Gijinka academy

Hey Wish, Giratina is a ghost type and that doesn't mean much against water types and special attackers.
I'll have to take out Amirokka then, if that's alright. She wasn't much use anyways.

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Orientation: Bi

Name: Amadeus Reginald.

age: 16

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: Palkia.



Personality: Very bubbly and an overall happy person. Loves to play pranks and is extremely shy around people he thinks show interest in him romantically. Not really a great fighter, but an amazing cook!

Good or bad side: Neutral, more leaning towards a bubbly good.

History: Amadeus was bred for nobility. A lineage that links itself to the highest classes. However, this can make him indeed extremely naive as he is not a great battler, instead wanting to spend most of his time meeting new people or eating food. However, being sheltered all of his life has not done much for his social skills as he is often unsure of how normal people should act and as such overdoes trying to be "normal" and "regular" he is going to the academy in hopes of learning how to become a better person.

Crush: None at the moment.

Other: blushes at the mention of yaoi, but is convinced that's what normal people like.

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