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Fandom Gijinka Manor

The Absol gijinka startles, whirling to stand and look above him. Not having much practice at conversation, Noam blurts out the first thing that pops into his head, voice slightly raspy from lack of use, "What are you doing here?"

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
With a nod, Alistair looks around. “We should find a place alone to train, then. Unless you want to train in front of everyone at the training grounds. I’ll let you pick the area, but preferably it’s a spacious place.”
Jupiter thought for a bit before gesturing to Alistair to follow. It was yet another clearing in the forest, quite a spacious one at that. How many clearings were there? It was a basic field: grass, wild plants, a few stumps here and there. Sometimes they'd go there to read, but only sometimes. Silence bothered them a lot. They always got paranoid when it was quiet.
Chi looked at her with a small hint of being proud of herself. " yes I'm the one who can deal with you and won't cry if you hurt my feelings " she said which was a lie if she got her heart broken , chi would probably just go lay down and cry for hours. She looked at Asusa then she shivered " I could really use a Asusa hug right now " she whispered softly to only wear Asusa could hear. " Asusa hug now"
ScreamingAtLightningBugs ScreamingAtLightningBugs
Alistair assessed the field, before nodding and smiling, deciding this was a good place. Standing within arms length from Jupiter, he turned to the smaller gijinka. "Alright, first things first. I want you to hit me." Before the other could protest, he continued. "I'm not going to be mad, and you're not going to hurt me. Just hit me as hard as you can, without hurting yourself in the process."
The Absol gijinka startles, whirling to stand and look above him. Not having much practice at conversation, Noam blurts out the first thing that pops into his head, voice slightly raspy from lack of use, "What are you doing here?"

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Upon hearing a particularly raspy voice coming from below, Tempest raised her brows. Both out of shock and confusion. Looking down towards the ground the young woman caught sight of a young man, an Absol gijinka. He had been at the breakfast table only for a short time while she had arrived before making his exit just like most everyone else. One brow fell while the other one was raised to better define her own confusion, "What am I doing here," her nose cringled a bit at the question. Maneuvering on the branch she had been sitting on, the Typhlosion crouched. Without hesitation she managed to leap down onto one of the lower branches closer to Noam. In a swift movement Tempest was hanging on by her legs, upside down, as she looked him in the eye.

"Last time I checked, I didn't need a real reason to be outside. Or in this tree. But if we're going to be asking questions here, why don't you give your reasoning for being out here." A smirk had appeared on the young woman's face as she stared at Noam a bit longer as she hung from the branch like a Golbat. But soon enough she let herself fall, and some how managed to land on her hands and toes. While she stood up the fire type brushed off a bit of dirt before crossing her arms under her chest. "Go on," Tempest's smirk became toothy as her navy colored ears twitched with amusement, "I'm waiting."
Ocean123 Ocean123
"Fine, but only because you demand it," Asura stated before hugging Chi as requested. The Garchomp only thought of it as a friendship, and shouldn't it stay that way? Now she was asking herself too many questions. They'd answer themselves eventually.

Jupiter let out a nervous, shaky sigh. "I... I c-can't really..." they started before looking away at a stray dandelion weed growing in the ground. "I... I can b-build up electricity but I ca-can't use it," they blurted out. It was embarrassing to admit, but it was the truth. They never attacked anyone, so no need to learn how to fight. Just make your tail glow with electricity and hope they get scared away... Jupiter hadn't even done that though.
"Everyone starts somewhere," Alistair said comforting. "You don't even have to use electricity. You are part human, after all. Simply making a fist with your hand and striking an opponent would suffice." He smiles, still. "But I understand if that's too big a step for you to take. We could try something simple, like Growl."
Chi gently buried her head into the garchomps chest area " Asusa can we get to your room I have to ask you an important ... Question " she said wiggling herself out of her arms then she walked a head of her ' what's with me , it's just Asusa , she beautiful and strong and ...oh my god I'm doing it again ' she thought then she sighed ' I have to ask her '
ScreamingAtLightningBugs ScreamingAtLightningBugs
Jupiter nodded, wanting to take it a bit slow with this whole defense thing. How weak were they? No wonder everyone picked on them. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Come on and be worth something for once. The thought was nothing new, in fact it's always been there. They couldn't think of a time when it wasn't.

Asura simply followed Chi wondering what in the world they could possibly want. She was also still having an internal conflict herself on her stance about her friend. She brushed it off once again. No need to worry now, there's plenty of time in the future for all of that.
Chi looked down at her feet as she walked with her friend. Her heart beats faster the more chi stayed around her crush . She shivered ' is it a bad thing to like her.
...I don't care if people judge us but I don't want her to be judged " she thought. Soon chi walked up to Asusa room and she waited

ScreamingAtLightningBugs ScreamingAtLightningBugs
"Alright." Alistair went and sat down on a tree stump. "The first thing to realize about being strong and defending yourself is that it's all in the mentality. If you go into a fight, be it verbal or physical, thinking you're going to loose, then you most definitely are going to loose. If you at least have the mentality that you're gonna win, you're gonna come out on top, then you have chance. There's no winning if you give up before you start."
As everyone was bustling in the manor, having breakfast, eating, talking, and going on with their usual lives, the members of the manor would never have noticed the absence of the Talonflame gijinka. It wasn't the slightest bit odd that Felix wouldn't come at the dinner table or appear anywhere nearby the manor at this time of day. In fact, Felix was way ahead of them all.

Being the early bird that he was, waking at 5 AM, he had taken a quick and delicious breakfast for himself without bothering the crowd of gijinkas that would be on the table. It was blissfully quiet when he took his breakfast at his own time, nibbling at a steak, fried eggs, and a bit of sweet pancakes. After that, he went to the training grounds to do a couple of pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, and a jog around, the usual routine. After that, he went outside to the forest to guard the territory of the manor. He would sit atop a tree, look around, his sharp eyesight enabling him to see far, far away, into the miles. It wasn't an assigned job to him, but he felt if there was going to be a lookout for the manor, it would be him since he possessed a keen eye.

In that same moment, not far away, he noticed Tempest and Noam, a Typhlosian and Absol gijinka, talking to each other. As he turned his head, back to the manor, he could spot Alistair, Jupiter, and Chi, and several others. He hasn't started yet showing himself, and there were so many people dispersed. Should he get Tempest a little closer in? Or should he just chill?

The Talonflame decided to just sit on a branch, placing his hands behind his head as he rested his back against the bark of the tree, allowing himself to relax and listen to the sounds of nature and the chirping of small birds. It was peaceful for now.

(Dunno who to ping so I'll just go with the flow I guess?)
Noam frowned up at the other. "I've been reading under this tree for years and no one else has come here in all that time." Well, no one that he knew of anyway. A part of the Absol gijinka had begun thinking of it as his spot. A place where he could relax and let down his guard for a few hours, not have to think about why he needed to live in what was essentially a safehouse.

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Well I can't help that this is where I wound up during my walk," she huffed as her eyes narrowed a bit, "Besides, I don't see your name carved anywhere. Therefore, this tree isn't yours. It's a free space, not a private one." The young woman could feel her skin growing hot with internal heat. Even Noam would be able to take notice by how the red dots on either side of her neck seemingly started to glow in a sense. It was a bit annoying in her opinion that just because he had known about the space for years, this Absol felt that it belonged to him. A bit of steam came from her nostrils.

Though as she stood there gazing at Noam, Tempest caught a whiff of something. A scent that was being carried through the wind. Due to how strong she could smell it, it was safe to assume the person was relatively close by. But this particular scent seemed a bit, familiar. Her red orbs swept across the surrounding area, even up in the trees, to find who it belonged to. When Tempest managed to find the silhouette of who it belonged to, her gaze squinted against the sun. "Seems like we're not the only ones who might have seen this place," she told the Absol rather quietly while glancing back over at him. Once again a smirk managed to find its way back to Tempest's face. But this time, she let out a whistle to see if she could catch Felix's attention.

Turning her fiery orbs back on Noam, the young woman walked over to the trunk of the willow tree. Slipping her sandals back on before leaning against the bark. Her skin having returned to a normal temperature as to not damage the tree.
Ocean123 Ocean123 (Mentions: Animatonica Animatonica )
As Felix listened to the calm chirps of smaller birds, some odd whistle however caught his attention. He opened one eye, then slowly the other, before blinking, and moving his head slowly to where the whistle came from. It wasn't a bird, that was for sure, it was a whistle from a gijinka. Or perhaps a human... Felix narrowed his eyes, spotting Tempest and Noam again. Yes, that's where the whistle was. Perhaps his mates were calling for attention?

In any case, Felix didn't hesitate to hop off from the original tree to the next, his flexibility allowing him to reach for the farthest of branches, using his momentum expertly to push him forward. Once he neared to the clearing where the Willow Tree settled, he landed on the ground with a soft thud, before standing up and walking over to the two, arms crossed.

"You don't whistle that loud in the middle of woods," Felix began, staring at the two, his eyebrow slightly raised, his voice deep and slightly muffled against his mask. He didn't see any humans or scented them either. "You might get unwanted attention..."

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 and Ocean123 Ocean123
The Absol gijinka showed little in reaction beyond a raised eyebrow. Social interaction was not his forte, and he was unsure of how he should respond to Tempest's fiery personality. The arrival of another gijinka had him frowning slightly with furrowed brows. "Hunters rarely come this deep into the wood. Still, you're correct; we should be careful. My apologies." Not that he was the one whistling, but whatever. No need to get the Typhlosion gijinka angry with him for ratting her out or something.

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Animatonica Animatonica
When Felix made his presence known, the young woman raised her brow a bit. "I thought I smelt the faint scent of a charred bird," Tempest smirked. Not intimidated by the mask wearing Talonflame gijinka that stood near her, "Though I question your level of tolerance if you can manage walking around wearing that germ mask. Especially when it's hot outside." Hearing Noam speak up however, the Typhlosion's expression gave away her surprise. This guy was covering for her? "Why are you taking the blame," she questioned aloud as her gaze settled on the Absol, "If you're doing it because you're scared I'd beat you up, then you're sadly mistaken." Shooting a glance towards Felix, Tempest gave a tooth side grin, "I agree with the Absol though in terms of hunters. But I don't need your permisson to whistle as I please."

The Typhlosion rested her hands on the back of her head as she stared between the two guys. What and interesting, yet odd, pair they were when they stood nearby. Though she herself was strange on her own with her tomboyish attitude and haircut, along with her tattoos. "Well if either of you want a name to use as blame I'm sure you've heard of it by now. It's Tempest... Now, I know you're Felix," pointing to the man in the mask, "But who exactly are you? I've not seen much of you.. But now I guess I understand why," her finger now pointing at Noam.
Ocean123 Ocean123 Animatonica Animatonica

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