happen that we couldn't restore, are we stuck there until we either kill ourselves to respawn or pretty much die in whatever way possible? and if we can transport when we are stabilized, like we lose an arm in Rhune but the bleeding stops, what happens when we come back? Are we armless again? I mean, that counts as much as a body change as getting fit or losing weight, but is also an injury, I don't know if it gets healed or remade when you teleport between worlds, if the gate will even let you teleport at all while missing a limb or something.
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