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Fantasy God of Silver

"Damn It!" Alex's roar of anger propelled him forward. Watching as Martin was killed had completely blown away any fear he may have had, replacing it with reckless anger. He'd never imagined that in his lifetime he would actually witness someone being killed. But what surprised him the most was the anger he felt. He barely knew Martin, yet he felt such anger at his death.

He'd never been this angry, but what could he do? He was a normal person and this boar was massive, even it's fur looked like it could cut into him...

Suddenly, he had an idea. The magic he held, Observe, was something that could analyze other things. Maybe it could find a weakness he could exploit, though Alex was already sure the large arrow like object in it's back was a weak point, however it was too large for someone like him to either push in or pull out. It would take some decent strength, or a large weapon to do so.

"Observe!" he said focusing on the boar, even as he moved forward to stab at it's eyes with his sword. If he could blind it, that would prevent it from killing the others easily.

@OverconfidentMagi @quiescentLunacy @Stickdom @Idea @Onamonapia
Stella stood there on trembling legs, unable to tear her eyes away from the blood-drenched corpse on the boar's tusks. It was such a small body. Small. Young. He died without living, experiencing so little. Here and now, they would all suffer the same fate. There was no way they could fight that thing.

Although that truth rang through Stella's mind, the others didn't seem to realize, or at the very least, acknowledge it. Two of her comrades charged at the boar, brandishing their weapons and screaming, not in a horrified lament as she had done, but in a blood-curdling rage. Their eyes burned in a hatred Stella was unable to comprehend. How did they keep going with the knowledge that they would end up the same as the boy, Martin? How could they feel such fury as to override the fear they must surely have felt? Stella wondered what they thought they could do. Their weapons could not possibly cut through the beast's hide, when even such a massive arrow as the one protruding from its flank had not been enough to slay it.

Stella had dimly noticed the arrow before, but now she gazed at it intensely, mourning its inefficacy. The other girl who had been summoned to this world clung to it, appearing desperate to do...something. It looked as if she were trying to pull it out, but that made no sense to Stella. Why would that girl feel the need to pull out the only weapon strong enough to harm the beast? Besides, it wasn't like she could have torn it free. The gargantuan arrow was stuck fast, apparently deep inside the beast already. Somehow it hadn't hit anything vital, but it must surely have been close. The boar's hide must have slowed it down, taking out the force necessary for the arrow to fully penetrate to where it was intended to go. Stella glanced down to her own weapon, barely more than a large stick. The comparison was almost pitiful. Her staff may have carried a moderate amount of force behind it due to its large, weighted top, but even if swung at full strength, could not even bruise the monster...

"Weighted top..." Something dawned on Stella, a revelation that knocked her breath away. She glanced at her staff, then at the arrow. The slim chance fluttered in her mind. Vanessa gripped the arrow from the base of the shaft, where it was lodged in the beast. Her body was braced next to the arrow, but not obstructing it. If Stella missed, she would hurt Vanessa, perhaps even breaking a few ribs. But Stella's weapon was the only one that could accomplish this insane task.

The girl trembled, arms shaking as she gripped her staff tightly with both hands. Her breath grew faster, more labored. Her heart hammered in her chest. Steeling her resolve not out of confidence, but out of some dim, faint hope, Stella started to sprint. She charged, roaring, "HEY, GIRL, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Stella pulled back her staff as far as she could as she drew close. Her focus crystallized to the singular point of her target, the back end of the arrow. Swinging with all her might, Stella prayed to whatever gods existed in this world that her blow carried enough force to drive the arrow deep enough, to pierce the boar's vitals.

@OverconfidentMagi @Seraph Darkfire @Stickdom @Idea @Onamonapia
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Blue lines only Alex could see traced around the beast, and an instant later the information window popped into existance.

Wild Boar

A large wild pig that lives in the plains and forests surrounding Rhuneheim. Can grow to be quite large and is prone to suddenly charging at anything it sees as a threat. Its thick skin and serrated tusks mean there are very few predators that will hunt a fully grown boar.

The boar cried out once more as it twisted to one side as it felt another flare of maddening pain come from the weapon lodged in its back. The sudden move caused the point of the metal lance meant for its neck to embed itself in the creature's shoulder instead, and it twisted around just in time to face a blade aimed for its face. The blade hit its mark, digging into the boar's eye with a sickening sound, and cutting a bloody gash across the entire side of its face when the pig lunged away. Bleeding and maddened, the swung back at its attackers, the end of the massive arrow catching Stella and knocking her aside with surprising strength.

With its one remaining eye it found the thing that had blinded it. Its back legs shook as the huge boar struggled to stay standing, then it raised its head back up with another loud cry as if it was going to charge again. The roar was cut short, a massive wooden spike sticking out of the animal's neck and chest. It was a second arrow, identical to the one that had already been stuck in the boar's back. But this one had hit its mark, right into the pig's heart. It toppled to the ground as the life left its body.

In the direction the arrow had been fired from there was a strange wooden machine. Stepping around the machine was a short man, and at the man's side was an absolutely massive dog. The dog might not have been quite the boar's size, but its shoulders were higher than the man's head. The man picked up something up off the ground and approached the people gathered around his kill.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Before he'd gotten halfway to the group he was already yelling. "You and your kin aren't welcome this side of the highlands!" As he got closer some things became much clearer. Firstly, the dog with him wasn't as massive as it had first appeared, and it wasn't a dog but a wolf. The large gray wolf's silver eyes met each of the humans' with the icy friction of a glacier passing uncaring over rocks. It saw them, knew that it could hunt them at its leisure, and decided to ignore them for the time being. The second thing was that the man wasn't just short, he was really short. To anyone who knew anything about fantasy worlds at all, it would be immediately clear what the short muscular man with the thick beard and hefting a massive hammer was. A dwarf. A very angry dwarf.

"If I have to tell the King that you bloody humans have been scouting into our lands again there'll be blood to pay! You just can't damn well stay in your own borders..."

He stopped speaking in the middle of his angry rant, eyes growing wide as they took in the people standing in front of him, jumping from one face to the next and to the silver bands around each's wrist. The dwarf was having trouble speaking, his mouth opening and closing but just wordless gasps coming out. Finally he started to expel words once more.

"You... you're all... heroes!" His eyes continued to dart around the group and to the body of Martin. "One, two... three, four... five? So many!" The dwarf brought his hammer around to point at the boy's corpse. "The boy, is he like the rest of you? Did he come here with you, tell me!"
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"So, how was your first game over?"

The boy's voice was close, as if whispering into Martin's ear. He found himself surrounded by nothing but darkness, it was impossible to distinguish whether his own eyes were open or not.

"Gored by a wild pig right off the bat, not a pleasant way to kick the bucket as far as first deaths go. If I had my way I'd have started you off with something a little smaller, but alas."

The voice drifted around to come from in front of Martin to ask him a question.

"So, now that you've been killed I have to ask you once more: Do you still want to play this game?"

"Or rather,"
the boy's voice gave a chuckle,

"Game Over.

Would you like to continue?"

The information was useless..again. He wished Observe had a more advanced form, maybe something that actually gave useful information.

Alex was surprised he'd managed to even harm the boar, and even more so when the sword was almost yanked out of his hand, forcing him to grip it tightly to prevent it from going flying. When the boar looked at him, Alex was frozen with fear, knowing that this creature was going to kill him next. Then, with a surprisingly dull sound, another arrow pierced it, killing it.

He turned towards where the arrow had come from and blinked in surprise, seeing the machine. It looked familiar, he'd definitely seen it before...! The thought suddenly shot into his head. He remembered it from his history books 'A ballista' a special catapult designed to fire spears. It was certainly a terrifying war weapon. They were also used in quite a few medieval video games.

Then they were being yelled at, by a surprisingly small man, though the wolf next to him was certainly enough to scare anyone. Alex had the suspicion that a group of those wolves could easily take down a similar boar as the one they'd fought.

With a sense of powerlessness, he listened to the man's complaints before he realized something...this man was a Dwarf! A sense of excitement welled up in his heart before the Dwarf mentioned Martin, as well as the mention of them being Heroes. He looked at the silver band on his wrist 'Is this some sort of marker? That is a bit...problematic' the kind of attention these would bring would be difficult to handle, especially for him.

He shook his head before looking back at the Dwarf man "Ah...well...yes" he said softly straightening himself up "He was with us...at least until this thing killed him" his face turned angry as he moved to kick the boar in the snout. It was surprising how quickly something could go from terrifying to pathetic.

Alex looked back at the Dwarf "I'd rather not talk about it at the moment though" he said softly before sighed "Um...if we've stepped over some racial...boundaries...we apologize" he rubbed the back of his head "We aren't really from...here" he paused slightly as he examined the weapon the man carried. He was certain that this man, if he so chose, could easily kill the rest of them. Dwarves were smaller than humans but they certainly weren't weaker...at least that was how the stories and games made them out to be.

Even if Alex wanted to fight, he wasn't confident that he could properly raise his sword. The simple act of stabbing the boar had made his entire arm numb.

@OverconfidentMagi @quiescentLunacy @Stickdom @Idea @Onamonapia
Jett wasn't happy. His attack didn't connect to the right spot, instead, the boar flinched and he ended up burying his lance into its shoulder. It flailed around wildly but, Jett kept an amazing grip on the lance. "Just fall down!" He managed to say through his gritted teeth. He was surprised when the boar actually did fall, making him lose his clasp and free fall down onto the animal's belly. He slowly opened his eyes at the sound of another person. However, he didn't turn to see who it was. Instead he turned and walked to face the dead boy's carcass, blood still oozing out. He reached towards the boy's pale face and slowly shut his lifeless eyes.

After wiping his own face clear of blood and tears he turned to face the person who just spoke. He wasn't surprised whatsoever when catching eye of the short man and the giant wolf. He just stared at them without saying a word, barely listening to his annoying little rant. His face was still gloomy, almost apathetic. How could this midget not care about the death of a child, he wondered. That thought remained in his head until the dwarf had the nerve to point that weapon at the body. He grabbed the dwarf's wrist harshly, opening his mouth to talk.
"Don't point that thing at him." He whispered with a voice as cold as the grave. With that he threw his arm aside.

Jett walked over to his lance that was still lodged into the beast's shoulder and pulled it out with both hands. Blood dripped from the weapon onto the grass. "Yeah, that boy came with us." He answered the dwarf's question while rubbing his head and sitting next to the fresh kill. "Who are you? And why did you call us heroes?" He asked with a hint of anger still wandering in his voice. He turned to face the machine and the dog, but soon turned back to the man. Expecting a clear answer.

@OverconfidentMagi @Idea @Seraph Darkfire @quiescentLunacy @Stickdom
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For a brief moment, Stella's mind flickered with equal parts surprise and the exhilaration of success. Whether by the will of whatever gods she had prayed to, or by sheer luck, her attack had managed to plunge the arrow ever deeper into the boar's massive body. Almost immediately after, the universe payed retribution for the stroke of good fortune. The boar whirled around, faster than Stella could hope to react. The arrow's massive shaft smashed against Stella's side, its metal fletching tearing a sizeable gash into her flank as she was hurled into a nearby tree.

All of the air burst from Stella's lungs, her back and head hitting the tree's trunk with a horrible THUD. Stella loosed an agonized whimper, the most she could muster without a scrap of breath in her lungs. Too many things hurt at once, nearly overwhelming her brain's ability to process it all. Her vision grew black and fuzzy around the edges, her ears rang with a piercing pitch that blocked out the world, her breathing returned shallow and ragged, every breath sending daggers of pain through her chest. She could feel faintly the warm, sticky trickle of blood oozing from her scalp where her head met wood. More profoundly, she could feel an agonizing inferno of pain along her flank. It seemed she was bleeding quite severely from where the metal fletching had carved into her. Already, a small pool of blood soaked into the ground where she lay crumpled. Through the haze of pain, Stella guessed she had broken a rib, maybe several. She would need heavy stitches, the bones would have to be set, and she probably had a decent concussion. This couldn't even compare to any injury she had suffered before.

It took a few moments before Stella could think of anything besides her screaming body. As the ringing in her ears faded, Stella began to hear the voices of a discussion. There was a voice she didn't recognize mixed in to the fray. Stella opened her eyes, noting how bright and painful the world looked. She almost certainly had a concussion. Trying to direct her blurred vision to the source of the unfamiliar voice, Stella could have sworn she was hallucinating. There was a tiny man there, next to a massive wolf. She could vaguely hear what everyone was saying over the ringing in her ears, but none of it made sense. Something about borders...and heroes. The pool of blood around Stella slowly increased in size, and she felt slightly dizzy. She parted her lips, trying to ask what was going on, but all she could utter was a quiet, broken moan. "aaaaaah..."

@OverconfidentMagi @Idea @Seraph Darkfire @Onamonapia @Stickdom
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Dark. Everything was pitch dark. As if someone had strapped a hundred blindfolds over my eyes and was pulling each to make that massive headache. I rubbed my belly and...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Martin screamed, getting up at once. He had died, didn`t he? Why was his belly healed? Was it all a nightmare? A tremendously painful, vicious dream? "Where am..."

His train of thoughts was interrupted by the boy`s voice.

"So I...really DIED? Is all death like this? Doesn`t that mean..." Martin looked down. No tears were forming in his good eye yet, though he knew normally one would have if he felt this sad. If everyone had a chance to come back, then that meant his pets never did by choice. That they never liked him. Looking back at it, maybe his pets couldn´t rely on him. After all, who needs to rely on someone like him? Not even complete strangers could trust him enough to stay away from a giant boar!

I came to realize something. If the boy was with me until I made that choice...then I had this opportunity to ask him about stuff. As quickly as I could I thought of as many questions as I could, then sprinted through them:

"Hum...If you don`t mind me asking...Who exactly are you? Why did you choose us to come here, to your world? Are there even other people, apart from animals, here? Are all the animals angry like that? Poor thing, the boar had an arrow on it`s back...Wait, that means there must at least be more people here! If we`re players, then my brother would call them...NPCs? Also, are we really gonna be heroes? How? When? How is this...place even possible? I mean, it`s awesome...I can`t wait to show mom my bow and arrows, though I have no idea what actually happened to my other clothes. Where are they, by the way? When I come back to life...I won`t still have the wound, will I? Is it like my...colleague once said, and we come back to life as animals? Could I come back as a puppy, then? I`m assuming you control the place...Speaking of which, how are my, hum, fellow players, supposed to get stronger, if I got killed the minute we stepped out into the world? Is there, like, a place we can practice on or something?" I sprinted. By the end, I was panting, which was weird considering I was dead.

@Stickdom @OverconfidentMagi

@Onamonapia @Seraph Darkfire

She twisted her body and pushed with her feet, putting every ounce of strength into wrenching the massive bolt to steer the beast away from the defenseless boy it was charging. But her efforts made little difference, and the boar continued its rampage forward. The sound of screams chilled Vanessa to the bone, she momentarily stopped her actions and simply stared wide-eyed at the bristling hide of the beast who was mercilessly trampling the innocent boy. Vanessa clung to the arrow shaft, still hauling on it with all of her strength, when the boar bucked and flung itself around, knocking the other girl, Stella, away, and causing the lance of one of the boys to pierce into the creature's neck, directly by her foot. Her previous thoughts of calming this animal were lost, a sorrow welled in her heart as a series of tears wet the corners of her eyes. The creature was not a kitten to be rescued, it was crazed with pain and rage and instinct, and to keep it alive was a cruelty, not a mercy. The girl gritted her teeth, harnessing her wandering emotions into a single thought. Kill. She braced against the bolt again, though this time she reversed her direction, not pulling but pushing. She screamed, not in pain but exertion, willing herself to drive the half-embedded bolt deeper, to pierce the heart of the boar and end its life.

But she was beaten to her goal, another bolt came hurtling through the air past her head. The rush of air swept her hair with the force of its wind, and the stake plunged into the boar's body, burrowing to the core of the creature. The boar stopped its rampage, falling headfirst into the ground, the impact of its fall sending Vanessa hurtling over herself to the ground. She landed with a heavy thud in the dirt, painfully raising her eyes to see what had occurred. The sight she beheld made her heart skip a beat, then another, then another. Martin, the boy who she had only recently met, the one she had tried so desperately to protect, lay in a pool of his own blood, his hand bitten off at the wrist, still laying in the boar's mouth, blood spattered the tusks and teeth of the creature. A little man appeared in the distance with a canine companion, the apparent slayer of this monster, but Vanessa ignored him. The others had engaged him in conversation, but their words never reached Vanessa's ears. She screamed in agony, her heart felt like it was going to burst as she pulled herself nauseously to her feet, scrambling forward to pull the lifeless body of Martin from under the boar's giant head, cradling his corpse and pressing her forehead to his, weeping bitter tears that fell on his face and mixed with the crimson blood. Her hands and shirt were stained red, but she could care less, if she could collect all of his blood and return it to his body by catching it on her clothing, she would. And she cried and cried and cried.
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The boy's laughter danced through the air softly. Yes, you did die, but it would be rude of me to invite you into my world without making sure you are kept safe in some small way. So long as you are in this world, you need not fear death. I will catch your soul each time you fall and provide you with a new body to return to life however many times you should need. But do not value your life so lightly in the world you came from. I won't be able to keep death from you there.

The voice continued to laugh cheerfully as the child's flood of questions continued to stream from his mouth just a fast as the appeared within his head. Me? Just someone who loves this world and wants others to be able to enjoy it. There isn't any grand reason I chose any of you, I just thought you might like to come here and get the chance to experience the things this world offers. You all seemed like you could use a little bit of adventure in your lives. No, you aren't the only people in this world. There are all kinds of peoples that inhabit this world, including humans just like yourselves, but there are other types of peoples besides such as the elves and dwarves as well. I expect that you'll be meeting one of them quite soon in fact. There was an odd sort of coldness that tinged boy's normally warm and cheerful voice when he spoke the word dwarves that was gone again the moment he carried on talking.

What you want to do is up to you. But doesn't becoming a hero sound like it'd be a lot of fun? I've always thought so. Unfortunately you won't be able to bring anything from this world back with you when you return to your own world, so it'll be hard to convince the people there that you're not making everything up. Don't worry though, it'll all be here waiting for you when you return. Everything will return to normal when you leave, including your clothes, do not worry. About your bow and arrows though; normally when you die you'd lose what you were carrying and your inventory, but since that wasn't a very good first encounter for you in this world I'll put it all back with you when you're revived. It's just this once though, after that you'll have to pay that cost for coming back to life. As much as I would like to grant your wish and return you to life as a puppy, I am only able to restore you to what you were.

I am truly sorry for what happened to you. Dying is something I expected, but so soon after entering this world is unfortunate. If it was possible I would have liked to introduce you to this world more gently, but I cannot control what may happen. It just so happened that a hunter had managed to enrage that boar you stumbled into and that made it violent enough to attack you. There are plenty more pleasant creatures and forgiving places to practice what you wish in this world. This world has its dangers and is sometimes scary, but it also contains wonders and can be beautiful. You can come and see this world's beauty for yourself.

The dwarf showed no reaction as the red haired boy walked right up to him, even as he looked up at what was his younger to not break eye contact. His companion let out a low growl, its soft rumble betraying the threat it carried. "Calm Nyir'r," he said as he let the boy push his hand aside. If anyone else had tried that he'd have let the dire wolf crush their skull between its teeth before they had a chance to regret their decision. Hell, if anyone else had tried that he'd have hit them so hard they'd have been puking their insides out their mouth before the wolf got its chance at 'em. But these were Heroes, killing them would be pointless. And the looks on their faces, the pain in their eyes and bodies told him something else. They didn't know.

He laughed. It was a cruel thing, but the sheer stupidity at work in front of him was just too much. The gods themselves had to be playing a joke on him on this day for him to have just stumbled upon a group of Heroes so green they didn't even know what they were. "No shit you aren't from here! Heroes come from the otherworlds. No wonder the thunderbird was out this far out, probably flew over to catch a peek at you lot just showin' up. You're all so green you don't even know what you actually got. Yeah that pig there definitely did kill that boy, and it could've killed the rest of you too, had a nice good meal of ya if it was hungry, and then done it all again." His laughter had faded down to a chuckle of amusement then further down into a somber amusement simply from the weight of the emotions coming off the group of ignorant heroes. He raised the end of his hammer and again waved it at where a young woman was crying over the broken body of the dead boy. "Cuz there's one big rule that applies to you folk that come from the otherworlds. Heroes don't die."

@Idea @Seraph Darkfire @Stickdom @quiescentLunacy @Onamonapia
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"Heroes don't die" the words the Dwarf said echoed in his mind, like lightning, passing through his thoughts like water through a strainer. He frowned as he tried to comprehend this, his thoughts racing. This world wasn't a game, not by a long shot. Even given the menu and the voice, getting hit still hurt and swinging a sword and hitting something still left his arm numb.

And a boy still died. But this man was telling them that heroes didn't die? If the voice was a god of some sort and considered him and the others players in it's game..then it was possible...

"Respawn" Alex said softly before he looked at his blood covered sword, still held in his hand. Was it possible that he could slit his own throat and simply come back. Looking at the sharp edge he found that he wasn't really excited to give it a try. He wiped the blood off on his pant leg and stuck it back into it's sheath.

Then he looked around at the others, seeing the woman who's name he still hadn't gotten, cradling Martin's body. It was a hear rending sight. Even he felt that there was a cold pit in his stomach at seeing the body. His eyes stung slightly but he felt surprisingly calm. Martin's body was still here...of course it was still here. This was real life, not a game. A dead body didn't just vanish into sparkles of light or dissolve into dust.

He looked at Jett "T-the Menu says Rookie Heroes as our title" he said softly before spotting Stella lying a few feet away, up against a tree. He frowned before spotting something red on the grass near her "Damn!" he cursed softly and ran over to her. He could see that she was injured but didn't know how badly.

Despite what the Dwarf had said, he still was a bit hesitant to believe, not before he could see Martin alive and well again. Honestly, even if they could Respawn, he didn't just want to let Stella die. Being able to come back to life was no reason to simply let people die.

"Jett!" he called "I need some help with Stella" he looked at the Dwarf "Do you have anything to help? Bandages, herbs, salves? Whether we stay dead or not..." he frowned "I'd rather not have another person die in front of me"

@OverconfidentMagi @quiescentLunacy @Stickdom @Idea @Onamonapia
Martin sighed with relief when he was told death in his home world was real. At least now he knew he wasn`t being cheated. Somehow, knowing his pets never had a chance to go back gave him a tad of hope that they didn`t hate him. That someone who wasn't obliged to would care about him.

The boy proceeded to explain how there wasn`t any realy reason for them to get picked, and although Martin disagreed on the point of them needing a little adventure (not that he didn`t like it, but he didn`t NEED it either), he choose to stay silent. Until the boy said something that REALLY picked his interest.

"INCLUDING humans?" Martin`s eyes where wide and he ran around, before forgetting there was no one to run to before asking the question. "What other races are there? Could you tell me about them? Man, this place is amazing. I bet it has all these amazing places too. How much can you tell me?"

"Ooooowwww...I really wanted to show these to mommy. But I guess things will do this way. But, wait...You keep talking about what you can or can`t do. But YOU were the one that brought us here. You said this is YOUR world. Shouldn`t you, like, control it as you please or something?" Martin was really confused.

"There´s just so much more I want to ask... How did you know about all of us, what exactly we´re here to accomplish.... I mean, every game has a goal, right? Shouldn´t this one too?" Martin proceeded.He was taking too long, Martin could bet everyone had moved on from him already. Everyone should be thinking about how great it was that they got rid of the little pest he was, of how dumb he was for going off on his own, of how at least now he wouldn´t get them in danger or slow them down. Even this god-like kid was probably just getting fed up with him, because he was still acting like a kid, asking all those questions. All those "whys". "But you can´t keep them waiting forever, right? But can you at least answer those question and... maybe tell me about what happens with my...body?"
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Hahaha, yes, there are many types of people besides humans in this world. Most are similar to ideas people in your world have had many times before. Fair and graceful elves, short but strong dwarves, carefree merfolk beneath the waves. There are many types of peoples that exist and live in this world. And yes, there are also many amazing places in this world as well. I could tell you, but I'd rather let you see it for yourself. And by now I'm sure there are new wonders I don't know about. It'll be up to you how much of this world you can see.

The boy's voice quieted as Martin touched on a sore topic. Without the friendly voice the endless expanse of the voice seemed truly empty. When the voice returned, its joviality was weighed down by something else. A pin prick of light appeared in the far distance in front of Martin, exploding in an overwhelming rush of sounds and colors until the rest of the world fell into place around the child. He was lying on his back on the soft grass inside the black-stone fortress' walls, looking up at the blue sky through the lone tree's shady branches.

It came from off towards the edge of the courtyard. Walls both keep out and keep in. And besides, some of the earlier cheerfulness returned back into the boy's voice, I'm not all-powerful. There's plenty of things I can't do. As for a goal, nope, there isn't anything like that. But if you do happen to find one along the way I don't see how that'd be a problem.

Your body? What about it? If you're worried about the terrible mess you made dying do not worry, it will be taken care of. It would be unpleasant for you to stumble upon your own corpse, so it will be destroyed when you return to life. Blood and guts and all that business will be gone. Your clothes will probably stick around, with whatever's left of your bow and arrows. I seriously couldn't tell if you meant to harm the beast or feed it at the end there shoving your arrows into its maw.

Anyway, should you wish to leave you are free to do so. If not, the others are just down the hill where you... departed their company. Only a matter of minutes have passed.
And with that the boy's voice faded. With the lack of any body to tie the voice to, there was no way of telling if it was truly gone or merely not talking.

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It was apparent that, Jett was depressed. Despite walking away from the corpse as if it were just a pebble on the side of the road and despite engaging the dwarf in conversation, the blood-stained boy was miserable. Yet at the same time, inquisitive. He felt a pang of annoyance when the dwarf ignored his simple questions but understood he'd feel more than just vexation if he attempted to injure the little man. He did own a giant wolf that just growled at him. Wary about the canine, Jett got up and backed away from it before opening his mouth to speak, but held his tongue when the dwarf began to talk again.

After letting the fresh words envelop his ears, his eyes expanded in response. "Heroes don't die." What exactly did he mean by that? Could it mean little, Martin was still alive? Was this truly a game where re-spawning wasn't just a concept? He wanted to know. He needed to know. After hearing, Alex say they were rookie heroes he opened his menu and had a look for himself, amazed at how he didn't see this before. He turned back to the dwarf. "Heroes don't die you say..? Does that mean, Martin." He stopped to point at the corpse, "That child is alive?" He questioned, waiting for an answer until a scream stabbed his ears.

Jett turned, letting a confused and angry tone corrupt his face.
'When the hell did this happen?' There, Stella was. Marinating in her own blood. Without a second thought he sprinted to her, tripping and sliding to them both. Jett didn't care how clumsy he looked, he just cared about the person on the ground. He knew he couldn't think clearly under pressure and turned away from her, beginning to brainstorm until an idea popped into his head.

He turned back around and hastily took off his armor.
"I-I saw this on TV a lot of times. I hope it works.." His voice trembled but at least he wasn't yelling like before, Jett was somewhat calm now. He began to tie the cloth armor around where the metal connected, blood already soaking it. Once he finished he checked for more wounds and muttered, "Oh my god..." Another wound. He took off the shirt underneath the armor and wrapped it around her head, repeating the same two words as he did so.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die!"

@OverconfidentMagi @Seraph Darkfire @Idea @Stickdom @quiescentLunacy
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"No, he'd most definitely dead right now. If he'll still be dead later is what's up for debate."

The dwarf, who still hadn't bothered giving his name and felt no need to do so, watched as the girl cried for the dead boy with a chilled gaze. Truth be told he didn't know anything about how Heroes immortality worked. For all he knew they hatched from magical flowers that sprouted from out of their corpse. It was unavoidable for there to be some trickle of curiosity in him to see how it happened.

"Do you have anything to help? Bandages, herbs, salves? Whether we stay dead or not... I'd rather not have another person die in front of me."

The boy had asked him for help with a girl that had been injured during the fight with the boar. He hadn't noticed her injury at first. If they had injured, why had they been worrying about the dead kid? You could deal with the dead whenever, a person bleeding out less so.

He took a look at the injury. Behind him Nyir'r jumped from the ground to stand atop the mound of felled boar. The wolf seemed to be checking where the two massive arrows had penetrated the pig, and around where Jett's spear has stabbed its shoulder, and the gash across its face from Alex's shortsword. The dwarf was doing a similar autopsy, though he did less sniffing and the object of his attention wasn't quite dead, or a pig.

Another growl came out of the wolf, this time less subdued. The dwarf spun around instantly to identify what had spooked his hunting partner. He didn't see anything out of place at first, and then the dead boy's body disappeared. One moment it was there, the next it collapsed in on itself, turning to a black shape that continued to break apart and scatter like it was made dust until there was nothing left. The deflated clothing the boy had been wearing lay limp in the arms of the girl who'd been holding him, the only sign he'd been there. Even the blood that had covered her clothes had dissolved into dust and lifted away.

He didn't stop staring at where the corpse had been until Nyir'r's paws hit the ground as it jumped off of the boar. What he'd just seen made no sense to him, but what did he know about how Heroes worked. And there was more important things he had to be doing right now. Immortal or not, the girl's injury was pretty bad and needed attention.

"I have some stuff that might do the job. It's back at the cart though, I'll be back." With that, the short man jogged away between the trees quickly. The wolf didn't seem inclined to follow, opting to continue staring at the people before it through its hungry predator eyes.
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Martin heard the boy's voice and nodded along as he explained things. Other races? Elves, dwarves... Wow! He wondered if there were also animal people. Or ents? Dryads, perhaps? The boy didn't seem to want to tell much to Martin, but Martin himself couldn't help but think of the awesome possibility! He had always wondered what trees and the other plants thought. Like, being stuck there had to be really boring, so they probably thought a lot, right? Maybe they played games too.

Suddenly, though, the boy's voice vanished. Martin shifted his eyes around for a second, as if he was about to spot a shade of some kind to find the boy. But no, nothing.

"Is everything alright?" Martin inquired. His voice echoes in the nothingness, and he saw a sudden bright light, growing. Martin turned around, terrified by the sudden light, trying in vain to escape. He was engulfed by it, suddenly finding himself awkwardly lying down in the grass. Did this mean their conversation was over already?

The voice added a few more words tough, making Martin "look away" from him in embarrassment. Looking back, what a really stupid thing he had done! Trying to kill a boar of that size with some measly arrows... As if that would work. Especially with his strength. He should have just ran and left it to the others. But no, he had to go and play hero. And gotten into that mess. He was useless.

Martin shook his head, giving it some thought. Maybe it's be best to really just go home? Like, he wanted to explore this amazing world and all...see the elves and the dwarves, and the ents... But if he was gonna hinder everyone and put them in danger, why should he? He wasn't making any friends at this rate. It reminded him: they didn't even trust him. Why should they, he was just a kid. He'd never get their trust or friendship. Even the voice...

"Where are you going?" Martin called out weakly, without a reply. He chuckled from the fact he was pretty much expecting this. On the other hand, the sudden pain in his chest was surprising. Martin tried getting up, but he found his body wouldn't bend, but instead it bursted in pain.

"Ah!" He groaned, twisting, which even led to MORE pain. His right hand was in deep pain too, so he couldn't move it. Instead, he recurred to his left arm to check on his chest. Despite the pain, all the wounds were gone. As far as he could tell, all of his organs were back inside. The pain was probably due to shock, due to the memory and the image of the wounds that had been carved into him on that moment. Just like that time at the factory...

With his left arm, Martin dragged himself to the tree, fortunately rather near him. He reached out to it's large roots and used them to get into a siting position. He then checked on his back, palping it. No hole. Just bare skin beneath the cloth that covered him. Light, plain, and simple.

He WAS being a little hypocritical wasn't he? Just going away so he could avoid the suffering of his newfound companions, but leave them without announcing he wasn't actually dead would still cause them suffering...or so he hoped. He had to tell them.

He pulled himself up, falling a couple times before he finally managed to stand , as his body wasn't as responsive as it should yet. With one hand on the tree for balance and the other between his legs for decency, he took his first step on this sort of after-life.

"H-h-hello." Martin announced himself, looking up. His eyes widened at the sight of that great, long, white, fierce-looking wolf. "That´s one big doggy..."

Normally, Martin would have run to the thing and just petted it like crazy. But after what just happened... He just hadn´t had enough time to recover.

@Seraph Darkfire @OverconfidentMagi @Stickdom @Onamonapia @quiescentLunacy
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