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Fantasy God of Lost Faith - The Storyline


The battle was already won as Camila went over and got herself a drink. A triumphant Hatch beheld the sight of the vampire slowly deteriorating with glee, turning his back to her and facing the crowd again. Their wary reactions from before were beyond the fighter, and as he raised his arms similar to a gladiator having won an intense battle, the rise of gaiety returned tenfold to the guildhall as everyone raised drinks and continued in their debauchery. Pride, the only quality he had to his name, radiated off Hatch like a plague, infecting everyone that came near him. Whether it be a toast here or a pool of vomit there, the rascal was near. Soon enough, he stood on top of a table, his pants ripped off and the man swinging them around as if it were a mace, laughing out of his mind as the giddy toxins of the numerous consumed drinks flowed through his blood.

At some point during the night, akin to a snake, Camila had coiled her arms around his neck, dangling off him as a vampiric scarf for Hatch to drag around. She spoke nonsense of a phallic-shaped staff and her natural right as heir to some fabricated throne. For once, it didn't bother Hatch. The hardly clothed individual partied without care, dowsing himself in various brews and mingling with masses of drunkards that rallied with him. Everything had been sent into a daze. What was he doing? What had he been doing? There was no way to tell, and his natural urges were the only thing that pushed him forward.

Then, all was still. The night was over and many had gone to their homes. The guildhall lights had gone out long ago, and the roars that had previously encompassed the entire village were nothing more than the occasional chirp of a cricket. The tavern had been trashed. Chairs had been thrown and tables flipped. The floors were drenched in the sewage of mixed beverages. Most importantly, however, were the two heroes that rested in the middle of the floor, sound asleep. A heavy snore came from Hatch, the man having ensnared the just-as-wasted Camila in a monolithic bear hug. His arm cradled her stomach and squeezed her as a child did to a stuffed toy. There was no hope left for them, the two out cold and showing no signs of waking up.

As the next day rolled around, the smashed windows let in a red glare. It was morning, and the excitement of last night was now behind the heroes. What were they to do now? What path was stored for the few that survived? To them, this was a new beginning. A chance to reclaim who they once were and take a path that may lead them to greatness. Now that their respite was over, it was time for a whole new adventure. And who knew? Maybe they were to meet even more like them along the way, with aspirations of their own, and perseverance for their own story to be heard.

Violetti Violetti Lo Mayn Lo Mayn HTCOR HTCOR
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Lines] border-top:2px SOLID #680b0a; margin-bottom:8px; margin-Top:5px; margin-Left:12px; //This is the line dividers in the code, the tiny ones.// [/class]
[class=Notes] //Above is the background color and main border// //below are the two borders around the image// [/class]
Camila | Interacting: Hutch TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Fire boy Lo Mayn Lo Mayn | Mentioned: Corpse HTCOR HTCOR |
[div class="Lines"]
Camila slept rather soundly. Fortunately for her, the hectic events that took place the previous night did not enter her dreams. It was as if the drinking challenge never occurred. That is until the poor woman was forced awake by her airway being constricted. One of Hatch's arms wrapped around Camila's neck, while the other gripped her waist tightly. It was a rather frightening predicament to awaken to. And, for a moment the vampire wasn't too sure if she hadn't sleep-walked into a boa's lair. Squeezing the hairy arm around her neck, the hold only seemed to constrict further. God damn you!!! Her face began to pale more than usual, and she did the only thing she could. Biting into his forearm, Camila finally managed to stir some movement in the snoozing beast. He shifted and Camila soon felt a slap across her cheek. Did he think I was a mosquito???? I'll burn him alive!!

Scrambling away from Hatch, Camila took a few moments to give her lungs the air it so desperately desired. She gently caressed her neck with her slender fingertips, casting a venomous glare towards the brute that dared MOLEST her. Sniffing her own clothes, the woman winced in disgust. Booze. Booze everywhere. "What a vile stench...how did I sink to this baboon's level?" With the majority of her energy lost, it took all the strength she had left to stand and search for her sorry excuse of a staff. Mainly so she would have something to hit Hatch with once her energy returned. The wooden stick had rolled over beside the doorway. Sluggishly walking towards it, she hesitated before reaching for it. The scent of death froze her movement. Who was it? Taking stick-sama, Camila peered outside. Following the trail of decay within the air led her to a human corpse. Poking his cheek with the edge of her stick, his propped body fell over and hit the mossy ground. A closer gaze at his face revealed his identity.

The human man from their little brigade. How his new life ended before it even began. Had he given up and kicked the bucket? How pathetic. The humid morning air did little to preserve his body. Kneeling down beside the lifeless body, Camila plucked a cornflower from a patch that was blossoming just behind the man's head. Its indigo hue was nothing but a deception. The flower was merely a common weed. "No matter how brightly you shine, you'll always be a weed. Even the flora pretend to be something they are not. Amusing, isn't it?" Allowing the plant to fall from her hand, she sat up and turned to leave. "At least you recognized your place. Death among the weeds, among your family." A human could only amount to a lowly status. What was to separate them from a weed?

The trek back into the tavern was rather disheartening. All Camila wanted to do was shower and dip on this party. She could have died again last night. Or, this morning. A huff of annoyance was directed at the lump that was Hatch. "Wake up, you damn pedo!" She raised her stick to send a weakened jab into Hatch's ribs but was halted by the sound of nearby footsteps. Casting her eyes to the silver-haired sorcerer, her hopes were raised. Could this be a chance for breakfast? Abandoning her malicious task, Camila waltz over to the man that she barely recognized from yesterday. To be fair, the only soul who had forced an imprint on her was Hatch. From the sheer amount of hassle he caused her, how could he not?

The smell of a pactborn radiated off the white-haired snacc man. Camila's hopes were crushed. It looks like she would have to feed off the villagers she was deemed to protect. A few lives for the safety of the many? Was that how it worked? "Such beautiful hair for a pactborn." The word rolled off her tongue harshly. The cornflower came to mind once more. Such beauty before her. Yet, his roots would always remain pactborn. Another weed. How unfortunate. Perhaps she could still recruit him as a loyal servant. "State your name. Or else I shall refer to you as cornflower." She stared at him evenly. The poor man was ignorant of the metaphorical meaning behind her choice of name. "I have a slim amount of patience this morning. I was nearly suffocated to death by that mammoth over there, and then my blob of a blood bag died on me. What does your presence have to offer? Please, enlighten me." She spoke in a matter-of-factly tone. What sounded like an attack on the pactborn's pride was more so a test of worth. Camila's stomach growled, but her stare did not falter. Nor did her overflowing ego. [div class="Lines"][/div]
Original Code by AgWordSmith (You are a goddess) [/div]
Berlin A. Malkuth
'New Day'​

Flames engulfed everything in sight except the woman who Berlin called mother just as his vision went to black. “Berlin.” Groaned the now distorted and haunting voice, melting into the void. Her dying scream severed the last veil of slumber and hurled the pact born back to reality. Back to the darkroom within the guildhall.

It was finally morning. Finally, reprieve. The nightmare lasted half the night, repeating Berlin’s only memory of his past life over and over and over. And even with its burning nature, the flickers of warmth Berlin felt just the night before was lost. Instead, replaced with pain. Truly, he wouldn’t catch a break. Yet, the new day did have its benefits. The fading bite mark no longer burned, his exhaustion became mild sleepiness, and the quaking sounds of hard-partying vanished. Hopefully, the annoying people had tired themselves out and left. Perhaps he could actually leave his room and find breakfast. Oh, yes. The new day had its benefits.

Taking to his feet, Berlin’s boots, albeit cleaner than they were after leaving the graveyard, smacked about the guildhall’s hallway, still felt every bit as damp as it had been when he had gone to sleep. Of course, he would still have the low-grade shoddy clothing given to him. Except, for the shirt which was reduced to tatters after being ripped first by Hatch then by Berlin himself for a tie. But hey, at least, he had his itchy pants.

Berlin sighed as he returned to the ground floor. Chairs and tables were scattered about like toys after a child’s tantrum. The air reeked of sweat, booze, and gods know what other forms of liquids and leftover food. What animals had wrecked the place? Oh, right. His party members and the party thrown for them. Sure, Berlin was among the celebrated, though he’d never let it get to him as it did to the others. Speaking of his party, where had they gone? He could barely see through the mess when the sound of pitter-patter drew him to Camila. Rather, he had noticed she was drawing closer to him. Why was she approaching him? What did she want from him? Berlin’s arm threatened to shake, so he held it still.

The small frame woman began to speak to him.

"Such beautiful hair for a pactborn." She sneered a compliment.

Her contempt would fall a little short as Berlin thought her words far more pleasant than he would expect from such a prideful person. It was, in fact, a compliment for the most part. Berlin shared one trait if any after all with her, and it was their hair’s unique coloration. Varying shades of white. He considered over her words as she continued speaking, going on about cornflowers and meat bags, and finally, she asked him his worth. An audacious ask from a pompous woman. But, Berlin found it rather compelling. She had threatened to call him cornflower. Such a harmless thing, he thought. And compared to Hatch’s mindless spewing, hers were like an aggressive feathering. Berlin’s body calmed as he let out a small chuckle.

“Berlin. My name is Berlin.” He said. Her stomach growled, and her eyes remained fixated on him. Why did he draw her attention so intently? Berlin scanned the room.

“I’m… Not much without using a fireball.” He knew that much, but this was his moment to get on her good side, just as Quor would want from him. He forced himself to look at her and give a small begrudged smile, a near-impossible task under her gaze. “But, I am supposed to help you, for the sake of the party. I can help you look for something to eat,” ‌whatever that is, “that can keep you till we leave.”‌ He said through gritted teeth.

Interaction: Violetti Violetti
As Camila weaseled her way out of his arms, Hatch's eyelids gradually fluttered open. He laid in a pool of his drool from the night before, and when he expected to wake up with a huge slab of meat waiting in his arms, all Hatch found was a complaining wench in its place. Camila seemed to say something and then walked off on her own accord. His movements were slowed and his mind was fuzzy, the pounding sensation of a hangover dulling his senses. Dazed, he tried to remember where he was, his head turning left and right as he scanned the tavern's interior. As his hazy view came into focus, he saw the duo and their matching white hair conversing at the stairs, memories of the previous night flooding into his head. Ah fuck, now I gotta deal with two albinos, he thought, grumpily placing his hands on the wooden floorboards and pushing himself to his feet.

There was no doubt this man was a menace, wearing only a loincloth and nothing else. Some may call him a lunatic, or even a pervert, but there was a reason for his exhibitionist ways. Rattled along his body were wounds that had converted themselves into scar tissue, and Hatch wore them as badges of honor. His arms possessed minor discoloration on either forearm, the aftermath of Berlin's attacks, and four teeth marks from Camila's terrible snacking habits. These were the brandings of a warrior that flourished in battle; stories waiting to become legends, and as Hatch watched the two deadbeats mingle, he knew it to be true. It's natural for weaklings to group up, he speculated. To stand alone in strength was a truth he convinced himself of partaking in. If they wished to tread the same path as him, they were sure to die from their shortcomings. "Maybe they can be useful and act as pack mules," he said to himself, deciding that letting them perish on their own was ultimately better than wasting his energy and doing it himself.

Now that I think of it, wasn't there a third bitch? A hint of wonder crossed Hatch's brain, but the notion lasted five seconds before being deemed as "unimportant". Bet the fucker died like a pussy. He never had the chance to punch their face in, and the itch was still present in his fingertips. Ah, how he longed to crush a skull or two and flaunt his glorious form for all to envy. His patience was wearing thin, and as the two grannies continued to talk, it showed. How long was it until he was able to go on this thrilling adventure that the geezer spoke of? Frustrated, the behemoth began to stomp his way over to the two, a passion in his step. As he neared them, he stretched out both of his arms and coiled them around the back of their necks in a friendly manner. "Oi, how about you fucktards shut your traps and we get moving, yeah? I ain't in the mood to be waiting around while you have your shitty small talk."

As the words escaped his mouth, the tavern doors creaked open, Leon waiting for them on the other side.

Violetti Violetti HTCOR HTCOR Lo Mayn Lo Mayn
Last edited:

There was a deteriorating quality to Leon as he strained to open the guildhall's entrance. His complexion was bleak and forlorn. With eyes stained in red and with bags under his eyelids, he showed symptoms of little sleep from the night before. The pang of guilt from the loss of Iain clung over him like an anvil waiting to drop. It was a matter of time before it was all to come crashing down. A shallow smile was forced to be present on his face, a bittersweet feeling scraping at the back of his throat as he attempted to speak. His voice came out as an audible whisper, lacking any flair to his words. "Morning, heroes . . . I see you are all up and raring to go."

Thumps of his cane reverberated in the air as he strolled towards them, Hatch loosening his hold on the others in the process. By the looks of them, Quor hadn't prepared them for their journey yet. He still had time to say goodbye. "You all should know this by now, but I'm proud of you. Having gotten this far isn't a task just anyone can take," he said, the image of Iain and the elf flashing in his mind. "I look forward to hearing of all your accomplishments in due time." An unsteady hand went out and wrapped itself around Berlin's. "Take care of yourselves. Be sure to eat a lot and don't put yourself at risk if you don't need to." Worry was in his grip, but eventually, he let go, placing one hand over the other.

"Luckily, the Guild has ways of contacting others over long extensions of land. Even when you are miles and miles away, I will still be here if you need me. And who knows, maybe you'll want to call and simply have a chat once in a while?" Leon sounded sad, acting as if they were already gone. Perhaps it was his way of not getting too emotional before the final send-off. "Now then, how about I go and get Quor? He must've been tired after all the ruckus last night. He doesn't look it, but he's a lizard that favors sleeping in!" A half-hearted laugh left him as he went past the trio, heading for the veteran hero's room, leaving them to wait until the lizardman's arrival.

Lo Mayn Lo Mayn HTCOR HTCOR Violetti Violetti



Quor would appear in the doorway of the place, where the trio were bickering. His eyes trailed along the vampiric fool, Berlin, and boy. "So. You three are heading out soon. I will inform you now. You will need three things. Rations, information, and your guild tags." With that, Quor held out a pair of tags- bronze in color, with the word 'Boering' etched into it. "You two. Camila, Hatch. Take your tags. Berlin, rations are being gathered for you and the others. Collect them from the kitchen after you all are ready to go."

A deep breath as he looked directly at Hatch's face- eyes narrowing. A brief nod, before he glanced back to Camila. "You hold your impure tongue back, before I let Hatch go another round with you, like it seems you did last night." With that, he held out the pair of tags to the duo.

"I'll explain your route, but you're heading to the Leven Kingdom- I have a basic map for your path there. Don't lose said map. You're going to need to skirt along the edge of the Lost Woods- get too close, and you'll risk more than you need to, get too far, and bandits will most likely find you as easy prey."

With that, a map scroll was shoved into Berlin's hands. "Otherwise, I need to nurse my head. Understood?" He locked eyes with each and every one of them, radiating hungover irritation. "With that, I release you little kits into the wild. Don't disappoint me, please. Just. I don't feel like dealing with more paperwork today."

He'd give a wave, as he started to tromp into the hallway once more, tired and pained.

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity
Violetti Violetti
Lo Mayn Lo Mayn
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Lines] border-top:2px SOLID #680b0a; margin-bottom:8px; margin-Top:5px; margin-Left:12px; //This is the line dividers in the code, the tiny ones.// [/class]
[class=Notes] //Above is the background color and main border// //below are the two borders around the image// [/class]
Camila | Interacting: Hutch TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Fire boy Lo Mayn Lo Mayn | Mentioned: Lizard Daddy HTCOR HTCOR |
[div class="Lines"]
Camila was caught off guard by the man's chuckle. Had she said something funny? Was her stare not up to a Queen's standards? Impossible. She was contemplating slapping the smile right off his face. However, there was a slight allure to his innocence. A servant could be cultivated from such. But, innocence wouldn't get you far in the war that was Life. Camila didn't have to be alive long to know that. Berlin stated his name with sheepish confidence. "I suppose it rolls off the tongue better than Hutch." She could already feel the atrocious man making strides towards them. She would ignore it for the time being.

Berlin broke eye contact for a brief moment as if he were thinking, what would Quor Daddy do? searching for an appealing answer. Even with his lackluster response, Camila allowed her icy glare to soften a few decimals. "That humbleness of yours might get you killed one day. Try dominance out for a change. Set the world on fire." Her oddly encouraging words were fleeting. Slapping him on the shoulder with her stick, she announced, "What a wise decision! Then, in turn for being my righthandmanservantpracticalslavethatdoeseverythingiaskforandisatthereadybymybeckandcall, I'll heal you." In a swift motion, the vampiric woman cut the tip of her thumb with her fang and smeared the scarlet liquid on Berlin's bottom lip. A blood contract. This was one of the most common, traditional forms of enacting servitude in the vampiric clans. Ingesting any amount of a vampire's blood was a sacred act of binding. More often than not, vampires would kiss their intended servant to insure the most blood was consumed. Yet, Camila couldn't bring herself to kiss a pactborn. Hell no. She would prefer dying 10 times over.

"Our contract is sealed. With your earlier consent to aid me, going back on your word and harming me in any way would equate to the ultimate sin." Berlin had been low-key duped. Little did he know Camila treated her servants rather well in the past. Would the present hold the same? Only time would tell. It was at this moment that Hatch invaded her playing field with his obstreperous vibes and pore humping goblins. Oh, how she could feel her beauty threatening to wither in his presence. He barked at them to get moving. "Oh, are you admitting to NEEDING us? Why don't you simply exit the doors by yourself? Lost your confidence? You sure had some nerve squeezing me to death this morning with those indecent hands of yours." The woman retorted as Leon entered the bar with a rather positive aura. Ew.

The old man's speech was overly sappy, not how she liked her eggs. That is if she ever were to taste them one day. Even after the lizard made an appearance, his hisses fell on deaf ears. Blah blah blah. Only when he waved bronze tags into the air did Camila visibly grimace. "Are you kidding me? Bronze is such a low-class metal." She reluctantly took the necklace and roped it around her neck, opting to tuck it somewhere in her bosom. She desperately tried not to think about the journey she was being forced to take alongside Hatch. [div class="Lines"][/div]
Original Code by AgWordSmith (You are a goddess) [/div]
Berlin A. Malkuth

What had our young hero Berlin got himself into with this depressing team of supposed future heroes? In his surprisingly successful attempt at making “friends” with his teammates, Berlin had managed to get himself involved in a blood pact with a Camila. He hadn’t been sure how literally binding it was, but he knew he didn’t feel any different.

He should’ve felt at least a bit rejoiceful for doing exactly, if not more than he rationally should, as Quor had asked of him, but didn’t quite. The woman had agreed to heal him should he come to any more harm, something he thought of as exceedingly useful given Hatch’s approaching presence. A person he’d ignore it till the issue of his existence became more pressing, he thought. Instead, he granted his mental focus to considering Camila as she was presented to him.
Seemingly harmless, pretentious yet not necessarily vicious. Once again, he felt the inherent brooding effect within his stomach that had plagued since his eyes first opened, at least after death, one he didn’t quite understand. Distrust. An expectation. He’d keep a close watch on it, but for now, he enjoyed having it diminish in the face of Camila.

"That humbleness of yours might get you killed one day. Try dominance out for a change. Set the world on fire." She had said. Something about the words felt eerily familiar, and Berlin couldn’t ignore the fire within him vocally sounding its attraction to it. Burn it all.
Hatch’s voice blew as a breeze, pushing embers over dry leaves, and his touch physically repulsed Berlin. He pushed away Hatch’s hand and stepped away towards the opening door.

No one had asked you to wait.” Berlin had hoped to say to the pactborn but preserved his breath as Leon spoke. Berlin only nodded in response to Leon’s words.

Berlin heard the elder’s woefulness through his feigned cheerfulness. The years and these last days sunk into him, Berlin imagined… Where had their human companion gone? Berlin last saw him alive and well after the graveyard. Did he skip out on the team? If he had, that would mean Hatch and Camila were Berlin’s only companions. Oh, gods.
Daddy Quor materialized within their presence. Still, the veteran hero enlisted responsibility on Berlin, giving him the map. He accepted it with a tight grip and watched as Quor went.
It was time for them to go; The air felt fresher and lighter. His feet weighed nothing as he geared himself to leave.

Interacted: Hatch ( TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity ) / Mentioned: Camila ( Violetti Violetti )

Twitch. Was it him, or did the flea try and swat him away? Not moments later did a snippy retort come from the faux princess, as well. Since when did these two decide they had any right to deny him? Hatch pounded his fists together, an aura of malice emanating off of him. It was time these two were knocked down a peg. There was a pecking order, and Hatch was at the top of the list. Raising a fist in objection, he was soon to bring down justice on the two foolish enough to oppose him. That was until the older gent spoke up. He appeared similar to a speck of dust catching in one's eye; unnoticed until they became a pain. His frustration diminished to a small flicker, waiting in the back of his mind to be rekindled again. While Hatch didn't need the pep-talk, his weak-willed lackeys most likely ate up the old man's words to every last breath. Pathetic.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, the lizard exchanged places with Leon, giving them the same typical hero rundown. It was a lie to say Hatch had been paying attention up to this point, but his ears perked to the sound of his name. What did Quor want from him this time? A foot massage? To his surprise, that wasn't the gecko's intention. It was worse. Having a shit-stained piece of garbage placed into the palm of his hand, the boxer viewed it with utter disgust. Was he meant to wear this around his glorious neck? He was willing to call Berlin "not a fuckface" before putting on something so degrading. Therefore, that's exactly what he did. Shoving it into Berlin's chest, he sneered. "Keep it. It'll fit better on someone who's already shit." With that, he headed for the kitchen.

How did this happen? The party of three was now standing outside, Camila checking her nails and Berlin spacing out similar to a lost elk. As for Hatch? The brutish individual weighted three bags on his shoulders, filled with provisions and other commodities for the team's use. When the question of who was going to play the pack mule came up, Camila used her wretched tongue to trick him into applying for the position. "Are you saying someone as strong as you won't be able to carry this much weight? Here I thought you were the strongest!" He gritted his teeth, the sacks bearing down on his joints. The combined size of the bags was approximately around his height and weighed enough to make an ox cry out in pain. Hatch, however, was too stubborn to show any of this, allowing for only a small drop of sweat to fall down his brow. He was determined to prove the white witch exactly how silly she was to question his power.

As they prepared to head out, the sight of a wooden coffin being carried by a couple of farmers caught his eye. While Hatch wasn't aware that it was Iain being transported, a sense of superiority overcame the young pactborn. How weak the residents of this world were. They lost their lives without a chance of survival. He shivered at the thought of being so powerless. If they had seen how great he was, maybe their end had a chance of being thwarted. It was too late now, and thus was the price of being blind to overwhelming strength. He took the chance to gawk at the two relaxing behind him. How flimsy their bodies were. Did they find happiness in such mediocrity? Hatch didn't have an answer. Instead, he turned, the path forward blazing to life before him. There was something out there, beckoning him to return. "Stupid sloths. I'll kill you if you don't get your asses moving, you hear?!"

Leaving behind Boering Village, the heroes embarked on their journey.

It had been three hours since they last left Boering Village. Hatch's uncovered toes were starting to dig up dirt under his nails, a mild discomfort compared to the fatigue of traveling on foot. Long stretches of trees and shrubbery skewed their vision for miles and miles on either side of the cruddy path, the same scene having been played over again for what felt like eons. To Hatch, it was as if no progress had been made, and as he pressed onward, he wondered how long it was going to be until their next battle. As he peered over his shoulder, he gave his teammates a look over. None of them had talked for quite a while, besides the occasional sigh or complaint. The air around them was filled with distrust and unfamiliarity. Their guards were high, but only towards each other.

Soon enough, the mind-numbing trek had finally passed. Before the group was a fork in the road. Two paths stretched out to unknown areas, while a large boulder resided between them as a natural landmark. Scratching his head, the arrogant man groaned. "Oi, fuckface," he was addressing Berlin. "What does the map say? Right or left?" The twinkle of two tags glimmered in his perspective. The mage had decided to wear the crappy excuse of a necklace. Once shit, always shit. As usual, Hatch had grown impatient. If he didn't get an answer soon, he was ready to clobber in a head or two. "Well, hurry the fuck up!"

Violetti Violetti HTCOR HTCOR Lo Mayn Lo Mayn LokiPokie LokiPokie Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat


As the trio of the Boering Trio approached the fork in the road, a few things were subtly off. From the wind creaking and not a critter's sound echoing throughout the daylight, to the insects slowly quieting down, with the wind blowing to their backs. A feral smile, followed by a loud crunch of an apple.

Atop one of the rocks there, a man sat- with a buckler strapped to his left arm, and a verdant green apple in the other, he looked down at the approaching trio. "So. Two thralls and a Lowborn Agent." A faint frown formed on the man's face, angular in nature.

Amber eyes drifted along the trio almost lazily, pausing on Camila for a second longer than Berlin, before settling on Hatch. It wasn't long before the apple was brought away from the man's mouth, and tossed into the air once. When it landed in the man's hand, the apple flew cleanly towards Hatch's forehead- thrown with a good deal of finesse on the man's end. He dropped to the dusty road, drawing a shortsword off his belt.

"More extermination. At least this time it'll be smooth." He'd murmur the last part, a ghost of a smile forming on the man's face. And so, he slowly strolled forwards, blade hung loosely at his side.

Interacting: Violetti Violetti TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Lo Mayn Lo Mayn LokiPokie LokiPokie Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat
Shibala New Shading.PNG

As Sonos approached the trio from the front, having gotten the attention, and likely inspired the ire of the brutish Hatch, another figure lurked within the brush awaiting the perfect moment to strike her target.

With little warning, a horned, shawled figure emerged from the shrubbery, right beside Berlin and in an instant was upon him. If he could even react, he’d only be able to turn to face a studded caestus hurtling straight for his face. With the amount of force and momentum put behind the punch, Berlin was floored immediately.

The woman’s face was completely covered in a strange, red crystallised substance but through the ominous mask, three yellow pupils shone like a demon’s.

A black hoof traced through the dirt as Berlins assailant readied herself for a fight, her piercing golden eyes now set on the vampire. She was uncertain if Sonos could defeat Hatch all by his lonesome, but if he needed her assistance, he needed only call her name; Shibala.

The Soytyr

Loo… oser, he’s n… u.. t,” a muffled voice called to Shibala from behind the rock.

The sight of a flickering flame, unextinguished, drew the satyr out of his cover. Though it was reassuring to see it fade from the blazing eyesore it had been earlier, Silen could see it rekindling rapidly. Shi had not hit the mage hard enough, it would seem. With awkward footing, he steadily clambered atop the stony overlook that Sonos, the legend, had dropped from only moments before. From this vantage, he could see, with newfound clarity, that the situation was at- Was that a deer? A brisk thread of mana strung his sight toward the forest line, pulling his attention from the clearing, and gathering his thoughts into the tapestry of magic flow that surrounded them.

Happy thoughts, but not appropriate for combat. Seeing no reaction to his earlier warning, Silen shrieked again.

“Look closer, he’s not out yet!”

After this encounter, it was possible that Sonos might allow him to venture astray into the wild until dusk. That was, notwithstanding, if they all even survived. The plan was fraying at the seams at this point, and it had scarcely been a moment since the team freshly fashioned it. Three wayward mercenaries, idling by a simple sign, without any sense to watch the woods around them. It was easy enough to decide who fought whom, but there were definitely alternate interests within the engagement. In light of this, it was about time that Silen performed his crucial role, the absolute crux of the scheme that would neutralize the healer entirely.

Berlin A. Malkuth
“The S-S-Surprise Attack”​

Nothing! Oh, they couldn’t be this selfish. The great grand hero’s Guild, the savior of the weak, icon of righteous, but could they spare even a horse? Neigh. Berlin was sure he must have traveled a lot in his past life, the open air was a comforting sort of familiar, yet the way the hours shod on in the heavy bearing morning sun, he must have been blessed far greater. His feet had not buckled, however: The oversized boots took its tolls on the man’s ankles. For three hours, they walked through endless droning trees. Berlin receded into his mind.

Inside wasn’t as safely far from chaos as he thought earlier, once the joy of a quiet morning wore off, the murmurs about his demon hood reignited. Why was it so terrible? Something akin to eagerness nipped at his heels. Damned ants. He glanced at Hatch, carrying all three bags.

A blessing really, neither of his typically outspoken companions had struck up much of a conversation. And Berlin’s gear hadn’t weighed on him, saving his already wounded left shoulder. It was uncomfortable still, but he’d manage. Berlin almost wanted to thank Hatch, for shouldering all the weight, and with the right amount of humbleness he’d potentially poison him with those words, but he kept his mouth closed. Better to not get him talking.

Soon enough, they came to a stop. The road broke into two. Berlin pulled out the map just as Hatch snarled his terms of endearment. Strange, Berlin thought, at this rate, they were actually heading in the opposite direction- Oh. Berlin flipped the map over. "There it is," he whispered to himself.

“We’re heading right-” Berlin’s magnificent, calm yet fierce, and slim lilac eyes shot up at movement ahead of them. An apple and a man. What sounded like the near gallop of a horse sounded to his left. The pact born could only lift his arm when an armored fist crashed into it.

The force knocked Berlin tumbling straight to the ground. A crunch as he fell, he caught flashes of his attacker as he rolled to his feet followed by a few steps to gain some distance. There before him was a giant creature standing on hooves. Pain shot throughout his left limb as he attempted to lift it, burning took to every vein, muscle, and numbness came to his fingers. The arm could be dislocated maybe broken, either way, Berlin couldn’t move the arm. He huffed and growled through gritted teeth.

“What is it you want?” He yelled, glancing around the clearing.

Three attackers had shown themselves. Two were impressive, yes, in their own rights and the other… Well. They wouldn’t have to worry about him. Berlin’s stomach burned with weight. As flames burst to life within his right hand.

“State it now!”
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Lines] border-top:2px SOLID #680b0a; margin-bottom:8px; margin-Top:5px; margin-Left:12px; //This is the line dividers in the code, the tiny ones.// [/class]
[class=Notes] //Above is the background color and main border// //below are the two borders around the image// [/class]
Camila | Interacting: Soyboy LokiPokie LokiPokie Fireboy Lo Mayn Lo Mayn | Mentioned: Hutch much TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Goatwoman Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat |
[div class="Lines"]
Camila was relishing in her fabulous plan of tricking Hatch into carrying all the luggage. Men are so easy to manipulate. The sunlight beat down pretty harshly on Camila's delicate skin. "Hey, is there a sun umbrella in that heap of rubbage?" Some of the townsfolk had donated a few items to wish their new "heroes" well on their journey. Not that much of it was anything you couldn't find in the local trash compounds. Still, the woman could hope. Unfortunately for the maiden, her question would go unanswered as Hatch's attention was drawn to the stranger in black. An apple, no, a half-eaten apple, had been tossed directly at Hatch's head. That's what he gets for being such a big target. She giggled softly to herself. "Berlin, did you see th-OH, MY HEAVENS." Camila turned to face Berlin at seemingly the wrong time. A creature from Hell had spawned from the bushes.

Berlin's body had already been swatted across the ground like a fly when the vampiric woman turned her head. Camila shuffled over to him. "Berlin? What are you lying on the ground for? This is no time for napping. Quickly! Kill that thing. It's rather hideous." She prodded the mage gently with her broken staff as he picked himself up, readily engaged in the battle. The healer had little knowledge of bodies other than vampires. It was difficult to discern pain for other species. Berlin looked completely fine to her. If he needed assistance, he'd have to be a little more vocal about it. The monstrous creature before them turned out to be only one of her concerns.

Slowly twisting her body toward the new voice, her eyes followed the invisible chords to a satyr. "Excuse you, this is a nob-" Nope. He was right. This dress was trash. She wasn't wearing that noblewoman's garbs from her vision yesterday. Damn. What to do now, Camila? Right, distract from the dress. "What about you, you half cow? Men wipe their asses with the same fabric as your pants." Gazing from the creature and back to the Satyr, a light bulb went off in her head. "Hmm...you two look pretty similar. Your face is a little plain compared to hers, though. Kind of like...a soybean?"

[div class="Lines"][/div]
Original Code by AgWordSmith (You are a goddess) [/div]

Alone stood the silhouette of a man perched on the top of the boulder that had forced the GOLF party from proceeding onward. Behind him was the setting sun, which basked him in a light that begot a nature of divinity he did not possess. At first, the fighter thought nothing of them, assuming the stranger to be no more than a common drunk. His first assumption of the man, however, changed as an object came spiraling towards him. In an attempt to block the projectile, Hatch raised his arm, prepared to intercept it at the last moment. Sadly, his calculations were slightly off, and without hesitation, the half-eaten apple smacked with a thunk on his forehead. First, he was struck with mild confusion, unsure of what had transpired or how to process the events as they occurred. Then, in a violent transition, his confusion manifested into a seething rage, a precarious vein of frustration sticking out from where the apple had hit.

As the man leaped off the rock, Hatch was given the chance to identify his assailant. They were a gruff-looking sort, with features that were rough around the edges and earned through a lifetime of experience. The ends of their trenchcoat flapped with every step, and as he drew closer, a sword was unsheathed. This unnamed person dared to challenge him in direct combat? They had no idea who it was they pissed off. Then again, the slugger was not opposed to the opportunity of smashing their ugly mug in. As Sonos made his steady approach, Hatch raised his fists, taking a fighting stance and bouncing off the balls of his feet. The ground was solid compared to the marsh in Boering Village's graveyard and allowed him greater mobility to attack without the worry of losing his footing. The bags he carried continued to grind on his shoulders, but unlike the uncomfortable pain that accompanied him throughout his trek so far, he felt as light as a feather, their weight unnoticeable in his pursuit of complete dominance over the individual before him.

In Hatch's mind, this was going to be a quick battle. A single punch was all it took to cripple the apple-chewer and then go on with his day. He hadn't noticed the other attackers that were antagonizing his team, his focus trained solely on Sonos. Before long, the man had come into the combatant's range, and with precise footsteps, the sculpted beast had made his way forward. Little was lost in his speed, and as the contents of the sacks rattled on his back, he stretched out his arm, his hand curled into a fist. The attack whizzed through the air, turning into a solid right-hook aimed at Sonos's temple. Hatch had put all of his weight into the punch, expecting a clean blow, as a wicked grin formed on his lips. "You're a dead man, Grandpa!"

HTCOR HTCOR Lo Mayn Lo Mayn Violetti Violetti LokiPokie LokiPokie Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat


"They just don't make 'em like they used to, do they?" Came the snappy reply, as the strike flew past the man's head- a blade whistling out to slash across Hatch's forearm- only for it to skitter across without a cut. A brief narrowing of the eyes, as Sonos had slipped underneath the initial attack, only to end up on the Pactborn's side. This was bound to be a longer battle, as he had to figure out something, and swiftly- vision swirling for a moment as it scanned across Hatch's body.

Three points to strike- none of which were easy to get to. All located on the face. Damn. "But hey, at least you're the type to bitch about apples," a pause, "Or maybe you aren't, considering whom you're defending." His words were merely idle chatter to fill the motions, an elbow swing flicked upwards by a carefully angled buckler. As a particularly meaty leg swept for his feet, Sonos leaped back again- intending to keep just in range. His coat tails sadly were a little fluttery today, as a fist clenched around the end of the coat- yanking him close for a finishing blow.

If only Sonos' blade wasn't skyrocketing towards Hatch's left eye, it would have been a viable tactic. A brief widening of said eye, as the Pactborn burst backwards to avoid the thrust. A savage grin formed on Sonos' face- steel flashing through curves and slashes to carve at the man's face- arm and fist deflecting the first few blows. And so, the onslaught continued as momentum flipped.

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity (Interacting)
Shibala New Shading.PNG

Her direct hit just about floored the wizard, just as she expected. He managed to roll it off but even still, by the way his arm fell limp she assumed she’d at least dislocated it. That did bring a smile to her face.
As Berlin raved at his assailant, she’d only cock her head to side in response, she knew that would spook most and she certainly wasn’t stating her intentions to the enemy. Perhaps unlike the others, Shibala preferred to keep quiet when fighting, doing so helped her read her targets and remain aware of her surroundings. Which was the reason she caught sight of the flames that sparked within albino’s clenched fist- and promptly acted before he could.

A layer of firm red crystals sprung from her very flesh, covering what the rest of her bare skin in the ominous rocks- but this was only a defensive precaution. Shifting her weight, Shibala leapt forward and leant back, pitch black hooves barrelling straight for Berlins face in a sudden death dropkick. Berlin had very little time to react to such an attack, the warrior demon was much faster than she appeared.

Until proven otherwise, she had been convinced these men (and woman) would’ve attempted to kill them had they not taken them by surprise, so she saw no reason to hold back. If Berlin fell without issue, she’d move onto the parasite, then assist the old man in dealing with the brute, it seemed he had underestimated the enemy- as expected.

Lo Mayn Lo Mayn
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soy boy.png

thank you for the character portrait, Violetti Violetti

Words, words of some sort were slung at the satyr with a wasted undead breath, as a confused chord of conflict was struck loudly between the two’s verbal rumble. A phrase, a “face like a soybean,” passed through the Symplegades of clashing men, but without any context of the malintent that tailed the simile.

“Oh, uh… THANKS?” Silen shouted back.

Oddly, his pants itched uncomfortably on him, though understandably; they were woolen after all. Still, it was aggravating that this encounter, and not just his ragged trousers, had been dragged on to this extent. Anxiety was leaking into his thoughts, freezing his composure. For the given moment, the witch was distracted, but few other measures could be taken to ensure her continued complacency. As time drew on, the situation would fall further toward their opposition’s favor, destroying the group’s coordinated formation, and leaving them entirely compromised. With this all on his mind, in addition to the weight of his auburn hair, glazed with mahogany wisps of brunette undertones that complemented his copper hero tag, he had a thought, which he realized audibly.

“The Agent fighting Sonos sure does fight well for an enthralled newbie without any tags.”

An astute observation, to say the least, which had clearly discerned a remarkable facet of the brutal battle. However, Shibala’s conquest over the snowcap sap of a mage only complicated things further. For the most accomplished of the trio, bearing two tags, he certainly fell hard at her hooves. That was- no… Unless?

“SHIT, SHI- SHIHEBOLA,” he really had to learn how to pronounce her name, “WATCH OUT, IT’S A TRAP!”

All along, they must have been hunting the team, knowing from the very start that the three heroes were hiding behind the cover of the forest. Regardless of whatever contemptible mission they had, whether to seek bounty, avenge fallen comrades, or even finish the job, it was undeniable that their leader was a genius, a virtuoso of combat strategy. To completely unravel Silen’s careful planning, and with new blood nonetheless, was indicative that this vampire was top brass. Brass is a good color to describe Silen’s eyes. Notwithstanding the odds against him and his companions, he would continue to bravely engage in psychological warfare with the dextrous puppet master that confronted him.

Berlin A. Malkuth
The good ol’ razzle dazzle
As words rolled from Berlin’s tongue, they would fall immediately to uncaring ears and vicious minds. The strange goat-creature cocked its head at his attempts to resolve the conflict with no more injuries, and, officially, Berlin thought, "They're heathens." What appeared to be the only thing they understood was the adrenaline of combat. He gritted his teeth.

Worse yet, Berlin’s very own companion, Camila, held an ignorance that he couldn’t help but ignore for the sake of knowing better. The vampire healer, of all roles, prodded the damaged Berlin with her staff as if to tease him. He’d deal with her later. In front of him was someone who no doubt wouldn’t stop till his blood was leaking in pints, and Camila herself had to deal with the tongue lashing of some terribly minuscule voice off to the sides.

Energy welled within his hands, but before a fireball could leave Berlin’s fingers, the goat-creature leaped forward with its hooves, essentially flying across the distance between them. It was quick. Berlin shot to the side, an instinctive desire to evade, literally throwing himself into Camila, cutting off the last syllable of her words; Certainly, it was one thing to protect himself once down an arm, but another to honor Quor’s words and protect the godforsaken healer. One of the attacker’s hooves scraped much of Berlin’s cheek and jaw as it flew by him and into the shrubberies and forested area behind him. Berlin tumbled entirely onto Camila and crashed against the floor, landing on top of her. His already hurt arm went bang against the floor.

Berlin yelled out a muffled cry of agony into her torso, followed by a groan and a deep breath as he rested there. If for just a moment, since being alive, he could simply not be in pain whether that be internally or physically, preferably both, he’d sing praises to any god that would listen. With his working hand, he punched the ground and raised himself up. The pactborn glared, with furrowed brows and his blood dripping cheeks, at Camila.

“Fucking heal me, please.” He said.

What a wonderful life it must be to be healed by your healer, yet, with the rumbling of the bushes to his side, Berlin knew that life wouldn’t happen just yet. Against all the moaning his body desired, Berlin rolled himself off of Camila and climbed to his feet. Whatever verbal abuse Camila could throw at Berlin, he couldn't care less at this point.

Berlin had to be on guard, another hit at this rate would be disastrous, and his attacker was quick. Out of the scattered darkness of the forest came his assailant sprinting forward with a fist. Berlin darted away, escaping the whoosh that came with her attacker’s punch and gaining distance.

With a quick twirl, he settled his feet. Magic shot forward in the form of a fireball and flew straight into the creature. The damage? After the explosion’s smoke cleared, his attacker looked untouched, almost unaffected by his blasts but for the creature’s shawl being ignited. Berlin needed to think, and he needed to think fast. He needed to get away. He loaded one more fireball and released it into the ground between them. Smoke, dust, and sparks expelled.

The good ol’ razzle dazzle, that should hold it--- Awaay.

He gained some distance before ducking into some shrubs and hiding behind a tree. Here, Berlin could pivot easily around the oak’s sturdy trunk and see the battlefield. And it wasn’t much. Hatch engaged with the armored man, trading blows like they were nothing. And behind them, his fluffy curls shaking ever so slightly in the wind, was some man- but not quite. Unlike the other two fighters, he was much so soft. He must’ve been the one speaking to Camila. But why didn’t he fight?

“That goat-boy must be commanding the others. It’s either by their strength that they’ll win or, somehow, this boy is a masterful strategist.” he thought. “But how would he know? Could he be that good or would he be that lucky?”

If there was an ounce of hope to be had, Berlin had conceived it. Berlin swallowed a deep breath.

“Gods’ have mercy.” He whispered as his attacker burst out of the fading smoke. “If this isn’t it, then, well. Fuck.” He shot forward another fireball into the clearing, and under the guise of his smoke, Berlin chased towards the brawling men.

Interacted: Violetti Violetti Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat / Mentioned: HTCOR HTCOR TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity LokiPokie LokiPokie
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Lines] border-top:2px SOLID #680b0a; margin-bottom:8px; margin-Top:5px; margin-Left:12px; //This is the line dividers in the code, the tiny ones.// [/class]
[class=Notes] //Above is the background color and main border// //below are the two borders around the image// [/class]
Camila | Interacting: Soyboy LokiPokie LokiPokie Fireboy Lo Mayn Lo Mayn | Mentioned: Hutch much TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Goatwoman Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat Sonoso HTCOR HTCOR |
[div class="Lines"]
Completely oblivious to Berlin's fight nearby, the vampire continued to focus her attention on the curly soyboy. "It's not a compliment you-KYAH!" The jab would forever remain incomplete as Camila was wiped out by her own teammate. If not for Camila's race, her body would have been left badly bruised by the sheer force. The ground welcomed her harshly and coldly. Good thing Berlin wasn't a fatso or else Death would be welcoming her instead. As the mage screamed into her torso, her face heated up with rage and a little bit of embarrassment. "Hey! Scream and breathe somewhere that isn't my chest, SIR. Just slamming into me like that, you uncouth-"

A drop of liquid landed on Camila's forehead, halting her speech. AND NOW THIS PACTBORN IS SECRETING LIQUIDS ONTO ME??? UNFORGIVABLE. About to bombard him with a slew of unladylike verbiage, she was cut off by his stern glare.

“Fucking heal me, please.”

Camila's eye's widened in shock. Such ferocity seeped from the eyes of the normally reserved fire mage. It was slightly entrancing. She gently smoothed her fingertips along Berlin's cheek wound. Awwh...he must be in so much pain. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought (she's that kind of woman). Leaning up to lick a trail of bitter blood off his cheek, Camila agreed to lessen her servant's suffering. "I understand. However, pin me again, unintentionally or not, and I'll ram my knee into your manhood." Berlin forced himself up and threw himself into battle once more. As weak as he was, he kept trying. Had he even managed to land a hit? A wave of dust and smoke danced over the battlegrounds, blanketing Camila's vision for a brief moment. As the air cleared, Berlin was seen hightailing it and taking cover behind a tree. Wha-

The massive goat monster was still very much alive. "Why the fuck are you running away fire boy!? I need protection, you madman! How dare you leave your queen with slender-goat and mister soybean!!" Speaking of plants, soybean-kun began to shout out to his taller friend. Taking her stick, she swatted at the man. "What conspiracy theories are you going on about? Plants shouldn't talk. Why don't you act like one and wait to suck up the minerals from the ground? I'm sure your friends will leave plenty after they die." Completely devoted to her +1 damage inflictions, Camila almost missed Berlin sprinting towards Hatch and his foe. She withdrew her stick and began to perform her mending spell. A ring of light encased her, illuminating her tiny frame. Prepare yourself for my benediction. Outstretching an arm into the air, the light traveled to Berlin's side. It snaked around the man's figure, healing his wounds. All that remained was the natural fatigue and soreness that would plague any fighter. [div class="Lines"][/div]
Original Code by AgWordSmith (You are a goddess) [/div]

This one's a real chatterbox, Hatch thought as the enemy evaded another one of his fists. Once more, Sonos' blade dragged along his arm, sparks igniting where sword and skin met, a loud screech sounding off and piercing the air between them. His attacks, while quick, didn't hold enough force to pierce through Hatch's iron defense. This realization pushed the pugilist to continue his onslaught on the older man, a notable increase in his speed as the fight carried on. Hatch was becoming impatient. Dodge, dodge, and more dodge. Is that all these fuckers are good for? Mindlessly, he grabbed for Sonos' jacket, hoping to get in a good hit. As he looked into the knight's eyes, however, he noticed a glimmer of excitement light up in their golden gaze. Then, as if out of nowhere, he saw the man's buckler plunging towards his face.

Letting go of the coat, Hatch had arched his spine, watching as the blade whizzed over his head and cut a few strands of hair clean off. He had a hand on the dirt floor, which then aided him in pushing himself upright. It didn't take long for another lunge to come his way, this time being deflected by his wrist. Two more flicks of his wrist cause he a bad bitch and Sonos' intentions became clear. This shit stain is aiming only for my eyes, eh? The flurry of stabs and slashes were unrelenting, Sonos taking the offensive. Never getting solid footing due to his center of balance being skewed by the three packs on his back, all Hatch was permitted to do was wait for an opening. Soon enough, that time presented itself.

As the battle persisted, the swing of Sonos' sword became repetitive. There were only a few gaps in Hatch's armor and it was apparent that those weaknesses were what the swordsman banked on for finishing the fight. As he drilled in for another thrust, Hatch's hand came up to intercept it, wrapping his hold around the blade and stopping it in its tracks. Blood trickled down its edge, having finally torn through flesh, but Hatch ensured that the tool was unable to budge. Lifting his leg, a foot skyrocketed towards Sonos, planting itself in his chest and sending the man backward, his weapon now in the possession of the brute. Having a moment of respite with his loincloth flapping with the breeze, he did what any sane person did; take off his backpacks.

The bags slumped to the floor like a ton of bricks, each heavier than the next. He was met with immediate relief, the burden now off his shoulders. Hatch had placed a hand to his head, cracking his neck and stretching his back. Flicking his attention back to the gentleman before him, he waved their sword in the air, mocking them. "Is that all you got? At this rate, you don't have any hope of defeating me, sword or not." In arrogance, he tossed the weapon back to them, it skidding to a stop at their boots. "Pick up your toy and try again. I ain't leaving until I get a real fight." Clenching his fists, he took up another fighting stance, this time not waiting to see if Sonos was prepared or not.

Rushing forward like a bull on steroids, Hatch's steps had become much faster. Closing the distance between them, Hatch drew back his arm in a grandiose manner, but instead of going for a punch, the boxer swiped his arm forward, a volley of blood jutting forward and splashing into Sonos' face. As the man staggered in shock, Hatch drifted to a stop directly in front of him, winding his arm back in a fluid motion. Tensing his muscles, the veins on his arm popped, and in a single swing, his fist came crashing down into Sonos' jaw, the man flying straight off his feet and bouncing roughly three times before slumping into the gravel. Out of breath, Hatch bore a toothy grin, lifting his nose at the well-dressed bandit. "Big talk from some nobody. Hope death treats you-" he stopped, watching as the assumed corpse began to rise from the dead.

There Sonos stood, his knees shaking and his jaw harboring a huge welt on it. Even when running off adrenaline, Hatch was still in awe of the tenacity his opponent had. Then again, he didn't want it any other way. He shook his hand a few times and readied for the next assault.

HTCOR HTCOR Violetti Violetti Lo Mayn Lo Mayn Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat LokiPokie LokiPokie
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Everyone said you saw stars when you lost a moment of your life. In Sonos' case, he saw little but white flurries across his vision, akin to snow fall. His blade was away from him, as he spat out a bit of blood. His jaw was certainly out of it's place- and anyone with eyes could tell. A brief flicker of memory, recalling the scene he'd envisioned once. His vision had blacked out, memory in overdrive as everything was brought back to life.

"The starting count is two, Domycles von Hemshurst."

A blade hung from his hand, Sonos walking down a lavish hallway. Blood soaked through every pore of his, except for his eyes. Numerous had fallen before him, and numerous more would. At the end of the hall, an entity hovered- once upon a time, it had been mortal. Once upon a time, it had been human, like the man approaching. Once upon a time, it had even held a shape that enthralled others.

Now, it was nothing more than an abomination against nature. Bones, reformed into limbs for the beast, slammed into the marble. They slowly shifted and molded, becoming something akin to hands, if one were generous. To those of the uninitiated, like the three behind him, they fled. Laughing and wailing into the darkened halls of the fortress, they would never be seen again- minds shattered by the horrific sight in front of the lone Paladin. A blade rose- a white butterfly sword, plain in nature, yet holding the might of a fallen deity. And so, the entity charged for Sonos- only for the memory to wink out.

His hand pressed against the ground. Pushing, heaving, straining it's best as he slowly rose. His other hand planted itself into the ground. His knee, scrambling for placement under him. Every motion was straining, snow swirling in his vision. Lightning coursing in his bones with every heartbeat. He spoke- words garbled and unintelligible. As he rose to his feet, unsteady- an uncomfortable grind went through his teeth. Another strike of lightning, his jaw set back into place.

His eyes, unwavering and unfocused, kept their attention on the brawler. "....You're not an Agent. Fuck. You're Guild Members, aren't you?" His voice was just like his posture, as he finally brought himself back up to his full height- focus drifting back. "Shibala. Silen. Guild members," voice raising to call to them. He'd stumble for a moment, starting to reach into his collar- a hand fumbling with a bronze tag with an unfamiliar script written across it. Murkain.

"...There's Agents in the area. Assumed you were them. You're fellow Guild Members. Not enemies." He'd try to get out, as he tried to keep standing- his mind swirling for a moment, before fully pushing past the pain. As a blur of white swung into view- two copper tags swinging around the man's neck, covering barely a hint of massive swirling tattoo, one that spoke in languages now forgotten.

"Allies. Thought you were Agents. Wear your damn tag, brawler." He'd glance over at the massive Pactborn. "Might cause misunderstandings otherwise."

Interacting: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Lo Mayn Lo Mayn Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat LokiPokie LokiPokie
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Shibala New Shading.PNG

Berlin’s efforts proved to be near worthless, as Shibala strode through the smoke and fire unphased, at least physically. All the fire had done is shatter the few crystals that covered her face, while the rest of her body was unscathed. For a woman of her build, her pretty, scar less face was almost uncanny, like a child had swapped the heads on their dolls, mixing a pretty porcelain doll with an orc. Much like Hatch, Shibala found it irritating when an enemy did nothing but dodge, making no effort to incite a cinch or a struggle, but the brute was lucky, his opponent at least fought him head on, this albino mage seemed to only know how to fling magic and run. But Shi could run as well.

The horned beast gave chase and was upon Berlin’s tail in an instant. She was only inches away from wringing his neck when she took note of Sonos’ rather brutal defeat, he lay before the brute, who he seemed so confident he could best, his body broken in an unsightly manner, but in one piece. Driven by her want to defend her comrades rather than swat an annoyance, she changed course, intent on putting herself between the two. When suddenly the old man called out to his team.

They were guild members? This was all pointless then? How irritating. Keeping her opinions to herself, she stayed on course, black hooves bringing her to slide directly in between the brute and her senior. Hatch was taller than Shibala by a head or so and much stronger just from a glance, but nonetheless, the fight was over. Pressing a flattened hand into a man’s chest, she stood fast, intent on making him back off, her three golden eyes glaring holes straight through the brute.

“Fights over. Stand down.”

Her first words the GOLF Team would hear coming from the four-horned goat, demanded Hatch’s full attention. Unlike Camila, Shibala was a warrior, and even through a remarkably light, almost cute voice, her deep tones could rival the brute in front of her when it came to inciting intimidation. The tension between the two was almost corporeal for a few moments, but without any more words the two had come to a silent agreement. With the strongest of this team having backed off, Shibala sought to tend to Sonos, bending down to his level and inspecting his health. While she was a little intrusive in how she practically forced him to show his wounds, it proved she cared. But as much as she cared, she wasn’t a healer, the most she knew was field aid, applying bandages and splinting broken bones and such, but alas, she had none of the above on her person. The vampiric healer came to mind, but since they’d just falsely attacked the group, she ruled out seeking their help to just be foolish.
soy boy.png
thank you for the character portrait, nyx

"Shibala. Silen. Guild members.”

By nothing short of the most tragic anagnorisis, Silen learned that Sonos, too, had been brainwashed by the vampire’s unfashionable cunning. Through all of the twists and turns that their party had toured, this encounter was certainly not the woodland demise that the satyr had initially envisioned when entering the forest, an expectation so expertly calculated that it delayed their expedition by several hours, but the improbable is, after all, most possible in tragedy. It was almost as if just yesterday- and now Shibala had parted entirely from the plan, confronting the completely wrong target. Was it not obvious to anyone else that the devious engineer of their team’s destruction stood unguarded while threatening to kill them all? It was too much to withstand, so Silen fell to his fuzzy knees.

“I surrender,” he said, conceding from the high ground.

Were it not for his Dionysian disposition, the stance he fell to would have thrown him, or any other hero, off of the boulder in an instant, but Silen was fortunate enough to plummet just after reflecting on his many errors of that day. After all, there was no visible signature of enthrallment that connected anyone to the vampire. Even if that were the situation, it would have been wiser to run than to submit. Granted that the flame bearer was fast footed, few could follow Silen’s atypical trail on foot or thought. Perhaps the greatest revelation though, of those capable to be written legibly, was that, as he tumbled down, he finally recognized his pants were particularly shitty. This last realization was of the least concern, however, as most that he wore was torn and tattered by his earthbound flight.

His face planted like a beanstalk.

Interacted: LokiPokie LokiPokie Mentioned: HTCOR HTCOR Lo Mayn Lo Mayn Violetti Violetti Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat Disappointed: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity

Berlin A. Malkuth
“Heroes and Agents PT.1”
Berlin barrelled into the heart of the battlefield. Around him, the lingering dust faded away, allowing for Berlin’s attacker to gain on him. Berlin relied on his magic, but down an arm and against this particular goat woman, his magic failed him. However, he wasn’t alone. Longside Berlin, Hatch faced off against a knight of sorts, and as Hatch connected a clean hit to the face of his attacker, Camila sent forth her healing rays.

Magic, bright and serpent-like, wormed its way around him. Out of the throbbing pain, a presence akin to a guardian angel spread out across his body. Each step came quicker and lighter than before. His left fingers twitched. Where his frustration and anger flourished before, a grateful smile flashed on Berlin’s lips.

The team lined together perfectly, though most likely by sheer luck, and Berlin planned to use it to his advantage. Flames barked to life in his palms. Ready to fire into the face of his attacker, when a gruff voice spoke strangled words.

The voice belonged to the bloodied and injured knight, staring up into the eyes of the murder-hungry Hatch ready to pounce on him until a gem-covered woman stood in between the two. Berlin’s attacker went on by him to protect her comrade™. The knight reached into his chest piece and revealed a familiar tag. A bronze hero tag.

“...There's Agents in the area. Assumed you were them. You're fellow Guild Members. Not enemies… Allies. Thought you were Agents. Wear your damn tag, brawler." He'd glance over at the massive Pactborn. "Might cause misunderstandings otherwise."

“Fight’s over. Stand down
.” The goat-woman commanded.

Above the battlefield, where the supposed mastermind awaited, a spirit-devoid goat-boy plummeted from his watch spot, only managing to concede the words, “I surrender,” before his face made pretty with the dirt.

One by one, like locomotive train cars exploding to pieces in an ordered fashion, the team’s attackers gave up their assault. As faint as a blink, Berlin felt relieved. The words settled. The relief was forgotten for irritation.

Guild members. They were fellow guild members. He thought.

“What?” Berlin muttered as the towers of unbelief crashed around him, “They were heroes? How could they be heroes?”
Berlin knew the ways of his team, they were unorthodox and honestly doomed given their makeup, and he knew Quor, yet, somehow, the team before him were worse off than his own. Berlin stepped forward, taking to Hatch’s side, and poured over a hot glare as his words came lashing with a cynics disapproval.

“How could it be a misunderstanding when the grounds you attacked us on were assumed?” He asked them, “Do you kill and just hope you’ve killed the right person?”

Such heroes you are, your hero tag was hidden, you would’ve mistaken yourself for these ‘agents.’ Berlin thought, shaking his head as he muttered, “You shouldn’t think anymore, you might hurt yourself.” The dysphoric position felt too familiar, his past life existed within him still.

Berlin waved for Camila to close the distance, before demanding more to be answered, “And who are these ‘agents?’ And why would you attack them without giving them a chance?” He asked.

Meanwhile, locked in some manners of cognitive dissonance, Hatch stirred to life. He took a step and winded his arm up. Whatever agreement the goat-woman assumed was created between her and Hatch either existed as long as it took Hatch to process what was before him and withered, or it hadn’t existed at all as Hatch readied himself.

Berlin growled a haughty number, “Hatch, No.” Sure he was frustrated too, yet at least he could control himself enough to understand idiot heroes weren’t their enemies. But. This was Hatch.

Hatch replied, “HATCH YES,” and, smooth like luxurious leather, his power-ladened fist shot for Shibala.

“Don’t!” Berlin demanded. Brandishing two bronze hero tags, Berlin ducked under Hatch’s arm and threw his body into him. Berlin latched onto his chest and arm, breaking the force and stopping the motion of the attack.

Interacted: TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity HTCOR HTCOR Violetti Violetti

Mentioned: Eldritch Goat Eldritch Goat @LoPokie

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