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Fantasy God of Silver

I'm still here, was working on a post earlier when I had to go to work. I'll have a post up sometime from this evening to tomorrow afternoon, depending on how exhausted I am after I finish working here at 1am.
quiescentLunacy said:
In the end, she's not dying instantly. I'll leave her fate up to the actions of the other characters.
I think we should try to keep Stella alive, she can withstand quite a bit with just a few broken ribs. It won't be easy, but I'd rather they tried to overcome the obstacles and injuries they faced, rather than mercy-killing each other every time they got a boo-boo. I understand some things are painful to work through, but dying and resurrecting can't be perfect, what if we run out of lives or start losing memories, we gotta think about things like that for the future. For now it's just a game, but it may change into something that's far worse and won't be as forgiving as the intro levels, get what I'm saying?
Stickdom said:
I'm still here, was working on a post earlier when I had to go to work. I'll have a post up sometime from this evening to tomorrow afternoon, depending on how exhausted I am after I finish working here at 1am.
Take care of yourself, alright?

Edit: And again, whether Stella lives or dies hasn't been decided yet. I'm playing neutral until people start posting again.
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quiescentLunacy said:
Take care of yourself, alright?
I've been doing this for weeks now, I'm used to it, especially being a night owl myself, I can stay up forever :3 Gotta work tomorrow afternoon too, but I'll have some time in the morning hours to pound out a post or two.
*Imagines Rhune hanging upside down from his tree while humming to himself*

"Soooooooooooooooooo bored!"
And he never posted again and the RP died shortly after. It's a good idea, but all it does is make people want to post even less.
Well, I've been working on a drafted post for a day or two in my spare time, I'll probably have it done when I go on my break in about a half hour (in the middle of a work shift now, doing courses in the computers, so it's a little lax). Really just waiting for a Martin or Stella post, either one of them can post before I get done and it wouldn't change anything, we could get on the road that much quicker, or we can wait for me to post Vanessa and we go from there, either way is progress.
Oh crap. I could swear I had posted, but turns out I was just not getting the notifications. This bloody thing RPN does is just really getting on my nerves right about now
@Idea Martin was reequipped exactly how he was when he first appeared in Rhune. Any following deaths will suffer the penalties, though the voice won't force anyone to walk around naked: you usually respawn wearing a simple white robe.
OverconfidentMagi said:
@Idea Martin was reequipped exactly how he was when he first appeared in Rhune. Any following deaths will suffer the penalties, though the voice won't force anyone to walk around naked: you usually respawn wearing a simple white robe.
Ah, that ruins half my post. And you didn't explain it before. In fact, your post explicitly said that the weapons remained where they were, so I assumed everything else did too...
"About your bow and arrows though; normally when you die you'd lose what you were carrying and your inventory, but since that wasn't a very good first encounter for you in this world I'll put it all back with you when you're revived. It's just this once though, after that you'll have to pay that cost for coming back to life. "
OverconfidentMagi said:
"About your bow and arrows though; normally when you die you'd lose what you were carrying and your inventory, but since that wasn't a very good first encounter for you in this world I'll put it all back with you when you're revived. It's just this once though, after that you'll have to pay that cost for coming back to life. "
Yes, he did say that, but the interpretation I was led to believe by your previous OOC statements, was that those words meant the clothes not destroyed, as opposed to the normal situation where they would vanish too. If there were any doubts about it, the following dismissed them:

OverconfidentMagi said:
The deflated clothing the boy had been wearing lay limp in the arms of the girl who'd been holding him, the only sign he'd been there. Even the blood that had covered her clothes had dissolved into dust and lifted away.
Whatever you were wearing doesn't disappear even after the body does, the boy just gave Martin a new out if identical to what he'd died in.
OverconfidentMagi said:
Whatever you were wearing doesn't disappear even after the body does, the boy just gave Martin a new out if identical to what he'd died in.
that´s...quite confusing
Idea said:
that´s...quite confusing
Well if you die in some nice clothes you might just want to be able to track those things down and get 'em back. Though nice clothes might actually mean badass armor and flaming sword, in which case you would definitely not want them poofing out of existence the second your dumb decision-making skills get your entire adventuring party killed.
OverconfidentMagi said:
Well if you die in some nice clothes you might just want to be able to track those things down and get 'em back. Though nice clothes might actually mean badass armor and flaming sword, in which case you would definitely not want them poofing out of existence the second your dumb decision-making skills get your entire adventuring party killed.
I know, but I thought that´s what they vanishing out of your inventory meant. I´m gonna need to rethink a lot of things...
Idea said:
I know, but I thought that´s what they vanishing out of your inventory meant. I´m gonna need to rethink a lot of things...
Inventory is specifically the things your character has stored away inside the menu. The system for recovering something important lost from there is still a WiP, but will probably be a larger pain.

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