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Fandom Gijinka academy

"We know" He sighed in frustration at his hair and yanked the holder he had had in it out. Not like it was doing much good anyways. His hair fell all the way around him and he shook his head a little to get it more organised. It didn't really help though.
"I'm just saying. I'm not..." She turned to see him having issues with his hair and groaned loudly. Life just wasn't fair. Preparing for a 'no,' Katrina asked. "Do you want me to help?"
He looked at her through the hair in his face and smiled sheepishly. "Would you? I've had it like this for years and it still seems to hate me most of the time." He chuckled lowly at his own words.
Kat smiled, glad that he didn't refuse. She moved to sit next to him, then made him turn so that his back was facing her. Then she gathered all if his hair, seperating it into three sections. Then, with speed and percision that only a girl with a lot of practice could get to, she proceeded to braid it. "You know, a girl I know had hair like yours once." She then paused, eyes widening as she realized that she may have messed up. "I mean-! I'm not calling you girly or anything like that! I just!" After a sigh, she shook her head. "Sorry. I'm just rambling." Her face was pink, due to embarrassing herself. She grabbed the ribbon that had been formerly holding his hair together and secured the braid with it.
Cerise closed his eyes and enjoyed someone's hands in his hair. He chuckled as she stumbled over her words and turned around, putting a hand over her mouth as she apologized. "Don't worry, Its cute." He smiled at her.
Katrina blushed when he called her rambling 'cute'. She pulled his hand away and tossed his braid. "I'm done." She said, changing the subject.
Cerise frowned when she pulled away. Am I not doing this flirting thing right? He wondered to himself as he pulled the braid over his shoulder. "Thank you, Katrina"
the frosslass looked with suprised as somthing sped past her and almost hit its mark "be carefull your going to hurt someone" she was surprised at the attack twords her. She landed on the ground as she started forming ice within her hands as she prepared for another attack for a direct hit as the floor around her froze as she jumped back into the air as an ice ball formed.
River looked around sensing something was up. He handed the mic over to Seriana as he ran off and discovered something that shocked him deeply. The latias was fighting! And the person she was fighting WASN'T him! What an absolute insult. River ground his teeth, clearly angered by this as he stomped forward in between the two battlers. "What the hell do you think you two are doing. You, Beryl, why are you fighting someone who ISN'T me. And you, Oda, why are you fighting my opponent?! What is going on here, we just having a brawl and I wasn't invited to my own fight so someone else is doing it for me?"

River looked clearly annoyed for very very odd reasons.

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The latias laughed as she dodged the attacks with a wicked grin on her face. However, she stopped, looking at the blastoise. "Beryl? She left. Its just me now." The hands at her side twicthed. "We're only playing." She laughed. "You wanna play, too?"
"young men should respect their elders!" Oda shouted at the blastoies she didnt see the problem with him being angry she would keep fighting even if she had froze her solid in fact thats the only reason she was a spectator at the finals battles she would of froze them in their tracks. "But if you insist im glad to spectate once more as you distroy each other" she gave a happy smile as if she had cheered up a friend of sorts before her gaze returned to her opponent who she could honestly say was skilled in many ways.
"Oy Vey, Oy Vey, if you wanna get our fight started so bad then I guess I'll have no choice. Please don't hold back just because we know each other Miss Mai. It is a courtesy I expect you to extend. "

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Mai gave an insane giggle. "Oh, how fun!" She gave her wings an experimental flap once more. "I like this place. No one's scared of getting their hands dirty..."
Cerise's ears twitched slightly as he heard a laugh that made him pale. "Damnit! Hold on Katrina!" He picked the ditto up and flew off to land infront of Mai. "Mai!" He glared at her.
At Cerise's appearance, the latias immediately groaned. "Go away! You are no fun!" She announced, then noticed the girl with him. "Who's this?" The intent in her eyes changed, from play to rage.

Katrina looked at the latias. This is different than last time. She thought.
Cerise smirked and pulled kat close, whispering in her ear. "Turn into something with wings on go to your room. Ill be there in a bit" he looked at Mai and spoke louder. "You know who she is Mai. Leave her alone. Its me you're mad at, isn't it. Mad that i found someone who isnt you?" River, think you can take her like this? He spoke telepathically to the blastoise. He knew it would take more than just him with Mai this angry
Kat looked at the Latios, surprised, but then nodded, turning into a swellow and flying away, though her dorm's window that she always left open.

Mai growled. "You're abandoning us? For her?!" The latias seemed enraged at his words. "Don't think we don't know!" She shouted. By 'we', the latias was referring to both personalities of the girl. "Don't think that we don't know how much you want to just leave us behind!" Her voice kept getting higher and louder in anger. "Just like everyone else!" With that, Mai threw a Shadow Ball in blind rage at Cerise.
River laughed as he responded back telepathically, Without a doubt. I wouldn't have her hold back. I can take on THOSE two so she should be a fairly straightforward threat.

As the smoke cleared from the shadowball, there stood river, using protect to shield both of them. "Woah woah woah, sheesh Mai, how is that to treat an old friend eh? Come on, let's settle this the fun way like I know you want to. Our final exam begins right here and right now! River Stevens versus Mai! Let's see the two Hoenn combatants do their best!"
Cerise didn't flinch when River stepped infront of him. "Beryl knows I won't leave her. I do however want a family that i can share with her. Give her nieces and nephews to spoil. " His voice was hard as he spoke. He looked to River. "This one and only time i give you permission to go after her until she's either unconscious or Beryl comes back and forfeits. But give no quarter until then. You haven't fought Mai, she's not like Beryl. Good luck." With that he jumped straight in the air and flew up high to watch over the fight.
Mai growled as her brother flew away. Then she glared at River. "Fine then. I guess you're going to be first." Her eyes lit up with psychic power as she shot a psybeam, then shot up into the air, where her advantage was best.
River smiled as he looked at her, Why I think someone is giving me the evil eye! And after so long too. Weren't we friends?" River said as he shot a single blast up, using hailstorm as hail begins to rain down and pelt anyone who is nearby as he jumped to the side to avoid the psybeam.
"I don't know you! Beryl didn't even tell me about you, so you must not be that important!" Mai declared, eyes glowing with psychic power once more. She was pelted with hail, but ignored it. She shot one more psybeam, flying overhead at high speeds.

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