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Fantasy God of Silver

Idea said:
@OverconfidentMagi lol, that was a bit of a distasteful comment from the boy , don't you think?
Yes, yes it was.

Stickdom said:
@OverconfidentMagi So, when Martin respawned, the boy mentioned that his clothes and arrows and things would still be there. Does that mean that they appear on his new body or that they remain in Vanessa's arms after his body vanishes? I just want to know if Vanessa is holding anything after he comes back to life (and, well, I'm curious is Martin is wearing anything xD ). I can't make my post until I know.
Working on a post for Mr Shortstack now with Martin's body in it, just a little preoccupied so it's taking a bit.

[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]That makes it sound as though even a paper cut could prevent someone from using the Gate.
Injury in the real world will carry into Rhune unchanged, but injuries in Rhune fade when a person leaves.

Any non-life-threatening injury simply disappears when the gate is used. If an injury seems minor but prevents you from leaving, that's a good indicator that you might have been poisoned.
Seraph Darkfire] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19665-overconfidentmagi/ said:
@OverconfidentMagi[/URL] What about wounds that were life threatening but are no longer such? Such as a stab wound that has been patched over?
If you were left in that condition would it eventually kill you? So for most stab wounds just stop the bleeding and it's fine.
To better describe what happens to your body after you die, try thinking of what's left if you throw paper into a fire. The body disintegrates into something like that and just keeps breaking apart and scattering until there's nothing left. Clothes and anything on your person remains. Normally your body sticks around for a little while, but there was no reason for it in this instance so the boy wiped it away sooner.
Updated the character menu's for Martin and Stella. Martin gained a death counter and Stella's condition changed from normal to Bloodied with a Concussion.
So for the next few days I'll be with family and might not be able to post all the time. I've been reading a lot of stories with interesting characters to try and pin down the right motivations for all of the players in this RP's story. There's still a couple of plot holes and inconsistencies I need to smooth out, but for the most part Rhune's history of events and inhabitants are all falling into place. It's making me even more excited for when all of this thought and careful planning can finally be transformed into actual events happening because of your characters.
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Well, let's not put the imaginary horse before the cart. We have to get to the triggers for those events first, and ai expect that there would be some portions of the plot that can be skipped over if the characters don't make certain choices, so let's try not to force it a character-shaped peg into a story-shaped hole. But, I bet that we'll be able to cover most of the important bits, even if we decide to poke about in unexpected directions :3
While I do hope you all surprise me with your characters' choices and actions, there's so little that goes on in Rhune that doesn't tie in to some larger narrative or chain of events, if you somehow do manage to avoid every single plotline I've laid out you deserve a solid goldsilver medal.
@Stickdom I think it is your turn to post. Jett and Alex are tending to Stella, who is out of commission for the moment, Martin has just came back to life, but isn't with the group, and the Dwarf has just left to get something that may be able to help Stella not die.
It seems I unintentionally put myself in a situation where I can't post to further the plot until Martin rejoins the group, because there's only so many times I can say "Stella is bleeding out and in a lot of pain" before I run out of creative words to use. So I'll just take a backseat for now and let y'all work that out.
Seraph Darkfire] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5217-stickdom/ said:
@Stickdom[/URL] I think it is your turn to post. Jett and Alex are tending to Stella, who is out of commission for the moment, Martin has just came back to life, but isn't with the group, and the Dwarf has just left to get something that may be able to help Stella not die.
Yeah, it's my turn, I'll get to it after I get home from work tonight (maybe, unless I get out late... again). I have a post in mind for Vanessa already, it's just finding the time to get to it that's my biggest issue. My boss is wringing every possible hour she can out of me so she doesn't have to do it, which makes for long days and few nights of quality sleep >_>
quiescentLunacy said:
It seems I unintentionally put myself in a situation where I can't post to further the plot until Martin rejoins the group, because there's only so many times I can say "Stella is bleeding out and in a lot of pain" before I run out of creative words to use. So I'll just take a backseat for now and let y'all work that out.
You could always just die. (Kappa)

I don't know what Stella is dying from, I thought she just got her head knocked about a bit when she was thrown aside, did she have other injuries? I didn't get the chance to read the posts very thoroughly, but I thought it was just some blunt force trauma :/
Stickdom said:
You could always just die. (Kappa)
I don't know what Stella is dying from, I thought she just got her head knocked about a bit when she was thrown aside, did she have other injuries? I didn't get the chance to read the posts very thoroughly, but I thought it was just some blunt force trauma :/
She decided to have the metal fletchings act as a highly effective buzz saw and tear her a new opening in her side. The pig scored a Critical Hit before goign down I guess.
OverconfidentMagi said:
She decided to have the metal fletchings act as a highly effective buzz saw and tear her a new opening in her side. The pig scored a Critical Hit before goign down I guess.
Heck, if the thing is that effective, Vanessa's taking them, she calls dibs! Two bolts in the dead boar's hide? Inventory those suckers, they'll make great weapons xD
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]Aww, I was really hoping that we could save Stella. Oh well, it happens.

I mean, it might be possible. Depending on what the Dwarf brings back, I mean. But the thing is, even if Stella doesn't bleed out, she's still got broken ribs and a concussion. It would be better for her to die so that she can return to her usual state. But it's not like she's in any immediate danger, because her blood loss is going to take at least a full round of posts or so.
I know, it is just, I don't want the characters to get into the mindset that it is alright for them to die. Killing themselves or allowing themselves to die should be a last resort type of option.
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]I know, it is just, I don't want the characters to get into the mindset that it is alright for them to die. Killing themselves or allowing themselves to die should be a last resort type of option.

In the end, she's not dying instantly. I'll leave her fate up to the actions of the other characters.

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