Gijinka academy

Username: Hazouken

Orientation: Bisexual

Name: Ryuu Kenzou

age: 17

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Rayquaza


Personality:He is Quiet and calm he always keeps everything balanced and stop fights if he want to.

Good or bad side:Good Neutral

History: Since he was born he has a great power its even enough to make everything great but he only uses it right,He flies at the sky to see if something evil will go on but until he sees a tyrantrum who trains to fight (and yes that's Nicholas as you didn't know) he always watches him and protected him but the tyrantrum didn't remember something was protecting him until, he has a chance to enter the academy he will meet him

Crush:On Nicholas but a little

Other:You may call him stalker or something like that he will also get angry if someone hurts Nicholas

(i told my cousin to make one for me so my cousin did this cause I'm taking a bath) 
Sorry but posting rayquaza now this trio needs groudon and kyogre

Username: Aroura

Orientation: straight

Name: Melody senkret

age: 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Melloetta


Personality: she is basically a to herself girl but that's only in her voice form when she changes into her step form she becomes a lot more involved even stepping up to show some pansies how its really done.

Good or bad side: Good like ultra good

History: She was treated like a star where she live for she had many perfected talents that every day students would bother her about how something is done by her or how she perfected this step she eventually had enough of the superstar treatment and asked for an transfer to a different school this is how she ended up in the academy for Gijinka's for the first two days she has been relaxing away from al the melodrama that has been around the school.

Crush: Nodan (This is perfect)

Other: my voice has a clamming tone to it not that it matters but I'm a world renound star just don't talk about it
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Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Orientation: Bisexual

Name: Desdemona Philomena Eris (Call her a nickname and she'll kill you)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Darkrai (*evil smile*)

Appearance: *see picture*

Personality: Nice but cruel at the same time, Desdemona Philomena has no problem kicking butt of the people who annoy her or hit on her because of her good looks. She absolutely despises the weak and unintelligent, believing in 'natural selection'- the idea of the powerless dying off, while the powerful live and dominate. She can be utterly demonic at times, but very sweet at others.

Good or bad side: Bad

History: Daughter of the ruler of darkness, Desdemona had always been frowned upon for her demonic abilities. Being equipped with the ability to kill someone instantly, or make them sleep an eternal sleep, people around Desdemona have always feared her, her finding pleasure in wrecking havoc. She is an incredibly powerful being, as she is utterly terrifying when angry, annihilating anything in her path until she calms down. When she received the letter to join the academy, she was confused at why they would want her in their school, so she refused until they gave a couple good reasons why they would want to educate a Darkrai, her being the princess of death.

Crush: Haha, good luck earning this spot

Other: She has the ability to control people's minds :D

*Will edit more later*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf454072d_DarkraiGijinka1.jpg.0261bda9f2e7d940178e9e513c9deeaf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf454072d_DarkraiGijinka1.jpg.0261bda9f2e7d940178e9e513c9deeaf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(She has ghostly pale skin, not grey)



  • Darkrai Gijinka 1.jpg
    Darkrai Gijinka 1.jpg
    278.6 KB · Views: 59
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Now would it be okay with you guys, if i had another legendary since i cannot get rid of any of my characters and Yushiro is dating someone and that would not make it fair to them.
Username: Wishtobeawolf (Mehehehe guess who it is :P/ Pokedex entry just to Amuse myself when Swift sees this because of his earlier comment about no world Destroyers: When it flaps it's wings it is said to create 30 day storms and cause much havock upon the world.)

Orientation: Straight

Name: Seriana Lake

age: 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Lugia


Personality: Seriana is pretty calm tempered but when she is mad, well just let her fume for a while and do not and i mean do not approach her that would be like signing your death warrent

Good or bad side: Good

History: Seriana was good friends with the three legendary bird gijinka and even grew to date one of them but alas with what she is that did not work out since the three legendary birds had started fighting to beyond preportion for any normal gijinka to handle so she did what she had and that was end their lifes and after that she left her region of Johto to rid herself of bad memories.

Crush: She has not allowed herself to fall in love with anyone else

Other: she can create storms if she really wants to
Yay, well its not like i thought your a guy anyway.................Maybe 
NOW lets us get posting for our legendary's and their will be a special wing in the school for the legends so yes they will have custom rooms like everybody else but ever more awesome
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
(We get a 3 character limit, right?)
Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Name: Amirokka "Ami"

Gender: female

Age: 17

Orientation: Heterosexual

Gijinka: Volcarona

Appearance: *see picture*

Personality: Normally sweet and upbeat, Ami, the gorgeous fire moth, usually has no problem making friends, as it is her quick temper that can lead people to think that she is unkind. Usually having guys 'wrapped around her finger', her provocative personality has gotten her into trouble in the past, but she still loves picking up on men, sometimes even women.

Good or bad side: Mostly good, but could be turned bad

History: Amirokka has had a history of rebellion, because she was never allowed to be who she was. She was adopted by bug type parents, who thought that Volcaronas were just bug types, not bug/fire. Once she learned of her fire abilities, her parents lived in constant fear of her, making them keep her in servitude, having no privileges, so that she would not harm anyone.

Crush: Anyone, really.


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Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Name: Twins - Yoruto "Yoru" and Aesami "Sami" (pronounced sah-mee) Kasai

Age: Both are 14

Gender: Male and female

Orientation: Both Bisexual

Gijinka: Braixen

Appearance: *see picture*

Personality: Quiet, mature, and mysterious, Yoruto and Aesami usually keep things to themselves, only enjoying the other sibling's company, in fear of prejudice. They can also be somewhat rude to others, because of past experiences of harsh bullying for trying to be who they are. Aesami can be a bit uptight, while Yoruto is more outgoing.

Good or bad side: Both

History: Never fitting in because of their obsession of acting and dressing like the Pokemon Braixen, Yoruto and Aesami had trouble making friends that weren't each other. They care very deeply for each other, never wanting to leave the others' side. They lived life with a wealthy family, and were always expected to act older than they were. When they heard that there was a school for people like them, they were overjoyed and applied right away, hoping for a fresh start. Also, being twins has somehow 'connected' them, making them aware of whatever the other twin is doing or thinking.

Crush: Aesami - Kurusaki

Yoruto - Nikki and Liana, but just a little (huehuehue)


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(Just so everyone knows, tomorrow Amirokka will be deleted, as she is of no use to me and has been replaced by my Darkrai)

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