Gijinka academy

(We get a 3 character limit, right?)

Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Name: Amirokka "Ami"

Gender: female

Age: 17

Orientation: Heterosexual

Gijinka: Volcarona

Appearance: *see picture*

Personality: Normally sweet and upbeat, Ami, the gorgeous fire moth, usually has no problem making friends, as it is her quick temper that can lead people to think that she is unkind. Usually having guys 'wrapped around her finger', her provocative personality has gotten her into trouble in the past, but she still loves picking up on men, sometimes even women.

Good or bad side: Mostly good, but could be turned bad

History: Amirokka has had a history of rebellion, because she was never allowed to be who she was. She was adopted by bug type parents, who thought that Volcaronas were just bug types, not bug/fire. Once she learned of her fire abilities, her parents lived in constant fear of her, making them keep her in servitude, having no privileges, so that she would not harm anyone.

Crush: Anyone, really.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Gijinka_Volcarona.jpg.2e963deec849b9abd0c6dde7bb35f598.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Gijinka_Volcarona.jpg.2e963deec849b9abd0c6dde7bb35f598.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Name: Twins - Yoruto "Yoru" and Aesami "Sami" (pronounced sah-mee) Kasai

Age: Both are 14

Gender: Male and female

Orientation: Both Bisexual

Gijinka: Braixen

Appearance: *see picture*

Personality: Quiet, mature, and mysterious, Yoruto and Aesami usually keep things to themselves, only enjoying the other sibling's company, in fear of prejudice. They can also be somewhat rude to others, because of past experiences of harsh bullying for trying to be who they are. Aesami can be a bit uptight, while Yoruto is more outgoing.

Good or bad side: Both

History: Never fitting in because of their obsession of acting and dressing like the Pokemon Braixen, Yoruto and Aesami had trouble making friends that weren't each other. They care very deeply for each other, never wanting to leave the others' side. They lived life with a wealthy family, and were always expected to act older than they were. When they heard that there was a school for people like them, they were overjoyed and applied right away, hoping for a fresh start. Also, being twins has somehow 'connected' them, making them aware of whatever the other twin is doing or thinking.

Crush: Aesami - Kurusaki

Yoruto - Nikki and Liana, but just a little (huehuehue)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/046.jpg.38b6360de0d1e43edbb63ea27616c939.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/046.jpg.38b6360de0d1e43edbb63ea27616c939.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Username: explosiveKitten

Name: Nikki

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual.

Age: 16

Gijinka you are: Ninetails



Personality: She's a very serious girl, a beauty who doesn't realize how beautiful she is. She is generally seen as rash, but brave. She makes up for Bobby's cowardice with her overbearing strength and bravery.

Good or bad side: Good

History: I... I was bred for a bad reason. I was bred for a Pokemon Fighting Ring. Except with gijinka. So, I was basically bred to kill... Only Bobby and a few others know about that. Other than that... I don't remember.. I remember my earlier years in the ring, and then it blanks... Blanks entirely. Then I woke up and found myself in the company of one of my only friends. Bobby, the Shinx (at the time.) I was a Vulpix then. I found an odd stone that shone and I evolved. Now I am what I am now. It's quite simple really...

Crush: None. As if I would tell you.

Other: :3

Username: explosiveKitten

Name: Bobby

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual.

Age: 17

Gijinka you are: Luxray



Personality: A complete goofball. He'll be the one to make bad jokes or sing silly songs to bring up the mood in a dark atmosphere. But he has a cowardly streak. Easily frightened, he will more likely run away then stand and fight, but when Nikki is danger he is all a powerhouse, and he will fight tooth and nail for his best friend. Bobby kind of acts as his rash friend's conscience. He is the one she goes to when she needs help with decision making.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Well, I was abandoned young. I was raised an elderly human couple, Robert and Marianne in Sinnoh. They were so nice to me, despite my weird looks. They loved me like their son, who I met a few times. But... Marianne died of breast cancer. and Robert soon after.. Their real son,Ulysses, offered to let me stay with him, but I refused and boarded the nearest ship heading for Unova, but ended up in Johto. Where I met Nikki. We've been best buddies ever since.

Crush: ...Nikki... She's so pretty... *blushes*

Other: When he gets scared, sometimes his limbs lock up and he falls over. Like those fainting goats. :3
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(Just one more!)

Username: explosiveKitten

Name: Luna

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual.

Age: 15

Gijinka you are: Meganium



(The petals are sprouting from the neck, not part of her clothes.)

Personality: She is a gentle giant. Seriously, she's about 6 feet tall, she towers over most grass types.

She is gentle, but quite shy and quiet. If you can get past her barriers, you'll find that she is just as bubbly as her Pokemon counterpart is.

Good or bad side: Good

History: She spent her years in the forest of Ilex in Johto. Quite a simple, life, really. She lived with her herd of Gijinka until she was separated from them. After that, she wandered on her own and lived in Azalea town with a young couple and their two year old baby girl.

"Oh, she was so cute! Absolutely adorable! *cooing sounds*"

Crush: Uhhh...

Other: :3
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Username: the-lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) bi

Name: sobektomb reshish

age: 18

Gender: boy

Gijinka you are: krookodile

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: hes loud, very in your face. However when hes drunk he can be very random with emotions, going from shelterd to almost rampaging rage.

Good or bad side: bad

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) he was a wealthy boy at the age of 5, bht on his 6th birthday he started changing. He almost was a new guy, listening to rock and rap music, raping and even some levels of swearing. At the age of 15 he started to commit crimes e.g. stealing jewellry and even selling it on the black market.

Crush: anyone (hes bi and anyone that wants to be with him)

Other: he raps and does an air guitar solo for victories like passing tests.
Username:Swift Beurezu ( Aroura dragged me here, hello. I'm sorry if this is OP)

Orientation: Bisexual. Teehee c:

Name: Bayah Shizako

Age: Oh, about seventeen.

Gender: Male.

Gijinka you are: Banette

Appearance: (...kind of. up there >w>)

Personality: With an appearance like that, a lot of people will mistake him for evil. However, he's not evil. He's more of a prankster then anything else. He likes to look at other's reactions. He can be comforting and a loyal influence... if you can stand him long enough.

Good or bad side: ... In general, believes in a neutral balance. c:

History: Bayah had a great family. His parents loved him. His siblings were mild-mannered and always jumped to play with him. But the youngest boy out of three was not like the others, you see. He has a disease of the mind, Megalomania to be exact. Obsessed with power to the point of taking charge and bossing the others around at the young age of twelve. (Also known as Narcissistic Disorder, to which he'd be classified as a fanatic narcissist.) However, he loved his family, he truly did, and when they offered help two years after to get him to his feet again, he couldn't refuse. Signs were improving, to the point where they all forgot about his little problem. It was a miracle that something worse didn't befall him, and the parents jumped at the chance to send him to the Acadamy. The thought of being 'Normal' in a set situation pleased them all, including the son. The only times that his previous disease shows through, is when he's either emotionally unbalanced (to which he might cry or laugh in the same sentence), or when he forgets to take medication.

Crush: N/A. Love doesn't exactly appeal to him at the moment,

Other: Bayah is double-jointed in his neck to the point where he can rotate it to a 180 degree angle. So don't be surprised if he can talk to you without turning. ;w;
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Username: Hagrad Stuhl

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) "The Chosen Hetero" = Straight

Name: Richard Headman

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: Honchcrow

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: He can be very persuasive and is very manipulative. He can be funny and is a great ally, but he has a dark side he keeps from his allies. Richard can be very enthusiastic about events and can be competitive at times. His nature in itself if very flirty and spontanious, confusing those around him. Richard is very supportive of his allies, forming a deep bond. He moves in the darkness as the leader and is a deep thinker and strategist. His motives are relatively unknown, but understand that he's not one to be outdone. He'll bring victory to his allies, and bring destruction to his enemies. Also, he's a sexy playboy (Just sayin').

Good or bad side:Bad

History: He's been raised into the life of a mafioso, Richard was adopted into the mafia by the mob boss and was raised in the ways of the tongue and blade. He's been trained for his role as the future mob boss. His mother is a total Harlot and his dad is an insensitive prick, but he could care less about that, he's got bigger fish to fry, he want to create his own Gijinka mafia and rule over the school.

Crush: none yet

Other: He has an astounding amount of luck and this luck can get him out of almost every predicament he gets himself into.
-casually waves- I'm baaaack. We have no/Few Poisons and I love my poison buddies.

Username: Swift Beurezu

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) Asexual ( you'll have to work hard if you like her. teehee.)

Name: Serviah Machidole

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Arbok

Appearance: (use a picture)


Personality: Motherly to the point of fawning over her good friends, Has a habit of being Flamboyant and laughs with a hearty "Oh-ho-ho'! Craves the finer things in life, and real relationships out of her acquaintances. Like a family.

Good or bad side: Leans towards good.

History: Serviah was abandoned to an Adoption center, for her mother just could NOT stand the sight of a snake in her family. However, the parents did visit her when they could, but there are some fears you just can't get over. At the age of 5, She was adopted by a wealthy family and raised to be a proper lady. But not in the harsh ways as one would believe, it was a nurturing process and it made her proud to be one of her own kind. She had an especially close connection to her father, who fretted over her with a Shotgun to any man who dared step too close. Serviah came to the acadamy to find something she could do. She wants to influence large things in the world with her own hands, pure intentions or not. And she wants to make BOTH families proud of her name, her heritage. So she is commonly found studying her place in the world, and processing ideas of what she can do to change it.

Crush: None

Other: Although her eyes are unlike any others in the school, she isn't too fond of creeping people out. She will apologize a LOT for this fact, and at times she might try to hug the offended party.
Username: the-lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) straight

Name: kito sever

age: 16

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: joltik

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality:very playful and innocent, he acts like the whole world is his freind. Nothing can bring his mood down, he also loves tall people as hes not the largest in the school

Good or bad side: good

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) this little guy is as pure as snow, and as innocent as a butterfree. His strange appearence has earned him a horrible reputation, as they thought he was a giant spider. The little lightning bug is one of the cutest guys met in the ginjiki world.

Crush: machidole (just cause shes tall)

Other: he loves furry pokemon as he can snuggle up to them 
Username: the-lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) straight

Name: marcus terrain

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: galvantula

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: very calm and serious, he looks after his baby bro from trouble makers. Anyone that attempts to upset him is hunted down by marcus. Aside from that he has no other known personallity

Good or bad side: more neutrel

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) when kito was at the age of 6, a buglar tried to kidnap young kito however marcus ran down and viciously attacked the burglar. It was said that night he was in a state such rage he remembered nothing, all the police knew was the burglar needed therapy.

Crush: midnight

Other: his favorite foods are seaseme seeds, he hates people that swear/ smoke and loves unique types
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Username: Wishtobeawolf

Orientation: Gay

Name: Yushiro Gowa

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: Mew


Personality: He is quite the flirt but very sweet and kind

Good or bad side: Good

History: he does not exactly have a history besides the fact that he was bounced around from home to home because he was a orphan

Crush: Nobody at the moment

Other: (Yes i know he is a legendary and i would like to say that only one other person in this rp will get to be a legendary pokemon and no nobody can be mewtwo so whoever makes the best legendary character sheet wins)
Wishtobeawolf said:
Username: Wishtobeawolf
Orientation: Gay

Name: Yushiro Gowa

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: Mew


Personality: He is quite the flirt but very sweet and kind

Good or bad side: Good

History: he does not exactly have a history besides the fact that he was bounced around from home to home because he was a orphan

Crush: Nobody at the moment

Other: (Yes i know he is a legendary and i would like to say that only one other person in this rp will get to be a legendary pokemon and no nobody can be mewtwo so whoever makes the best legendary character sheet wins)
(Hey don't you already have 3 characters?)

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Wishtobeawolf said:
Username: Wishtobeawolf
Orientation: Gay

Name: Yushiro Gowa

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: Mew


Personality: He is quite the flirt but very sweet and kind

Good or bad side: Good

History: he does not exactly have a history besides the fact that he was bounced around from home to home because he was a orphan

Crush: Nobody at the moment

Other: (Yes i know he is a legendary and i would like to say that only one other person in this rp will get to be a legendary pokemon and no nobody can be mewtwo so whoever makes the best legendary character sheet wins)
The best character sheet? :?
Username: the-lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) gay

Name: charlie lighty

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: chandelure

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: hes the local bad boy with a sodlft spot for cute guys, believing hes super evil is a lie, as his light nature and soft voice tells true.

Good or bad side: good

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) he met a young boy wearing pink, and instantly fell for him at the age of 14 but he was too ghostly now hes returned to claim his love

Crush: yushiro

Other: he loves pockie and chocolate goods, he also can tell how long youll live for by a glance
Accepted and So nobody starts complaining about the no more dark and ghost types is that there can be more dark and ghost types just not to many please

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