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Fantasy God of Silver

Stickdom said:
I'll hold you to that, I'm a hoarder so I'll be collecting various knick-knacks and odds-and-ends for various reasons. Don't be surprised if she tries to take the kitchen sink, literally, she'll have her reasons for wanting all the junk xD
I'm not worried, I have a countermeasure in place to keep everyone from turning into hoarders.
OverconfidentMagi said:
I'm not worried, I have a countermeasure in place to keep everyone from turning into hoarders.
Well, we'll see. She'll probably become the group's pack mule and volunteer to carry all their cool toys, as well as some other things I had in mind to use it for :3 So, we've discussed how much an inventory can accept, now the real question: WHAT can it accept? Or more specifically, is there any type of item or object that it can't hold as long as it fits through the menu?

Anyways, finishing up the last few hours at work for the day, then I'm driving home and sleeping for as long as I can xD I have tomorrow off from work, so I should be able to get a post up some time then.
@Stickdom You're the only one who has yet to enter the forest, currently. I don't want to post until Vanessa joins the others, but if you're free tomorrow, the sooner the better. What timezone are you in, by the way? I'm New York EST. It's currently 10:52 PM here.
quiescentLunacy said:
@Stickdom You're the only one who has yet to enter the forest, currently. I don't want to post until Vanessa joins the others, but if you're free tomorrow, the sooner the better. What timezone are you in, by the way? I'm New York EST. It's currently 10:52 PM here.
I'm on EST as well, I work a night job (currently on a few minutes break at this moment), hence why I'm not writing a post when I get home at 1am. I'll try to get to it as soon as possible, I want Vanessa to join the others too, but if you have a post in mind already, go for it and I can have her catch up pretty quickly. She is a runner, after all, catching up to the others should be no problem. She can always hear the last few words someone said and chip in, so you don't need to wait for the party to fully group to get another post in, I don't think :)

Onamonapia said:
"H-he-hello!" A voice erupted from someone and echoed through the courtyard. He turned his head around saw the person guilty of the noise. A young boy, obviously much younger than himself. Jett wanted to respond, maybe, just maybe. He was scared too, but he was trying to hide it. The Orange-Haired male waved at the boy
He didn't just run past you :3
Stickdom said:
Well, we'll see. She'll probably become the group's pack mule and volunteer to carry all their cool toys, as well as some other things I had in mind to use it for :3 So, we've discussed how much an inventory can accept, now the real question: WHAT can it accept? Or more specifically, is there any type of item or object that it can't hold as long as it fits through the menu?
Anyways, finishing up the last few hours at work for the day, then I'm driving home and sleeping for as long as I can xD I have tomorrow off from work, so I should be able to get a post up some time then.
That is fine. Post when you can.

Yes, there are things you can't put into the inventory. Weapons or equipment bound to another, liquids not in a container, gasses for the same reason, anything made of a material that rejects magic, and anything living are the things I can list off the top of my head.
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Onamonapia said:
He didn't just run past you :3
Which is immediately followed by the light thing. Given that in my post the opening of the tunnels happens before my character speaks and in yours that order is not specified so clearly (cause if it was then you'd have to change it), I can only assume they happened almos simultaneously. In other words, your character waved at mine, then looked to the tunnels and ran. My character, focused on Alex and Stella a moment before, only really noticed your character when he ran, there was no time for it to be in any other way.
OverconfidentMagi said:
@Idea You seem to have slipped into first person again.
What? Where? I mean, I do write my posts in first naturally, so I have to proof check them by the end, did I miss something?

Note: it's 4 in the mrorning here, it's the fourth night I'm doing it and tomorrow I'll have a day of penitence, I apologize for being a little in a hurry
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All is good, the actions within the post won't change either way.

Also, my next post will happen once Stickdom has posted.

I looked at your post over five times just to make sure I wasn't crazy.

Your character spoke AND THEN the tunnels appeared, so that'd be after. Not before.


(( Your post ))

"H-he-hello!" Martin managed to say before that voice echoed again. The voice of the boy that had left him hanging the other day, or maybe not, considering the situation. The voice explained some odd things, but as Martin came to realize, they were true. When he glanced to the side with his good eye, this tiny web browser thingy showed up that he could move around, even "click" on it with his mind. At least, there was a way to go back. Like on of his brother´s videogames, except without a remote control. How was this possible? Only one person could answer.

"Hey, who are you? Where are we? How did we even get here, why do we have these clothes...and weapons?" Martin inquired the voice.

It was soon gone, though, as soon, four tunnels appeared


In my post my character waved at you and then the tunnels opened like you said. How is that not in a specified order?
OverconfidentMagi said:
That is fine. Post when you can.
Yes, there are things you can't put into the inventory. Weapons or equipment bound to another, liquids not in a container, gasses for the same reason, anything made of a material that rejects magic, and anything living are the things I can list off the top of my head.
Dang it, I wanted to put the group members in my inventory, my plan is ruined Q_Q
Onamonapia said:
@OverconfidentMagi What's stopping them from just leaving the world?
Nothing at all. Gate is generally an out-of-combat magic simply because it takes a bit for the gate to form after calling it and if anything happens to the caster before it forms it simply vanishes and needs to be called again. You are free to call the gate and leave.
Yeah, it was pretty surprising for me the first time as well. Completely caught me off guard. However, it does give the living characters something to think about and strive for.

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