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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Um..." Beryl paused, trying to remember the rules of normal battles. No killing was the only thing she remembered. "I guess like other battles. Do you want the first move?" She asked, taking a somewhat relaxed battle stance.
"oh how kind of you" she had a ball of frost form around her hand as she sprun up and a ice beam shot twords the other person "aroura beam" she said calmly shooting the ice twords the legendary. She then preped for her next atack by forming ice within her hands as she smirked at the girl she did not know the name of.
Cerise was flying around and flew over the stadium. He saw Taleo sitting by himself and frowned. He flew down and dropped into the seat next to the Jolteon. "Why are you alone friend?" He questioned softly.

Cerise nodded and looked around. "Well you can see everything on the field. But you miss out on somethings behind you...." With that he nudged his friend at tilted his head towards the girl he knew Taleo had a crush on.


(And here's a jump start on your shipping)

Zelos walked across the school grounds. He had only been on campus for a couple of days and hadn't really met anyone yet. He saw the stadium and remembered that the other students' finals were today. He figured that it would be a good place to find people to talk to as any. Climbing through the bleachers he walked up to a group of people that included a glaceon. Now while he was gay he didn't mind flirting with girls. He sidled up to the glaceon and leaned in close grinning. "Hey Hunny"

@Swift Beurezu
Winter looked at this new pokemon in surprise.... wait... nobody was supposed to notice her up here! She was to be invisible with her lady-like posture. Oh dear, she wasn't used to flirting...

"Um...oh, my name's not hunny..." The glaceon whispered in a quiet voice, trying to hide her face in her collar. Sohzin had called her a similar name, but it was out of friendship.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Beryl jumped, flapping her bright red wings to avoid the attack. It was then that she remembered that frosslass was a ghost and ice type. Oops. She then focused her psychic power, firing a psybeam.
"Well, Hunny, what is your name? Mine is Zelos." He laid the metaphorical honey on his voice as he spoke and gave her a charming smirk.

@Swift Beurezu
"...What does he think he is doing...." Taleo looked up at Winter behind him and found someone is flirting Winter, growling a bit.

@Swift Beurezu
"W...Winter Chazineko..." If the female couldn't even stammer her own NAME right, this was going to be a long two minutes. Two minutes was her personal expectancy before this stranger got bored of her and left. Hopefully... because if not, she wouldn't be able to speak ever again.
Snow stood in the background near the battle that was currently taking place. She admired the way both of the opponents moved, and their attacks were interesting to watch. "Ah, so this is the power these...gijinkas possess. Impressive." Her thoughts flooded her mind as she continued to watch the battle from afar, that is until her ears perked up at repeated word "honey". Snow shifted her crimson eyes over to the man who was being overly friendly to the timid girl. Curious about their behaviors, she decided to make an approach. After all, she's been in the academy for a couple of days and still hasn't made one friend. Standing behind the Zelos, Snow spoke up out of curiosity. "I'm curious to know... But what exactly are you doing, Sir?" She wasn't trying to stick up for Winter, simply she just wanted to learn more about the different behaviors of people.
Cerise smirked and shook his head. "I do believe that is called flirting my little friend. And with Winter, no less... Oh, he hugged her..." He looked at Taleo with one eyebrow raised as if to say 'Are you gonna let him do that?'


Grinning roguishly, Zelos randomly pounce forward and hugged Winter. "Nice to meet you Winter! I bet we'll be the best of friends, hunny." He glanced at her and whispered where no one except those closest could hear him. "Now my friend, would you happen to know any males who like the company of other males?" He smirked at her. He looked over at the Absol that walked up and tilted his head to the side. "I don't know Hunny, what is it I am doing to this beautiful girl right here?"

@Swift Beurezu @Telios


Roisin walked across the grounds and frowned. She had gotten distracted earlier and her brother had walked off. She looked around and realized she didn't know where she was. She had gotten herself lost in the woods. She stamped her foot on the ground and pouted. "Dang it..."
A few things ran over into the blushing Glaceon's head... 'How did I get into this, Why me... who is that stranger sitting behind this other stranger?' It was turning out to be quite the new experience, to the point where she couldn't get her head together enough to nudge away from the hug.

... But that next tidbit he said... the company of other males. By which she only assumed that he was only interested in... perhaps teasing someone else? Thank god... she was worried for a few moments that this man tended to steal her away.

"Oh, I... don't know that many people, to be honest." Her lost composure was gathered within a few seconds. "However, I'm sure someone next to me would know." She looked sideways to the rather large group of people.
Amadeus giggles a little bit on Desdemona's lap. "just getting comfyy, is that a problem Desdemona-chan?"

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Snow stared at the helpless girl who was being "hugged", or at least that's what she thought it was. But wouldn't the girl being hugged enjoy it also? So then... What was this course of action he was using on her? The Absol remained where she was, shifting her eyes back and forth between the two. She wasn't quite sure exactly what was happening... "Erm, I would say being friendly, but I don't know the relationship between you two..." Surely that was an appropriate answer, right? What else could she have said?
Taleo quickly dashed up to the boy next to Winter.

"What were you doing to Wnter here?" Taleo grabbed the boy's shoulders and asked, pulling him away from Winter.

@Swift Beurezu
Katrina observed the scene of the glaceon, the togetic, and the absol. She sat nearby, yet was somehow unnoticed. She frowned, pouting a little. She had been lonely since Lue had dissapeared. She looked at the group, eyes lingering on the absol and the togetic. They're both good-looking. She decided, then sighed. It didn't matter. The only way people noticed her was if they were angry at her. She probably shouldn't even try.
[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]The sneasel used protect just before the charge beam would have hit her. Looking at it as it hit the shield she knew it had come a bit close. Azrael looked up just a little more and realized the cesselia was right above her. She jumped up and aimed a quick attack at the underside of the pokemon

Selena noticed the quick attack headed right towards her and looked down to the water below. There was a good chance she could use it to hide herself and wait to attack the sneasel once more. She flew straight down, causing the quick attack to do some damage to her and dove straight into the water.

"Yeah the skate park! I know I totally screwed up there at first but you should've seen my second move! I hope we're cool..." Bridget trailed off hoping she didn't screw up a chance at being friends with the Spiritomb and Mandibuzz. They were the only other skaters she knew at school.
The Absol mentally sighed and backed away from the group when she saw another boy make an appearance. She made a mental note about how the Jolteon acted around the woman, seeing that she herself would act in the same manner if she would find someone to care about. Looking back at the group, she decided that perhaps another time she will make another appearance. Just as she was about to leave the area, she noticed a female with pink locks of hair, sitting near the group. Hoping to still make a friend, the Absol made her way over to the Ditto gijinka and sat down right next to her. "Would you mind telling me why you're sitting alone?" Snow questioned out of curiosity.
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Katrina blinked, shocked when the absol came over. "Um..." She stared for a minute before answering, trying to think of a good response. "I guess because people don't like me...?" It sounded more like a question than she meant it to. She honestly didn't know sometimes.
Oda smiled at the attack as she jumped into the air as she fired an ice beam causeing an explosion launching both backwards causing Oda to skid across the floor. "Ah ah ah not so fast" she ran up the battlefeild almost looking as if she was flying across the feild as she vanished and apperared in frount of the girl kicking downward hitting her into the ground. She waited for the girl to get up and attack once more as she knew she had the strength to do so.
Snow tilted her head out of confusion. Was there something bad about the other woman? "What's there not to like about you?" Surely, the Absol was confused. Although she had just met the Ditto, she wasn't able to spot any faults on the other woman. In fact, she wondered if it was only a belief about the other girl and not reality. She shifted in her seat, making sure that none of her body parts were out where the sun was shining. Snow had to be extra careful about her skin since it is really sensitive in tropical climates. Once she was done with her shifting, her crimson eyes scanned the Ditto, trying to seek out any physical faults from the woman.
"I make people uncomfortable." Katrina blurted. This was only the second person in a long time to even take an interest in her, even if it was only curiosity that drew her attention. Plain and simple, she was lonely. She looked at the other girl, and without any visible effort, transformed into a perfect copy. "I... uh... do this a lot." She said, emmbarassed for some reason.

When she hit the ground, Beryl covered her face with a wing. She shook, shocked at the intensity if the battle already. It had been too long since she had been in one. She had forgotten. The voice at the back of her head screamed for control. I can win this for us! Let me! Beryl shook her head and stood slowly. Buzz off, Mai. "My turn." She announced, taking to the air once more, then unleashing a shadow ball.
Snow's eyes widened in surprise, seeing an exact copy of her sitting a few feet away. She won't deny that it's an odd power, but she also knew it would be quite handy when it is needed. "Wow, that's not bad. You've even copied my scar." Snow, for the first time upon arriving in the academy, smiled. As if reality had hit her, the Absol began to slide off her glove that covered her hand. As soon as the glove came off, she held out her hand towards the Ditto, as if wanting the other to shake it. "My apologizes for not realizing sooner, but I should properly introduce myself. My name is Snow Strauss, the huntress of the cold. But Snow is fine." She began to feel slightly nervous about her introduction. After all, she had rehearsed it several times before arriving to the academy...

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