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Fantasy God of Silver


Laugh Like You've Won Always
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
God of Silver

The day's first light broke over the tops of the mountains on the Island of Val.


A young woman's head appeared from beneath the surface of the bay. She looked around to spot the boat she'd come out on. Pulling herself back up onto the boat, she shook her head in reply to the questions from the boy on the boat. He shrugged and began to paddle the boat to another location as she twisted the salt water out of her hair.


The city of Vallingard was woken by the deep booming tones of massive bells to the East celebrating the arrival of the morning hours once again.


A young man asleep in a massive white plush bed finally opened his eyes. He yawned, rolled himself towards the edge of the mattress, and reached for a ring from the table beside his bed before throwing back the sheets.


A woman wiped the sweat and dust from her eyes and looked up at the still-rising sun. She went back to work digging the trench she'd been working on since before dawn and started to whistle a simple tune as she did so.


A knight covered head to toe in heavy armor stood silently as an impenetrable blizzard raged about him. He turned slowly and moved onward without leaving any sign of his passing.


An elf let loose an arrow over a stream running deep in the woods. The arrow dipped into the water and pierced the side of a fish. A bright orange dragonfly-like creature darted up the river to grab the arrow and fish in one motion and dart away between the trees on the other side of the river. The elf lowered his bow and nodded in respect before picking up his arrow from the day before and turning back the way he'd come.


Two elves lay together in embrace on the shores of the Feylake, one asleep, the other at peace listening to the gentle beatings of a heartbeat and the surf almost in sync. The morning sun warmed her back, but it would have to be more persistent to move the blitheful elves.


A human girl watched from a window of the tower as an elf practiced swinging his blade over and over again. He felt her watching, for he turned and gave the girl a bow before returning to his ritual. In return she only gave a gentle smile. An older male elf oversaw their exchange from atop the keep's outer wall. His fist clenched tighter, and he turned to watch outward.


A lone dwarf in his forge folded the heated steel before him for the hundredth time, showing no sign of nearing completion. So focused was he on his work that it was doubtful that he'd noticed that it was a new day.


Four massive smooth black stone walls enclosed a small grassy courtyard. The grass waved as if moved my a gentle wind, though no such wind should have existed inside the enclosed place. A single tree grew within the courtyard.

As the sun's light began to make its way down the inner wall of the courtyard it revealed a large circular pattern carved into the stone. Each of the other four walls had the same pattern. Another gust of wind filled the space.
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~~~ The players have been gathered,

The story has just begun ~~~

God of Silver

Chapter 1: The Gate


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Today was a normal day.

Alex's life was normal, there wasn't anything particularly exciting in his life...well not recently anyway. But it wasn't being average that bored Alex, what bored him was having no drive. He woke up in the morning and rolled over, looking up at the blank white ceiling of his bedroom, half asleep. What did he want to do with his life. He had no idea. He liked lots of things, bowling, archery, reading, writing, martial arts, even cooking, but there was nothing he really wanted to do for a living. Sometimes, he wished he just had a lot of money to do whatever he wanted. Maybe he'd travel the world or something.

Sighing, he sat up and stretched with a soft groan. He then made a face at the thought of going to school. He didn't have any close friends, though there were the occasional people he actually spoke to about common interests. He never really sought them out though, only spoke to them if they happened to meet or had the same class. With another sigh, Alex twisted to get out of bed, catching his foot in his blanket and tumbling off the side.

"Ow" he mumbled pulling his leg free and slowly standing up "Alright, what should I wear today?" he asked no one in particular as he began to rifle through his closet "Not something too comfortable" whatever was too comfortable for him was not nice enough for his mom "Oh!" he grinned and pulled out a pair of simple black pants. They were close enough to dress pants, but he remembered them being soft and comfortable at the same time.

"To compliment it..? Ah, this one will do" he said pulling out a light blue button down shirt. When it came to shirts, he hated it when they hugged his body, he always felt like he was losing his freedom of movement, that is why he always got a size bigger when shopping.

Once he was dressed, he pulled on a pair of black tennis shoes and grabbed his book bag. He didn't get anything for breakfast though, his stomach didn't react well to having food in it first thing in the morning. As for conversing with anyone, his mom was probably still asleep this morning and his dad got up to go to work before Alex woke up.

Then it was off to the bus stop. Once on the bus, he sat at the very front to prevent anyone from bothering him and reached into his book bag. A few seconds later and he was off in the more exciting world of one of his books.

The time between getting on the bus and getting to school was very short, at least in his mind. Reading always made any length of time seem very short. It was how he got through the tedious day of school. He didn't eat lunch either, preferring to read in the library. After wading through a couple classes, Math and English, he was excited to hear the bell and headed off towards the library.

"Math I can understand, but how can school make a class about reading and writing the English language boring?" he wondered to himself. What was worse, he had one of those teachers who got on your case for reading in their class. Luckily, his teacher wasn't one of them that took his books away, he hated them.

Flopping down on one of the chairs in the library, he stretched and fished out his book once more. He was at a particularly exciting point in the story, full of sword fights and a war between two countries. The main protagonist actually didn't have anything to do with the warring factions, but had been dragged in by strange circumstance. He personally hated that trope, getting forcibly pulled into other people's problems. But he put up with that part of the story because of the more interesting aspects.

The travelling portion was what he enjoyed about the story. The main character traveled all across the world he lived in, occasionally getting into fights, some serious, some just for fun. That was what made it interesting, before the war, the main character just lived his life the way he wanted.

"Are you bored? Would you like to play a game?"

To Alex, traveling around doing what you wanted was the best thing. He grinned as he read before pausing slightly "A game? Sure why not?" he said before going back to what he was reading "Especially if the game lets me do stuff like traveling around the world" he was certainly bored too.

Alex didn't even think about what he was saying, completely engrossed in his book as he was. That was until the bell rang and snapped him out of his reading induced stupor. With a stretch, he sighed and headed off to his next class, completely forgetting the strange voice he'd heard in his head.

Otherwise, it was a very normal day. Normal when he went home, when he did his homework, when he had dinner, even when he was reading. It was just a normal day. When he laid down to go to sleep after his shower, he frowned slightly "Wasn't I asked a question today?" he wondered "Something like...am I bored? Who asked me that?" he was curious. Did he really look as bored as he felt that someone would ask him a question like that?

"Of course I'm bored, there isn't anything I want to do" he said softly as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

His dreams were filled with magic and sword fights, along with a few unusual elements and the occasional hormonally filled moments of the teenage mind.

When he woke up the next morning, he was a lot more awake than he usually was. He felt something around his left wrist. The object glinted slightly in the low light coming from his window "What in the world?" he mumbled as he sat up, flicking on his desk lamp. It was a strange bracelet, cool to the touch as he brushed his fingers across it's surface "Did mom put this on me?" he wondered softly as he tried to pull it off.

To his surprise, it was as if the bracelet was attached to him. The only movement was from his skin moving with the tight grip of the object. Oddly enough, it didn't seem to be cutting off the circulation either "She must have gotten it stuck or something" he said frowning "I'll have to get something to cut it off probably" he sighed. It was certainly the most interesting thing to happen to him.

He went to stand up and paused, noticing something on his desk, a simple black card "Hmm?" he said lifting it up and looking it over "Was there something like this in one of the anime I watched?" he wondered as he turned the card over in his fingers. Gold lettering appeared on it's surface "Oh cool, is this holographic or something?" he grinned as he read the words "Oh...hmm?" he put his fingers to his chin before standing up "Is it something like this?" he asked with a smirk as he held the card between his fingers and swung it down in front of him.

"Gate Open!" he said firmly before laughing "Yeah, like that would do...any...thing..." he paused as a magic circle appeared on the wall in front of him. The words and symbols formed faster than he could read them, he didn't even know how to read them, but watching as a simple black iron gate took form in front of him lit something in his heart.

He immediately scrambled to get dressed, pulling on a pair of brown pants along with a black t-shirt. Instead of his tennis shoes, he pulled on the hiking boots he'd gotten for his birthday. He didn't know where this gate led, but he figured he wouldn't be needing tennis shoes. He certainly didn't expect to ever actually use these boots.

"Lets see, shirt, pants, boots" he said patting himself. He was making this decision before he chickened out like he normally would. If he stopped to think about it, he'd get scared "Oh!" he grabbed his phone "I'm going to want to take pictures too, maybe document what I see" he grinned as he stepped up to the gate and attempted to open it.

Then he was standing in an open area, surrounded by tall black walls. The air smelled fresh and clean. He blinked at the sudden bright light and let his eyes adjust. He noticed a strange feeling against his body and looked at his clothing. It was the same clothing he'd put on before touching the gate, but at the same time it felt...firmer? maybe?

It certainly felt like it would last longer against the elements. On his waist was a sheath "No way" he said grinning as he gripped the hilt that poked out of it, pulling the sword free with a soft sliding noise. The sword was simple enough, shorter than he thought it would be too, but in his eyes, it was the coolest thing ever. His mom had swords, but they were all slightly rusty and blunt. This sword was pristine and looked very sharp "Better put this back, I don't want to cut off something" he said sliding the sword back into it's sheath.

He then realized that something was attached to the same hand he'd pulled his sword out with "Oh neat" he chuckled. It looked like a small shield of some sort and felt light enough that he'd barely noticed it.

Alex was in a giddy mood. This was amazing. It was just like one of his books! Whisked away to another world, the main character would see lots of amazing things and meet amazing people...he could do without meeting people, but the adventure part was definitely exciting.

Today was not a normal day.


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The morning rays illuminated Martin´s room and he turned in his bed to avoid them, pulling his bedsheets up and holding them tigher.

"Martin!" A loud female voice called. The redhair entered his room. "C'mon Martin, time to get ready."

"Just ten more minutes, mom." Martin replied and pulled his sheets again. His mother sighed.

"You were up last night reading your sister's manuals weren't you? " He couldn't help but grin at how he had pretended to go to sleep, but had actually stayed up and used a flashlight to read. "No wonder she couldn't find it...Well, if you won't wake up..."

Suddenly, Martin felt his sheets getting puled away. Before he could even open his eyes properly, there was a familiar sensation that made him burst out laughing.

"Mom! Stop! It tickles!" he begged. She stopped and Martin saw her standing there smiling and smiled back at him.

"Good morning Martin." She said.

"Good morning mom." Martin replied in defeat, getting up. His gaze shifted to the shoe on her hand. His own hands were drawn to his eyepatch as he recalled the reason why she had to use a shoe and her fingers were not enough anymore. Well, hadn't been for quite a while now.

His mother left him to change into my school uniform.


As Martin got down to have breakfast his greeted my brother with simplicity.

"Hey." He wasn't very found of any questions early in the morning. Or complex things to hear that didn't come out of headphones.

"Hey." He replied, turning back to his pitch black phone.

As mom put Martin´s toasts in front of him, he noticed the two plates next to the sink. So, dad and sis had already left, huh? They sure were busy...Speaking of which, Martin looked at the time. He frowned, a little annoyed by the fact he was early and wishing he could've just slept a couple more minutes.

Martin finished his toast and was then off to school in his mom's car.


As usual, Martin headed to his seat in the corner in the back. It avoided calling attention over the occasional muscle spasms he had. Still, every once in a while he´d have a worse one and ended up bashing his head onto the table as his belly contracted. In those times, reactions were always split between pity and disgust. Not that he had much positive attention normally, anyway. Even if it wasn't for his luck in ending up in a class were no one knew what a espirogy was, even he knew that it was just awkward to talk to one cripple in the room (not that he was a cripple, but he might as well be). It was just something that always leaves you stressed, afraid you may be judged harshly for saying something that offends them.

So, of course, everyone just cut short their conversations to let him pass, glaring at him until they were sure he was far away enough for them to continue.

The teacher entered the room and class began. Grabbing his pencil, Martin felt the harsh wooden surface. He could sense every detail in it with the tips of his right hand, from the small excess of ink near the top, to the tiny crack near the edge of the "H".

"Martin, please answer this question." The teacher requested, patting on the board. To facilitate sight, Martin tilted his head slightly and pressed lightly with his hand against the eyepatch. He could hear the whispers across the room, people comenting on how awful it was that he pressed against his eyepatch. Sighing, Martin answered the question he was posed.


It was lunchtime. Martin headed our with my lunchbox to the small yard on the back. It was generally a quiet place, as it was far away from everything and thorned plants grew all around it, making it rather discomfortable for people who weren't able to really appreciate the beauty of it. The only person that really ever came was the nice old gardener. Martin loved when we got to chat about the plants until his break was over. Martin would always insist in continuing the conversation, but the gardener always chuckled and made him go to class anyway.

Well, to be honest, there was also that other guy. He would always call Martin "Kaneki" and loved to make jokes every time he saw him. Not mocking. Just stuff like "why did the chicken cross the road?" kind of jokes. Martin once had asked him why he always called him "Kaneki" and the guy just told him it was a reference to something.

Martin opened the lunch box. A yogurt, an apple, a sandwhich and a pack of milk. He lifted the sandwhich to find the big surprise his mom usually left there, as tradition. There was a Twix beneath and Martin smiled for finding his favorite chocolate there.

Against his mother's advise, Martin picked that up first. He hadn't even finished opening it, though, when he heard this voice...weird...like a boy, except they were usually playing soccer in the other yard.

"Would you like to play a game? I promise it' be fun."

"Who's there?" Martin inquired. There was no reponse, so he gave the words some thought. People normally didn't want to play with him. He smiled and nodded frantically. Maybe his luck was changing! "Yeah, I'd live to play a game!"


There was no response.

Growling, Martin stomped his foot. A prank! He should have seen it coming from a mile away...and yet, he let his hopes up once more. Sitting down, Martin took a bite from his Twix. It was surprisignly tasteless now.


Martin arrived back home still grieving about it. About how nice it could have been. He wanted to keep an upbeat face, but somehow he couldn't. Even though his mom had that worried look on her face that quite transparently conveyed she was hurting from what hurt him. He didn't want her to be hurt, yet he couldn't take that feeling off furstration off his chest. He ran to his room and closed the door behind himself. Then, he opened his sister's manual. It still was as he had left it, under the bed. Martin needed to take his head out of what happened.

He opened the book, and was surprised to see his marker had been replaced with a note.

It's rude to hide people's stuff, Martin. Besides , you're really bad at it. :P


Martin grinned. So, they DID find it, but they had left it there for him? Somehow, that made him feel much better....


Martin woke up the next morning with the odd feeling that he was grabbing something. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see what. There was this black card in his hand. Flipping it, Martin saw something written on it.

"Gate...open..." He read aloud. As he did, a huge door appeared, right next to his bed. His eye widened, impressed "Wooooow..."

How could he resist the urge to raise his hand (which he had just noticed had this weird silvery wristband on it) and push the door in an attempt to open it?


The voice was scary. The light that surrounded Martin as he touched the door was scarier. The falling, though, was the scariest.

Martin screamed as his body dropped dragged down by the planet. What was happening? What sort of game was this? This looked nothing like the playground games all the boys played, nor like any boardgame he had ever seen. It didn't even reassemble any game his brother played!

Thus, he fell. The fall was surprisingly short and mostly painless, though. Martin rubbed my body, confused.

"Ouch...where am I?" He complained as he observed my surroundings. He was in some sort of grassy garden, surrounded by what looked like castle or monastery walls. There tunnels in sight that led somewhere unknown, but more than any of that, the huge tree that stood in the middle of it was calling his attention. He stood and attempted to take some of the mud out of my clothes when he noticed, as his hands touched them, that these weren't any uniform. He looked down at myself, discovering his complete change in outfit. His clothes seemed so...medieval? He even had a bow on his back! With arrows!

"Where am I?" He asked again, worried.
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Vanessa Hadditch

One. Two. Three. Four. Her shoes tapped against the linoleum floor at the far back of the classroom. She bounced her feet up and down one after the other, more than long enough to reach the ground from the seat of the short plastic chair. The teacher droned on and on about molecules and elements and factors and significant figures and... Vanessa leaned her chin on her balled fists and puffed a deep breath to blow the strands of hair that hung from her bangs down into her eyes. It did no good, they simply flopped back down again to tickle the top of her nose and stung her eyeballs as a few stray strands poked them. Her imagination carried the moment away from her, and the hair turned into writhing snakes, and she had become Medusa in her mind, staring at the backs of the other students' heads and daring them to turn around so they could become statues for her collection. She stared hard at the teacher, though he remained unpetrified even though he glanced in her general direction several times. This broke the momentary spell, her belief in her own fantasy shattered and the snakes fell limp and became strands of hair once more.

She blinked a few times and gently shook her head while brushing her bangs away to get a clear view of the classroom, finally settling the disobedient hair back under the red ribbon that underlined her forehead. It was a focus item, a concentration tool she had been given by her psychologist to help her keep her wandering mind in step. Today it didn't seem to be working though, as this was not the first time even in the last hour that she had been swept into thoughts that lead her far away from the dull and lifeless classroom. She scrunched her eyes tightly closed and tried to focus on the ring of red around her forehead, centering her thoughts on the here and now to...

"Are you bored?"

Her eyes shot open, the voice in her head was right there, and it wasn't one of her usual imaginary friends. This was a new voice, one that seemed far away, as if it was from outside of her, not in. She looked around to see if anyone had woken her from a daydream but the room remained unchanged, all eyes faced the front, the teacher still oblivious that half of the class was nodding off. "Who are you?" she whispered into her hands, now cupped in front of her mouth to hid her moving lips. No reply. Vanessa slumped, whoever it was had gone away and left her to return to the world of chemistry. Oh well, perhaps she could imagine them up again later, and then they could have some fun. It was always better to have more playmates. Why, just that afternoon, her friend inside had thought of a new way to-

"Want to play a game?"

"YES!" Vanessa squealed as she jumped up from her seat, knocking it over backwards to clatter noisily to the floor. Half of the class jumped in surprise, while the others turned their heads slowly to give her a look of confused bewilderment. The teacher was staring at her in slack-jawed wonderment, then recomposed himself with a happy grin. "I'm glad to see you excited about volunteering for once, Miss Hadditch. Please come show the class how to properly find the molarity of sodium in this glass of salt water using stoichiometry." The girl's elated smile lapsed into a sullen groan as she trudged her way to the front of the room, much to the amusement and laughter of the class.

Vanessa catapulted herself onto her bed, exhausted from a day out in public, especially after being humiliated not only be jumping up oin the middle of class, but also not being able to correctly answer the problem. She sighed, lying face down in the pillow, inhaling the scent of clean linens. Margaret, her foster mother, must have washed her bed spread earlier. She did enjoy a clean house. Herbert, Margaret's husband and Vanessa's foster father, was still out, probably working late at the car maintenance shop he managed. The couple were well into their elder years, at least in their late sixties, though Margaret had never given her real age and Herbert was so absent-minded that he hardly remembered what day it was, let alone how old he was. Still, they were loving and doted on Vanessa, though they balanced it with gentle discipline and guidance when necessary. Vanessa sighed again and rolled over, counting the freckles on the popcorn ceiling for the millionth time. Thirty-five thousand, seven-hundred and twelve. She liked the patterns they drew all over, sometimes she imagined that the tiny plaster spikes were mountains far below and that she was falling through the sky towards them. Other times, the points become glistening stars as she sailed into the sunset on her pirate ship. Here she was free to let her mind roam where it wished, imagination abounded, and the world was her favorite toy. She rolled over to look at the clock, shaped like a humourous cartoon character holding a sign. 10:26. And she had school again tomorrow. "Ugh," she turned on her back, slapping the pillow over her face, and closed her eyes.

Morning came too soon, the bird who nested on the tree outside her window woke her with a loud chirrup, to which she replied by throwing her pillow against the window. She dragged herself out of bed, sleepily yawning to the bathroom where she looked in the mirror to behold the monstrosity she had become overnight. Her brown hair had frizzed, standing on end in multiple places, she looked even more the part of Medusa now than she had imagined yesterday. Well, mornings could take a running jump for all she cared. Teeth brushed, face washed, pajamas off and clothes on. During her dressing, she found something new, a bracelet on her wrist that hadn't been there before. She shrugged it off, it was probably some kind of medical bracelet that Margaret had slipped on her in her sleep, she had done it before, supposedly so if anything happened that the medics would know about Vanessa's "condition". She had always cut them off as soon as possible, something she would get around to doing shortly. Making her way back to her room, she piled all of her books into her backpack, swiping the coins and locker keys and bits of paper off of her nightstand and into her pocket. But something was off, an item fell to the ground and clattered under her bed. She sighed, contemplating just leaving it there for the day, but something held her back. Whatever it was might be important, needed, necessary. She stooped down and scooped it off of the floor. It was a card of come kind, black and smooth, one she had never seen before. It looked almost like the back of a refrigerator magnet, she flipped it over to see what the picture on the other side was. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. What was with this thing? What purpose did it serve? She thought she saw a glimmer on its surface, a fleck of gold on one side. Perhaps it was one of those trick cards, she turned it again and again, hoping to reveal its secret. As it turned in her fingers, some words appeared scrawled themselves across it, and she mouthed them out loud. "Gate Open...?" Suddenly a doorway opened next to her, stuck to the wall, pouring light into her room. She squeaked as it appeared suddenly, then looked about to see if anything else had happened. That appeared to be all, but that certainly wasn't all! She didn't know why she looked over her shoulder, something told her that this was something special, something to be kept secret, and she as she touched it, she was enveloped by light and was gone.

Once through the gate, she found herself outside. There was a tree here, and beyond that, some tall, black walls. She looked down at herself, her outfit hadn't changed, still the same grey t-shirt and jeans. Her back felt different, like the weight had changed. She reached behind her to where her backpack of school supplies should have been and instead felt a slender object sticking out over her shoulder. She turned around and there sticking in the ground behind her was... "What the- A SPEAR?!" She grabbed it, spun it around through the air a few times like a band leader, something she had picked up from several school friends. It was well-weighted, though not quite as long as the poles she used for pole-vaulting, but this looked much more genuine. So enamoured she was that she nearly missed the arrival of others, as well as the fact that the door was no longer there behind her. She turned to face the group that had appeared as suddenly as she had, took another look at her surroundings.

"Where are we?"
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Alex had been examining his clothing when he heard the soft sound of other people appearing. It was strange, he'd kind of expected to be the only one to arrive, though he'd known that was nothing but his fantasy. Real life always intruded. It was the same for when he read books. For him, he would have liked nothing more than to get lost in those books and never return.

He gave a soft sigh 'Sadly, even I couldn't go forever without some sort of interaction with another person' however, upon seeing who had arrived, he paled slightly. Life really was unfair. The least of his worries was the kid. He had no problem dealing with children, however, his major worries were speaking with the two women that had arrived as well.

Alex was a wreck around girls around his age. Adults were a little easier, though it didn't matter right now. Both were really pretty! Immediately, to distract himself, he began to look around the area, at the large black walls that held them in this area, then his attention focused on a small box that had miraculously escaped his attention. It sat just on the edge of his vision, as if quietly waiting to be noticed.

Once it was noticed, there was no way he could just ignore it as it quickly grew. It didn't completely fill his vision making it easy to use 'Some sort of menu? Cool' a small smile appeared on his lips as he began to tinker with the Menu. He quickly found that it responded to his attention and thoughts, each of the little drop down sections opening up. Of course, most of it was empty, but it was...very interesting.

"Rookie Hero?" he mumbled curiously as he opened up the status tab "Not sure if randomly touching a strange gate counts as being a Hero" he sighed softly. Being a Hero could be a lot of work. This Menu function was very interesting, so much like a game, bringing to mind the strange words he'd heard the day before. He hadn't even remembered them until now.

He'd certainly been asked if he wanted to play a game and he'd answered.

His eyes landed on the weapon mastery tab but found that it was also empty 'Well, that is about right, I have very little understanding of how to use a sword, though you'd expect a game to have some sort of beginner skill to get me started' he flicked his eyes to the skills and magic tabs. No skills...but there were two things in the magic tab. Gate and Observe.

'I can pretty much guess what both do. The card I held before said 'Gate Open' so most likely the Gate magic works the same...Observe should be something that lets me see my status or something like my items' he looked back at the Status tab before looking at the small shield on his arm.

"Only one way to really know how stuff works" he said softly "Observe" he said, activating the magic. It felt...odd, like he was playing pretend or something. But the effect was certainly real enough.

Wooden Buckler

A small wooden shield held in one hand that can be used to protect oneself while fighting.

It was pretty sparse for information, but it certainly got the point across 'It is my starting equipment...guess I'm not some over powered character' that was fine with him, the enjoyment of video games and reading books was seeing a favored character grow strong. Alex was a weak guy, it would have felt weird to start off super strong or with super strong equipment.

'I do wish the status had more to say though. No level number, no attributes, not even a HP and MP bar' he frowned lightly. He had a lot of thinking to do. Luckily, he'd gotten so dragged into his own thought processes, he'd forgotten about the nervousness he'd been feeling before.

To any observers, his reactions were actually kind of cute, his quick embarrassment at noticing the two women and his complicated expressions as he tinkered with his Menu. It was amusing to watch him vanish into his own little world
Irritation gnawed at Stella as she tipped back her chair on two wobbling legs. The house was silent, with nothing but her own hushed breathing to keep her company. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do, except for the untouched calculus worksheet that lay on the table before her. The girl let loose a mighty groan. "There's nothing to do." She complained to herself. "I don't wanna do this busy work. It's not like it's worth more than a few homework points." She leaned forward, tipping her chair back onto the ground with a loud THUNK. Hesitantly, as if it were the heaviest thing in the world, Stella picked up her pencil.

She managed to complete all of a single problem before she let loose another torrential groan. "Screw it. I need brain food. What a great excuse," Stella grumbled to herself, rising slowly from her seat. She meandered over to the kitchen, but she knew already what she would find. Checking every cabinet and corner of the fridge, Stella was forced to admit to herself that there was absolutely no junk food in the house. There never was, but that didn't stop her from looking. The girl glanced at the clock on the wall. Three hours before her parents would get home from work. The thought of staying so listlessly bored for three more hours was nearly enough to drive Stella to tears.

It wasn't simply the boredom of having nothing to do. It's that there was nothing at all Stella felt like doing. Every day, she encountered the same routine. She was forced to wake up at an ungodly hour of the morning (six o'clock!!) to go to school. The same classes, the same material, and the same damn stress about grades that didn't matter in the long run. She had long since given up paying attention to her studies, but there was only so much sketching she could do in her notebook before she tired of that, too. Once home, she did her best to waste time until she needed to fall asleep, but there was simply too much time in the day to spend it all on a single entertaining activity. The same dull, boring, mundane life. On this particular day, however, Stella could feel the stirrings of such hideous apathy and lack of interest in anything at all that she wondered if she wasn't having a depressive episode. Pulling together what scraps of willpower she possessed, Stella sunk back down into her seat and picked up her pencil once more.

"Are you bored?"

Stella jumped slightly and glanced around. It wasn't possible for there to be anyone else in the house. Great, now she was hearing things.

"Would you like to play a game?"

The girl's pencil dropped from her loose grip. "A game, huh?" Silence. Of course there was no answer. But in her chest, her heart was thumping. She didn't know what was happening, but it was new. Unusual. Different. "Sounds like fun. Anything to get me out of doing this busy work." Stella murmured tentatively. She waited for a reply. Two minutes, five, ten. The breath she had been holding was exhaled in a mixture of disappointment and confusion. Nothing was happening. Nothing would continue to happen. But, for a brief, heart-throbbing moment, Stella felt her old stirrings of excitement again. She pushed her homework away and dashed to her laptop. She had something to write about. She finally had something to do.

It was much later when Stella glanced at the time once more. Nearly midnight. She had heard her parents calling her down for dinner a while ago, but she had been entranced in what she was writing. Again, her ability to lose time when she was writing astounded her. With heavy eyelids and a grimace at how early she would have to wake up the next morning, Stella closed the lid of her laptop and slipped into bed.


Her dream was vibrant, and exciting, and enthralling. She wanted it to continue, but alas, she had school. Rolling out of bed with an exhausted huff, the girl reached out to turn off her alarm and paused. On her wrist, so well-fitted she could barely feel it, a silver bracelet gleamed. Turning the alarm off, she examined her new accessory. She didn't recognize it, and the only jewelry she ever wore was a plain silver ring that she never took off, but an experimental tug told her it was stuck on unnaturally well. She got dressed with bleary eyes, haphazardly throwing on a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. As she turned to her school bag, Stella's eyes fell on a black card next to her phone. She picked it up, and an unconscious shiver ran through her. Her heart seemed to beat a little faster. On the card were two words in ornate silver script. "Gate Open," Stella mouthed. She yelped then, feeling the card grow hot in her hand. A pentacle formation traced itself across her door, beckoning her to open it. She took one step forward, and paused. She got the strange feeling that she wouldn't be able to turn back if she opened the door. Shoving such thoughts aside, Stella turned the knob.

The scene that awaited her was a grassy clearing with a large tree in its center. All around, there were a number of people who looked to be roughly her age. As she moved, Stella's clothes felt strange. Sturdier, almost...coarser. Around her waist there was a simple leather belt which hadn't been there before, strapped with a single dagger. She felt behind her back and found a staff, about the length of a walking stick. It was light and beautifully balanced in her hands, although simple in design. The staff was topped with a heavy-looking thicker section, and embedded with a single small crystal that seemed to glow with iridescent light. Stella swung it experimentally, and was surprised to find a feeling of power behind the swing. For the first time in a long while, even though it was tinged with an anxious confusion, Stella felt a real, genuine excitement. It was something she could never experience vicariously through a game or a book. A grin spread across her face, seemingly wide enough to split her cheeks. Her eyes gleamed with wild excitement. She had no idea what was going on. It was new. It was different. But she got the feeling it would be fun.
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Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-

The annoying high-pitched alarm was cut off with the press of a button. He was awake but he couldn't move. This happened often, so he wasn't worried. He struggled to move his body, but after what seemed like minutes he managed to slowly roll himself off his bed. 'Who turned my alarm off?' He reluctantly opened his eyes and the first thing that he saw was a woman. Or, better known as his mother.

"Hurry up, Jett! You're gonna be late for school." She said, gently kicking him with each word. "Your feet stink." He replied before standing up with a slouch. He stretched, popping sounds erupted from his body all over. "What's for breakfast?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "Leftovers." Of course. After all that's all they could afford.

"Well, I'll pass. Is it okay if I walk to school?" The only reason he wanted to walk was because it was raining. He loved the rain. "You're already late as it is. I'll drive you." She responded. He sighed and waited for her to leave so he could change. He put on some clothes and walked to the spider-infested garage. Inside rested that car. It hadn't been washed in months, and the inside was full of trash. Not to mention the dent on the side. It originally was black but the color is faded, leaving it a dirty grey. It was certainly a pain on the eyes.

The boy opened the garage door with a flip of a switch, and hopped into the busted up car. Before he knew it they were driving off to his school. Once they arrived he hopped out the car. "Bye, love you." He said. She said the same words before driving off.

'Well, another day another dollar.' He said internally. Jett opened the double doors and saw not a single soul in the hallway. He was very late. The Orange-haired boy walked to his homeroom and took a seat, the teacher's eyes seemed to stare straight into his soul.

"Ah, Mr.Miller. Glad you're able to join us today." The teacher said, annoyance corrupted his voice. 'I'm not.' He wanted to say, but held his tongue. School went by very slow, he spent most of his time procrastinating instead of doing his work and talking about random topics instead of doing the assignments he was expected to complete.

After many hours he was back at home, reading a book at his desk. The book was titled, "A rose in the bush." It was a good read, but not good enough to keep him entertained for very long.

"Are you bored?"

He heard the voice of a boy in his head. 'I'm turning insane.. Yeah. I'm pretty bored.' His mind.. Or rather. Someone else responded, "Would you like to play a game?"

Out of pure boredom he answered.


With that he fell asleep. After a dreamless through the rest of the previous day, he yawned and rubbed his face. Or at least, he was about to. He noticed something around his wrist. A bracelet? He tried taking it off but it wouldn't budge no matter what he did. 'What the hell is going on here?' He simply thought he was imagining it and mentally threw the bracelet out of his thoughts. By the time his mother knocked on the door he already had the strange black card in his grasp.

"G-gate on?" He read the words across the card aloud, and before him golden gates appeared! The gates illuminated his room in a bright yellow light. He fell to the floor and attempted to kick himself away, in the process he accidentally touched the gates, transporting him to the magical world known as, Rhune!

His mother opened the door a second too late. Jett was already gone, and so were the golden gates. She looked all around his room but of course didn't see him anywhere. "Jett?" She asked in a gentle voice, engulfed with nervousness.

"Where the hell am I!?" He yelled, half-expecting an answer. Others were around him, some even seemed calm, despite the situation they were currently in. "Hey! I said where am I?!"
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"Not too helpful?" The boy's voice spoke from behind Alex with an amused tone, only existing in his mind. "Keep trying, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

The voice then spoke to everyone else as well. "Wonderful, you've all made it here in one piece. Let me be the first to welcome you to this world of mine."

The voice seemed to shift about, as if it was moving around the enclosed space as it talked, first sounding as if it was coming from one direction then the next, then all around before focusing and changing location again.

"I hope you like your presents," it said. "I had such a difficult time figuring out what each of you would like."

"I see that one of you have already figured out the little menu I put together for you. Wonderful. If you haven't tried it yet, imagine a box sitting just outside your field of vision. Now pull it in front of you. That's your menu. You can navigate through it by thinking of where you want to go in it, speaking aloud, or you can use touch. But since you're the only one who can see your menu, navigating the menu manually will just look like a lot of swiping and flailing about."

"You can put anything interesting you find in your inventory. All you have to do it open up your menu to your inventory and toss the object in. To take something out just do the opposite, open the menu to the item in your inventory and reach in and pull it out. It's much more convenient than lugging everything around on your back."

"If you wish to return to your world, you should find Gate listed under magic. Just say
Gate Open exactly how you did to come here the first time and it will appear to bring you back. All you have to do is walk up to it and reach out and you'll find yourself back where you came from. The other types of magic work the same way. They'll show up in your menu, but to use them you have to speak them aloud."

"I could keep going on, but everything else in the menu you should be able to figure out on your own, and everything outside of these walls is for you to experience for yourself. So, without further ado..."

A breeze blew through the courtyard, flowing through the four arched tunnels that led through each of the thick black stone walls of the courtyard. There was bright sunlight on the other side of the tunnels. The wind that now blew through the previously closed-off courtyard made the branches of the lone tree growing in the center sway gently.
Martin was rather confused by the whole situation, but more than that, excited. He glanced around to the sealed walls and the large tree in the middle of it all, glancing down to every single one of the people there, and oh there were many different people there. They all seemed to share SOME things, though. They were all older than him, and like him, they were dressed in an odd medieval fashion, which they didn´t seem used to either. Some were just glancing at themselves or the walls, others were testing out equipment. Curious about it, Martin drew out some of his own "new" stuff: an arrow and the bow. The curvature of the feathers tickled a little on his fingers, the sensation of their thickness clearly shown in how they were bent and how the wood of the inner arrow was relative to each of his fingers, giving it an angle. Awesome!

Martin hadn´t tried out a bow for a very long time, since dad had brought him to that exhibit where they gave all the....kids... interactive activities to get a glimpse of how things were back in the roman days. Martin wondered where he could practice, looking around again, but there was nothing, not unless the tree itself was supposed to be some kind of giant practice dummy for them all to share. It did look old and beaten, but at the same time, the shine on the leaves didn´t seem decrepit at all, as if the tree was purposely letting them know how old it was on the bottom, and hid it´s vitality where they wouldn´t reach, the top, as if it was telling them to respect it for it was an elder and it had endured for long. Maybe some time Martin would actually try climbing up there, especially considering there were walls all around them, so he didn´t have anywhere else to go. That thought sticked with him as he placed an arrow over the bow and raised it...

There were walls all around them, he recalled yet again. There was something suffocating about the very idea of it. Being trapped like a mice on a wheel from which he couldn´t come out of. A mouse hadn´t been teleported there, though. But had THEY? It was hard to tell. Who knew if for a mice, us carrying him was like what happened with Martin and that portal thing, all in a matter of perspective? Maybe the only real difference was that a mice wasn´t given new clothes...or weapons. Martin was curious. So curious it was eating him inside, but he knew there was no way for me to see what was beyond. All he could do to explore now was meet the strangers around him. The hypothesis itself, though, brought something else to his mind...Martin didn´t know these people, and as far as he could tell, they didn´t know who he was at all, either. It was a blank slate, a fresh start. He could...make friends!

His heart skipped a beat right there, at that realization. Friends! Friends! Not just a dream or a hope, but Martin could actually make some here. Sure, they were total strangers and my eye patch wouldn´t help, but if he could just get one, just one of them at least in good terms with him... a dream come true. Martin couldn´t wait, his fingers felt like wiggling worms as they shook by themselves. He only knew the first step: Talk to them. It was hard, Martin wasn´t used to getting these sort of opportunities, but if he did now get one... He might as well...Just a little more...

"H-he-hello!" Martin managed to say before that voice echoed again. The voice of the boy that had left him hanging the other day, or maybe not, considering the situation. The voice explained some odd things, but as Martin came to realize, they were true. When he glanced to the side with his good eye, this tiny web browser thingy showed up that he could move around, even "click" on it with his mind. At least, there was a way to go back. Like on of his brother´s videogames, except without a remote control. How was this possible? Only one person could answer.

"Hey, who are you? Where are we? How did we even get here, why do we have these clothes...and weapons?" Martin inquired the voice.

It was soon gone, though, as soon, four tunnels appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Martin felt the air, fresh, sweet, and the light, nice, compelling...He needed to go out, to explore. He didn´t want to wait, but he also wanted to make friends.

Martin jumped ahead waving at everyone.

"Everyone! Over here. Now, I´m sure we don´t know each other, but my name´s Martin. I say, since we´re here, we might as well enjoy it, and find a little more about this place, no? I for one can´t wait to see...well, everything out there. I think this place has already proven to be plenty amazing." he pointed at the clothes and the tree and finally, the tunnels that had just spawned out of nowhere. He turned around. "Maybe we should all, hum...introduce ourselves first? Does anyone KNOW anything about this place?"

In truth, Martin wasn´t too concerned about knowing anything. Not knowing was part of the fun of exploring in the first place! But he would at least follow the basics that there always were in a new class.

@Mr Wonder
The voice departed as quickly as it came, leaving four possible paths to take in his wake. She had so many questions she wanted to ask, but the voice had vanished before she could say a word. Flicking through her menu in fascination, Stella marveled at this strange menu that only she could percieve. There was hardly anything in it, the only unusual item being a small chunk of amethyst. Her curiosity rose, seeing the item. Wasn't there a spell for these situations...? "Observe...?" Stella murmured hesitantly.

Small Amethyst

A small amethyst crystal with no magical properties. Can be inserted into a magical staff.

No magical properties? So magic existed in this world? Stella's mind raced with questions that could find no answers simply standing around. She returned the stone to her inventory and noticed a boy near her had started speaking while she was lost in thought. His wavering voice wound its way to the other players in this game, asking for introductions and information. She was a bit surprised, to be honest. The boy didn't look like much, but he had enough confidence to start a conversation in such an odd situation. No one else was speaking.

Stella steeled herself. She would have to get along with these other people, if they were all in this 'game' together. "Well...I just observed a piece of amethyst in my inventory...the description mentioned magic, so there's a chance that that exists here...wherever 'here' is...Of course, that's not much of a spoiler considering how we got here." Stella piped up, gesturing vaguely at the surrounding environment. "I'm Stella, by the way." She gave a nod to the group. Stella examined the kid, Martin. He was scrawny and small, equipped like all the rest. Apparently the owner of that mysterious voice had seen fit to give him a bow, although Stella was inclined to wonder if the boy could even draw the string. Not that she could, but she was at least two heads taller than this kid. She worried for a moment, considering the implications of having one's only weapon be useless in a place they knew nothing about. Then again, her own weapon was a glorified stick. If magic did exist, Stella might have a chance to learn some, but all she had at the moment was a plain wooden staff. Hardly more useful than a bow that couldn't be drawn.
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He didn't get an answer. As expected. Jett decided it'd be best to calm himself down and assess the situation to his fullest capability. He was in a courtyard with complete strangers. His clothing had been switched to something very strange, and the same voice in his head was talking again. No, it wasn't just a voice in his head. It was something else. A mystical being? God? He didn't know, and quite frankly, he didn't want to know. The voice said something about presents? That was something he could understand. After the voice explained everything about the 'Menu' he attempted to open it, and, to his surprise he actually succeeded.

He tapped the tab labeled 'Inventory' and saw something. A weapon. 'Lance'? He equipped it, the lance wasn't that heavy and it had very good reach. This was in fact perfect for him. He gripped the lance tightly, examining it closely. The handle was wooden and near the end of it was a orange ribbon tied securely, the shaft was what seemed like iron or something like that. He gripped the lance and thrust it in the air. The ribbons flapping wildly as he did so.

He placed it back in his inventory and saw what the voice had said. A spell labeled 'Gate' he could use that to get home! He could go home right now! So why didn't he? He wanted to go home ASAP, but something was urging him not to. A gut feeling. Reluctantly he closed the menu, and looked around at the people around him. They weren't freaking out. He found that strange, they acted like it was second nature.

"H-he-hello!" A voice erupted from someone and echoed through the courtyard. He turned his head around saw the person guilty of the noise. A young boy, obviously much younger than himself. Jett wanted to respond, maybe, just maybe. He was scared too, but he was trying to hide it. The Orange-Haired male waved at the boy before turning once more at the strange feeling of air nipping at his neck. Light! "Light! A way out!" He yelled as he ran towards it. The saying 'Don't go into the light' meant nothing to him. He was ready to see what this world had to offer! He was ready to experience it all, first-hand!
Alex was caught unaware's of the voice speaking directly into his mind and almost jumped out of his skin before growing calm once more 'Keep trying huh?' he thought to himself as he listened to the voice speak about the menu. It was pretty straight forward and as he expected, it was very game like.

Deep in his thoughts, he almost missed the conversations of the others, catching two of their names. Stella and Martin...he looked at the other two members of their "Party" and looked thoughtful. The woman was clearly just that, a woman. She was clearly older and the boy who sprinted passed him and Martin looked to be about the same age as him and Stella.

Stella and the woman, his face turned red at the thought of talking to them. Martin and the redhead he could probably work up the courage to speak to, but the girls were a totally different situation. Stella was pretty, her hair was unusual but interesting. For a second, he was sure he locked eyes with her but didn't look long enough to make sure.

So, to distract himself, he looked at Martin, as the young boy seemed to be the most curious about their situation "I-I-I'm Alex.." he blushed as he stuttered before trying to compose himself "I...uh..don't know anything about this place but...if it is similar to a game..." he paused and breathed softly "It could be a fantasy world...and as S-s-stella mentioned, Magic definitely exists...so maybe other fantasy stuff exists too" he silently cursed himself at stuttering over Stella's name.

"Swords, Staves...Spears, these are all medieval weapons" he racked his brains for similar stories before checking his pockets, he had a number of stories saved on his phone. He paused and frowned, not feeling the familiar bulge of his phone before bringing up his inventory and sighing "...no advanced technology either.." he said softly.

World Travelers...the words popped into his head as he thought. To travel from one world to another, it was a common trope in fantasy stories, however most stories had the characters hand picked by the God of their new world to be heroes. In some stories, this was played differently, with world traveling being common. Not all were picked by a god, some just slipped through the cracks. Most either died traveling or died on arrival.

The few that did manage to make it across and live a little were either killed by people afraid of them (if they had special abilities) or, if the world was high in magic...

"Monsters" Alex said out loud before looking down the tunnel the red head had run "We need to stop him!" he suddenly said "It could be dangerous outside these walls" this was a fantasy world, but unlike in a game, he couldn't be sure that they'd appeared in a low level area. Death could be waiting for them right outside the door.

A lot of stories had the Heroes being alright, but Alex had read a few stories that had placed the Heroes in a Death Game. Until he was sure that this wasn't one of those, it was best to take things slow.

They'd all arrived together, it was only natural that they work together. He began heading down the tunnel...and hoped that the others felt the same need to help as he did.

@Mr Wonder
"Hey-wait, what?!" Stella jolted out of her internal debate about the pros and cons of different weapons, watching the most panicked member of the group flee towards the outside world. "Hold on a sec, we need to make a plan!" She nearly called out. Another boy started speaking before she could, a stuttering, halting voice. Stella flicked her head over to listen, her mind caught between the runner and examining this new speaker. His eyes caught hers for the briefest moment before he jerked his head away awkwardly. Stella thought she might have seen a hint of red on his cheeks, but it could have just been the light. He was...odd. The boy named Alex began to chase after the kid who ran off. Stella sighed, frustrated now. Didn't these guys have any planning sense?!

"Hold up!" Stella called out, chasing after Alex. He was fast, she'd give him that. She sprinted at her full speed, but by the time she caught up to him, they were on the other side of the tunnel. Stella put her hands on her knees, gasping for breath. "Geez," She panted, "You're...one of those..athletic types." For the first time, Stella realized that perhaps this adventure would be more exercise than she had thought. Hell, by the end of this she might actually be in shape. The thought of that left her with mixed feelings of enthusiasm about having a chance to get in shape, and dread about the process of getting there. "Calm down, think." Still bent over and breathing heavily, she grabbed Alex's wrist to stop him from running off again. "We...*huff*...didn't get attacked in that first area, right? So we might be safe there for a little while. I mean, I'm worried about that other kid, too, but we need to prepare. Make a plan. We don't know anything about what's out here."

Finally, Stella caught her breath. She let go of Alex's arm and slowly rose to view her surroundings. Her breath hitched in her throat. They were in a forest. All around them, trees towered into the sky and dense foliage consumed the earth. The undergrowth was a more vibrant green than Stella had ever seen before, the leaves on the boughs above her nearly glowing with an emerald hue. Deep, rich browns complimented the lush foliage, and the heady smell of earth was evident in the air. A cool, wet breeze blew through the branches above them, caressing the leaves into a rustling tremble. The song of some yet unknown bird sounded in the distance, accompanied by a choir of humming and buzzing insects, and the sound of a distant, gurgling stream. It was absolutely the most beautiful place that Stella had ever seen.

Apparently she was not the only one who felt that way, because the boy who had fled the clearing was stopped in his tracks, gazing in a similar rapture at the quiet glory of the forest. Stella was loath to break the quiet tranquility around her, but she forced herself to call out to the boy. "Hey, kid. Did you calm down a little? Get over here so we can talk! We should all take a while to plan things out, so don't just panic and run off. I didn't even get your name." She hailed, breaking the spell.

@Mr Wonder
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Jett gazed in awe at the surrounding area, he was expecting something much less alluring. He stood there with his jaw dropped and his back somewhat slouched. "This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. I-I've read many fantasy books and used my imagination to picture the scenery but... That doesn't even compare to this." He murmured, not paying enough attention to hear the screams of warning behind him. After catching an eye-full he slowly walked deeper into the forest, bugs humming past his ears, birds singing pleasant high-pitched songs. The sun leaked through the foliage, shooting beams of light here and there. Spectacular.

He did an about-face and spotted two people, a male he saw inside the courtyard and a female who he also saw before. She seemed to be out of breath.
"I guess I've calmed down a little.. My name is Jett, Jett Miller." His eyes jumped from one person to the other as he said his name. He didn't really care who they were at the moment because he was too focused on the lingering questions dwelling within his head. "How do you think we got here? Magic? And who might that voice be..? I have a few theories myself, I thought he could be a God of some sorts. What do you two think?" He was genuinely curious about what they believed.

While waiting for their answers he sat himself down. Grass, dirt, pebbles, and some some small insects clung to his hand. He shook them off and opened the menu, scanning through just to make sure he didn't miss anything important. But everything was the same. Currently, Jett's emotions were a giant mix of anger, happiness, and just a hint of fear. But more than anything, curiosity.

Things began minimally well, with a couple introductions and a couple suggestions, namely regarding the similarities to a "fantasy world". Martin had heard of the concept from his brother, though he had never really understood what it meant. Magic? Elves? chests of gold and bonus points? He didn´t know, though Stella seemed to believe magic to be the case for it. And Allex pointed out, without really adding much, that everything we had was in low level technology. Martin wondered, if they could back and forth, could they also take things back and forth? Somehow, the idea of showing these off back home, and how could he looked with them, was really enticing. But first things first, they needed to...

"H-hey!" Martin shouted as a boy suddenly ran right past him. What rudeness! Like, here he was, trying to at least get all of them to introduce themselves, and that guy ran right past him! Martin turned to the others, seeing no less than three other people chasing after the boy, leaving Martin hanging there. As if he wasn´t there, as if... He didn´t matter. All the expectations Martin had about making friends seemed to drop like a loud weight on his chest. They were running from him at first sight, already. Was his eyepatch THAT disturbing? Did everyone feel that need, all the time, to just get away?

Martin gazed to the tunnels, grinning as he felt that weight lifting. No, that wasn´t it. Compared to the large stone walls of the inner yard, the world outside was compelling, as if calling for all of them. The beauty of that light like in an ancient canvas, reflecting on the trees one could just barely see if they were looking for it. How could Martin blame anyone for wanting to run for freedom and to discover this whole new world, when he himself wanted to do it so badly? He pushed his sleeves up and bent a little. Well, if they were gonna run, he wouldn´t be the only one left out of the fun.

"Hey, wait for me! Wooohoooo!" Martin giggled, sprinting ahead. Judging by appearances alone, most of them didn´t seem to be exactly keen to exercise, which gave him the opportunity to make up for the age gap between them, and keep pace. Still, actually catching up to them running was a different story: The others did start running first. "Well, if I can´t go ahead, I´ll go the furthest. Slow goes far!"

My heart kept racing as I charged down. The others began slowing down a little as they got to the edge of the forest, and I took the opportunity to give a final push. Sprinting even harder, feeling the air flowing against my fingertips, hearing the sound of birds and the scent of the forest, I ran right past the others into the deep, until I finally couldn´t run anymore, not because I was tired, but because I was promptly stopped by a tree root, raised just enough to make me trip and land on a bush that scratched my face.

"Ow! I complained, rubbing my face before laughing it off. I picked myself up, rubbing off a little of the dirt from my fingers and some of the plant from my nose, then turned towards my companions, a little far behind me by now. I smiled. I should go to them, before I lost my chance. Though, looking up to the birds, happily singing, I also felt like staying, relaxing, just letting this atmosphere sink me into it...

@Onamonapia @Seraph Darkfire @quiescentLunacy @Stickdom @OverconfidentMagi
Staring at her surroundings, Vanessa took in the beauty of the walls that surrounded this little group, the serene grace of the tree in the center that swayed in the breeze. The same breeze that blew open four corridors in their entrapment, letting in tunnels of light that glared in from the outside world. Accompanied by the same voice of the boy who had drawn her here, and she assumed the others as well, it was obvious that they were meant to move on, to explore and discover, this place was a dream come true!

She toyed with the menu for a second, one hand sliding it in from her peripheral vision and browsing all of the options, her other hand still preoccupied with twirling the haft of her new spear between its fingers. She got bored of it rather quickly, since it told her nothing new except that her outfit had changed slightly, which she had already figured out from simple observation. She brushed the menu away and it slid back to its resting place at the edge of her vision, and now she turned her attention to the next greatest thing: all of her new potential friends! She approached the group who had now moved a little bit away together, she was still a dozen feet away when one of them, a very young boy, took off in some kind of panic, or maybe it was excitement. Two others soon followed, another red-haired boy who seemed to be chasing the runner,, and then another girl, trying to catch the first two. So it was a race! Vanessa gritted her teeth playfully, cinching her headband tight with her free hand and her teeth, then took off after them all, whooping and hollering like a crazed savage, darting past the group at full speed, out past the girl and boy who had stopped together outside of the gate, eyes fixed on her main prize, catching up to the very young boy.

It was just like every other pole-vault she had done at school, maybe even a little easier because of his height. As she came within range of the boy, she planted the tip of her spear into the ground at his feet, using it as a lever arm to launch herself over him feet-first, gliding gracefully a full meter over his head and landing on the other side of him in a crouch, spear still in hand. She stood triumphantly and raised her arms in victory, turning back and forth and nodding her head to the invisible cheering crowd in her mind, then gave a shout of "I win!" that echoed noisily through the once silent forest.

@Onamonapia @quiescentLunacy @Idea @OverconfidentMagi
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Vanessa's shout did not go unanswered. The sound had barely faded as a terrible cry echoed back from within the forest. Hardly a moment later the creature responsible for the sound burst out from between the trees between. It was a massive boar covered in dark hair and dirt. It's eyes were darting in every direction and its breathing was ragged, buffs of bloody spittle flying with every labored spasm of its thick barrel-like chest. There was what looked like an arrow sticking out of the beast's back, but the shaft was as thick as a fist. If it had been stuck in a smaller creature it may have been called a spear aside from the metal feathers attached to its end. But even more threatening than the massive arrow embedded into the boar was the two vicious looking tusks curving from the beast's mouth. Each had to be at least a foot long and look to be serrated on both sides.

The monstrous animal stopped dead in its tracks when it spotted and was spotted by the people outside the forest. Then something set it off and it charged with a shrill cry right at the person closest to it: the young Martin. As large as the beast was, it charged with incredible speed.
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Fear. That was what he felt at the sight of the creature, like ice going through his spine. This boar...this monster..was so real. He could see the blood and fur with such detail. It was terrifying. Was this really just some game? What kind of game would have this monster be the first encounter.

The cry it gave off sent shivers through his body, forcing him to take a step back. Then he saw the creature's target. For a second, he had a selfish thought 'If I used the Gate to leave, I can get away while it attacks him...' then he promptly slapped himself, hard. He grit his teeth against the pain "Moron" he mumbled to himself. How could he leave a child to be hurt and save himself? If he did that, he'd be more of a monster than the one in front of him.

Slowly, he drew his sword and tested it's weight in his hand, making sure he wouldn't drop it. If he drew it when he got to the boar, it would leave him open, he needed some way to defend himself immediately and the small shield he had looked like it would rip apart under the tusks of the boar.

'This moment is as good as any to be brave' Alex thought. He'd always been a bit of a coward, avoiding talking to people, hiding in the library. But this creature, as scary as it was...it made everything else before so...small.

"Screw it" with that, he took off towards Martin.

-If you don't stand up to your fears, have bravery, loyalty, and you don't have friends, you'll never win. You'll never feel better about yourself.
@OverconfidentMagi @quiescentLunacy @Stickdom @Idea @Onamonapia
A screech forced him to jolt up and face where the noise came from. He wasn't expected such a beast to appear right off the bat! It was huge! No. It was gargantuan! His eyes widened as he gripped his lance with both hands. Even with his firm grip, his hands shook uncontrollably. There was no way he could fight that thing. 'What would, Guts do?' He asked himself. Guts was a character from a manga he read a while back, he was brave! And fought much worse than this. 'He'd charge in and kill the beast!' Jett mentally yelled at himself, desperately trying to gain the courage to fight. He knew he couldn't outrun the beast so his best option would be to battle the animal, hopefully the others were thinking the same.



No matter how many times he repeated that same word in his head, his body refused to move even the slightest millimeter. He wished his brother was here, he wished that
thing wasn't here! He wished he was back home at his desk reading his favorite book. None of those wishes came true.

The monster rushed towards, Martin at incredible speeds! At the sight of this, Jett slammed his fist onto his leg and without thinking did the same thing the animal did. He charged. The tip of his lance aimed directly at it's thick neck.
"Move!" He yelled out in fury, losing more and more distance between him and the boar. Despite how scared he actually was he kept his eyes open, a mixed expression of fear and anger glued against his face. He hoped his attack would do critical damage. Or better yet, kill it.
The boar arrived in howling rage, catching Vanessa completely off guard. She lost her balance for a split moment as she wheeled around to face the creature who had appeared behind her some distance away. And then it charged, full tilt towards Martin who stood between the boar and Vanessa. If this was a game, it was not a friendly, happy-go-lucky one. The little boy would be trampled to death, and those who were behind them back at the gate seemed to think so as well. Several of them charged, a lance was pointed and a sword was raised as their wielders ran headlong towards the monster. The spear in her hand suddenly felt heavy, this was no longer a toy and the world was no longer a game, she was holding a weapon and the beast before her was the enemy. Or was it?

This boar, a massive arrow embedded in its side bleeding and gouging it, was a living animal, terrified and defensive, and it was simply protecting itself further in the only way it knew how. Violence begot violence. Suddenly she felt a connection to the animal, wanted to soothe its anger, heal its wounds, send it on its way. It might not understand her gestures of compassion, but she had to try! She darted forward, having a headstart on the others behind her, spear not aimed ahead, but held down at her side where it wouldn't get in the way. The boar paid her no mind, its rage focused on Martin, and so as she came from the side, it ran directly past her. But not before she had leapt forward, sticking her spear into the ground yet again to give herself a spring to push off of, and let it go, instead grabbing ahold of the giant arrow in the boar's side and pulling with all her might, her feet planted on the boar's side to give her leverage. If she could not dislodge it, perhaps she could at least distract it enough to veer it off of a collision course with the small young boy it was intent on flattening. She gave another hard tug at the arrow, yelling in a shrill voice, "Alright, you stupid arrow, come ouuuttttt!!!!"
Martin pouted seeing how everyone was already getting along without him. Even though HE was the one that had to them and wanted to make friends, they all had turned their attention from him, just focusing on each other. People could be really selfish, he didn´t even get someone to play with, not until he saw the girl coming and leaping over him with that spear of hers, like some kind of athlete. Martin couldn´t help but smile brightly at that.

"Wow!" He said, clapping. "That´s amazing! How did you do that? Though, you are a little late... I had already said I won."

Martin giggled. He did say he won before her...right? Still, this was a very amusing person. A potential friend, maybe? Martin gave her another smile.

"We should go to the others. I wonder if I can do that with the weapons I..."

Something was wrong. Where was his knife? Lost? Martin gazed around, spotting on the grass nearby.

"Oh, there it is!" He chuckled, running towards it, before a loud growl made itself audible.

Martin turned slowly as he heard a faint movement. No, it was getting louder. Though he could only see a slight silhuete yet, the figure seemed to be getting bigger and louder. Whatever it was, it was coming.

"Get back!" He shouted, turning to his peers. He knew he might be overreacting, but better overreacting than in danger. He himself only dared take small, careful steps away, trying to avoid making anything that could disturb whatever it was further.

And then it appeared. This large boar, with an arrow on it`s back. Martin shivered with fear, unsure of what he should do. Without thinking, he pulled out his bow and an arrow, but the thing was already charging at him...

Martin glanced at everyone. Surely, at least he could show them he was a good friend, right? Even if they hadn´t known each other for long, they were in this together, for however short amount of time...

Wait, why were they all coming?! Did none of them have an ounce of trust in him? Was Martin just another kid for them? And here he was, hoping... What an idiot he had been.


He felt a burst of pain right through the chest...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed as he looked ahead again. The boar was shaking him around, it`s tusks shoved into Martin`s body. The animal`s head was already covered in thick red lines and poodles, along with these brown tubes half spread into it`s forehead and mouth, tubes which Martin was pretty sure he was missing now. Martin ached and panted as he felt the pushes and twists inside his body, and kept screaming. His lungs were getting stabbed inside, most likely by all the broken ribs. Not that he needed much. He pretty much couldn`t feel half of his body, his legs were just getting shaken around like some rag doll`s.

He had dropped his bow and arrows. Strength was fading quickly, he was pretty sure a lot of people would have died straight away. He reached out to his back, and started feeling it. His leather clothes...The blood...the other end of the tusk, purring out with bits of muscles, bones and nerves...And his quiver.

There was no calming the creature now. No stopping it from raging around. All he could do was try to put it out of it`s mercy. The poor thing was doing this because of an arrow on it`s back...and would have to stop with more weapons. Although Martin`s vision was already blurry, he was in the perfect spot to strike. He pulled out all his arrows at once, and quickly shoved them into the boar`s maw with his remaining energy, hoping for it to suffocate from the block. the girl with the spear made a leap onto the boar at that moment.

"AAAAH!" Was Martin`s last words as the boar closed it`s mouth with Martin`s hands still inside. The world turned red for a moment, then faded into black...Just.Black. And a small light, faintly behind him.

The boar shoves it`s tusks right up Martin`s chest. In his dying moments, Martin shoves all his arrows onto the boar`s mouth in hopes to suffocate it. The boar bites off his hand.

Martin dies.

@Stickdom @OverconfidentMagi

@Onamonapia @Seraph Darkfire
"This can't be happening. This isn't real. What the hell kind of game is this?!" Stella's mind froze in panic, the world around her slowing down and focusing on a single entity. The boar before her was unlike anything she had ever seen before. This was not a barnyard pig. It was massive, larger than she was with tusks as thick as her arm. It charged, and Stella dimly noticed that its tusks were stained with flaking, dried blood. The people around her reacted, drawing their respective weapons and charging at the beast like...like heroes. Stella's arms felt like lead, a violent tremor shot through her whole body. She glanced down at the staff she held in her hands, but now it looked more like a large stick. There was no way it could possibly damage the boar. It was closer now. Twenty feet, ten feet. Stella couldn't move. She could only watch, terrified for her life and loathing herself for being unable to move the way she wanted to. She felt the urge, instinctively, to lunge towards the beast's target, the boy called Martin. Maybe she would be able to push him out of its path in time. But she was frozen in shock, able only to watch as its gore-stained tusks ran the small boy through. It jostled him, tearing open his armor, his skin, and the entrails inside, splattering the earth with fresh ruby blood and staining it crimson. Stella watched as a boy she had known only briefly died, without her doing anything to stop it. Tears pooled in her eyes, and a few drops of the child's blood splattered on her clothes and face. "Aaaah..." Stella whispered in a choked wail. Her tears began to run, mixing with Martin's blood and falling from her face in pink rivulets.

"aaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Her scream pierced the air, the sky, the very forest itself. It was bloody murder, a high, keening shriek that mirrored the horror that had just transpired.

@Stickdom @OverconfidentMagi @Onamonapia @Seraph Darkfire @Idea
The screams of the boy forced, Jett to stop dead in his tracks. He dropped his lance and jaw, eyes wide, he couldn't believe what just happened. That monster killed a child! He was close enough for a good amount of fresh blood to splatter against his armor and face. Tears welled up in his eyes, the fear he was feeling before disappeared. All he felt now was sadness, but more than that, anger! He leaned down, picked up his lance and grit his teeth. Tears streamed down his face but behind the tears was a vicious look. Rage.

He gripped the lance tightly, veins clearly visible on the sides of his forehead. He opened his mouth and let out an ear-burning scream. "I'll kill you!" The normally calm male now sent in a boiling pot of aggravation. This was a very rare sight, he never was this angry before. He never wanted to kill something this bad. He turned his head rapidly to face, Vanessa, who was currently on top of the piece of crap. "Kill the damn thing while you're up there!" He barked the order before darting towards the boar even faster than before. His lance aimed directly at the animal's neck.

It was still, after murdering the innocent child it stood there, holding its kill up like a trophy. Once he got close enough he jumped up as high as his legs could propel him and attempted to drive the weapon the farthest he could through the boar's neck. At this point he didn't care for his own well-being, he just wanted payback.

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