Gijinka academy

Username: the - lich

Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight) bi

Name: logan

age: 18

Gender: male

Gijinka you are: yvetail

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: saddistic and cruel, is nothing like his sister gijinki of xerneas, however he is no villain as he just simpley believes in life going as it should.

Good or bad side: neutrel

History: (must put a history, no will be rped) when he was born his body released a wave of powerful energy, almost wiping out life, however a xerneas gijinki nullified his wave. During his child years he was considered a freak a monster, an outcast. Slowly his mind wa

Crush: seriana (thinks shes an angel version of himself)

Other: loves sweets and other rare goodies
One is dead and the other isn't being used anymore which what was said

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Username: Wishtobeawolf

Orientation: Bi

Name: Sadi tatiana

age: 16

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Shiny eevee


Personality: She is very sweet and bubbly and loves to be friends with everyone

Good or bad side: Good

History: Her family did not want her because she was a shiny and was hated by her family so she was abandoned and most were jealous of her since she was a very rare gijinka almost as rare as a legendary pokemon

Crush: no one yet

Other: She loves to be a model for people who like to sew
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/14b3c8afe6b7629dbc5e08a6286c806f.png.1f9de9c0e638a5f1f55a222f3e942c40.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/14b3c8afe6b7629dbc5e08a6286c806f.png.1f9de9c0e638a5f1f55a222f3e942c40.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Apollo

gender: Male

Orientation: Bi

Gijinka: Gyrados

Age: 17

Personality: similar to Jade's shyness but to a lesser extent

Crush: -open if anyone wants it-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/really_now___by_chiyue-d4vx8zg.png.85cda212cc95b85fa3836c4e133f2583.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/really_now___by_chiyue-d4vx8zg.png.85cda212cc95b85fa3836c4e133f2583.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Shade

Gender: Male

Gijinka: Zoroark

orientation: (there all bi okay! lol)

Age: 16

Personality: He is always looking for a challenge to test his skills, very competitive yet he is also very caring and protective of others. He likes to play tricks on people using his illusionary abilities.



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Orientation: Straight

Name: Ichimaru Kaido (Aru)

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Scyther/Scizor

Appearance: (use a picture)


(His general appearance is the one on the right unless he is holding a special item called metal coat.)

Personality: Ichimaru is a melancholic being and doesn't have very many happy or bright days. He loves flirting with girls and a good tussle which are the only things that seem to brighten his mood ,then he is able to switch his emotions off as soon as its over.

Good or bad side: Bad Side

History: He lived with only his father after his mother passed away from cancer. Aru's father was pretty well off making an acceptable amount of money. He and his father practiced kendo at a dojo with his grandfather who was a kabutops gijinka. His father who was a beedrill was quite good to him and he lived a rather average life until he was brought to this school. While in the forest he found solace in destruction it made him feel alive.

Crush: Maybe but not really (Mariko)

Other: Aru is an exceptional swordsman
Username: Jerico Curtiss

Orientation: never thought about it, but I guess straight

Name: Luevia (Luck's Riddle) Tatae (Beloved Fox) Kille'eplith (People of the Forest)

age: 15

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Zorua


Personality: Hyper active, Talkative, Happy, Mischievous, Playful, Love to Play Jokes.

Good or bad side: Good...ish

History: Lue was an orphan that had been abandoned in the woods when she was young. She barely remembers her father, who abandoned her, and she doesn't know her mother. She was found by a Zoroark in the forest and the Zoroark took care of her until she was 10. When She turned 10 she was turned into a Zorua gijinka. At first she was really freaked out about it. But then she realized that she could finally understand her adoptive father, the Zoroark. She began to train with him on her new found abilities. She still lived in his den and hunted with him. When she turned 11 she began to see humans in the forest and began to steal from them, with her father's help. She learned then how to use her illusion to turn into the people she saw. She began to collect a bunch of money and things. She also met a woman that taught her how to read and write. The woman would come back from time to time and teach her new things. When she turned 12 she went back to the den and found a letter. It was an invitation to a school (not this one). She didn't want to leave at first but the Zoroark made her go. She went and at first hated it. No one was fun and she didn't have anyone to talk to. One day, though, she met a ditto named Katrina that was turning into others and they became best friends. Soon they were the pranksters of the school. They were always turning into others and doing stupid things. They would also turn into each other and see if the others teaches would notice the difference. They would always plan their pranks out in advance, with Lue drawing the victims out in detail with color so that they would get their disguises just right. They were always sad when they had to go home for the summer. During the summers, Lue would continue to steal and play jokes on the humans there. One day she tried to steal from a man in a cloak and he caught her immediately. She realized he was a gijinka and that he was powerful. He let her go without punishment, but told her to be more careful. This is the second gijinka schools she's gone to and she hopes she'll meet up with Kat again.

Crush: none yet

Other: She loves animals and would rather spend her time in the forest then at a school.

(I noticed no one else has put any moves on their profiles but decided I should) Protect, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Toxic :3

The person that is talked about in her Bio, Katrina will be posted by a friend of mine later.

Oh, I was reading the last page of characters, can we have legendaries. and if so, which ones are taken?
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Username: TamaraWolf

Orientation: Technically pansexual (doesn't care about anything)

Name: Katrina Rogers

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Ditto



Personality: Katrina is a mischievous, fun-loving girl. She's the type of person to become one's best friend or worst enemy. She loves to transform into other people, just to see how they'll react to another one of them running around. While she goofs off quite a bit, she has a serious and intelligent side that is rarely seen. She can be pretty random, and loves to pull pranks with her Zoark friend

Good or bad side: Kind of good.

History: Katrina was born as a gijinka, although this went unknown for many years. After all, she had no distinguishing marks, features, or attributes. Obviously, she was completely normal. Except that she wasn‘t. She had been transforming for years, and although her parents knew, nobody else did. As she grew up, she became known as a 'problem child', due to the fact that she would transform into other people as a prank. When she was twelve, she met Luevia, who quickly became her best friend. The two became the pranksters of the school that they went to, until eventually Katrina was expelled after too many pranks. Soon after, Katrina received a letter, inviting her to come to a school specifically for gijinka. She decided to go, hoping that Lue would be there as well. It wouldn't be as fun without her, after all.

Crush: None yet.

Other: Katrina hates being told what she should or should not turn into, unless Lue is the one giving suggestions.
Username: Jerico Curtiss

Orientation: straight, If I could allow myself to get close to anyone.......

Name: Cerise

age: 18

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Latios


Personality: Quiet, Serious, Over-protective

Good or bad side: Wherever Beryl is.

History: Cerise and his twin Beryl grew up in Alto Mare with their other brother, Zelos, (another Latios) after their Father became the new Soul Dew to protect the City. Their mother slowly faded away as they all grew older, feeling like she wasn't needed as much and missing her mate. During that time both Beryl and Zelos began to act strange. Cerise noticed that Zelos was becoming distant and Beryl would be angry then happy then sad. He was beginning to worry for them. But soon after he noticed this their mother died of her broken heart and Zelos was spending less time in the Garden with him and Beryl. They were only ten at this time. Less that a year later, Zelos disappeared while Cerise was away from the Garden. Beryl, though, had seen what he did and Cerise found her crying. When he got her to calm down she told him that he had become a 'crystal' like daddy. She made him promise he wouldn't leave her like they did. Since that day, neither of them could stand to be in Alto Mare any longer. They began to travel the world, never staying anywhere for more than a few weeks at a time. It was a surprise to them when they were given letter at the town they arrived in, inviting them to join the academy. They knew they'd be a little late since they had gotten the letters later than others, but Cerise convinced Beryl that it would be good for them to go. He hopes that this will help Beryl hold herself together a little better...

Crush: none

Other: Cerise has taken to actually flying instead of walking and can normally be seen about a foot off the ground. He has the ability "Sight Sharing", uses telepathy to detect locations and the emotions of others, can shapeshift, and can understand human speech :3 (This is all take off of the movie, and sorry. I know its a little long.)



Username: TamaraWolf

Orientation: Heterosexual

Name: Beryl

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Latias



Personality: Beryl has multiple-personality syndrome, and has named her second personality, Mai. Her normal personality is sweet and gentle, and while she used to be bubbly and outgoing, she is now almost afraid to become friends with others. Mai, on the other hand, is violent, sullen, and answers only to Cerise. She seems to even enjoy violence, while Beryl herself is a pacifist.

Good or bad side: A little bit of both, depending on her mood. Neutral, most of the time.

History: Beryl and Cerise grew up in Alto Mare with their other brother, Zelos, (another Latios) after their Father became the new Soul Dew to protect the City. Their mother slowly faded away as they all grew older, feeling like she wasn't needed as much and missing her mate. During that time both Beryl and Zelos began to change. Zelos was becoming distant and Beryl felt unpredictable mood swings that she didn't evene understand. Soon after Cerise noticed this their mother died of her broken heart and Zelos was spending less time in the Garden with Beryl and Cerise. They were only ten at this time. Less that a year later, Zelos disappeared while Cerise was away from the Garden. Beryl, though, had seen what he did and Cerise found her crying. When he got her to calm down she told him that he had became a 'crystal' like daddy. She made him promise he wouldn't leave her like they did, afraid that she would be left alone. Since that day, neither of them could stand to be in Alto Mare any longer. They began to travel the world, never staying anywhere for more than a few weeks at a time. It was a surprise to them when they were given letter at the town they arrived in, inviting them to join the academy. They knew they'd be a little late since they had gotten the letters later than others, but Cerise eventually convinced Beryl that it would be good for them to go. However, she thinks that it's not a good idea.

Crush: As if she'd like anyone that way....

Okay, everyone say goodbye to Amirokka (pg 3), as I will be making another character- one in which I will use this time

The reason she is being deleted is because I have no use for her 
Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Orientation: Bisexual

Name: Roxanne Emory "Roxi" or "Em" Distortion (as in Social Distortion, an awesome punk rock band :D )

Age: Just turned 16

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Shiny Spiritomb

Appearance: (*see picture*)

Personality: A bad-ass, intrepid, punk rocker girl, Roxanne likes to live recklessly, not caring about her own safety, but the amount of thrill an activity will give her. She will try any outrageous stunt, and I mean any. She hates preppy people who think that they are 'all that', because she is so different from that kind of lifestyle. She would never do/wear anything girly, making her style usually consist of ripped skirts/jeans, leather jackets, fingerless gloves, skin-tight tee-shirts and tops, combat boots, and anything torn or with spikes. She loves fashion, but only the stuff in her style. She is a huge show-off, and will usually try to get others to participate in her daredevil stunts.

Good or bad side: More of the 'defiant side' (;P)

History: Growing up as a rebellious young girl, never listening to anybody and drumming to her own beat, she would always be the girl who would be told to turn her music down because it was blasting the entire neighborhood. Guys loved her because of her cool and outgoing personality and her small, petite figure (not to mention her ridiculously small waist), but none could live up to her life of constant danger and thrill. She was usually the only girl in her friend group, because no girl that lived near her would even bother to get dirty. On the day of getting the letter to join the academy, she was overjoyed at the fact that it would be a time to show off her skills in skating, rollerblading, pretty much any high activity sport. She is a huge show-off, and will usually try to get others to participate in her life-risking stunts.

Crush: Catalypse

Other: She lives so carefree and wild because up until gen 5, being a ghost/dark, she had no weaknesses, so nothing to fear.

Although 16, she is pretty short, and is usually made fun of because of her height, which usually turns into a good kick between the legs with her steel-toed combat boots, because she won't take anyone's shit.

She is also good at fixing mechanical stuff, working on them all the time back at home.

*will add more later*

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Username: Lunar-Eclipse

Orientation: Bi

Name: Kristian

age: 17

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Gallade

Appearance: (picture by ????????100 ?kome100 ?? on a.k.a. NOT MINE)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/gallade.jpg.d1c50a5894338eeaa83f928f1646b863.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/gallade.jpg.d1c50a5894338eeaa83f928f1646b863.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kristian is caring but rather aggravated towards other people. If he meets someone he trusts then they will surely be protected by him. Often though he's wary and senses suspicion in others unless his sister says otherwise. He can be headstrong and willing to fight if dared to. He also holds grudges against people and isn't one to easily forgive or to enjoy change.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Kristian was born into a sophisticated family along with his twin sister. He's learned the ways of sword fighting from his father and used it as his self defense. Ever since he was young he and his twin sister had been inseparable and was usually with her for whatever. This lead him to feel more suspicion towards others and to have trouble making friends. He's gone to private schools and always had the same class as her.

Crush: None yet.

Other: :3

Username: Lunar-Eclipse

Orientation: Straight

Name: Katharina

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Gardevoir

Appearance: Same as above

Personality: Katharina unlike her brother is much more calm and collective. She still however looks after others and protect them as best as she can. Although at first she seems rather serious Katharina has a good sense of humor and loves good jokes. Katharina can act in more polite manner when she tries to make a good impression on someone. She's also a bookworm which can lead to her lose focus on others around her.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Like her brother Katharina was taught how to fight from her father. But unlike her brother, she took on fencing and uses it more often than swords like her brother. Katharina was taught by her mother how to be proper when necessary but to also still be herself. She's taken that lesson to heart and especially with Kristian. Her family's large collection of books lead her to take up reading in her free time and has been known to take a book with her everywhere.

Crush: None yet.

Other: She also enjoys classical music. :3



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Username: Wishtobeawolf

Orientation: He does not really know yet

Name: Bavar ishkov

age: 17

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Flareon


Personality: He is to say the least. Chaotic even though he looks calm just about all the time, he has a secret side to him that well, he likes being tortured for one thing and is not afraid to show it to someone he likes.

Good or bad side: Mehhh Both

History: He was born as a eevee to two vaporeon gijinka and he was expected to be a vaporeon as well but he is a definite rebel so when evolution time came, he had hidden a fire stone for himself and touched it before his parents could get at him with the waterstone and so he became the fiery guy he is now.

Crush: No one besides maybe the rush of being wild

Other: He may like dramatic entrances
Username: Lunar-Eclipse

Orientation: Demisexual

Name: Selena

age: 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Cresselia

Appearance: (by xhikkux)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.89a01197f9037a6cc96fddaa5e80d089.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.89a01197f9037a6cc96fddaa5e80d089.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Selena is a rather feminine and cheerful girl. She enjoys partaking in things that involve more thought and creative effort. She acts rather shy around others at first but once she gets used to them she'll be sweet and willing to show them compassion. Nature is what she loves most and will do whatever to preserve it.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Selena being born a legendary was a surprise to her family of gijinkas. They raised her in a house near the woods where she learned to love nature. However living far from any city lead to her shy nature and it wasn't until she was older that she finally met people outside of her family. Since then she's been trying to grow out from this but it hasn't been easy.

Crush: None yet

Other: :3



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I might be posting this on the wrong thing, but.

I'm planning on making my fourth character. The problem is, i have no ideas that don't include a Ghost-type. (I am a Ghost-type enthusiastic ;w;)

So, does anyone have any ideas for lil ol me? 83 I was planning on a guy, or maybe a female Mandibuzz...

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