Gijinka academy

God darn my curiousity when i heard my friends talking about it, i looked it up on google images and was like feoiopjfpwjnisnpnwpqngwpi
I do not really have any yaoi couples that i like, i just like to look at images of anime yaoi online but once somebody posted a real life image of yaoi and well i cannot state what i saw on this sight.
Username: Verrici

Orientation: Bisexual

Name: Emilee Vurgo

age: 15 - Skipped a grade.-

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are:Espurr



Personality: Emilee is very quiet and does not like to engage in conversation, he is very shy and likes to observe. He finds intelligence attractive because he likes to have answers since he always questions everything before him.

Good or bad side: Neutral, but is clumsy so is mistaken for bad.

History: Death surrounded Emilee, for his family and friends would only know Emilee for a bit. Emilee never meant to hurt anyone, its just. . His power. He can't control it, he is always holding it back. What if he falls in love with someone at this new school, this has been the fourth school he has gone two in one year, what if he likes someone here and then hurts them. What if on the first day he is there he hurts someone innocent and he gets moved again.

Crush: Gale and Mariko *facedesk*

Other: :3
Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Name: Ketsuban "Ketsu"

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Orientation: Demisexual

Gijinka you are: Missingno - Type: Normal/Anything (And her first name literally means Missingno)

Appearance: *see pictures*

Personality: Bipolar, her personality rapidly differs depending on what's around her. Even minor changes in a scene can somehow affect her mood. One minute she could be the nicest person in the world, then the next minute she could be the bitchiest. ( :P ) She is also deemed a klutz, because of her constant body glitches. She also has that "go with almost anything" kind of attitude, because she always punished whenever she wanted to do things her way, or if she happened to disagree on a subject. Also, just being merely touched can make her body glitch, so she constantly puts up an invisible "wall" where nobody could go in certain radius of her, or she will push them away. She doesn't like to accept complements, even though she knows that she is very pretty, but she hates to believe it.

Good or bad side: Both, as in, depending on the situation, she will do whatever is asked of her, good or bad.

History: Born of a Kabutops and Aerodactyl (Two of the main Missingno glitch sprites), she was fated to be born as a glitch, and everyone told her parents that, but they were to blinded by their love to realize how problematic having a child would be. Growing up, she had no friends because everyone thought that they would catch "the glitch", like it was some disease or something. She was isolated from anyone, including her parents, them thinking that this would teach her to be "normal", as if she could change the way she was born. Any friendship she managed to make when she was younger was eventually destroyed because of her glitching problem.

Crush: Haha good luck getting this spot

Other: After dealing with years of random bodily glitches, Ketsuban eventually learned how to control them, sorta. (Kinda like Vanellope from Wreck It Ralph)

Since she can change her type, her bow turns the color of that type.

*Will edit more later*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf46414a5_Ketsuban2.png.f8376e48c040186cb2c1f817287d09cd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf46414a5_Ketsuban2.png.f8376e48c040186cb2c1f817287d09cd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf464a2a8_Ketsuban1.png.7e0b76b40959203d718ceb5a7902b233.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf464a2a8_Ketsuban1.png.7e0b76b40959203d718ceb5a7902b233.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Just so you guys know, I won't be responding that often for about 2 hours because I have something to do with my girl scout troop, so please don't throw a fit if I don't respond for a bit ;P )

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Username: .Autumn.

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) Bisexual

Name: Athena

age: 16

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Absol

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: She is cool, calm, and collected. Some people say that it is hard to gain access to her real emotions, as she covers them up to stop herself getting hurt again. Something happened in her past that set up this iron defense and only someone really trustworthy and special can get through it.

Good or bad side: Bad, though almost neutral

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) Athena does not know how she came to be- her earliest memory was of being alone in the woods. She was taken in by a group of people who loved and cared for her, despite her features. At the age of 13, Athena's life gave a cruel twist when her family here brutally murdered in front of her, and Athena only survived by laying under their bodies for 3 days before they left. She still dos not know why they were killed. For the next year, she lived on her own in the woods, testing out her powers before being adopted yet again. She was home schooled

Crush: Hal

Other: N/A[/URL]

Personality: She is cool, calm, and collected. Some people say that it is hard to gain access to her real emotions, as she covers them up to stop herself getting hurt again. Something happened in her past that set up this iron defense and only someone really trustworthy and special can get through it.

Good or bad side: Bad, though almost neutral

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) Athena does not know how she came to be- her earliest memory was of being alone in the woods. She was taken in by a group of people who loved and cared for her, despite her features. At the age of 13, Athena's life gave a cruel twist when her family here brutally murdered in front of her, and Athena only survived by laying under their bodies for 3 days before they left. She still dos not know why they were killed. For the next year, she lived on her own in the woods, testing out her powers before being adopted yet again. She was home schooled

Crush: Hal

Other: N/A
(Haha your username is my first name :D )

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Sobek has been removed as hes of no use but now a more terryfying creature has arrived




Username: the-lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) unspecified

Name: professer rootley

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: carnivine

Personality: he is completly pshycotic believing in science and nature, completly twisted and bats#@$ insane. He loves to be smiling and keeps to himself

Good or bad side: evil 100% evil

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) even at the age of 5 he experimented on his own family, pets, strangers. He has since then been accepted his goal is unknown however it might do with some interesting ideals.

Crush: science is his love

Other: he remains cloaked and is responsible for many deaths although much like jack the ripper he is shrouded in mystery

Deceased - frozen and placed by daisies grave
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Username: Wishtobeawolf

Orientation: straight

Name: Aria Belikov

age: 17

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Pidgeot


Personality: She is very hardy and very fast though she may be a bit blunt sometimes, she makes a great friend

Good or bad side: Good

History: Aria was very young when she lost her parents, maybe four months old and she does not have much memory of them besides maybe a gentle caress from her mother or the light tickling from her father but she know's mostly about them from her god parents who unfortunately were both rock types so when her wings grey in, they had no idea how to teach her.

So she taught herself by continuously flapping her wings and building up strength in them and keeping her feathers very neat and then she started jumping off the tree in her back yard and that resulted in many broken bones but eventually, she was jumping off that same tree and finally she flew for the first time, her god parents were so proud of her as she swept through the air.

Crush: Yoruto

Other: she is actually quite easy to befriend and can also be very intimidating with her large wings/ :3 (i think i have found the perfect girl for Yoruto)
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Username: Hazouken

Orientation: Straight

Name:Nicholas Edmund

age: 17

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Tyrantrum


Personality: Hotheaded and Loud he is also Impatient and has a short temper (may rarely act like a tsundere) but he is kind.

Good or bad side: Good (he is always seen as a bad guy and he dosen't like it)

History:He is raised by a Royal Family His father is strict and trained him to fight due to that he is not spoiled,he wants to have friends but his father restricted him because they will be a distraction for his training, when he was 15 his father died and he was crowned as the new king but he didn't want to be the king because he can't have friends but he accepted it and even he's the king he will try to have friends.

Crush: Not yet

Username: Airagog

Orientation: Straight though he admits that some of the males can be cute and has no problems saying so.

Name: River Stevens.

age: 16

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Blastoise.

Appearance: (use a picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-20_1-14-11.png.bf258a5cd69fc5b5a84e54b1dc7d4d5d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-20_1-14-11.png.bf258a5cd69fc5b5a84e54b1dc7d4d5d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Calm, collected, prefers to listen rather than talk.

Good or bad side: Good.

History: River was born into a good family with a caring mother and father and a little brother. However, things changed as time went on and his parents found themselves frequently fighting until eventually they split. River spent all of his time escaping from his home life by becoming a fighter. Though he would get smacked around, River proved to be able to take beating after beating and dish out just as much punishment. Eventually he became a prize fighter at the young age of 13, however suffered a severe head injury that made him lose an important title fight. Feeling as though he had nothing left to lose, he decided to accept the academy's offer and perhaps make a good life so him and his brother can live peacefully away from their now bitter parents.

Crush: Ami and Mariko.

Other: Rivals with Gale (If that's okay)



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Seeing as rootley is dead im makin another damn it lol 
Username: the-lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) straight

Name: prince Sagley -Eria Raximus Perspian Ethios Relti Ierias Oriley ( - = middle name) Reshimi (spells serperior lol is cleva)

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: serperier

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: he believes in justice, always giving everyone 1 chance. Hes cold and merciless when he needs to be and his ideals can somtimes make him seem evil

Good or bad side: good

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) the leader of his group, the knights of valour at a young age he trained under gijinki resembling terrakion, coballion and virizion. As he reached the age of 16 he turned down the first letter to the gijinki academy, two years later he decided he was ready.

Crush: never said

Other: his catch phrase "ahh as always, a cup of tea before victory
(Hello everyone! =3)

userame:twilight sparkle

Orientation:(gay, lesbian, or straight)


name:Nichole kudo



Ginjka you are:pikachu

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/pikachu_gijinka_by_witchcraftuser-d52t2m7.png.fa31ada87e8617deb6a4cad227d09ef9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/pikachu_gijinka_by_witchcraftuser-d52t2m7.png.fa31ada87e8617deb6a4cad227d09ef9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> or this one <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/pikachu_gijinka_prize_for_missymelody_by_amy1005-d4i445n.png.3f15ddf0bd32fe889b31c0a30ea1d3e4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/pikachu_gijinka_prize_for_missymelody_by_amy1005-d4i445n.png.3f15ddf0bd32fe889b31c0a30ea1d3e4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The first is what she looks like now, the second was when she was little. Just add the big eyes, skin and hair to the first.

personality:very sweet, shy around new people, but is very ditzy, she forgets stuff easily and then remembers it later, clumsy, and loved strawberries and chocolate with a true passion. she maybe scared of fighting but when it comes down to it, she brave and puts her heart into it, but she is a peacekeeper.

History: when nichole was born was very sick and fragile, the doctors said that she wouldnt make it and that her parents should give up on her. Then one night a kind mew appeared in the hospital next to her crib. Her parents were astonished! A legendary pokemon! "I will grant her a longer life and make her stronger, but you must keep her under a close watch incase she goes out of control." Mew made her part pikachu with ears and a tail and a beautiful pokeball necklace. nichole was much healthier but was never let outside. For fear she may get lost or run off somewhere. Nichole yearned to see what it was like out there, so against her parents wishes, she sneaked out and explored. But that was a big mistake on her part. She got lost and badly hurt in a run in with some pokemon poachers. Nichole got away but had some bad scars. Her parents took care of her but knew this couldnt happen again. So they sent her to the academy to make sure she stayed safe.

good or bad: super good!


other: is an yaoi fan and an otkau



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Taleo Elic





Gijinka you are:





Energetic. Easy to befriended. Optimistic. Always happy but can be sometimes silly. Brave and "almost" fearless. Creative.

Good or bad side:

100% Good, of course.


When Taleo was a kid, around 6 or so, he and his family went on a picnic. Taleo was walking around the place - a forest - exploring until he found an Electric Stone and picked it up until it sparked with electricity and shocked Taleo. It's nothing close to lethal or even hurt but Taleo suddenly felt itchy on his head and the base of his spine as in sprouted with yellow long ears and a yellow spiky tail. There's no mistaking, htey are Jolteons'. He panicked and ran back to his parents, unknowing that the Electric Stone is in his pocket. When his parents saw him, they were shocked but they didn't leave him. They calmed him down and drove home. They continued to raise him, taking good care of him and then the letter arrived at his house. His parents looked at it and decided to let him go. Taleo is happy by that choice and soon packed his things before his parents drove him to the school.




Like high-tech devices and is able to make devices with the appropriate materials.

Okay, so I ran this through with Wolf and he seems Okay. He won't be roleplayed every single second, he might just appear from time to time when plot allows. (Like dark alleys or fashion shows.). Bear with me ;w;

Username: Swift Beurezu

Orientation: Bisexual (I have to make it fair, don't I... *shot*)

Name: Nodan

age: 19

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Giratina

Appearance: (use a picture)


Personality: Gentlemanly to the point of it being awkward to most, a careful planner. Cunning in everything he says, leaving no room for error.

Good or bad side: I'm honestly saying bad for this one.

History: Nodan was once a loner, believe it or not. Not a loner in the sense of a school word, but somebody who was homeless on the streets. At a young age, of about twelve, he wanted to know what it was like to live with the bare necessities of this world. For some odd reason, he wanted to live in the concrete instead of the comfier house. Wondered why everyone feared the city. He loved the place- the lights, action, and the people appealed to him. With his parents willing him to try new things, only knowing he would come crawling back, they let him off with a sleeping bag and that was the end of that story.

He had eight years to remember what happened, and to brood over his parents, their actions. The result of his night out remains a mystery. The first thing he did when he came back, however, was change his entire demeanor. Before the adventure, he was curious. Happy. Once he came back, he was silent as the grave, and every person he past a glare would reach his eyes....Whatever happened messed him up bad. He didn't trust anybody around him anymore. The more they asked, the worse off he was.

He finally was sent to School to get his act together. But along with his strange appearance, he was rather violent. Not Physically, but his enemies commonly faced an unfortunate accident. The letter came in the mail, and all were relieved to know he got transferred.

Nodan will act like a good person, but that's only a face value. The more somebody gets in, the more he'll show his true colors. However, this also gives someone a chance to actually find out what happened to him on that day,,,

Crush: None

Other: Nodan took up a hobby of Sewing at 9. However girly it may sound, he receives plenty of compliments, and you can notice that he;s always well-supplied with the latest fashions.

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