Gijinka academy

Everyone has to play by the same rules. While I think that it would be okay for maybe a ghost eeveelution, it would easily open the door for more trouble than it's worth. 
Username: guess who

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) bi

Name: Ken Wilson.

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: Greninja.

Appearance: (use a picture)


A loner who can appear cold at times, but is more than willing to lend a helping hand.

Good or bad side: neutral.

History: (must put a history, no will be rped)

Not much is known about Ken. He prefers it that way however will tell people gladly that he comes from the Kalos region. He claims to be here to learn as much as he can, but the question is learn about what? He is a seasoned fighter, but rather prefers to rely on hit-and-run tactics rather than outright attacking someone and hitting hard. He is a master of stealth and works hard to remain invisible.

Crush: Not telling yet.

Username: I wonder who I am. Hm.

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) Bi

Name: Uxti Xena

age: 19

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Xatu


Personality: Calm, analytic, poised, soft spoken and a loner. She speaks in short statements and doesn't push too often for conversation. She is very much a good person and hopes the best for others. She watches from afar, and warns people of coming conflict with her psychic abilities. While she heralds the future, she is adamant on not changing it, she will have no part of it. If you want it changed, you must do it yourself. She has an adorable thing for animals and is easily tricked. Well, as long as she didn't already foresee it.

Good or bad side: Neutral, can change sides.

History: Only daughter, parents have died, no friends. She is quite lonely, but doesn't mind it. Was arrested for warning people of an oncoming disaster, was totally right.

Crush: Knows who she'll marry, won't tell a soul.

Other: Blushes easily.
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I lied. I have one more character. Then I'll stop, I promise. This has been bugging me for a while, though.


Orientation: . . . I don't know. he won't tell me. Pansexual?

Name: Axxel Triadole

age: 20 (started class pretty late.)

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Hydreigon

Appearance:(The whites of his eyes are darker then the picture.)


Personality: ... He really doesn't live up to the Pokedex entry. The man has a heart as big as his appetite, very polite and rather awkward when it comes to meeting new people. He doesn't get distracted easily on something he concentrates on. The personalities and motions of differant people fascinate him, so you might find him staring at you for no good reason without approaching. He loves to hide in strange places.

Good or bad side: Good, he wouldn't dare wish harm upon another.

History: (must put a history, no will be rped): Axxel grew up in a family who wanted a cute and fluffy Gijinka son to play with. What they got instead was an apparent, world-destroyer Deino. While this caused tension, the parents tried their best to continue with their plans of kindness. However, whenever Axxel would walk outside, people were afraid of what he would eventually evolve into. So the boy tended to stray away from large crowds. he doesn't like frightening people with his appearance

Now, you would think that he would try to prove them wrong. But Axxel is mute. A lot of people suspected there was damage in his vocal cords, but that was never sorted out. So whenever people ran, he would just stand there awkwardly and watch them go. Not that he can do much, until he learned how to use Sign language. Other then that, he had an okay life. Eventually evolved into this other form, which was basically a three-headed Hydra. But the people that learned his true nature didn't leave him like last time, and he was happy for that... it's also where he adopted his habit of loyalty from.


Other:Axxel can use his other two heads to communicate by mouthing the words out. He also likes to give out hugs.
Username: Hoshi3Kara

Orientation: Declared Bi, but by due curiosity/unknown

Name: Kusa Kodomo

age: 17

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Furret



Personality: Kusa is very friendly and happy most of the time, and will be loyal to his friends no matter what. Kusa is actually very shy around new people, but never runs away from a conversation or argument even if he knows it could lead to consequences. He is naive about the world and the darkness in it, due to growing up somewhat isolated.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Kusa had a hard yet good upbringing. His mom was on her own due to his dad leaving her when Kusa was born a Giijinka. He was born and raised on a farm, his mom doing her best to tend the fields and raise him at the same time. Once he could walk and talk Kusa would fallow his mom asking her to help. Normally he would carry seeds in pouches or help dig up potatoes, whatever he was strong enough for. As he got older he would help more and more, and was eventually doing almost everything. His mom fell in love again recently with and got remarried, telling her son to go to the city and make his own path for himself. He went out to the city at age 14 to live with his aunt in-law. Twin sisters were born soon after and he often went down to babysit and visit. Two years past and he was being bullied at his new school, despite his athleticism and work ethic. Before the next school year he got a letter for the Giijinka Academy. He had a birthday between then and the first day and is looking forward to his new life.

Crush: None Yet

Other: Has a few trust issues and is private about home affairs.
Username: Jerico Curtiss

Orientation: ummm..... straight

Name: Roisin MacGregor

age: She's 14, just looks alot younger.

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Togekiss


Personality: Roisin appears to be a sweet little girl that just wants a friend. In all reality, she just wants to see someone in pain. In a crowd she is shy, kind and charming but once she's alone with someone she isn't friends with she becomes creul. She has almost no really feelings for anyone and uses her looks to get people close to her

Good or bad side: Bad

History: Roisin has had nothing bad happen to her in her short life. She grew up in a loving home and had wonderful parents. But from a young age she wanted things to cower at her feet. She would hurt just about anything she could get her hands on to feel the rush of power. It was never noticeable in public though. In front of groups she was just a girl, albeit a very smart little girl. Before coming to the academy she had skipped two grades and was on top of her class in marks. Recently her parents have disappeared altogether. Roisin claims to know nothing about it.

Crush: ha! as if!


Sorry, felt like we needed more evil people. And this was just too good to pass up.
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[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]Username: Jerico Curtiss
Orientation: Too Young for THAT!

Name: Roisin MacGregor

age: 7

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Togekiss


Personality: Roisin appears to be a sweet little girl that just wants a friend. In all reality, she just wants to see someone in pain. In a crowd she is shy, kind and charming but once she's alone with someone she isn't friends with she becomes creul. She has almost no really feelings for anyone.

Good or bad side: Bad

History: Roisin has had nothing bad happen to her in her short life. She grew up in a loving home and had wonderful parents. But from a young age she wanted things to cower at her feet. She would hurt just about anything she could get her hands on to feel the rush of power. It was never noticeable in public though. In front of groups she was just a girl, albeit a very smart little girl. Before coming to the academy she had skipped two grades and was on top of her class in marks. Recently her parents have disappeared altogether. Roisin claims to know nothing about it.

Crush: Once Again, Too Young!!!


Sorry, felt like we needed more evil people. And this was just too good to pass up.

Uh, she's 7, even younger than Lotus; she can't be in the academy, because it's for ages 16-18

Her picture could pass for atleast 13 or 14.

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Username: Jerico Curtiss

Orientation: Gay

Name: Zelos MacGregor

age: 18

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Togetic

Personality: Zelos is the flirt on the outside. He will be be all up on both guys and girls calling them all hunny. Except if he finds someone he actually likes. He finds it tiring to always be happy and carefree but he doesnt stop unless he's alone. Behind his flirtatious facade he is quite serious and analytical. He is super smart and good with electronics but it never shows.

Good or bad side: neutral but will lean towards bad for his sister

History: Zelos, like his sister had the perfect childhood at home. In elementary school he was picked on for studying and not playing. He was mellow about it until his fifth grade year. A kid angered him at the wrong time and he accidentally used metronome and hit the kid with a searing shot. Be was expelled. And the kid went to the hospital with severe burns. He spent his sixth year at home, learning on his own. During this time he perfected his facade. The summer before he went into junior high his family moved and he began his charade right away since no one knew him. From then on he wasn't picked on. Hehas always adored his sister and is really close to her. He has taught her to battle and has tutored her in all subjects. He is the only one that knows about her sadistic tendencies and knows she had something to do with their parents disappearance

Crush: no one yet, but looking

Other: he is severely claustrophobic and is afraid of thunder storms

Username: Whight

Orientation: Lesbian

Name: Snow Strauss

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Absol



Personality: Most consider Snow to be the cold-hearted huntress, but she's really sweet underneath. Snow probably won't say much around others, but that's because she's analyzing people's behaviors towards one another since she herself isn't very experienced. She's rather more masculine than feminine, even in personality. Just like a male, she tries her best not to show any weakness, not even towards a person whom she can completely trust. Ironically enough, she's not very experienced with emotions and often times may question about them.

Good or bad side: Good for the most part.

Snow Strauss lived on a frigid mountain top. Her father had taught her how to hunt when she was younger, while her mother stayed home to prepare the meals. She learned how to adapt in cold weather easily, and with enough practice, she was able to hunt by herself. However, on some occasions she had almost lost her life, which she has a scar near her stomach to prove it. The reason being because she chose to hunt at night and on snowy days, sometimes without even carrying a weapon. Seeing this odd behavior coming from their daughter, both her parents knew she wasn't exactly human.

None at the moment.

The more trust she gains from a person, the more protective she will become of them. Snow has an unusual great hearing ability. She dislikes the sun since it can easily burn her pale skin.

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