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Fantasy God of Silver

Stickdom said:
So, lose a limb, you can't go back to the real world? How does that work out? I mean, if we had something permanent happen that we couldn't restore, are we stuck there until we either kill ourselves to respawn or pretty much die in whatever way possible? and if we can transport when we are stabilized, like we lose an arm in Rhune but the bleeding stops, what happens when we come back? Are we armless again? I mean, that counts as much as a body change as getting fit or losing weight, but is also an injury, I don't know if it gets healed or remade when you teleport between worlds, if the gate will even let you teleport at all while missing a limb or something.
The "best" solution if you lose a limb is to finish dealing with whatever caused you to lose the limb and then find a fun way to kill yourself, yes. There are of course some more magical means of restoring lost limbs, but we'll deal with that bridge when we get to it. If you are stable enough for the gate to appear after losing a limb, don't wait for you to become accustomed to not having it before using the gate. The gate might start to consider your healthy state as not having an arm anymore. And at that point it might take a little more robust healing magic to restore the limb as well.

Idea said:
@OverconfidentMagi can the ownership of something be passed from one player to another?
Of course. For the most part just removing an item from your inventory is enough. Ownership shouldn't mean anything to you at this point. Technically it applies to weapons you have equipped, but you can still hand those off to others or have them taken just like normal.
OverconfidentMagi said:
Of course. For the most part just removing an item from your inventory is enough. Ownership shouldn't mean anything to you at this point. Technically it applies to weapons you have equipped, but you can still hand those off to others or have them taken just like normal.
so if you just throw something away, it means you don´t own it/have it anymore, correct?
Idea said:
so if you just throw something away, it means you don´t own it/have it anymore, correct?
Yes, if it leaves your possession you no longer have possession of it. (Exceptions will arise. You don't need to care about them at this point.)
OverconfidentMagi said:
Yes, if it leaves your possession you no longer have possession of it. (Exceptions will arise. You don't need to care about them at this point.)
actually I do. All of us do. Cause this means if I throw out something as I die and a companion picks it up, it is not destroyed in the process of resurrection, since I am not in possession of it.
Idea said:
actually I do. All of us do. Cause this means if I throw out something as I die and a companion picks it up, it is not destroyed in the process of resurrection, since I am not in possession of it.
That's the perfect line of thinking to follow, but it doesn't mean much at this point. You'll figure it out as you go for the most part.
OverconfidentMagi said:
That's the perfect line of thinking to follow, but it doesn't mean much at this point. You'll figure it out as you go for the most part.
Neat. So, since there's like a 98% chance Stella is going to die in the next few rounds of posting, I'll just have her stick around long enough for Martin to respawn and explain the rules. Then she can give someone else her equipment and bleed out peacefully(?). Going along with that reasoning, what happens to armor? Does that count as being outside of your inventory, and therefore you'll resurrect with the same armor you died in? Because otherwise we would have a lot of nudists.
quiescentLunacy said:
Neat. So, since there's like a 98% chance Stella is going to die in the next few rounds of posting, I'll just have her stick around long enough for Martin to respawn and explain the rules. Then she can give someone else her equipment and bleed out peacefully(?). Going along with that reasoning, what happens to armor? Does that count as being outside of your inventory, and therefore you'll resurrect with the same armor you died in? Because otherwise we would have a lot of nudists.
if she takes it off in time, it shouldn´t be destroyed. Of course, that may involve stripping in front of everyone else...
Idea said:
if she takes it off in time, it shouldn´t be destroyed. Of course, that may involve stripping in front of everyone else...
Well, stripping beforehand really isn't the problem. The issue I'm seeing is that if someone dies while wearing armor, wouldn't the armor-and therefore, the clothes-disappear when they respawned? So basically they would resurrect totally naked unless the armor was kept. Now, it would make sense if, for instance, physical items that were equipped on the body stayed with the player when they died. Only the items currently unequipped and in the inventory would disappear. Stuff like the armor they're wearing and the weapon(s) in their hands wouldn't just vanish from the physical world.
And there should be some kind of "grave" marker, like in all the games where you die, if you make it back to the spot you died at in a certain amount of time, you can reclaim all your stuff. Because making it to the final boss, dying to the final boss, and then fighting the final boss with your bare nekkid body doesn't sound like it's going to go very well xD It could be like Dark Souls or something where you just have to not die again until you can reclaim your belongings, if you die again, anything still floating out in the void is lost forever,
I totally want the boy talking to Martin's soul to be like "Kid, you talk too much and ask too many questions. Take a 'Get Out Of Death Free' card and go bother someone else for a while." xD
Well, I do believe that your dead body makes a good grave marker. I figured it was like when you die in minecraft. Anything in your inventory drops around where you die. Of course, in this world, your body doesn't just vanish, it is still there, just as mangled and destroyed as before. Hmm, or maybe it could be where the Inventory of a dead person can only be accessed by someone else with the ability to access the Inventory of their own menu.

Which makes me hope that someone decides to bury or hide Martin's corpse before the poor boy sees it. There is nothing worse than staring into your own dead eyes...should your corpse still have eyes.
What happens will be explained when Martin comes back. Because you all are impatient though, equipped items stay where they are and items in the inventory are redistributed. (Generally that means the item vanishes and reappears somewhere else in the world.)

The inventory doesn't empty immediately after death though, or even the moment the character comes back to life (but they can't access it, their inventory is empty). Just a little trait that might be useful to know at some point.
@OverconfidentMagi lol, that was a bit of a distasteful comment from the boy , don't you think?

"I honestly couldn't tell if you were trying to harm or feed the boat (...)"

Unless the boy is a psychopath, which would actually explain a lot.
@OverconfidentMagi So, when Martin respawned, the boy mentioned that his clothes and arrows and things would still be there. Does that mean that they appear on his new body or that they remain in Vanessa's arms after his body vanishes? I just want to know if Vanessa is holding anything after he comes back to life (and, well, I'm curious is Martin is wearing anything xD ). I can't make my post until I know.
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I feel bad for Alex and Jett, they are trying pretty hard to prevent Stella from dying. Oh man, perfect bonding moment though.
quiescentLunacy said:
@Idea I kinda need to know when Martin is going to revive because I don't want Stella to die until the group knows they're immortal.
magi´s kid basically just told him to shove off, so right about in my next post
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]I feel bad for Alex and Jett, they are trying pretty hard to prevent Stella from dying. Oh man, perfect bonding moment though.

Nothing like good ol' "Bonding moments" trying to prevent a stranger from bleeding out. Not that it'll help. From the nonfatal injuries alone, it would take Stella months to recover. It's much more efficient just to off her. Call it a mercy kill. Won't that be a fun bonding excersize.

Why yes, I do enjoy making my characters suffer, thanks for noticing.
If I'm understanding the way the Gate works, it would possibly take her months to heal in Rhune, but simply using the gate would transfer her and all of her blood back to Earth in one piece. At most, she'd just feel dizzy. Maybe...She'd be healed at least.

Of course, that is if Jett and Alex can get her body into a stable condition. If not, she will most likely bleed out or die from shock.
Seraph Darkfire] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35550-onamonapia/ said:
@Onamonapia[/URL] Alex's last question was towards the Dwarf, not Jett.
Sorry. I made the post early in the morning. :/
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]If I'm understanding the way the Gate works, it would possibly take her months to heal in Rhune, but simply using the gate would transfer her and all of her blood back to Earth in one piece. At most, she'd just feel dizzy. Maybe...She'd be healed at least.
Of course, that is if Jett and Alex can get her body into a stable condition. If not, she will most likely bleed out or die from shock.

Actually, I think you are misunderstanding how the gate works. People can only be transported through the gate if they're in a stable, normal condition. Abnormal effects like poison or sickness, or any injuries will make it impossible to travel through the gate. So if you're badly injured, but not dead, you're stuck in Rhune until you're healed or you die and respawn.
That makes it sound as though even a paper cut could prevent someone from using the Gate.

Injury in the real world will carry into Rhune unchanged, but injuries in Rhune fade when a person leaves.

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