Gijinka academy

To make a fan made pokemon into a girinka, I would have to finish cooridnating stat gain and all that to a similar detail of normal pokemon. Without going overboard. And I am too lazy for that.

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Lol one of my characters can change into any type they so choose(which sounds pretty OP to me) without being Arceus, but I fixed her so she wasn't OP

Because I know how to do it ^^
a CHANCE? Dude....I've been rping for a couple of years and it ALWAYS happens. If you want to see what fan made pokemon does look at the fanfics on deviant art. 
No, Wofly I have to say that fan-mades are a terrible idea and we will completely lose everyone, and I will be the first one to go.
Or did Wolf mean fan made drawings of real pokemon :?

I've toyed with the design idea of a dragon type eevee. I have to say, it's damn hard to get a smooth design that isnt cluttered.

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Ah crap. This is getting too OP for us to handle. I might leave this RP if my character get beaten over and over and over and over again.
I quit the rp guys. If there are fan mades then I'm withdrawing River and Amadeus.
My major votes are on the original because I'm not good at fan made 
Okay I'm not saying fan made sucks okay I'm not saying it sucks
I guess it's up to Wolfy, but if we're all against the idea of fanmades then I suggest not.

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Doesn't matter. Fanmades ruin entire rps Hazouken. Yveltal may naturally drain life but so does anything with Giga drain. Now imagine someone ACTUALLY making a god of death pokemon. Or a pokemon that's an Anti-Arceus. It happens every rp . 
They make an anti-celebi too, someone who has the power to stop and manipulate time and not just govern it like Dialga does. They make types that are invincible, no weaknesses, stupid strong abilities, it never fails. People always end up messing it up and it becomes either

A: poor fanfic ERP

B: Overpowered titans vying for control over it.
Imagine a Fairy Dragon that could use any comination of moves it wanted. Now imagine it using spacial rend and roar of time. THAT is the door you're opening for people if you let people make fan mades. Do any of you really want that?
It NEVER fails. Someone always does it! Or worse they use judgement and it's a 1 hit no matter what. They steal multitype and just keep switching types in battle, a pokemon has anything it wants. No. There needs to be the line in the sand that says this is not okay.
ugh fine just forget about the damn fan mades then, could not remeber when this rp stoppd being mine but I do not want you guys to leave.

Im just gonna get off here for a while do not expect posts from me for a while.

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